The Bro-ctober workout thread; SUPAHSET!



  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Went to the big gym after work, having got away earlier than usual - which meant I got in and grabbed a rack before the hordes arrived.

    Squat 5x5 @ 57kg
    Bench 5x5 @ 31kg - too easy, really
    Row 5x5 @ 44kg

    Then a few reverse pull ups before I had to run for a sports massage appointment. Which was faaaaaabulous and I now feel all floppy. If a bit sore!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited October 2015
    I can feel my shoulder with yesterday's workout with the extra overhead presses. I do miss muscle soreness which I don't usually get with these SL session.

    So I signed up for a Rock and Roll Half Marathon in March mostly because I miss running, and mostly because I can burn extra calories from eating too much Halloween candy. Training hasn't started yet but I've been running here and there.

    Goals for this week: 3 SL workouts on M, W, and F, then run 3-4 miles Tues and Thurs, with a possible long run on Saturday or Sunday. I know I'll have to lower the weights later on.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Went to coworker's gym, the chain one I might join. Three days in a row wasn't too bad but needed a little more oomph/fuel before instead of after lifting. Bench press was weak but other lifts went fine.

    21 - upper power

    bench 1x3, 2 X2 @ 100 - 95 felt heavy in warm up so didn't try 105 and good thing, had to rack on low spot on third rep attempts twice. Need a delay it seems.
    db incline bench 4x10 @ 25 - easy since lowered the weight.
    bent row 4x10 @ 90 - fixed bar little less than last time so managed another rep per set.
    lat pull 1x5 @ 80 3 12 @ 70 - 80 was tad too heavy so dropped down to 70. Had to stand on seat to reach the bar at this gym.
    OHP 4x10 @ 75 - tad heavy by end but not bad, need to try 80 one of these days
    bar curl 3x12 @ 40 - eh
    skull crusher 3x10 @ bar + 10 - this eh curl was heavier than other one so just added 5's to it.

    Will jog near apartment later. Am out at coffee shop in girl shoes while car gets fixed. Tried out shoes from goodwill to see how walking in them went (small heel) but they are almost half a size too big for my feet.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Oy, my arms are like noodles!

    Bench Press 8/8/8/8/5 87.5lbs (warm up 45/65lbs). I was supposed to do 5x8 but I couldn't grind out those last 3 reps. I didn't think I should be getting failure this early in a new program on light weight, but 8 reps for bench is just rough at this high of weight. I also didn't have a spot today so i might of been able to grind out those last reps but I didn't want to risk it.

    Rows 3x10 25lbs. I didn't want to do 35lbs this week as my arms were gassed already.

    Assisted dips

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Corrections, since I messed up some numbers and auto-correct fixed things that didn't need fixed, I have to add this. I struggled it seems when trying to post this using tablet.

    Need a de-load on bench it seems, not delay.
    Bent row was 4x5, not 4x10.
    Overhead press was 4x4, not 4x10.
    Lat pull was 1x8 @ 80 and 3x12 @ 70.
    and while eh is my usual reference to curl related things, I meant ez curl bar.

    Also, jog is happening tomorrow, not today.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Had a session tonight and went reasonably well.
    Front squat 30 kg 3x8
    Single leg press 18kg 3x8
    Single leg extension 18kg +half 3x8
    Single leg curls 18kg +half 3x8
    Glutes 3x8 38kg

    Db bench 3x8 14kg yay finally
    A press 3x8 10 kg
    OH press 20kg barbell 3x8
    Preacher curls 3x8 20 kg on cable
    Triceps push down 3x8 20kg cable
    Lat pull down 3x8 31.5 kg
    Bench single arm row 10 kg

    Knackered by the time I finished. Slowly seeing a little growth in muscle but being tall with long limbs it seems to be taking forever.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member

    Vinyasa Yoga


    Squat: 50kg - 5x5 I seem to be stuck at 50kg.... I don't know if it's psychological, but I feel like if I add anymore weight I might be crushed
    Bench: 27.5kg - 4/4/4/3/3 0.5kg less than last time and still a fail... I may have to deload soon
    Row: 35kg - 5x5 Same weight as last time, but I felt a slight pinch in my back so I'm taking it easy and working on form


    More Yoga
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    This past Saturday I went to Ren Faire and grocery shopping- so I was pretty much moving from morning to night. Sunday rest day.

    Monday I hit the gym and jogged on the treadmill for awhile.
    Tuesday morning, my wrist was in some pain, but it wasn't too bad. I picked up a cheap wrist brace from CVS. SO I was like yeah, lemme try to do my bench presses and bent rows. I lowered the weight on the bench press, but I could tell on the first set it was a bad freakin' idea but I kept going. It hurt, but I was still functioning, but I skipped bent rows. Instead I just took a 20 lb kettlebell and did that move that's sort of like a row in the hopes it wouldn't stress the wrist out to bad. It wasn't until about 5 min later after I was done that the pain hit me pretty hard. I had to sit and ice it for 20 min, pop some ibprofen, and I wrapped it up pretty good so I wouldn't move too much in my sleep. I'm pretty sure it's carpal tunnel, I had it when I was pregnant and it feels just like that. :'(

    Planning on jogging today. Not sure what to do about tomorrow's weight lifting session. Do the squats and just leg stuff I guess? I feel like I should let this wrist get back to normal before attempting the other stuff again.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Got more than 3 hours sleep last night, so today felt about a million times better than Monday. Workout A

    Squat 5x5 30kg Fine, I like squats, my technique seems ok to me, but I think I need to get someone to video it side on so I can check the bar path

    Bench 5x5 25kg Weight was fine. My bench is a mess though. I have to concentrate so hard on bringing the shoulder blades together (which is fairly unsuccessful) then my right arm pushes up faster than my left. Ugh. Work to be done

    Pendlay row 5x5 35kg I don't feel these in my back at all (I feel them most in my glutes), and I really struggle to keep my back low during the pull (I keep it striaght, but it raises).

    All in all some technique issues to work on!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    That sounds horrible, @bmele0 I've no useful advice but you sound like you could do with some sympathy. Hope it feels better soon.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Just a 2 mile jog today. Only short ones leading up to the 10k.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I don't know why but this week has felt kind of crappy. On Monday I did:
    Squat w/u; 3x6x110
    Sumo DL w/u; 2x6x155
    My last set of squats started turning into good mornings and I'm really frustrated with it. I have been lifting for over a year and a half. How the heck am I getting stuck on squats this low?
    Last night I did:
    Bench w/u; 3x5x95
    Row 6x75; 2x6x80
    Ohp 6x50; 6x55; 4x60
    Lat pulldown 3x6
    I was hoping for sets of 6 on bench but it was just not happening. I was supposed to get 6 on that last ohp and there was no way that was happening either. Ugh! I'm frustrated! Plus, even though I have been sticking to my deficit my weight has decided to go up two pounds this week and it's freaking me out. Sorry for the pity party here. :/
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    Good news, my wrist doesn't hurt at all, I'm keeping it in a wrist brace still. I'll do squats tonight and some cardio or something. I plan on trying 5x5 at my next normal session next Tues while wearing the braces for support. We'll see how it goes.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    That's great, @bmele0 !

    I'm just out from a great session.

    Squats 5x5 @57kg
    OHP 5x5 @20kg - I was really pleased with that
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 61kg
    Then some shrugs and some dips and I'm done.

    Now I feel super-good. Am off to meet friends in the pub, better go easy on the beer :-)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @dennie24 - the scale can be a nuisance. I try not to focus on it too much though use it for reference. I do find during certain days and times of month it fluctuates up a little then goes back down again for me. Just have to try and not let the numbers cause much concern often. I'm in a group on a different site and the leader constantly talks about each .2, .5 and such (less than 1 usually) decreases and gains, always blaming every little .something gain on something she ate the day before. I hope to not get to that obsession level for the scale. Plus there are other great things to focus on, like lifting.

    I lifted before work today as I wanted to get lower power done with enough days before the 10k. Might not jog again until the race, so all is left is deciding if I'll do upper hypertrophy tomorrow or Saturday. I have tomorrow off from work to do dmv stuff (oh joy) and go register for the race. Lower lifts went well. Deadlift is just heavy. Only real grip issue is that my calluses hurt every time I do the lift but the main difficulty is getting the weight up. And unlike squat, my first rep is usually the worse out of each set, so 1 rep testing should be interesting.

    Lower Power

    squat 4x5 @ 170 - tad slow, more so by the end, but decent. Think 185 will be doable in max test.
    deadlift 3x3 @ 200 - struggled but got it done. Did 1 set of 5 reps sumo after at 165, still not sure on those.
    leg press 3x8 @ 230 - I wasn't going to increase but was lazy so just added 25's instead of the random math mess. Did okay on these so am pleased.
    leg curl 3x8 @ 70 - usual, okay.
    standing calf 4x10 @ 60 - eh, calves.

    Hungry. I had a protein bar once I got home (having dairy today) and want to get pizza but it's a struggle to figure out where to get the little pizza from within my limited time frame. I have work soon. Freight day again then hope to work on writing once I get home. Fun day.
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    I've neglected checking in...for a while. I de-loaded about a month ago due to the "blahs". I've been working my way back up, feeling pretty good as my form improves every time I de-load! This week, another case of the "blahs" as I'm fighting off getting a full blown cold and NOW I have a stye. I don't know which is worse. Anyway, not feeling great this week but still working out (with my disinfectant wipes).

    Tues - had a horrible headache until after squats. I think they helped!
    Squat 130 lb 5x5. Was supposed to go to 135, but DH was with me and at 130. I didn't feel good, so I stayed there. Got 'em, but ugh.
    Bench 95 lb 5x5. Best showing on bench, yet. I felt strong throughout and didn't grind out any reps. 100 next week - hoping the cold doesn't take a firm hold.
    Row 105 5x5. I like these and this is a doable weight for me. I do have to concentrate on squeezing my shoulder blades together, now. Form wasn't on point every rep.

    Squat 135 lb 5x5. Low energy but got through it...slowly.
    OHP 60 lb 5x5. I tried this last week and felt a pop/pain in my right shoulder, so went to 55 lb. Felt good this week. A little wobbly at the start, but firmed up form. I was consistently getting 5x5 at 65 lbs before de-load. Really hoping to get to/through 70 lbs before December.
    DL 185 lbs 3x1. Was supposed to be at 195, but was drained during warm-ups. I feel good about not skipping them entirely, though. I was soooo tempted but knew I'd be upset with myself. My highest was 3x1 at 205. Really want to get back there.

    My NSV is that I didn't even contemplate not going to the gym. I'm not really sick (even though I wiped down what I touched). More like trying to stave off the illness. Once upon a time, I would have blown off going without a second thought. Speaks to finding an activity that you love ;)
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member

    Deadlift 5x8 145lbs (warm up 95/95/120). I somehow did this all while talking to my husband. Well, I can listen to him as long as he doesn't walk into my peripheral vision, then I worry I'm going to drop the bar on his foot. My grip gassed early on so I was using switch grip. I had some ugly 2 sets but my form got better as it went on. This is what I needed! The SL 1x5 just never worked for me and deadlifts, I wish I moved away from it sooner.

    Front Squats 3x10 45lbs. I didn't feel like being a hero, just the bar.

  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member

    Squat: 50kg -5x5
    OHP: 20kg 5x5
    Dealift: 60kg 1x5

    I'm a bit frustrated. I've made no progress on my squats for about 2 weeks and I actually had to deload for my deadlift. At this point, I don't know if I'm just psyching myself out or what, but I feel like I'm not getting stronger (whereas before I felt like I was making progress every time). Not sure what to do really...?


    Going to switch things up a bit and do some fasted cardio.


    Rest day.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Just got back from gym, today was B:

    Squat 5x5 32.5kg
    OH Press 5x5 25kg
    Deadlift 1x5 50kg

    Some of the presses were SLOOOOOW, but they all made it, definitely going to have trouble at 27.5kg.

    Not really feeling only doing one set of deadlifts, I feel like I need a few to get everything working. Might start doing 3x5 for the moment until I really get the technique down. Much prefer workout B to A.

    @bluefish86 - I apologise, I'm pretty new, have you put 52.5kg on the bar and failed it? I think you just have to put it on and see what happens - you're not going to collapse or anything, you can do 50kg for 5x5, at the very worst you're going to miss a rep or two. good luck!
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Thanks @StephieWillcox.... I haven't bumped my weight up to 52.5kg yet only because I can barely eke out 5x5 at 50kg, and that's with 2-3 minutes rest between sets.

    I guess I should bite the bullet and just throw on some extra weight, just to see what happens.