100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I walked today, found 2 cents, Whee! Warmer, more Humidity and less comfortable than Yesterday.

    Have a Great Wednesday
    scrappin99 wrote: »
    Wow - really weird things happening on my puter. Good non vocal music started while clicking on your post Roger - did you embed anything? Then a paypal screen popped up and the fitness equipment below. Wiped this post. Roger - so nice that you walk and get paid for it daily! I'm totally impressed by the fact you're awake and out that early. I really need a shower to wake fully - so when I used to walk in the morning I kinda dragged a bit - but couldn't justify taking 2 showers.

    How do these shredder bags work?

    I've scanned about 18 inches of paper that needs shredding - DH decided we're gonna put it in our firepit with wood and cover and burn it instead - I'm good with that. Sure fine ash will still escape, but shouldn't be too bad. Then we'll try to stay more on top of it.

    Didn't do much today - finished a book, ordered some new tops from Warriors in Pink - tired of wearing my Cleveland Clinic T-shirts and giving them free advertising - they gave us at least one per year that I worked there so I wear them a lot. DH also has quite a collection. Donated to Pink Foundation - they use donations to help with living expenses while person has breast cancer - think that's a great idea, hadn't considered til now. My granddad died from breast cancer, 4 females in mom's family have had it, as well as my SIL at 40 - first mammo. She's 9 yrs out and still having problems due to the changes in her brain from chemo and radiation. Crummy that you beat it, but it still doesn't take a hike.

    Hi Shirl
    Nope Nothing embedded in my post. I hope You did not pick up some adware, If You want to check for it, Go to this forum: Am I infected? What do I do?
    You will have to sign up to post, Post Your symptoms and You will be helped fairly promptly and it is free too.

    I like the shredder bags. I can either pull them out when full, close them and dispose of them or I can dump them in a bigger bag and reuse them. They make it easy to dump into a bigger bag with no mess too.

    Good Luck
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Feeling bummed. Did so well my first month.. And lost like a champ... Second month not so much. Need to get my butt in gear and keep on the straight and narrow. This cheating every so often is not working. Been off and on really since the end of August... So good for a few days and cheat. No more. The scale hasn't budged in forever. And I've been on the second month since August 22nd.. Only have lost 2 pounds the whole time :((
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I stuck my head out the door and it had stopped raining and the weather radar showed no more rain so I got ready to walk, Of Course about that time it started drizzling, I went out anyway :) 2.63 miles Vs the usual 2.75 miles as due to the weather I changed my route slightly. The rain drizzled on and off for most of the walk, no problem, Then 6 Blocks from Home it started coming down as a steady light rain :( I could have called my brother to come rescue me but for 6 blocks? Nope. Humid out there too.

    Have a Good Thursday
    Daisylee87 wrote: »
    Feeling bummed. Did so well my first month.. And lost like a champ... Second month not so much. Need to get my butt in gear and keep on the straight and narrow. This cheating every so often is not working. Been off and on really since the end of August... So good for a few days and cheat. No more. The scale hasn't budged in forever. And I've been on the second month since August 22nd.. Only have lost 2 pounds the whole time :((

    Hi DaisyLee
    You are learning the same lesson I learned when I started. Maintaining is easy compared to losing :)
    Have You tried Zig Zaging the calories to minimize the effects of a cheat? It might make it easier for You.
    Zig-Zag Calculator for Fat Loss and/or Muscle Gain
    Using the complex model and entering 213 pounds as a example I get this table.

    This Calculator is a little more detailed in the information it uses, Age, Weight, Height and Activity level. The results were similar too.
    It showed me

    I hope this is a help.
    Good Luck
  • scrappin99
    scrappin99 Posts: 16 Member
    edited September 2015
    Wow Roger - you never cease to amaze me!

    Up most of the night looking for dead relatives. Ancestry has a few day sale for half price for the next 6 months which is perfect as it takes you thru winter to March. Added 40 verified folk. Only slept 5 hrs tho - so kinda dragging.

    Nice day here - mid 70s. Off for hair cut and a few groceries. Then I'll come home and see how the rest of the day unfolds.
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    22 pounds lost! Meant to do it at 20.. tklormdeydvm.jpg
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Daisy- don't be discouraged. Your progress pics clearly show a super change! Keep doing your best...this is helping your body get healthier, plus with each pound gone it becomes easier to move and just enjoy / participate in life.

    In addition to tracking my food here, I keep a spreadsheet of "what else" is going on...sleep, stress, medication, etc. I can look back at times of consistent loss vs times of plateau and identify other things affecting how quickly I'm losing.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking, much better walking conditions today than I have had for most of the week too. Temperatures in the 60s and it feels like the humidity is much lower too. I will probably be spending some of the day getting recycling ready for the run to the recycle center tomorrow. Not sure where the old Shredder goes, They will have to decide.

    It's Friday
    scrappin99 wrote: »
    Wow Roger - you never cease to amaze me!

    Up most of the night looking for dead relatives. Ancestry has a few day sale for half price for the next 6 months which is perfect as it takes you thru winter to March. Added 40 verified folk. Only slept 5 hrs tho - so kinda dragging.

    Nice day here - mid 70s. Off for hair cut and a few groceries. Then I'll come home and see how the rest of the day unfolds.

    Hi Shirl
    Amaze in what way? I just do what I think needs doing, and now that I am away from working that includes getting healthier too :)

    Try and get a nap, Not good to be going through the day dragging from lack of sleep. I find that a short Power Nap often times recharges the energy level.

    Thank You for the kind Words
    Daisy- don't be discouraged. Your progress pics clearly show a super change! Keep doing your best...this is helping your body get healthier, plus with each pound gone it becomes easier to move and just enjoy / participate in life.

    In addition to tracking my food here, I keep a spreadsheet of "what else" is going on...sleep, stress, medication, etc. I can look back at times of consistent loss vs times of plateau and identify other things affecting how quickly I'm losing.

    Hi Val
    I must be old school :)
    I keep printouts of my daily menus, not a problem as I have been doing that daily since I create the menus ahead of time and then eat from them. I have a small ledger book that I put each weigh-in into and a another one for distance walked, I only update that one when the mileage is different from the norm. Rainy day or feeling ill for example.

    In the past before NS pulled their weight tracker I used to use it and a electronic version of it. When that went poof into the night I switched to paper tracking.


    Hi DaisyLee
    Just a reminder that many of us keep a complete outfit of what we wore when we were at our largest so We can put it on for comparison. Some of us also put a before picture by the Mirror for comparison and always keep a log of measurements. Sometimes You do not lose weight or even have a small gain and the waist has shrunk.

    Exercise will convert fat to muscle and muscle mass is smaller for the same weight so You can be smaller and not have Mr. Scale indicate a loss.

    Also Important is having a scale that gives consistent results, I threw one out for not giving the same weight if I got on , off and back on.

    Good Luck
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    edited September 2015
    I had deleted all of my before pics because I could not face them. I found this one on my office inrtranet page. This shows a 52# loss. If NS hadn't forgotten to send me my 60# bear, I would have taken a new current pic. So...more to come.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    Nice and cool outside for my walk, When I came hope I opened the Front and back windows for some fresh air. Still nice and cool in the house at 72 degrees right now.

    Enjoy the Day
    I had deleted all of my before pics because I could not face them. I found this one on my office inrtranet page. This shows a 52# loss. If NS hadn't forgotten to send me my 60# bear, I would have taken a new current pic. So...more to come.


    Hi Val
    What a great change, You must be so happy.
    I did not have to delete my before pics, I did not have any, Now I kind of wish I did just for comparison.


  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Oh my gosh, I have missed you all!!! I am back after being gone for one month! My home looks SO GOOD and I slept in my OWN bed! I missed my internet connections so much!!! I loved the last pages, I am still in catch-up mode for reading messages though! My step mother did really well with her total knee that was done, and did an awesome job on rehab. She has not moved in decades, so it is a journey. She has a great rehab team- I probably need one!!

    I did terribly- Ate what I have been missing- but am ready to get back on track. Some gain should come off quickly, some not so much! But I had a good time. I did eat healthy occasionally, lol!

    Daisy, I laughed so hard about your hound puppy! I may rename my 11 month hound Trouble after this vacation. My step mom was great, but she really was overcome at times with Daisy- May's hardheadedness and spurts of energy! The kicker was I re-sanded and re-stained her door molding in the bathroom on one side that she chewed when I had to leave the house and she was confined with ALL kinds of chewies, which she did not prefer! My older dog is almost 17 yrs. He is SO glad to be home. He did really well though, but it was hard on him.

    Val, Shirl, and Rodger--I have missed your posts and encouragements! I have to get back to decaf coffee,too, as I relied on my 2 cups of Starbucks to keep me going! I am not used to leaving the house every day with no home days at all, and of course, Daisy May's walks and antics left little rest or me time! I am only about 12 years younger than my step-mom, so I was pretty tired. When she has help she becomes a total care somewhat quickly. I understand though how tired you can get when you are alone and doing for yourself. I am so proud of her, though.

    Glad to be back and ready to get on track. Did not miss all my yard work! Everything survived thanks to the automatic waters I installed on the faucets. I was rather proud of myself! LOL! (Takes so little, lol!). My awesome daughter kept up with mowing.

    I have so missed you all!! :smile:
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Awesome pics you guys!!! I meant to say!!!!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi All
    I tested the weather this morning, said oh! 56 degrees, Then I went back in the house changed into long pants and a long sleeve shirt for this walk., thus out the door 10 minutes later than usual :)

    I walked to the Barber Shop and back home 4.8 miles round trip, I could not have done it if I had not had to sit and wait for someone ahead of me and during the haircut :)
    My Alternate plan was My Brother would pick me up if/when I ran out of steam. I suspect I will be tired later on today.

    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Oh my gosh, I have missed you all!!! I am back after being gone for one month! My home looks SO GOOD and I slept in my OWN bed! I missed my internet connections so much!!! I loved the last pages, I am still in catch-up mode for reading messages though! My step mother did really well with her total knee that was done, and did an awesome job on rehab. She has not moved in decades, so it is a journey. She has a great rehab team- I probably need one!!

    I did terribly- Ate what I have been missing- but am ready to get back on track. Some gain should come off quickly, some not so much! But I had a good time. I did eat healthy occasionally, lol!

    Daisy, I laughed so hard about your hound puppy! I may rename my 11 month hound Trouble after this vacation. My step mom was great, but she really was overcome at times with Daisy- May's hardheadedness and spurts of energy! The kicker was I re-sanded and re-stained her door molding in the bathroom on one side that she chewed when I had to leave the house and she was confined with ALL kinds of chewies, which she did not prefer! My older dog is almost 17 yrs. He is SO glad to be home. He did really well though, but it was hard on him.

    Val, Shirl, and Rodger--I have missed your posts and encouragements! I have to get back to decaf coffee,too, as I relied on my 2 cups of Starbucks to keep me going! I am not used to leaving the house every day with no home days at all, and of course, Daisy May's walks and antics left little rest or me time! I am only about 12 years younger than my step-mom, so I was pretty tired. When she has help she becomes a total care somewhat quickly. I understand though how tired you can get when you are alone and doing for yourself. I am so proud of her, though.

    Glad to be back and ready to get on track. Did not miss all my yard work! Everything survived thanks to the automatic waters I installed on the faucets. I was rather proud of myself! LOL! (Takes so little, lol!). My awesome daughter kept up with mowing.

    I have so missed you all!! :smile:

    Hi Buttons
    Welcome back!

    One warning regarding Decaf, well maybe two warnings :)
    One do not go cold turkey dropping regular coffee, In our family we found that cause excruciating headaches.

    CAVEAT EMPTOR: “decaffeinated” does not mean 100% caffeine free. In fact a decaf coffee only needs to be 97% caffeine free according to the USDA. That means that an average 12 oz. cup of decaffeinated coffee, which originally might have been packed with 180 mg of caffeine, now only would contain 5.4 mg of caffeine.

    Also I prefer the water process decaf to the ones done with a solvent. I understand that only the water process beans can be called Organic too.

    Good Luck now that You are back and on plan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Jan, welcome home! We missed you too. Glad your stepmom is doing well after her surgery. Hugs, Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Another cool morning out during the walk. 1 degree cooler than Yesterday in a nearby town according to News12 a Cable Only NJ channel, They also do a News12 in NY FWIW. I think I have figured out an inexpensive way to rebuild the steps for the side porch. The Grass will need mowing later this week too :(

    Have a Great Tuesday
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Another cool morning out during the walk. 1 degree cooler than Yesterday in a nearby town according to News12 a Cable Only NJ channel, They also do a News12 in NY FWIW. I think I have figured out an inexpensive way to rebuild the steps for the side porch. The Grass will need mowing later this week too :(

    Have a Great Tuesday

    Roger - are you originally from NJ? or how did you end up there?

    So, what are you going to do with the steps?

    Try to enjoy mowing because it beats SHOVELING!!!

    In San Antonio this past weekend's early mornings actually felt great...67 and low humidity! But yesterday and today early morning was back in the 80s and HUMID! Loved our first 'wiff' of autumn. I loved the cool morning so much, that the humid 80s made me not want to walk...so I've just been working and not doing much else. Need to get moving again. At least I'm eating on plan.

    take care, Val
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    NS Bears - I earned my 60# middle of last month...but, like last time, NS did NOT send my bear with my BBB. So I called customer service and literally sat on hold for 98 minutes! Then I hung up because I needed to go get my kid from school. So, when I got home, I called the counselors and got in with no wait at all. So, they're going to mail my 60# bear...but they seem to be stingy on those bears now.

    In this BBB, I received the new orange packaging for my oatmeal.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I went walking at 5:23Am, 2.75 miles & 3 Cents. It is supposed to be warmer than Yesterday, My Hands still felt cold. I need to remember some light gloves for this type of weather. I also seem to walk faster when I am uncomfortable :)

    I was semi cold today as Yesterday I was a bit warm at the end of the walk so today I left off the Sweatshirt :(

    Have a Really Good Wednesday
    RogerToo wrote: »
    Another cool morning out during the walk. 1 degree cooler than Yesterday in a nearby town according to News12 a Cable Only NJ channel, They also do a News12 in NY FWIW. I think I have figured out an inexpensive way to rebuild the steps for the side porch. The Grass will need mowing later this week too :(

    Have a Great Tuesday

    Roger - are you originally from NJ? or how did you end up there?

    So, what are you going to do with the steps?

    Try to enjoy mowing because it beats SHOVELING!!!

    In San Antonio this past weekend's early mornings actually felt great...67 and low humidity! But yesterday and today early morning was back in the 80s and HUMID! Loved our first 'wiff' of autumn. I loved the cool morning so much, that the humid 80s made me not want to walk...so I've just been working and not doing much else. Need to get moving again. At least I'm eating on plan.

    take care, Val

    Hi Val
    Well My Brother pointed out that he believes the Porch itself needs repair too. What I had in mind doing was removing the old crumbling Cinder Blocks and replacing them with Cement Blocks and then topping that with a stone cap and using a designed for the purpose adhesive to hold the top on or use decorative landscaping blocks glued together and to the porch.

    Now Maybe Wood Steps for the time being.

    The family moved to NJ when I was in grade school.

    Good Luck getting walking again, when You stop it is not always easy to get going again :)
    NS Bears - I earned my 60# middle of last month...but, like last time, NS did NOT send my bear with my BBB. So I called customer service and literally sat on hold for 98 minutes! Then I hung up because I needed to go get my kid from school. So, when I got home, I called the counselors and got in with no wait at all. So, they're going to mail my 60# bear...but they seem to be stingy on those bears now.

    In this BBB, I received the new orange packaging for my oatmeal.

    Hi Again
    I wonder, are You logging the weight on Numi? I never had them not send a bear except at the start when i earned two in the period of one order due to being almost there when the order processed and then making the next one in the 28 days. They only send the higher one in that case unless You call for it. Deliberate cost cutting measure, Maybe?

    I got my replacement bear yesterday to replace the defective one.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited September 2015
    On my walk this morning I took my $10 backpack with me so I could stop at the Pathmark Supermarket (Grocery Store) and bought Bananas, Some water flavors and a 3 pack of UHT milk as I used up the last of the Dollar Store quart yesterday on my NutriFlakes. FWIW the Dollar store is a much better Unit price per quart.

    I did find one whole cent on the walk so not a total loss!

    Have a Nice Thursday

    P.S. I'm back, I decided to walk to the dollar store before it got to hot, I failed :)
    That added 1.1 miles to the days total mileage walked so 2.77 Miles + 1.1 later in the day.
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Yes, I'm logging my weight on Numi.com. The counselor even verified that what I thought I logged was what she could see and they matched. The bear should be shipped soon.

    Porch sounds like a lot of work!

    A friend died today. He had been fighting cancer and had a notable downturn a couple weeks ago. Feeling sad, yet peaceful. He was really open about it and did all he could and then knew the time was coming. :'(

    I'm sad and frustrated that I'm not getting any calls back from the no-kill shelters. Picked up two strays yesterday...they are so lovely and gentle and well mannered...they are so grateful for love, food, water, and a safe place to sleep. But, I already have my legal maximum so I can't keep them. If I knew I could get them somewhere safe, I'd have them fully vetted. But I can't do that only to have them euthanized because there is no space in the shelters. I hate how many people view dogs as dispensable. :'(
  • Daisylee87
    Daisylee87 Posts: 67 Member
    Have you tried looking into a breed rescue of you can tell what they are by chance!