Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    You know, I have monster rhubarb like yours @canajineh. I haven't even picked any this year, what a waste. I should pick it and chop it up and throw it in the freezer. We would normally eat it stewed, but I make it with xylitol. But since I have been eating ZC or trying to most days, I haven't wanted to get into the rhubarb.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Nice thing about rhubarb, @Kitnthecat , is that it is high in fibre and not very high in carbs for a 'fruit fix'. I use a tiny squirt of Nesfrutta 0/0/0 water enhancer to sweeten mine. Strawberry banana flavour. 1c diced before cooking only has 26 calories, 4g net carbs 1g protein.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hhmmm.....maybe if I used stevia instead of xylitol, it would have less carbs and less chance of an insulin response. I used to eat it pre keto with vanilla ice cream, but when watching what I eat, I would pair it with plain high fat Greek yogourt. A rhubarb crisp made with almond and coconut would be a nice treat..........but not for Zero Carb........what in the world am I thinking ? That photo of yours was nice though. I tend not to do the net carbs thing and count total carbs. I'm just afraid right now that a little taste of "sweet" even though I make my rhubarb tart, would trigger cravings for more.

    Here's one use for rhubarb that I probably will do later in the summer. I'll have to freeze the rhubarb though. I make a killer beet borscht. It's part of my heritage. I make it with a rich pork based stock, with shreds of pork throughout. I put every vegetable in the garden in it, and of course it needs beets and cabbage. I also put chopped rhubarb in it to cut the sweetness of the beets. I finish it with whipping cream. It turns it very beautiful pink magenta. Tons of carbs.......but when the tomatoes and beets are ready I will have to go off plan in order to make this. Oh I forgot, my other secret is to put fresh dill weed in it. Delicious.

    Now you ladies have my secret for great borscht. No worry since no one here will dare to eat that right now. But come on over to my place in August and I'll serve you up bowl, good hot, warm or cold. I like it barely warm, with little beads of fatty cream on top. We'll see how my tummy likes it then. I know summer veggies will lead me off track. it's very odd to think of the vegetables as something sinful and off plan. I feel like I've been talking about porn or something like that. Shocking.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hhmmm.....maybe if I used stevia instead of xylitol, it would have less carbs and less chance of an insulin response. I used to eat it pre keto with vanilla ice cream, but when watching what I eat, I would pair it with plain high fat Greek yogourt. A rhubarb crisp made with almond and coconut would be a nice treat..........but not for Zero Carb........what in the world am I thinking ? That photo of yours was nice though. I tend not to do the net carbs thing and count total carbs. I'm just afraid right now that a little taste of "sweet" even though I make my rhubarb tart, would trigger cravings for more.

    Here's one use for rhubarb that I probably will do later in the summer. I'll have to freeze the rhubarb though. I make a killer beet borscht. It's part of my heritage. I make it with a rich pork based stock, with shreds of pork throughout. I put every vegetable in the garden in it, and of course it needs beets and cabbage. I also put chopped rhubarb in it to cut the sweetness of the beets. I finish it with whipping cream. It turns it very beautiful pink magenta. Tons of carbs.......but when the tomatoes and beets are ready I will have to go off plan in order to make this. Oh I forgot, my other secret is to put fresh dill weed in it. Delicious.

    Now you ladies have my secret for great borscht. No worry since no one here will dare to eat that right now. But come on over to my place in August and I'll serve you up bowl, good hot, warm or cold. I like it barely warm, with little beads of fatty cream on top. We'll see how my tummy likes it then. I know summer veggies will lead me off track. it's very odd to think of the vegetables as something sinful and off plan. I feel like I've been talking about porn or something like that. Shocking.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Seeing the huge gorgeous rhubarb and reading about Kitn's recipes has me craving the strawberry-rhubarb jam I used to make. I've always loved to make jam--strawberry, peach, plum, strawberry-rhubarb, mixed berry, etc. I enjoy the process and the taste is so much better than commercial jam. I don't know that I'll do it this year. Maybe if I could figure out a no sugar kind that tastes good. The time I tried it, nobody wanted to eat it, including me. :/

    Kitn--we'll meet at your house in August for some of that borscht! ;)

    The past few days I haven't been well; so depleted feeling. My husband told me last night that he's very worried about me and sometimes I look really ill. I think maybe it's time to add in some veggies so I'm eating more. I can't force myself to eat more meat, and I think maybe my calories are too low. I don't really know, but this is just not working very well for me. I take magnesium, a multivitamin and electrolytes, so I don't think that's the problem.
    I've kept waiting for the 'feeling great, energetic' phase that so many talk about to hit me and it never has. The only thing I know to do is to add veggies, so will do that and see if it helps. Does that make sense?
  • pamsdish
    pamsdish Posts: 30 Member
    Lost 4lb this week, seem to have hit on a carb figure that works for me, just recharging my batteries for my Wii fit, decided I must start at least the yoga again as I need the stretching and flexibility it gives me, suffer chronic back spasm if I get too bad, no gardening today raining in Wales. So rather than sit and watch recorded programmes will go and do that now, then eat.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello all. Hope everyone is having good weekend so far.
    @Janice I'll be there with Ellen for the borscht! It sounds delicious. Still planning exactly what I'll do with garden veggies when they're ready. Have tomatoes, beets, carrots, & peas. Then my fruit trees are chokecherry, saskatoons, crabapple, apple, strawberries & raspberries. I also have rhubarb.
    @Ellen so sorry you're struggling. It's sweet your husband is concerned.
    @Jane your holiday sounded awesome. Love your comments.
    Been trying to get out to garden all week, but between bad weather, wedding blow ups, & daughter changing her university major/minor then finding right classes to register in there's never enough time. (House is a mess, too!)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hmmm, rhubarb in borscht... great idea; my DH is from Polish/Ukrainian stock and we do borscht during beet season and I freeze some for later. He loves sauerkraut in his and must have full fat yogourt on top, I'm also a fan of the white borscht with cabbage but no beets (kind of a riff on traditional Polish Easter soup). It uses a fair bit of butter & cream in the traditional soup but I like it with cabbage & carrot in it: here's a good base recipe and just add shredded cabbage/carrot - http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easter-white-borscht/detail.aspx?prop24=RD_RelatedRecipes
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited June 2015
    @wheatlessgirl66 : I had the same problem when I was losing weight on Keto (under 30g net carb) - after a while I became ill, fatigued, and just felt 'off.' AND I stopped losing weight/inches. When I bumped my carbs up a bit to 50g net I felt tons better, had more energy, and began to lose fat weight again. Not trying to push you off your program, but it could be something to consider. Our bodies are all so different and it takes a lot of tweaking to find your 'sweet spot.'
    @krazyforyou : You could try 'binge cooking', lol. Designate one day to just cook a bunch of freezable meals or base items like roasted chicken, or bacon, or whatever and then you can just take it out and nuke it when you don't feel like cooking. That way you only have to do it once or twice a week.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope everyone's weekend is going well. Hubby got me up for quiet coffee on deck this morning. Told me it was 8:00 am but when I got outside, realized he'd lied! It was only 6. I am not a morning person (clock is on his side of bed for a reason). But I have to admit he was right (not that this will go further than this page) it's gorgeous out here. He's off puttering in yard & I'm soaking in the sun & bird songs. So calm & peaceful & after much needed rain, everything is greening back up. Can finally get back to garden today, am putting wedding on back burner & just going to weed, weed, weed.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Sounds lovely ! It's the summer solstice today, and as I was up at 0430 going to the bathroom, I noticed that the sky was already getting light in preparation for the sunrise. Longest day and shortest night of the year for us. Wish I was in Churchill now since being further north, the day is maybe 2 hours longer than ours here...just an estimate, I didn't look it up. But I remember as a kid camping up north and marveling at how late the sun stayed up and how short the night was. I love the quiet of the morning and listening to everything around me, and felling part of the universe.

    I have cedar trees on either side of my house, and lots of birds ( have no idea what kind of birds). There is a birds' nest in the tree right by my bedroom window and I can hear them singing...still singing right now. Then the squirrels get going, especially when I bring Kitn out in the yard with me....pretty soon we will go out and I will soak up the sun.

    More housework to do, then out I go ! Have a great day ladies.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Since I work nights mainly outside, I get to see the lovely sunset & sunrise over the lake here. At 2:45 there is a little hint of light on the horizon, and the birds get singing up a storm from about 3:15 on. It's beautiful to be out at that time, walking in the fresh air, getting the parks opened up for the day. These two were taken at 9:15 pm and 10:15 pm so not sunrise but similar look in the other direction, lol.

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Beautiful !
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Been an interesting weekend, with all of the national news about South Carolina. Evil does exist in many shapes and sizes. All we can do is pray for guidance and grace. Its been a much better weekend at work, less stressful. I don't think I'll be falling face first in a pint of ice cream tonight. @canadjineh I do try and cook ahead with some items. Its just that some days don't have enough hours in them. The new dog, Gibbs is a treat, at 7 mo old to him everything is a toy, including my plant on the deck. Gotta run waiting on 11PM to go home.
  • fortunebc
    fortunebc Posts: 24 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Sounds lovely ! It's the summer solstice today, and as I was up at 0430 going to the bathroom, I noticed that the sky was already getting light in preparation for the sunrise. Longest day and shortest night of the year for us. Wish I was in Churchill now since being further north, the day is maybe 2 hours longer than ours here...just an estimate, I didn't look it up. But I remember as a kid camping up north and marveling at how late the sun stayed up and how short the night was. I love the quiet of the morning and listening to everything around me, and felling part of the universe.

    I have cedar trees on either side of my house, and lots of birds ( have no idea what kind of birds). There is a birds' nest in the tree right by my bedroom window and I can hear them singing...still singing right now. Then the squirrels get going, especially when I bring Kitn out in the yard with me....pretty soon we will go out and I will soak up the sun.

    More housework to do, then out I go ! Have a great day ladies.
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Sounds lovely ! It's the summer solstice today, and as I was up at 0430 going to the bathroom, I noticed that the sky was already getting light in preparation for the sunrise. Longest day and shortest night of the year for us. Wish I was in Churchill now since being further north, the day is maybe 2 hours longer than ours here...just an estimate, I didn't look it up. But I remember as a kid camping up north and marveling at how late the sun stayed up and how short the night was. I love the quiet of the morning and listening to everything around me, and felling part of the universe.

    I have cedar trees on either side of my house, and lots of birds ( have no idea what kind of birds). There is a birds' nest in the tree right by my bedroom window and I can hear them singing...still singing right now. Then the squirrels get going, especially when I bring Kitn out in the yard with me....pretty soon we will go out and I will soak up the sun.

    More housework to do, then out I go ! Have a great day ladies.
    Been an interesting weekend, with all of the national news about South Carolina. Evil does exist in many shapes and sizes. All we can do is pray for guidance and grace. Its been a much better weekend at work, less stressful. I don't think I'll be falling face first in a pint of ice cream tonight. @canadjineh I do try and cook ahead with some items. Its just that some days don't have enough hours in them. The new dog, Gibbs is a treat, at 7 mo old to him everything is a toy, including my plant on the deck. Gotta run waiting on 11PM to go home.

  • fortunebc
    fortunebc Posts: 24 Member
    fortunebc wrote: »
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Sounds lovely ! It's the summer solstice today, and as I was up at 0430 going to the bathroom, I noticed that the sky was already getting light in preparation for the sunrise. Longest day and shortest night of the year for us. Wish I was in Churchill now since being further north, the day is maybe 2 hours longer than ours here...just an estimate, I didn't look it up. But I remember as a kid camping up north and marveling at how late the sun stayed up and how short the night was. I love the quiet of the morning and listening to everything around me, and felling part of the universe.

    I have cedar trees on either side of my house, and lots of birds ( have no idea what kind of birds). There is a birds' nest in the tree right by my bedroom window and I can hear them singing...still singing right now. Then the squirrels get going, especially when I bring Kitn out in the yard with me....pretty soon we will go out and I will soak up the sun.

    More housework to do, then out I go ! Have a great day ladies.
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Sounds lovely ! It's the summer solstice today, and as I was up at 0430 going to the bathroom, I noticed that the sky was already getting light in preparation for the sunrise. Longest day and shortest night of the year for us. Wish I was in Churchill now since being further north, the day is maybe 2 hours longer than ours here...just an estimate, I didn't look it up. But I remember as a kid camping up north and marveling at how late the sun stayed up and how short the night was. I love the quiet of the morning and listening to everything around me, and felling part of the universe.

    I have cedar trees on either side of my house, and lots of birds ( have no idea what kind of birds). There is a birds' nest in the tree right by my bedroom window and I can hear them singing...still singing right now. Then the squirrels get going, especially when I bring Kitn out in the yard with me....pretty soon we will go out and I will soak up the sun.

    More housework to do, then out I go ! Have a great day ladies.
    Been an interesting weekend, with all of the national news about South Carolina. Evil does exist in many shapes and sizes. All we can do is pray for guidance and grace. Its been a much better weekend at work, less stressful. I don't think I'll be falling face first in a pint of ice cream tonight. @canadjineh I do try and cook ahead with some items. Its just that some days don't have enough hours in them. The new dog, Gibbs is a treat, at 7 mo old to him everything is a toy, including my plant on the deck. Gotta run waiting on 11PM to go home.

  • fortunebc
    fortunebc Posts: 24 Member
    I hope I'm not too old to join you lovely ladies, (I'm 75) but reading thru some of the earlier comments I'm also experiencing similar ups and downs with my weight. I broke my ankle last year and I am still not steady enough on my feet to do much hard walking. But supposedly exercise is not the only way to lose weight so I'm giving it a try without exercise. Did change from "sedentary" to " slight activity" since i do a bit of gardening, when its not pouring rain. I started out April 9 at 206# on a LCHF woe, and after a first week of losing 7 # water weight i have very very slowly got to 193, but for the last 4 weeks I've been stuck here up or down a pound. I .tried a "fat fast" for 3 days, lost 3 pound, gained back 1 for a net loss of 2. But it was rough going and I wouldn't want to do it too often. My goals from MFP are carbs 5%, protein 20 and fat 75%. Calories 1360. I use ketostix and i can only just get trace ketones if I stay below 17g of carbs. I do drink water with lemon all day, and 4 cups of tea with whipping cream.

    It seems as we get older it's harder to lose, but I wodered if any of you had any plateau fixes, when heavy exercise is out?
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Welcome @fortunebc ! You have landed in the right place. Of course you're not too old to join us. You will have a of of support as these ladies have a wealth of experience to share.

    I had an initial weight loss of 13 pounds in March when I started, and then my weight loss slowed down to 1 pound per month in April and May. Lowering my carbs to under 10g daily helped me start to lose weight again, but it looks like my body is getting used to this more recent weightloss before it decides to drop more.

    Good luck !
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hello everyone <3 I'm so very excited to see our new ladies. We seem to attract the most gorgeous ladies in the whole of MFP in my opinion. Welcome to you all and please do post about your experiences, good or bad so that we can all help one another as friends. And *nobody* is too old to be here. 'Over 50' covers a huge scope ;)

    I've loved reading everyone's posts over the weekend, and the beautiful photos too. I would so love to answer everyone individually as I usually do, but occasionally the task is beyond my time limitations so please for give me this time.

    I had a weight gain this morning but the weekend was impossible to control between meals out, family crises, and just plain too much to do. This is life, and I tried to deal with it the best I could. I'm hoping the gain will go away again quickly, but we all know what this game is like for us 'experienced girls'.

    I know a few of you have asked for photos of the crafts that David and I have been up to so here you are...

    The Australian outback house that David made. There's the house, 'dunny' (that's the Aussie name for an outside toilet), windmill and water tank. For size reference, the roof was made from the centre 'core' of corrugated cardboard and the light inside the house is a battery-powered tea light candle.

    Here's one of the 2 'mermaid tails' that I crocheted for our granddaughters. The crochet is in crocodile stitch hand-sewn onto a fleecy, home-made waist-high sleeping bag/afghan so they can each snuggle into one on cold winter nights to watch TV or whatever. David did the machine sewing to join the bags and some feature top-stitching on the fins that you can't see here.

    My miniature gazebo and garden so far. This is a long way from complete as I have trees and flowers to make. But here's the gazebo, which came as a kit that I had to paint and assemble, the pond which I created from scratch in a discarded bit of plastic that was the wrapping around a toy at Christmas. The paving stones are made by cutting squares from egg carton lids and painting them. The grass is painted sawdust. Ask if you have any questions.

    And the piece de resistance, as they say, is the shepherd's caravan that David has just finished. The house was his first ever miniature; this is his second. I'm totally stunned at how well he's doing with this. For size reference, the 2 shepherd's crooks along the visible side of the van (just above the wheels) are made with kebab skewers. He made everything - carved every spoke of the wheels and etc. He even turned the salt and pepper shakers and pots using his drill as a lathe.

    Hoping everyone has a great week, including some decent and permanent weight loss. We surely work hard for every pound/kilo lost!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    I am speechless!!!! And most of you know rare that is!!!!

    May (and David) these are amazing, I am totally in awe of what you have done!! They are beautiful and I envy the skill and patience you have!

    See.....I just sat trying to find other words....and cant!! Thank you so much for sharing! <3:)<3