OCTOBER Challenge

retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
It is a lovely autumn, and it is time to post the October self challenge thread. Don't forget to post last month's results in the SEPTEMBER Challenge thread.


  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    A new month. I am going to keep it simple.

    Last month became a time of big changes and I focused on just those. That meant stopping my recently acquired habit of journaling. So that is going to be my big thing for this month. I plan to journal for every one of the 31 days of this month.

    Eating plan will be back to the TDEE with 15% cut and 40/30/30 on the nutrients. I am going to start the day with an hour of tea/water and no food. Possibly get back to the 16/8 intermittant fasting, but not concerned about it at this point.

    I am still doing 5000 steps a day, that never changed. I am also going to continue with 15 minutes of yoga and add 15 minutes a day of light weights.

    That is it and that is enough! Ready, set, go!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited October 2015
    Goal was to break 142 last month which I did: 141.5. So, my goal for October is to break the 141.5 for this month. I am still eating within the 16:8. This may not have helped with weight loss, but it is much easier for me. A more natural way for me to eat! I think I will now change my diary setting to reflect the 16:8. I hadn't up until now just to avoid comments, but, hey, it works for me!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I agree with you on the 16/8 Charlie. I felt better when I was doing it and will probably go back to it. Right now I am just going to focus on getting back on the journaling wagon and the TDEE. It's good to be back in the group, not so much on the journalling - a necessary evil lol
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited October 2015
    October, my favorite month! I am sticking with:
    1. Daily exercise, minimum 30 minutes
    2. Daily meditation
    3. Daily self-hypnosis program
    4. Reporting my results weekly

    I'm going to add: get in bed by 11:30 p.m. no matter what! My stumbling block is night eating, and this is especially dangerous when I view TV at night ... so many food commercials! They do know what they're doing, don't they. SO:

    5. Get in bed by 11:30 p.m. - awake or asleep - and STAY there!! others-135.gif

    Good luck one and all! ~ Kathy
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    @DreamOn145 I'm lucky. The 16:8 doesn't require any effort or thought on my part really. Eating breakfast was the effort for me. Skipping it is easy!

    Kathy: Some people find if they brush their teeth early in the evening it keeps them from night-time nibbling. Have you ever tried that?
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    For October, I am keeping it simple.

    Follow my workout plan developed for me by my trainer. I really want to gain some strength and Sept. set me back. I need to use the machines prepare myself to use the barbells, which is my ultimate fitness goal at the moment. I have to work up to that.

    May we all be very proud of ourselves at the end of this month :).
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi all!

    We're in California, spending some time visiting my MIL who's in a skilled nursing facility.

    I haven't been logging meals but I think I'm staying on track .

    Good news: my blood sugar numbers are down. When I started with the Bydureon I was injecting in my thighs, which is one option. But I started injecting in my abdomen, and I think that's made the difference. Somehow the meds were not working before... Weird.

    So we leave on the cruise on Saturday.
    I feel that I'll be able to stay on track. I brought my gym clothes and there will be lots of walking.

    See you in a couple of weeks!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited October 2015
    Kathy: Some people find if they brush their teeth early in the evening it keeps them from night-time nibbling. Have you ever tried that?

    Oh yeah. When I get the mental obsession to start night eating, a little toothpaste will unfortunately not provide enough of a barrier. Some nights only an angel standing in front of the fridge with a flaming sword would keep me at bay.

    If I have the energy I go out and get another walk in but lately, energy has been lacking later in the day. So I just think getting myself into the bed may be helpful. Once I am comfortable I am less likely to want to get back up - I hope! Will let you know how it works out.

    Cris - great news about your blood sugar! I know you have been struggling, so good to hear you have better results. I am jealous about that cruise - enjoy!! ~ Kathy

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    We ARE going to shred it this month, right? Such good news on progress from you all last month, and October looks even better!
    My goals are to stay on track with
    1 Balance & mobility-Do PT routines for ankle and hip, but adjust length, which at 40 minutes a day seems a bit much.
    2 Bone density-Five miles per day steps with at least 30 minutes cardio quality.
    3 Increase muscle-Weight or resistance training 3 times a week
    4 Add back more core and back exercise
    5 Stay in maintainenance weight range eating healthily with occasional snacks.
    We plan to leave for Nevada mid month. TENNIS!
  • patnj
    patnj Posts: 19 Member
    October Goals
    1) go from an average of 7500 steps / day to 10000 steps / day
    2) Lose 4# - try to solidly be below 205 .. not just occasionally dip there
    3) free weights or gym 3 days per week.

    #2 is always the hard one - we live in a vacation area.. everyone who visits us is on holiday .... i'm very bad when wine is on the table.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »
    Hi all!

    We're in California, spending some time visiting my MIL who's in a skilled nursing facility.

    I haven't been logging meals but I think I'm staying on track .

    Good news: my blood sugar numbers are down. When I started with the Bydureon I was injecting in my thighs, which is one option. But I started injecting in my abdomen, and I think that's made the difference. Somehow the meds were not working before... Weird.

    So we leave on the cruise on Saturday.
    I feel that I'll be able to stay on track. I brought my gym clothes and there will be lots of walking.

    See you in a couple of weeks!

    So glad you got it to work properly.

    Have a wonderful time. Eat wisely and take advantage of the gym and the deck walking. See you when you return.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Final update for Sept challenge, got my measurements for Sept. done, I did make that 1 in. off my waist.

    The metabolic reset has stalled my weight loss but I have lost inches all the way through it and the size 10's are ready to be my clothes for winter, I am over joyed about that.

  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Bravo, Joelle!!! What a great feeling!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hello to each of you!! B)

    I am finally back! I had a great "eating" day yesterday <3 FINALLY!!

    Here are my goals for October:

    Oct 4 weight = 221.6 Goal weight = 212.8

    *I want to see at least a 8.8 lb decrease on my scale on Oct. 31st!
    *Drink 13 glasses of water / day
    *Kitchen closes at 9:00 for me
    *Follow Paleo totally everyday
    *Plan menu's on Tuesdays
    *Declutter the office & Basement stairs - completely
    *Upper body strength training every other day
    *Start walking 10 min 3 X a day, then increase as my leg will allow.
    *Mindful that July 16, 2016 is only 9 months away (our 50th)

    I do not have time to "talk" now, but will be back later this evening to catch up with each of you! :)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    My daily goal ....... drink 100 ounces of water & walk one mile (20 minutes) each day ..... rinse & repeat !
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    mxchana wrote: »
    Kathy: Some people find if they brush their teeth early in the evening it keeps them from night-time nibbling. Have you ever tried that?

    Oh yeah. When I get the mental obsession to start night eating, a little toothpaste will unfortunately not provide enough of a barrier. Some nights only an angel standing in front of the fridge with a flaming sword would keep me at bay.

    If I have the energy I go out and get another walk in but lately, energy has been lacking later in the day. So I just think getting myself into the bed may be helpful. Once I am comfortable I am less likely to want to get back up - I hope! Will let you know how it works out.

    Cris - great news about your blood sugar! I know you have been struggling, so good to hear you have better results. I am jealous about that cruise - enjoy!! ~ Kathy

    Do you use whitening strips on your teeth? Several people on other threads have said that really works well for them. Since I brush my teeth in the mornings before breakfast it really doesn't have an effect on my not wanting to eat.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Reba, It's great to see your renewed enthusiasm! Best of the best to you!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Do you use whitening strips on your teeth? Several people on other threads have said that really works well for them. Since I brush my teeth in the mornings before breakfast it really doesn't have an effect on my not wanting to eat.

    Hmm... no, have never tried them. That might do it, if you have to leave them on.

  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Somehow, I do NOT know how, I managed to break the eating after dinner habit in 2008 and I have never gone back. Since I got married, however, my husband is an evening eater. Since he also needs to lose weight, we have talked about this. He is an insulin dependent diabetic so he needs an evening snack. Now he has a preplanned snack that he is eating in the evening (I hope!) instead of me finding nearly empty chips bags in the cupboard! But for me, I take a hot cup of tea and go to the bedroom at 9 pm. I bought a very nice smart TV and had it put on the wall angled towards the bed and I also have my kindle in there. I use that time to watch those shows that hubby does not like and I also do a lot of reading. Keeps me away from temptation!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    verptwerp wrote: »
    My daily goal ....... drink 100 ounces of water & walk one mile (20 minutes) each day ..... rinse & repeat !

    These were my goals ...... haven't accomplished either of them ...... why am I so resistant ?