Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello wonderful ladies!! What a weekend full of success!!

    @Kathie, I understand wanting anything removed that could cause pain! I hope they get you figured out soon! Pain is no fun to live with! Pharmacies make errors in dispensing medicines every day. Doesn't make it right, but there are humans involved, so there will always be mistakes. We have to be able to recognize when these mistakes occur to protect ourselves. Good on you for doing so!! So glad you had fun with the little "lion". Special memories to treasure forever! :smiley:

    @Janice! You rock! I love the costumes! And wearing your daughters size M!!!! Wow! So glad things have settled, somewhat, at work, but I will be more glad when they find you some space to call yours! I'm not surprised you have found a "kindred spirit" here on mfp! We all deserve companionship, however we get it! (Would love to know who it is, since my interest is piqued, hehe, but will never expect to know)

    I haven't reported to y'all about my job interview last Thursday. I'm posting a picture of me that day, ROCKIN my new outfit (size L top and 16 bottoms!)!!! Leopard print has never been my first choice, but that's now changed! I think I look "HOT" lol!!! I did get the job, contingent on passing the drug screen and background check (no problems there!), and will begin orientation next Monday!!! I'm stoked!! I have the exact experience they want and am excited to become an asset to the team!! It's outpatient surgery, where they perform minor procedures like colonoscopies, urological procedures (like for kidney stones...), biopsies...which is what I was doing at my last job. Here's the picture:1lygbcs7tovm.jpg

    My weight finally hit my lowest (194.4) again yesterday, but today is three pounds up again. Seeing the lower number again is wonderful though!

    Halloween was great! No candy passed my lips! First time, ever!! Holiday #1, for the season, in the bag! Bring on Thanksgiving, and Christmas! I'm so glad I'm fully adapted before entering the holidays though. Without it those white chocolate kit Kats would have been mine! Now, I just laugh at the little voice trying to remind me of how much I loved them! The power is mine!!

    Keep on ROCKIN ladies!! HUGS!!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Wow, you look great Karla!!!! I'm so happy that you got the job too! All the best Honey!
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Karlotta, you are looking fabulous. "Hot" does not do you justice. Its wonderful to read your success story. It gives hope to the rest of us. Good luck in your renewed career. A new job gives new hope and expands your social group. Good for you.

    Kitn, I'm happy and relieved that life is settling down. I hope your work situation levels out and you find satisfaction. I'm very happy you've found a special friend. It's important to be able to communicate with someone on the same wavelength.

    As for me, I've had some successes as well although not weight related. My sweetie has decided to join me in Low Carbing it. I've had enough success to inspire him and as a special bonus, my daughter and son in law see the value in this woe. None of us are obese, just overweight and unhappy about it. I'm really excited to be able to share my journey with them.

    My MFP friends are so important. Every day I learn something new, revel in the successes of others and renew the hope that this time I will prevail. I now know it can be done because you all do it every day. Age doesn't need to be a barrier. If you are patient and consistent you can achieve your goals. Thank you all.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thanks Janice, (your co-workers jumping into LCHF must just be fantastic!!!) and @NewSue52!
    I'm so excited about your family wanting to be healthy! My hubby has remained resistant to going all in, but loves the food I prepare. I did make him sit down with me yesterday and watch "Fed Up" (a wonderful documentary on food policy in the U.S.). He tells me how happy he is seeing my results, but won't commit (he's not overweight, I just want healthy!).

    I had my twice a month sorority meeting at my home last evening. I've been planning the food for this one for a couple of weeks. I wanted them to see the good food you can eat with this woe, especially since three of them are type 2 diabetics! One "sister" began this woe two weeks ago, is loving it, and has dropped ten pounds! The food I cooked was boneless pork chops cut up and sauteed in mushrooms, onions, and butter, roasted cauliflower, and keto chocolate peanut butter mousse, and it was delicious!! Screenshots of my diary went out to all of them after that. I call that a very successful evening, even though I was over on carbs for my day (first time I've actually gone over!!)!
    Scale is doing is usual freaky stuff. After begin back down to my lowest (194) it's back to 202 as of yesterday. These swings truly suck! I'm still learning to accept them as part of my process, but it's not easy some days (why is that dang number so important?)!! Oh well, onward!
    Made my first chicken bone broth yesterday too, and it's so wonderful! I hate waiting as long as I did before trying it! I won't ever throw out another bone!
    Still waiting to hear from the surgery center with my official job offer. She told me to expect a week before she got everything back, which is today. Fingers crossed for no glitches in the system!
    I was able to clean my house yesterday, for the sorority meeting, and I'm able to be up, with minimal pain this morning! I actually vacuumed the rugs yesterday (I haven't run a vacuum in years because of the terrible pain afterwards), dusted, swept and mopped the kitchen, cleaned a bathroom, cooked a meal for six, and entertained too! Before LCHF I would have been crying from trying to do that much in one day, now, different story! I'm grinning from ear to ear, with tears in my eyes from the happiness I feel!!
    Btw: my friends told me last night that I look much younger! I do believe I'm getting the healthy "glow" that comes with eating this way!!!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!

    P.S. I am unable to let this thread go! The OP was a super special lady and I would hate to not see her face show up on my threads, so even if alone I will continue this thread as long as I am active! Here's to @GrannyMayOz!!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Here's to May ! Hope she's doing well, spending lots of quality time with her hunk of a husband and her kids and grandchildren, making crafts and spreading cheer ! I miss her.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I started my new job yesterday! I mainly observed, helping with patients needs, and assisted where I could, for a day of orientation. I made it through 7 hours without any problems! Have some soreness, but no pain!! I'm amazed! I don't believe you can work in the medical profession without there being some carbage around, set out to grab when you can. Resistance isn't an issue, thank goodness!!

    I have my family reunion today. It's in a small town about two hours north of us, and will be leaving shortly. I'm sure the family is going to be doing some double takes in my direction!

    Have a wonderful weekend everybody!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    That sounds great Karla! You have so much wonderful news to share at the reunion! Have a great time !
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello all!!!

    Had a wonderful day with family yesterday! Many of my father's cousins were there, and that was so great. Even a cousin to his mother was there (she's 92 years old and was walking around, talking to everybody!). When I walked in one aunt thought I was a cousin of mine (who has always been skinny)! I noticed that the wife to one of my cousins had lost weight since last year and I commented on her changes. She said she's been eating low carb (not high fat though), but I did get to talk to her about it a bit. Food wasn't a problem. Lots of hamburger patties, hot dogs, and sausage links, but I left the chips, potato salad, and desserts (my aunt's make some really good stuff too) for everybody else.

    More scale follies for me this past week! I FINALLY made it back down, all the way, to my lowest of 194.4 pounds (felt so good!), but two days later was back to 202.8!!! My goodness I will be so glad when this kind of stuff ends! At least that much of a swing back up, anyway. Will I always have these big jumps back up without logical explanation for them? Is that the reason I avoided the scale for so long while morbidly obese? Probably! Now that I've been eating this way for longer than any other diet before things are more clear from this side. I've never been here to be able to see it before.

    I hope everyone is okay! Hugs all around! :smiley:
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello Beautiful Ladies ! Hope everyone is well.

    I knew you would be having fun at your reunion Karla. I am wondering if maybe the wondering if you'd get the job, maybe not sleeping normally, and then getting the job might have raised stress levels...even happy news stresses the body I think. Hopefully your weight normalizes again. Or maybe it's some other ingredient you are eating that is creating this fluctuation? It's puzzling. It's such a huge fluctuation. I really admire your upbeat attitude about it. The clothes falling off us sure help keep our spirits up too.

    My weight is remaining stable these days. I'm still at the same weight since before Hallowe'en, darn that chocolate. My weight went up but is now back down again via fasting. I planned to fast for 48 hours this weekend, but only made it to around 28.5 hours yesterday, when some sweet potato fries called out to me. My kids really make them very well. Oh well, they are one of my favorites and I can't imagine living the rest of my life without them, so might as well fit them into my routine.

    I'm fasting again today, but will eat a light supper later. A huge chicken is in the pot and I will then take the meat off the bones, then put the bones back into the pot to boil for the rest of the day for broth. I will have lots of chicken meat as well. I want to make a Thai chicken curry with coconut milk later...not as nice when the chicken is already cooked, but I don't have anything other than whole pastured chicken in my house, and cannot be bothered to take the meat off the bones to cook it with the curry, so will add the flavouring later this time.

    I will have a nice walk later...looks like a nice day, sunny. Soon we will have snow and it will get more difficult to walk outside, but who knows, it may be physically easier for me to maintain my balance this year with less weight on my body, so will likely give that more of a try this winter.

    I am full of joy at the moment, basking in warm feelings. Have a great day everyone !
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning ladies. Think the weekend was the last of our fall & now winter has set in, darn it.
    @Karla so glad you got the job! How wonderful for you. It's been great sharing the journey with you. I still haven't lost since the end of July, but I haven't gained either so maybe my body is just trying to get thru this latest set back. Am scheduled for another colonoscopy & CT scan to see what's going on. Dr assured my husband that LCHF is not the culprit (yay!).
    @Janice it sounds as if things are turning around at work for you. How great is that? I'm so glad the fasting has turned out to be such a useful tool in your bag of tricks. I can't seem to get past the 22 hr mark. Last week I struggled some days to get 800 cals in & then on weekend did the Fall Supper thing, so of course I'm up 2 lbs this morning (which should be gone tomorrow). Same 2 lbs I've been battling with since July, so I'm not considering it as a "real" gain. We live 3 miles outside of a very small village which might have 20 houses and we put thru 250 (maybe few more) people for our supper. Count was actually down a bit this year, but it was still a good turn out.
    @Jane hello. Hope your health battles are finally settling down and recovery is getting easier. Now that the winter chill is settling in you need to keep me up to date on the warm temps over there. I really hate the cold & am finding it harder each year to deal. The lottery would be nice, if I could remember to buy tickets I might have a better shot at winning.
    The stupid bear who's been wandering around our place hasn't gone to bed yet & every night he drives my dogs crazy. Hopefully he gets his schedule figured out soon. I'm still painting my furniture and trying to source glass knobs, but it's almost finished. (Yay!) Now if we can get to the bottom of my stomach pain, things would sure be looking up. It's really playing havoc with sticking to this WOE consistently. And 6 wks of constant pain (some days way worse than others) is making me a tad irritable. Plus living on pain killers is not something I plan to do for much longer. I tried to tell Dr that I think I may have 3 stomaches & his nurse laughed so hard she was snorting, I may have been semi serious, lol.
    Have a good day, all!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Every time I see this thread, it reminds me that I especially need a pedicure and a foot massage.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello everyone! :smiley:
    @Janice, I'm really not over concerned about the scale since I've seen so many other benefits during this time. I really just want it out there just to show others that it does happen. I'm happy with where I am right now, and how ever long it takes, I'm here. I love seeing your success with fasting and moving more. Sweet potato fries are a nice treat that aren't that bad to have in a routine, imo. :smiley: That Thai chicken curry sounds amazing! I remember seeing the recipe, and want to try it. Your joy shines through in your posts! The decrease in stress at work has been great (finally) and I'm super happy for you for just being happy!!
    @Kathie, I can't imagine having a bear close enough to worry about him like that! I hope it gets that schedule figured out soon! I can't wait to see your furniture project! Where can you get the knobs from? Have you had an MRI? I don't recall all of the details since you've been dealing with this for so long. I sure hope they figure it out! Be persistent (ie. But the sheite out of them!) Pain is not normal and diagnostics should not be delayed when pain continues like this! Don't forget to speak up for yourself if you don't feel you're getting proper care.

    My goodness y'all!! This new job is wonderful! It's a great team of people that I get to work with! I forgot about the stack of paperwork though! I'm astounded at the stack of paper in these charts! They aren't computerized, which doesn't hurt my feelings, and the administrators prefer it this way. So, at least I'm not having to learn a new computer system! They don't even do notifications by email! :smiley: They do provide some excellent patient care though. I think I've found a good fit! I worked pre op today for 6 hours and came home with energy to burn. I do go in at 5:30 in the morning, so tonight will be an early bedtime!
    Hugs everybody!! Goodnight!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm so happy for you Karla that you are enjoying work so much ! The chicken curry was so yummy. It's really easy to make, at least the way I do it. My key is *kitten* brand red curry paste that I add to sautéed chicken ( or shrimp or both) and some low GI veggies. I used celery, onion and a bit of red pepper, and a can of full fat coconut milk, and garlic, and other spices. You could put some lemongrass in there too if you had some. Sometimes I throw a tomato or whatever I need to use up, broccoli.... Or serve it over broccoli or cauliflower. Last night I had it over cabbage sautéed in butter, delicious ! I am fasting today, and I think I hear the leftover chicken calling.....
    I'm making do with the yummy chicken broth I made. I love the bone broth when fasting.

    Kathie, I hope you start feeling better soon! I snuck in another walk today since the temperature was about 10 C, but it still felt cool out. It looks like snow is headed your way. It won't reach me yet. But I'm prepared. I probably told you how I gave away clothes that were too big for me, including my old winter parka, size XL. Well, I'm glad I kept my old size M parka. I had it cleaned and it's ready to go. It fits perfectly, I'm kind of excited to wear it ! There's even extra room for a sweater layer underneath. That's a good feeling.

    As for work, it hasn't really improved, but I'm learning how to deal with stress better. I credit the support of my new Friend for increasing my sense of well-being enough to get my head above water so I don't feel like I'm drowning. He's really smart and fun to talk to. It's been an amazing experience, to find someone on the same wavelength to share this journey with, on a more personal level. We are helping each other and it feels so good !
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes ladies. I'm scheduled for a CT scan in a week. Seems to be bit of problem as I'm allergic to seafood & have Hashimoto's which means extra prep as the contrast is iodine?? So have to be there 4 hrs ahead of time.(4 long hrs stressing about the IV. I really hate needles & IV's never go smoothly for me). Then another colonoscopy whenever they can fit me in (did I mention I really hate needles/IV's). So keep popping pain killers til we get to bottom of this. Oh well, hopefully figure something out soon or will disappear as abruptly as it came on, I hope.
    Karla, it's great to hear how much you're enjoying the new job! How exciting for you!
    Janice, sorry work isn't improving but glad you're feeling less stressed & have found some new support.
    Goodnight all.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Oh Janice, I'm sorry work isn't better! Your upbeat is all personal then and that's wonderful!! I'm so happy you are in a good place! I'm happy for your "friend" too! Emotional needs really should come first. It seems once this gets figured out, many other stressors don't matter as much.

    @Kathie, yes all contrast for radiological procedures have iodine in them and being allergic to seafood makes it take a few more steps to get it done (not impossible though). I just hate that it's taken this long to get a diagnostic test done! We are allowed to use xylocaine when we start IV's at my new job. It keeps the stick from hurting at all. I would ask about it and see if they could use it for you. Would take the pain part out of it anyway.

    Hugs ladies!! Hope y'all have an awesome day!!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello wonderful friends! I worked 4 days in a row, and I can feel it. Thing is, I don't feel it while working! tats a great thing! I love my job! It's really perfect for me. I had another nurse ask me, "How long has it been since you worked?" I told her ten. She stated, "You wouldn't know it, it seems as if you just came from another job!" That means so much!!! I had been afraid that I had lost my skills a bit, but doesn't seem to be the case (thankfully!). I did complete my orientation this week, so the next time I work I wont be followed by another nurse. I am part time, and will fill in where they need me to. I'm told that most shifts received will be a "call in" the day before, but I will be scheduled when others are off. This is fine with me right now.

    I feel very thin now! Scale is still stubborn, but I feel a drop coming (if that makes sense). The fact that I didn't jump back up as far as I have before is promising too. This is what makes me anticipate a drop soon. I'm really close to maintenance levels, and my body is super stubborn too, so I feel this is what's going on. I really would love to see another 15-20 pounds gone, and it doesn't matter how long it takes! I WILL get there!

    It's truly hard to hold my tongue (with my patients!! They are, almost all, on statins! I want to tell them, so badly, but can't darn it! I have spoken to other nurses about it though. Reception includes some blank stares because they are brainwashed too! Ikk Will continue to lead by example. Otherwise I will keto on!!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Wow- I haven't checked in here in forever.
    @Karlottap - congrats on the new job. I know what you mean about holding your tongue with patients. I work in a Bariatric Center, and though most of my docs are on board with low carb the patients just can't wrap their heads around it. And SO many meds...

    Have a great Friday the 13th, everybody!!
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Monday everyone,

    Thanks so much to you lovely ladies for keeping the thread alive. I read daily but don't check in often, guess I'll have to work on that!

    WOE going well. I've gone back to drinking way to many diet cokes but other than that I feel I'm doing really well. I find pre-planning saves the day more often than not. I made some turkey jerky with lots of black pepper so I have a reliable source without added sugars and stuff. I just have to be careful and double up on the fat at other times of the day so my protein #s aren't so out of whack.

    Houses are coming along great. I don't think we are all going to make it by Christmas but at least my youngest son will have his done so the Grandflowers will be "home" for Christmas. The other two should be finished by mid Feb.

    All this rain is much needed but I sure wish it would come in smaller quantities!! Seems like as soon as we put a fire out there is a flood then once the roads are fixed and opened up here comes another flood. UG! On a more positive note I sure am enjoying the cooler weather!

    Finished up all of the stuff for my Brother's estate. I really learned some people's true colors but, for most of them, it wasn't much of a surprise. I'm just glad it's over and his kids and grandkids are able to move on and be happy.

    Congrats on all of the losses and the new job!! We women are amazing in our ability to pull it together and thrive when faced with hardships and heartaches. Keep up the great work and thanks for being here for the rest of us!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello ladies!

    What a whirlwind weekend! We left at noon on Friday for northwest Tennessee (U.S.) and arrived around 10pm. Had a wake service for my grandmother. She was 86 years old, and had led a wonderful life, teaching us how to be strong in our lives! We are so fortunate that her illness (she had an amyloid protein that attacked her heart muscle) didn't last very long. It was two months since her diagnosis! The fact that she didn't suffer for long is comforting. Then, we were back on the road after visiting with family for a while. We arrived home at 3:30am Sunday morning. Will be doing it again next weekend (actually going further, to Kentucky) for the burial to take place in Hazel Green, Kentucky (U.S.). Odd for two weekends in a row, but will be glad to get to celebrate her life again.

    I'm tired, but I know that working again is increasing my energy level. I feel like I need to be up, moving, on this day off!

    I did some number crunching today, after measuring myself, and am amazed! I've lost a total of 35.25 inches since February 16th (weird how I measure on the 16th!)! I measure at 6 points (above, at and below boobs, waist at the navel, hips and right thigh), and the biggest drop has been 11.25 inches from my waist! This is why I feel so thin, despite what the scale says! It's sooooo worth sticking to!!!

    @Rebecca, it so good to see you!!! I know the weather has been tough for you while rebuilding three homes!! So glad that's progressing, but am not surprised with the delays on completion dates. Construction seems to usually go that way! :neutral: Happy that maintenance is working for you! I'm sure that getting your brothers estate settled has been a relief! I can't imagine the loss of a sibling, and don't want to. Hugs! :blush:

    @dldoddy, working in a bariatric center would be terrible for me to handle. If I could say what I wanted, the surgeons would lose money! That would be so hard! Bless you!! Great to see you! Stop back by when you can!! :smiley:

    This is the first day of the week. Let's make it wonderful!!
    Hugs all!!! :smiley:
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Goodness y'all! I forgot a topic I wanted to tell!

    About a week and a half ago I got the hubby to watch the documentary/movie "Fed Up". He has lowered his carbs science then. I think the biggest eye opener for him was the amount of sugar in juice (he has always consumed juice) being equal to that of sodas, plus the control that the food companies have had over the dietary recommendations. He's lost 9 pounds. He began at 196, so wasn't much overweight, but says that he feels much thinner through his abdomen (the belly fat!). I'm so happy to have him on board, but didn't realise exactly how low carb he has been (he doesn't track) and he got the "keto flu" yesterday evening (you'd have thought he had the true flu, lol! He is real dramatic when he feels bad!). I made him eat some pickles and he perked right up! Without the people from this group I wouldn't have known!

    I'm so thankful for all of you! :smiley:

    Oh! I made a lovely ground beef soup using my bone broth. I added some cabbage, and some home canned tomatoes (brought home from my grandmother's home. There was home canned food in every room, and we all took what we wanted!). I added lots of salt and it was delicious! Will be used for our evening meal today too. I highly recommend @Kitnthecat (Janice) bone broth!

    Love y'all!! :smiley: