Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Oh, love you too Ladies! So good to hear everyone's news! I love a good beefy, cabbagey, tomatoey soup, sounds yummy !
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Mornin Everyone,

    Another rainy day here in Austin. At work pretending to give a hoot! :#

    Soup sounds wonderful. I hear it's gonna be cold by the time we leave work today. Might be something to think about.

    Have a great day Ladies!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Headache today. I'm relating them to be from my grandmother's canned tomatoes. They will be given to someone else! Ugh! I certainly don't like these!

    Ha @Rebecca! I've been hearing it's going to get cold but you get it first!

    I'm gonna lay down for a bit. See y'all later! :smiley:
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Oh no Karla! Maybe the tomatoes were too old ? I know that I can't eat as much cabbage or tomatoes these days. Do you regularly eat cabbage ?

    We have had a mild fall this year..... Still no winter coat ! But it looks like tomorrow into Thursday will see gale force winds and rain turning to snow where I live.

    Busy frustrating day at work today, just can't keep up with all the work. I'm drinking my Natural Calm and soaking in Epsom salts. But I also ate too many carbs today including ice cream, so not proud of myself for resorting to comfort eating. Oh well, tomorrow's another day!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Hope everyone has had a good week.
    How's your head Karla? It's good to be able to figure out what triggers them, just too bad it's usually after the fact & the bloody headache is flattening you.
    @ Janice. Where do you get the Natural Calm? Think I'll try some. Hubby thinks I'm crazy soaking in tub (with Epsom salts & baking soda) & drinking tea.
    How did the fast go? Over 50 hrs is amazing. I still can't get past 22.
    Had my CT scan on Tuesday. Didn't find anything. He did show me that I really do only have 1 stomach (was sure I had a least 3 with the way the pain has been attacking, lol). So now on to colonoscopy next week, ugh. Then on to process of elimination if that's clean too. (Sigh).
    Have TaeKwonDo tournament/seminar/meetings this weekend. Drove in to city on Wed. to spend an extra couple days with daughter. Roads are horrible. Rain, followed by snow & wind have made driving very treacherous. & it's cold! I hate cold, may have to go visit Jane & warm up.
    Have a great weekend all!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all. Nice to hear a bit more from you all.
    Rebeccah, so happy to hear the houses are coming along nicely. Hope no weather things delay the finishing. Sorry that you were not surprised by peoples actions especially when it must be people who were also close to your brother.

    Karla, sweety, take things easy! I know you are all fired up with going back to work etc and that you need to do the things for your Grandmother but dont forget to take time to assess how you are and allow yourself time to rest. Hope your head is better by now too. Its awsome your hubby is onboard now too. I am so lucky that mine has always done it with me although he isnt quite as strict but then again he doesnt need to lose any weight! The poor thing has the most evil cold at the moment....courtesy of changing from UK to Dubai bugs.

    Janice its so good to read how you are totally rocking fasting and how its such a useful tool to get back on track. I guess you are fortunate you are not having anyone nagging you to eat after 24 hours....my hubby doesnt fully accept the benefits of longer fasting so I may have to be sneaky when I get back into it!!!
    Hows work doing? Has it calmed down again now? So glad you have another friend thats being supportive too.

    Kathy I am so sorry you didnt get any answers from your scan.......including the fact you only have 1 stomach! Lol. Hopefully the colonoscopy shows something but that if it does its easily sorted! Its around 27-30C here now so come over anytime....any of you!

    I have found it quite hard to be back here. Effectively 2 months back in UK even with a month here in the middle was really nice, mostly because of the weather! Even when it was cloudy and grey i was happy to go out and walk. Today for the first time since early april we walked outside!!! It wasnt bad! Yesterday I tried using my exercise bike but decided that it was pulling on my stitches 'down there' ( how long does it TAKE for them to dissolve???? Lol. A month already!)
    For those of you who dont know the week after my gynae op I ended up back in hospital as an emergency with unstable angina and ended up having an angiogram and 3 stents fitted!!!! Where did that come from??? Totally shocked me! I was really pee'd off that they assumed I was diabetic with high BP and BG etc! One nurse even wrote....'denies being diabetic' on my notes but they hadnt tested me! They finally did my cholesterol etc the day after my angiogram and guess what......all good! The only thing to worry about was that my C Reactive protein which is a marker of inflammation was 8 and they want it at 1 BUT that was taken after I had 3 stents fitted and an op the week before so....I think I probably did have inflammation dont you??? Lolol. Will test it again next week. If its still up it could explain why, despite having only 2 risk factors for coronary artery disease, family history and WAS overweight, I have had this problem. |Chronic inflammation.
    Happily I only up 3 lbs while away and its now down to within 1lb of where I was when I left but I am still healing so not being super strict just yet. Have given myself until 6 weeks post op before I go back into weightloss mode.

    For those of you who have snow....please send me some and please stay safe.
    Btw Kathy, Natural Calm is available on Amazon but it seems more expensive on there. My friend brought mine form Toronto so maybe there are other suppliers that are more reasonable.

    Ellen, havent heard anything from you in ages....hope alls well.

    I want to have a bit of a rant about my heart thingy, purely to ask for peoples views on it and how to deal with it to prevent another event!! Its pretty scary when you are doing everything right but the damage started so long before that it can still happen and the Dr's are just not interested in finding out why and how to stop more other than just giving you statins! Cant get my head straight about it yet so you are saved from that for now,lololol.

    Take care all and stay strong. Lots of love and hugs.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hi my Ladies. I'm taking a break at work right now to write this.

    Wow Jane, what an ordeal! Glad you're on the mend! And wonderful that you didn't see much of a weight gain. 3 lbs should be very doable to lose quite quickly. And Kathie too, you ladies have been going through a lot. And Rebecca too, hi everyone. It looks like Karla's adapting beautifully.

    Kathie, I buy my Natural Calm either at Superstore in the Natural foods aisle, or at my local health food store. My pharmacy also stocks it, oh and my chiropractor too, but I shop around. Superstore is usually the best price, but the health food store where I shop has 10% off one day per month, and they also stock the extra large bottle which is twice the volume and a cheaper price as well. I do the Epsom salt soaks in the bath too.

    Well work has been quite stressful this week, and my internal resources feel low. I have been experiencing elevated levels of anxiety that I have been alarmed about. The lack of support and extreme workload, along with a resurgence of harassment has been getting the better of me. I felt the fast would help, as it usually does. I was on the verge of stepping on the slippery slope of allowing higher carb snacks but they were getting to be more often instead of planned occasionally. I like to shock my body periodically by eating food I don't normally eat, then becoming more restrictive again, especially when accompanied by fasting to get back on track. I've been struggling to maintain my last weight loss. But September and October had seen larger than normal losses for me, so I can accept this period of maintenance with greater grace. I know new losses will follow with stricter adherence to my routine. I hadn't been fasting as regularly and I do love it, so this work week fast has been well-timed, and is serving to get weight loss back on track, but restore my feeling of control over eating and hopefully restore my normal good mood. It's very difficult for me to process some emotions that I have felt the need to suppress for so long. I regret to say that I have put my new friend through his paces. I am glad for him, that's for sure.

    I faced a very unexpected event yesterday that disrupted me further, and I experienced much stress over that and felt quite threatened and unappreciated. I was given no warning of a change of my work location and 5 management people physically removed all my work belongings and relocated them to an office on a resident care unit in the personal care home where I work. I will be glad for my own space, but felt so violated yesterday. Today I am unpacking my boxes and setting up. Today my perspective is more positive and I will embrace this change. But just felt that a little communication and consideration and less animosity and abruptness could have been employed. I had already felt threatened when the ambush occurred 10 minutes before I was supposed to go home. I have such stress worrying about getting my work done, that panic set in over the impossibility of keeping up under the circumstances. I'm emotionally tired today, but glad to have a place to call my own. I will be much more organized when I am settled. I'm not sure I'll be fine today, but I should be operational on Monday.

    I'm past hour 68 of my fast. Just water, black coffee and a cup of tea today. Not sure yet if I will eat supper tonight at hour 72, but likely I will then launch into a 48 hour fast over the weekend. I gave to make up for lost time.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Just a quick note. (Want to keep us going). Made it back from city yesterday, which was good, as now in full blown winter storm conditions here. People seem to forget how to drive each year & bad roads with stupid drivers make travelling a challenge. Managed good LCHF over weekend until my dad's birthday supper Sun. night. But, that's ok. Have my colonoscopy on Fri., so Thurs. will be enforced fasting with the prep, then Fri., probably won't feel like too much food either. Managed to get bit of Christmas shopping done but am a long way from finished. I've been trying to do 1 quilt/year for one of nieces & nephews. This year I still can't even get into my sewing room (after kids living here), so whomever was next has to wait til next year. I really enjoy making gifts but am not going to stress about it this year. I am making a fairy garden house for youngest niece (wish May was still here for advice) and am quite excited about that. Will wax my 2 dressers this week & put knobs on that I found in lumber store. Not what I was looking for, but will do for now.
    Jane, take it easy & try not to push yourself too hard.
    Janice, hopefully once you're settled in new place things will look up. The fasting seems to be doing incredible things for you.
    Karla, so sorry about your grandmother. The trip sounded good though. And your job sounds great.
    Going to go dig out my snowblower (leaf blower) and try & keep my deck cleared off. Shovelling after the snow has packed down on it is difficult. Keep ramming shovel into the rails, lol.
    Have a good day everyone.

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello beautiful Ladies ! I just saw the weather report out your way, Kathie....a sea of white. It looks like it's supposed to start snowing here later this evening. Maybe I should get out for a walk right now !

    Well, you had to mention Christmas. I have not started a thing in terms of presents or preparations. Last year, I had already made tons of crocheted kitchen towels, decorative hot pads, dish cloths, scented Epsom salts made with herbs from the garden, what else....I gave everyone pickles I made, then received complaints from my mother about them, and she then promptly told me to "stop making towels already!" I love those darn towels and had such fun making them ! I also bought homemade gifts for everyone, ethically made, since that is important to me. I refuse to buy manufactured crap that no one needs. I had started to make slippers for everyone earlier in the year, but once the garden was in, I ran out of time for making presents. But this year, I am extra broke, so not sure what I will do ! Maybe I could sell my body and make a few bucks ! LOL, just kidding. One month until Christmas , yikes!

    Well the city is gearing up for Grey Cup this weekend...those in Canada will know what I'm talking about. I am not a football fan. But I like to see events held where I live. I was more excited about Women's FIFA in the spring. But I love visitors in town. Apparently they are only serving Manitoba craft beer at the game, and a couple of my favourites are among them. I love to see my hometown showing it's stuff ! We know how to throw a party.

    I spent all day Friday unpacking and trying to organize my new office. I am 3/4 done, but had to stop unpacking in order to work. I LOVE having my own space ! This is quickly becoming my nutrition counselling space, lol, as I have more staff interested in our WOE. I give out info daily, and ran into a visiting nurse with whom I used to work at a different facility. I gave her my fact sheet and my home email address and will happily support her efforts. I can see myself bringing in healthy snacks to share with staff. In my office, I have a side table next to my desk, with a coffee machine set up. there is a lot of room for perhaps my slow cooker from time to time...serving up soup. I've always wanted to work in a soup kitchen, maybe I can set up my own, and teach people along the way ! This is really going to be a great change, and I can foresee my stress level dwindling considerably. My workload is enormous still and now I am even farther behind.....but there's fresh coffee and there are smiling faces of the nursing staff and residents right around the corner ! I've had a couple of residents missing me downstairs, so I feel touched that they even noticed me ! I feel hopeful. Also spending time with my special MFP friend is extremely nice too !

    All for now, I think I'd better go walk outside a bit. take care everyone.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello ladies! I promise I left a comment on here, addressing everyone, last Saturday morning before leaving for Kentucky, but it's not here! So sorry to leave you all for this long!

    @Jane, I'm so glad you stopped in to see us!! Your coronary issues are a "head scratcher". Imo: it's because of the chronic inflammation that your body has been living with, and LCHF will take some time to change that. I do believe it will improve, just will be the last thing to improve since it was likely the body's first change due to carbs. That's my take on it, anyway. I hope the scale is continuing to be your friend!! And, I'm taking things a bit slower. Energy is new for me though!

    @Kathie, I'm glad the cat scan was negative, but equally glad they haven't stopped looking for the source of your pain! Colonoscopies aren't terrible, it's the prep that's the hardest part, imo. My grandmother, who recently passed, was a quilter! I treasure the quilts she made for me through the years! Hope you get your home back, all to yourself, soon.

    @Janice! Your work situation seems to be somewhat better, at least. Being able to help others with this woe is awesome!! I understand not being ready for Christmas! I've bought a scarf for my mil so far. That's it! I love that you are spending "time" with your special MFP friend!! It's wonderful in sooooo many ways!

    Goodness, where to start!?!
    Returned from Kentucky on Monday evening after attending the burial service for my grandmother. She sent us snow flurries for the service! It was super special! I got to meet some of her nieces and nephews again that I haven't seen for forty years (it's hard to think of anything being that long ago!)! We even visited the campus of the boarding school that she attended from 1945-1949. Hazel Green Academy is now closed, but the buildings still stand, and it was awesome to see where her life was educationally shaped (she was huge on education, even helped all of her grandchildren attend college). It was a long ride (11 hours, ugh!), but so worth it.

    I stayed on plan (like I wouldn't, lol!) with LCHF while away. I was with my sisters for this trip. I have two, one older and one younger. My older sister has been trying to embrace this woe, the other isn't, though they both need it! Big sister ate mostly what I did (lead by example, right?) The other has always done her own thing. I'm passed worrying about it. They will both be type 2 diabetics soon though, and it makes me sad.

    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US. It will be celebrated at my parents home, so, I don't have control over all of the food selections. I'm baking the turkey, making cabbage sauteed in bacon grease, deviled eggs, and keto chocolate mousse to take. I'm sure the carbage will be there too, but it's not a problem for me. I have no desire to stray from this woe, so I won't. This is an amazing place to be!!!!

    The scale gave me a new low last week (193)!! Finally!! Then, was back up to 197 the next day. This morning was 195.2. I'm wondering, lately, if the Botox could be the culprit. It's injected into the muscles of my neck, shoulders, head, and face every three months. It's for migraine treatment, and is very effective, (20 migraines a month, down to 2-3)so will have to accept it for now. I believe the headaches will be the very last thing that LCHF fixes for me, since I've had them always. Fingers are crossed though! Would be nice to be rid of them though! I have slipped, comfortably, into size 14 pants, and size L tops. I'm now in uncharted territory, but goodness it's fun to be here!! But yes, New clothes (or thrift store) from here on! That's exciting!! You all have helped me get here!! Thank you!!

    With travel, and holiday there's no work this week. Will likely work a lot over the next few weeks with people wanting to get their surgical procedures done before having to meet new deductibles after the new year. It's nice to get a paycheck again! It's been so long since I've had money I can call mine! It feels good!

    Hope it's a great Wednesday for everybody! Hugs!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »

    My weight finally hit my lowest (194.4) again yesterday, but today is three pounds up again. Seeing the lower number again is wonderful though!

    You must be tall. I would have guessed that your weight was a lot lower, not that I would try to guess anyone's weight. Anyway, congratulations on your continued success!

    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Howdy Everyone!,

    Just dropping in to say hello and continued well wishes to everyone. I sure hope Ms May is well and just to busy to stop by, I miss her!!

    Last (half) day of work until Tuesday. I'm taking my Moma to Hurst (Ft Worth) to visit with my Aunt and Uncle for the holiday. I guess I'm feeling my mortality as I look at them now and see how old they are all getting (hope this doesn't offend anyone as they are all in their early 70s but all three of them have major health issues so they seem really frail these days). Moma has been in the ER just last week for elevated BP. Scares the crap outta me. BUT!!! We are going to enjoy the holiday, no cooking, TDay dinner at a diner they all love. No leftovers and no clean up! And I will be the "youngster" of the bunch.

    I wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving and those of you that don't celebrate our TDay I hope you have a great weekend. I am very grateful for each of you and this thread!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @lithezebra, I'm 55'8". Mother told me I would embrace my height one day, lol! I'm so thankful for it!

    Btw: I forgot to mention that hubby is down 10 pounds, and he still eats fruit, and drinks beer! So great to see! He has never lost that much in his life. I have warned him about the sodium, so he is eating pickles now too. He told me yesterday that he looks at potatoes and rice as evil now! Wow!!! I finally got him believing in this woe. Plus he is beginning to use a bit of hwc in his coffee. I love it!

    @Rebecca, I hope your holiday with your mother is awesome. It's sad when they can't go anymore. Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Safe travels. May is missed terribly!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American, and American holiday celebrating friends!! Make the day joyful by making wonderful memories!! Love and hugs to all of you!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I just realized we started on page 50 of this thread!! I'm so proud of us for keeping it alive!
  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    I am ready, taking over rolls, cheese hash-browns and deviled eggs. But for me I am taking Acorn squash, mashed cauliflower and a cauliflower & pumpkin custard topped with whip cream our style! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving to my amazing American friends here ! I know this is such a huge holiday for you !

    I have taken to booking this time of year off work in order to soak up some holiday spirit and get going with Christmas preparations. I am in Canada as you know, and you are my closest neighbour. Our countries have much in common, and now we also have the start of a "Black Friday " tradition here as well. So today, I have to work for 3 hours, then I will go home, put a huge chicken in the oven and celebrate sort of along with you, as I look at the store flyers and plan my shopping for tomorrow. I will get the bulk of my shopping done this weekend. I haven't started yet, so need to get going. I'll miss watching the parade though!

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    I just returned home from a lovely walk in about -11 C weather, that's about 12 F I think. The sun was shining, very little wind, and I was dressed for the weather with a hat, my fur trimmed parka and my elk skin mitts I bought in Churchill this summer. My hands were so warm !

    It was interesting to note the change in the river in such a short time. It was only about 10 days ago when the temperature was 10 C / 50 F and less than a week ago when there was no ice on the river. It was 5 days ago when I saw small ice bergs on the river.i2nrqjv6v32y.jpeg
    That was last Saturday. On Tuesday, I took another walk and there was still lots of open water, but the chunks of ice were starting to clump together having run into each other then froze together. But today, most of the river is covered with ice and snow, with thin ice forming between the ice clusters. d87a0751h9tc.jpeg
    The surface texture of the ice is very interesting to look at. I've lived here all my life, and can take the changing seasons for granted. This has been the warmest November anyone can remember, so it seems like kind of a miracle that this ice is forming so quickly. Once the ice gets thicker, I'll be down there walking on the ice!
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hi gals, popping in to catch up and say hi. Life is too busy right now with 3 parents living nearby (my parents, and my MIL in an assisted living facility) and the full round of doctors to go to with all of them. I actually forgot to put the huge ring of keys for all the businesses and city offices/facilities that I patrol back into the office on my 'Friday' at 5 am end of shift and ended up having the boss phone me the next night. My co-worker couldn't find the keys :o and I had to drive (faster than I should have) into town to meet up with her and hand them over. Apologies all around to co-worker & bosses :s but they are all awesome anyhow. I haven't been eating properly these past couple weeks LOTS of chocolate (some Lindt and some cheap crap) and whole days of just GF toast and hunks of old cheese with absolutely no veggies (not my preferred eating plan!) Up 10 lbs - but focused today and on into the next month to knock it back again. Had a wonderful time at the beginning of the month in Banff though for the 40th annual Banff Festival of Mountain Films. Amazing in-person chats with famous climbers Tommy Caldwell and Alex Honnold, lots of world premiere 'outdoor life/culture/sport' films and a workshop with a National Geographic photographer. 4 days cost me about as much as a trip to Hawaii, but it was so worth it. I'll go again for the 50th anni. and just take in the world tour of the 'best of' films when they come to our town in the years between. https://banffcentre.ca/banff-mountain-film-festival-world-tour
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @ Janice, I'm amazed at the ice! Wow, that's fast! Glad you have your warm gloves! I would love some effective gloves, but believe I would get some funny looks wearing elk skin here. Heck, we hardly ever need a true winter coat here. But, my hands still get cold, so the gloves sound lovely! Thanks for celebrating with us and congrats on the shopping successes too!

    @canadjineh! Thanks for stopping by to let us know how you are doing! Caring for aging parents can be a struggle. It's great that you acknowledge the gain (I always ignored them, that's why I'm here)! Good luck with reversing it, I know you can!

    My morbidly obese family went all out with the carbage this year (I think it was to spite me)! You name it, they had it! They have always been saboteurs! I really didn't expect anything different. That's why I took food I wanted to eat. I baked the turkey, but I also made deviled eggs and shredded cabbage sauteed in bacon grease (they chowed down on these too!), and keto chocolate mousse. My mother said, "The mousse was good, just needed more sugar (face palm!)." I don't believe they will ever understand! I wish they did!

    Scale still bounces, just not as far, at least! Lowest last week of 193 was so great to see! I've been jumping around 196 since then (better than back above 200!). So goes the process! I'm 13 pounds from my original goal! That's amazing to me! I'm sure the goal will be adjusted lower, the closer I get. I think another 5-10 lb will be added to it once I do. That would put me in the normal BMI range too! Being this close is foreign, uncharted, territory for me, but is oh, so exciting! I'm to the point where I've run out of smaller sizes to wear! The thrift store will be my store again for the rest of this transition! What a wonderful place to be!!

    I feel great! My energy is amazing! I have muscles, that I can see, and bones poking out everywhere! I can wear yoga pants (with a top that covers the hips!)!! I always felt my legs were too chunky for them, now, I wear them with pride, and with my black boots, lol!! I love everything this woe has given me!!!

    Now, to begin the Christmas crazy time! Time to decorate and SHOP! Ahhhhhhhh! Make it fun!

    Love you all! Hugs!!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Oh Ladies, I've deviated from my eating plan, and took my daughter out for lunch at a German restaurant that serves a wonderful lunch buffet. I did have more carbs than usual, but my mouth has been watering for this schnitzel for 2 years. I plan to come here once per year. They also have house made bratwurst. z09tj2f39odm.jpeg
    There was sugar in the red cabbage and I had more starch than normal but skipped the noodles and mashed potatoes. I did have dessert though and it was so good! I'm headed straight into a fast now!gzr90n53wmhv.jpeg