retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
New month, new thread.

I have had requests on my newsfeed comments for the quinoa muffins. I thought I had already posted that, but turns out I am the only one who can view it, since it is in the MFP recipes section. So I just posted it in our thread about recipes and food tips:


  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good morning!

    This morning, I weighed myself and I have finally lost a whole 15 lbs and have finally reached The Number I Said I Would Never Go Over. :D I have a long way to go; I'm still fat, but some of my clothes are looser, so that feels encouraging.

    On top of the whole diabetes medication mess, I got a bad case of the Carolina Crud *flu* (again) two weeks ago and I haven't been to the gym all this time. Today's the first day I feel pretty normal *for me, ha* but I'm still congested so I am holding off going back. It was much worse this time around. I can't exercise if I can't breathe; I have a coughing fit. I have an appointment with my doc on Friday, during which time we are going to address the medication issue.

    Funny thing: I started going to the gym in May and I've been sick twice since I started there. Coincidence? Hm. >:)
    I bought my own sanitizing wipes to take with me from now on.

    Next week we're going to Illinois to see my mom, who will be 95 in October. GO MOM!
    Also visiting my sister, her family and my 94 year old aunt.

    That's it for now.

    Hope everyone has a delightful, successful September. qvilxcc4vb8m.jpg

  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    edited September 2015
    What a lovely picture, CrisEBTrue!! Thanks for posting it. And congratulations on getting back to your "I will never go over" weight!! I'm not there yet. :s

    I will have to post a pic of where we are now. We just moved yesterday to Seaquest State Park near Mt St Helens. We'll be hosting in the campground for the whole month. <3 Just beautiful here with moss covered trees and huge ferns....and tons of trails beckoning my adventurous spirit!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Cris, Nice to see a post from you. I hope the dr. has good news about your meds for you.

    About the gym and being sick twice since you started there. I have found I go through a period of crude if I start to exercise after not having done it for a while. It is like my system is throwing off the junk in my body. I cough, sometimes get the runs, or clog up totally others, I get headaches, and pains in places I didn't remember I had. But wipes at the gym is never a bad thing. I like to take my own towel to put on the gear or wipe off dumbbells etc. I then start getting healthier and it all stops and I rarely get a cold. My sinus has been very well behaved up until the smoke hit our area, and it isn't as bad as it would normally be because I am just healthier after almost of 9 months of regular exercising.

    The flowers are just so very lovely. and the place setting is stunning.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    The irksome thing about getting sick, is that of course while I was sick I couldn't go to the gym.
    And both times I was at a point where I was ready to change up my boring routine and add stuff... but it is back to square one after not being able to go for almost 2 weeks. Bah. :/

    I don't ever FORCE myself to do too much exercise. I do what feels comfortable and I quit while I still feel good.
    My blood sugar can drop -- or! it can spike if I do too much. :p

    And.. my blood sugar has been high, so I've had to take it easy because of that. I'm probably switching back to the meds I used before, which worked. We'll see what the doc says if she doesn't faint when she sees my numbers.

    I went on Bydureon (once a week self-injectable) and the way my numbers shot up, you'd think the stuff had high fructose corn syrup in it. :s It's very frustrating.. the Bydureon helped reduce my appetite but didn't do what it was supposed to. *scream..* AND I was exercising and tried to reduce my carb intake. I put the "weight loss" goals on the side, just trying to monitor my sugar levels.

    (I am so annoyed that bananas are actually a no-no....I eat 'em anyway. Usually only half a small one..)

    Ok, I feel a rant coming on, sooo... I'll stop. B)

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    Saw a few aspen had already turned in the high country. Just for fun check out your foliage:
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    About the crud we pick up. Read in a reliable source years ago that there are a certain number of viruses and once we get them, we have some immunity to them. Once the kids at school and work contaminated me often enough, I stopped catching so many colds, etc.
    Immunity does wane, but even so, when I get one of the dreaded ones, they're milder.
    So Pollyana here says be glad to get a crud over with, cuz then you'll be free of the worst form of it for a long while.

    Did that help?

    Didn't think so.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    I had an epiphany yesterday! I've been discouraged that after the first 10 days of my new routine and logging into MFP, I quit losing. I lost 7 lbs those first 10 days. I was thrilled with that and was also aware that it was mostly water weight. But then weight loss stopped completely for the next couple of weeks. That was unusual for me, in the past I lost 1-2 lbs a week pretty consistently. The difference this time is -- and this is the epiphany -- that I'm also doing strengthening exercises. So I'm building muscle...and muscle weighs more that fat!!! AHA!!
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Jan. Yes! Good thought.
    Pound for pound muscle versus fat weighs the same. BUT muscle takes up less room on our bodies. We lose fat, but gain muscle, which burns more calories at rest; we lose inches and fit into smaller clothes. Big smile.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,753 Member
    My weekend was very off track. Hubby was at ER, then hospital, thought he needed surgery then, luckily, they spotted the real cause of his awful pain. Pericarditis, he had a bout of this about 16 yrs. ago, and it turns out once you have had it you will likely get it again. Some, it even becomes chronic. Hoping his won't fall under that catagory. I was eating out of vending machines and hospital cafe, so not really good choices were available.

    He is back home now and I can get back to business.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Joell, sorry you - and DH - had such a hard weekend, but so glad they figured out what was really going on! Wishing him continued healing and good health ~ Kathy
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Some of you may have seen this, but I just have to say I am BOWLED OVER by this achievement - GrandmaCharlie hit 600 days of logging in, today! Charlie, you are always inspiring ... but this deserves:





    ~ Kathy
  • seeingthelight
    seeingthelight Posts: 128 Member
    Retire happy- so sorry to hear about DH! Hopefully he is feeling better and that the pericarditis resolves completely. Hope you get back on track, that kind of weekend can be exhausting emotionally as well as physically. Take care of yourself as well as DH, he needs you healthy right now.

    Congrats GrandmaCharlie - 600 days certainly does deserve some celebration- thank Mxchana for the celebration- were awesome!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Cris grats on the 15!

    Jan I am so jealous about the campground! Lived in WA state for 2 years and there is a part of me that still misses it even though it was a LONG time ago!

    Joell glad dh is better.

    I can't believe its already Septbmer 8th!!! For me, the holiday season starts Sept 1st and then its one long run until the end of the year! I LOVE this time of year. Mine has started with a lot of craziness going on and have had dh home for the past week, plus his computer crashed so we are presently down to one! Since he is taking a college course plus is a computer addict I have been pretty well off the computer! It has been a good thing because it has forced me to do focus on some other things that needed attention! He is back at work today so it feels kind of "normal" here lol
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Well I learned something new! someone asked me about a pic of my art studio, and in the length of time it took me to retrieve this from facebook (I had to put it there using dhs phone and computer because mine will not upload) I forgot who asked and even in which list it was. ANYWAY, here is my little studio and the spot where I have been spending a LOT of time lately! The good side to having no computer recently is that it has forced me to paint! DH and I did a day trip a couple of weeks ago to some flea markets north of here and I retrieved some shelves, a breadbox and a small rocking horse, so I am clearing the cobwebs from the creative paths in my brain and relearning to paint once again (btw I found a website where a wonderful woman our age gives FREE art lessons if anyone is interested!). I have always wanted to paint on furniture and have a goal of starting an Etsy store!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    DreamOn - love your adorable kitty - and your blue glass collection! Lovely studio. ~ Kathy
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Nice studio, DreamOn!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I love your studio; it looks so tranquil. (unlike my cluttery-corner) :D
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    So... I often add to my food diary from my PC.
    I've been able to see everything on my iPad, and update from it if necessary.
    Now, suddenly, I can't see any of my food diary info on my iPad.
    Not today, yesterday....nothing.

    Is this part of the MFP conspiracy to force users to buy the Premium version?

    If so, I am very disenchanted and annoyed.

  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Never mind. It came back. Aughhhh