Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you are all doing really well! Its been a while since I have had the opportunity to actually sit down and write on our thread. Been 'forced' to go on a sudden holiday to Kuala Lumpur. Because we have our own business we often just have 48 hours notice of when we can get away and hubs said we could so who am I to argue! :)
    Its taken me ages to read through all the posts but my overwhelming feeling is......what a lovely group of ladies you are! Lol. We are sooo lucky to be together in this! I honestly have never come across a group so supportive and loving!!
    To any of our newbies......welcome and so glad you have joined us!
    @Rebecca, soooo sorry to read about everything you have had to face after everything you have been through this year but.....a fresh start in all ways is such an opportunity. I laughed out loud reading about your sons reaction to the dinner invite! Kids! Lol. So....did you go yet? if not why not?? No time like the present, it may lift you in ways you never imagined!! wink wink. And when you do(if you havent yet)you should know by now we will want details!!!lololol
    I should be a very happy bunny today, my weight is at a new low....for something like 13 years! Hurray but I have been a grump most of the day! Not like me at all but I guess its post-holiday blues especially coming back here to 45C temperatures.
    Yesterday hubby came home and told me he had got me a prezzie....no not jewellry or something to eat but....an exercise bike! The recumbent variety so that I dont hurt my back/knees/prolapse!! It will be delivered in 3 or 4 days. You never know I may have to change my status from sedentary!! I intend placing it under an A/C facing the tv so I dont get bored which is what i usually do! Lolol.
    Just a little observation...I seem to be naturally gravitating towards ZC! I have always been a rampant carnivore and adore butter etc so we shall see although it wont be a deliberate thing. I have to say that while away it was funny to see hubby actually asking for butter to put on his bacon and eggs etc! Never thought I would see that!!!
    We got some time to do the shopping today and he suddenly turned to me and said...'isnt it weird....I have a craving!!! But not for cakes or sweets...I want clotted cream(extra extra thick fattiest cream in case you dont know it) and I just want to sit and eat a tub by itself!!!!!' Lolol. I think its safe to say he's definitely one of us.

    Update on granny-to-be.....yes Im still going to be one and Tinka is now 13 weeks, due 16th Dec, but I am STILL not officially in the know. Chris said that they are so scared having gone through so much to get this far that if they announce it its like inviting disaster!! Poor things. I told him to just share it and enjoy it because this being the first it wont happen again and it would be a shame to waste time worrying. He will be here overnight in a couple of weeks and is going to discuss whether I can be 'told' then,lolol.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    My first name is ....Kathleen(go by Kathie)
    I chose my user name last time I was on MFP. I was still coaching figure skating & some people call me Kate.
    My birthday is May 7th.
    My favourite LCHF meal is BPC for breakfast and a well cooked steak.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Jane you're hubby sounds so sweet. You're lucky he's joined this woe. Mine was mildly interested for about 24 hrs then decided it wasn't for him (potatoes guy all the way). He does find it odd that I eat whipped cream with cocoa powder for treats, while he's munching popcorn. Congrats on being a granny. I can understand their hesitance, I lost 4 before my 2 miracles arrived.
    @Janice we're almost twins! And closer geographically than the "exotic" ladies. (Anywhere outside of rural Sask is exotic).
    @May the nails still blow me away. I can't grow my own, so treat myself a few times/yr to some gel nails. My sisterinlaw uses a shellac product on her own nails & they are hard as steel & it lasts forever.
    I've also noticed some days am almost ZC. Think I feel better those days too.
    Have a great day/evening everyone
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you so much everyone (so far), Janice, Ellen, Susan, Jane and Kathie, for sharing your names etc. I love that in this group we can chat by name, and I’m hoping that we can do birthday wishes as IRL friends would
    @Jane Sorry you’re feeling grumpy today and hope it passes quickly. David is rarely grumpy but does a damn good job of it while he is LOL A friend of mine has an outdoor recumbent bike that she rides to work every day. They’re awesome things and I hope you love yours. When I’m on my tready I watch virtual scenery on a TV screen and my absolute favourite is this journey through the English country lanes ending at Corfe Castle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mORHBUs9KU
    I’m so thrilled your non-better half has turned to the dark, fatty side ;) I hope you ‘find out’ soon that you’re going to be a grandma. Having to pretend must be driving you crazy.

    @Kathie I agree on Jane’s husband, he sounds like such a perfect catch doesn’t he? Oh no, I’m so terribly sorry to hear of your 4 lost angels. I can’t imagine the sorrow that time must have brought to you. I’m just happy that you have your miracles at last. One of my cousins lost full-term triplets (after years of IVF), but finally now has twin girls who are fit and healthy and full of life. Laughing about being called exotic but I know *exactly* what you mean. I always hated being English because it seemed so totally boring and ordinary – as bland as a glass of tepid water ha ha! I’ll post manicure pics from time to time when I’m particularly happy with one. I have abstract lavender at the moment but it’s not what I’d dreamed of and will have another go in a few days. I’ve heard of shellac and gel nails but don’t know much about them. The shellac ones sound great. I wish I could be ZC but Goat and Kirkor said that you need to eat a fair percentage of beef to be fully ZC and I can barely eat it at all.

    Now David’s back at work I have a ‘to do list’ as long as my arm but I’m determined to be a human being, not a human doing, and not get worked up and stressed about it. I just need a lotto win, a chef and a maid. Maybe a gopher as well. You just can’t have enough minions :D Yesterday I had my brunch ‘too early’ because David had an early start at work. Then dinner was too early because my son and grandson had to get going. I was already 50 calories over goal with 7 hours to go until bed time. So I blew the calorie and fat goals for the day and the scales told me they’d noticed this morning. Oh well, I find I’m not very hungry today thank goodness. I never did that before keto. Every day was a good day to eat cart-loads prior to that.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    My first name is... Liana (Italian)
    I chose my username because... I'm Canadjin, eh?
    My birthday day and month is... March 17th
    My favourite LCHF meal is... a salad of Blue Cheese, Roast chicken breast, Raw Macadamia nut, with mixed red & butter lettuces, with a sprinkle of craisins on top and a hibiscus infused balsamic vinegar reduction dressing. Did I mention cheese..... we have at least 5 types in the fridge at any one time, cream, very old white cheddar, Gruyere for fondue & eating, Blue, and Extra Aged Gouda (usually). Sometimes Swiss and Jalapeno Jack for a change.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited June 2015
    I blinked at 'gophers', GrannyMaeOz! Evil little beasts (actually Columbia ground squirrels here- but we all call them gophers)! They make a horrible lumpy holey mess of the yard if they decide to 'migrate' from the fields surrounding us. You don't want gophers - trust me, you want go-fers, lol. ;)
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    OMG May!!!! What are you doing to me????? I know these roads like the back of my hand....all of them!! I have been along these thousands of times!!! Talk about making me more homesick!!! :'(:'(:p:D
    This is one of the most beautiful areas and the coast along there and the rest of the countryside isnt seen on this video but I will see what I can find to show you all! It must be very calming going along exercising to this!

    @Liana welcome in your true name! Lol. You are welcome to come and feed me anytime! I love the sound of your food and taste in cheeses!

    Kathie(not Kate now,lol) you have my heart with you! It took me 8 attempts to get my 2 boys so I know some of what you must have gone through. Each experience is the different and affects us differently so I wont say I know what you have gone through!

    Im back to my usual self today which is what usually happens which is probably just as well!! Yes hubby is wonderful but, like a lot of men, he can also be difficult!LOLOLOL. I have had to learn how to deal with his moods and stress. He comes from a family that internalises everything...I dont! >:) I have had to teach him to show and say about what hes feeling instead....has lead to some amazing rows but we get over them. Its not usually me thats the cause but life! Hehehe, he says Im difficult to live with!!!! I disagree.....I dont know what he means!!! ;)

    May, you should come and live here! Most of the, I was going to say westerners but its not just us- its most above a certain employment level I guess, people here have maids or cleaners, drivers, handymen, gardeners etc.
    I dont!!!! It drives me mad!
    For the westerners we mostly move here from modest homes where we deal with everything ourselves. We may have a cleaner. I used to have someone in the UK who did my ironing as I HATE ironing, but usually work full time and do it ourselves. Then they move here into an apartment or 'Villa' (read house unless you are top of the tree in which case it is a Villa!) and suddenly just cant do anything for themselves! They need a maid, a nanny etc etc etc. The Gulfan arabs and rich 'other' arabs, rich Indians and Pakistanis all have them as a matter of course. Many times we read of problems with the way staff are treated and kids have bad behaviour because they dont know their parents who seem to just hand over everything to the nanny/maid.
    I just cant bring myself to justify not doing it myself. Theres only the two of us and I dont exactly have so much to do that I dont have time. At times I think it would be nice, especially the ironing, but these people take laziness to the limit....sorry they are not lazy, they are socialising! Whats worse is that the maids are usually Filipinos and they get paid between 700-1000Dhs a month which is £120-175($195-277US) per month!!! They work 7 days a week and get board and lodging but it could be a room the size of a cupboard and scraps. They may get a flight home once a year...after 2 years work! They take it because they need to help their families and people who couldnt dream of having a maid at home suddenly have them because they NEED a maid or its expected. Of course not everyone treats them badly but then, not everyone needs one either! Lol.
    Ohhhh, a rant! Lol.Sorry! In case you cant tell the pretentiousness of some people when they come here and any mistreating of people drives me mad!

    After all that I know just what you mean! Lolol, Liana I laughed when I read your comments about the gopher.....funny how different words conjour up different things in our minds. Being such an international group I often have to be very careful what I say in case I inadvertently upset someone with something! Its always a relief to sit down with British friends and know I can just natter away using colloquialisms that they will understand!! Lol.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Liana Bongiorno! Love the username. It’s so good to now have a smile about that. I love cheese too. We currently have mature cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, Philadelphia cream cheese, babybel, cheese pods (that are similar to babybel) and ‘happy cheese’ which is what we call those portions in the round box that are either called Laughing Cow or La Vache Que Rie. Oh, and some edam which makes amazing cheese chips if you fry thin slices of it. Oh I see. We don’t have animal gophers here so I didn’t give my spelling a thought. That'll teach me. You are right of course!

    @Jane Oh noooo! I only expected that you would enjoy it the way I do. I am sorry. I looked at GoogleMaps after I’d watched it a few times, to find out where the caravan park is that they start at. Talk about Sherlock!!! It took me quite some time, and then I mapped out the whole route. Tracking the trip after the first view of the castle tour group took a bit to work out as well, but I enjoy a good sleuthing from time to time. I’m so pleased you are cheery again today though! And as to husbands. Mine’s probably as good as they get but drives me mad too. No. 1 He has bad hearing and rarely wears his hearing aids because’ it’s my fault for speaking too quietly’. No. 2 He hears the sounds I’m making but doesn’t bother to allow them into his brain to interpret them into words and meanings. No. 3 If he hears the first few words he invents the rest of what I’m going to say (90% of the time incorrectly) or No. 4 his grasp of English is about a 3/10 and apparently I talk above his level, even though my granddaughters, since age 4 or 5 understand me better than he does with no ‘dumbing down’ on my part. Oh gosh, I couldn’t employ someone and work them 7 days a week for a pittance. They’d have to be fairly treated, fairly paid, and enjoy friend status!

    I always loved Okker (Australian) words, but they’ve practically died out in the 43 years that I’ve lived here, it’s so sad. We’re becoming little America, fast! Despite the fact that there are so few Americans actually living here. It’s the demon TV and movies. And computer games too I suppose.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Gophers ? We have Prairie Dogs here, they are ground squirrels, I'm not sure if they are a different type of ground squirrels that others in Canada. They have underground burrows and make tunnels etc. But I think they are adorable and intelligent, but then I am an animal lover and I don't have prairie dogs in my yard, just bunnies under my deck and tree squirrels everywhere.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    May, sweety,lol, please dont be sorry!!! Its funny to see that this is your favourite video to walk to!! I am on the hunt for more now to share my original lovely part of the world. B)<3
    Anyone else got videos of their part of the world to share with us???

    So David has that most common of male afflictions......selective hearing!!! :D:D You know what they say...patience is a virtue, catch it if you can. Seldom found in women But never in a man!!!! I reckon our patience comes from repeating ourselves to make sure they actually register it!!! Heheheh.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh Janice, I used to love the squirrels in England. There's grey or red and one kind is rare but I can't remember which.

    Oh phew Jane, I certainly didn't want to make you homesick. I've seen one cycling video made in Oz, though it's from over east cycling along a path in suburbia. Certainly nothing worth sharing. I'll have to see if I can do a video of my area to share.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    I am on and off these posts due to my hectic "retired" schedule. I have been out of town on road trips more than in town LOL I do love reading all your posts, they really inspire me. Been doing lots of yard work (my yard is 5 acres) so lots of physical activities for me in liu of "working out". Home for the summer and playing catch up on everything around here !!
    My first name is...Cindy
    I chose my username because...It is my late husband and mine's Kennel name
    My birthday day and month is...July, summer baby!
    My favourite LCHF meal is...BBQ's ribeye with lots of butter and my "gourmet burgers"
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Let me do this first so I don't forget!

    My first name is... Rebecca - - Moma says Rebekkah Ahnne but I quit fighting the spelling long ago
    I chose my username because... It's my email and I didn't know I was supposed to go incognito!
    My birthday day and month is... Aug 9
    My favourite LCHF meal is... A shrimp linguine ("noodles" made from strips of scrambled egg)

    I'm still doing my Ashwaganda and Valerian when I can but they make me really sleepy so I only take them when I'm able to get into bed to sleep.... No real updates except that they really help with sleep for me.

    Packing is done, Pods are moved, and houses are ready for destruction. We are due for another round of storms with Carlos and Bill coming at us from different directions. We had another 6 inches of rain just last night so, well, ug!

    No dates anywhere in the near future for me but it was nice to be asked. My sons are overprotective sarcastic monsters (they learned from the best!) but they are very supportive too so I consider myself blessed with them. Yes, I will let you know if/when it ever happens.

    So much going on with everyone. I just love reading all the updates.

    Love the video. My dream vacation is a month in the wild Irish countryside. Some day I will get there!

    Prairie Dogs, ooo, we used to go to Prairie Dog Town here in Texas and sit for hours watching them play. Thanks for that reminder.

    Ms Jane I will keep your Grand"peanut" in my prayers.

    Wishing you all a good day!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    The scale is moving!! It didn't seem to be doing much the first few weeks. It bounced around so much, I didn't know if it was water weight, or what. Then Saturday, it showed a 1.2 pound loss from my bouncing low. Then Sunday Another 2.2. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Today it was up .4 but still this makes it like 10 pounds down from my bouncing high. I think maybe my hormones/cortisol/ whatever needed time to settle down before it let go of any weight.

    I'm 35 days in.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Brilliant deksgrl! So happy for you! :)

    Red squirrels are the rare ones! I believe the grey ones were imports some how from America and beat up all our lovely red ones!!!lololol.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Ahhh yes, La Vache Qui Rit - forgot I have a Jalapeno and a Plain in the back of the fridge for emergency travel snacks, lol. I like Black Tailed Prairie Dogs, who also provide burrows for owls out on the prairie, but the Columbia Ground Squirrel is very destructive and stooopid to boot! I have had hundreds of dollars of expensive Parrot Tulip Bulbs eaten over a few years before I learned only to plant daffodil bulbs. And they wait at the side of the road to run out in front of your vehicle and commit suicide under your wheels (somewhat like pheasants, lol).
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Aww, cute. Yes, it's true about the bulbs. I planted calla lilies in pots and the squirrels have been rooting through the pots looking for them. I'm not sure how many may have been taken yet.

    As for the suicide, that turns my stomach. I once ran over one on Hecla Island coming home from camping, could not avoid him. It was sickening. I felt the bump, then looked back and saw the poor creature writhing on the road before he died. I felt such anguish that I killed something that I will brake for everything now, even squirrels drinking in the puddles of rain water in our back lane. sigh.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Cindy I think I’m the same. Don’t work for money but there aren’t nearly enough hours in a day. I’m a July baby too – what date is yours?

    @Rebecca. I love your other spelling, but obviously go with the one you prefer. I’ve been taking my ashwaganda an hour or so before bed so that sleepy isn’t a problem. I’ve been taking half the dosage to see if there’s any belly reduction with that but, if no change by Friday I’ll take the 2 tablets as it says on the bottle. I’m glad your packing is done but oh gosh, you mustn’t be too excited about the other storms forecast. I do hope everything stays well for you! I hope the guy may still call you. I bet Ireland is beautiful. You could visit TotalOblivia while you’re there.

    @deksgrl Awesome!!! Are you taking any of the supplements we’ve discussed, or ‘just’ doing LCHF?

    @Jane Thank you. I was too young to remember the squirrel details. There are possums here that fulfil those cute/scampering/getting into roof space duties for us, but not in the metro area.

    @Liana Our happy cheese only comes in full fat or reduced fat, no flavours. Oh and I found some feta cheese in my fridge as well, but I lied about the mozzarella – looks like we’re out. I could live on eggs and cheese if that were possible.

    @Liana and @Janice So sorry about your bulbs being eaten, what a shame! Bulbs cost an absolute fortune here, I hope it’s not the same for yous? [There’s an Australian word for you. ‘Yous’ the plural LOL] Oh, how sad about running over the animals, and what a horrible memory for you @Janice :( I had a similar experience where I hit a cat that had already been half run over by the car in front of me. I was so upset but went back knowing I would have to finish the job rather than leave it in pain. Still don’t know if I could have done it because the cat had gone. Haunted me for years. I can’t kill anything other than insects. I even have trouble pulling weeds at times ROFL

    Went out for lunch today and ordered barramundi (Australia’s most prized fish), ‘hold the chips and could I have salad or veggies instead’. The meal arrived and I got the barra, *masses* of chips and a tiny salad that was mostly something similar to spinach, 1 tiniest-I’ve-*ever*-seen cherry-tomato, a teaspoonful of grated carrot and 2 slithers of onion. I opened my mouth to mention the chips but didn't bother and just left them. The other 3 people had a huge slab each of beef wellington with a side of winter veggies and raved on about how filling and delicious it was. Boo hoo poor hungry me :( To be truthful though, after a big calorie and fat blow-out on Sunday I’ve not been very hungry yesterday or today.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh and I meant to say. My petite cousin lost weight last year and I praised her and congratulated her on her achievement. Today she said to me "So, you've lost some weight". A statement, not a question. No sh.. sherlock - David had said that I had at lunch. I knew there would be nothing further so I just said "Yes. A bit" and left it at that. Aren't some people funny AKA compliment-giving phobic >:) I've told her I'm grain-free and sugar-free and that's all I will be saying. She would definitely 'worry' about me if I told her the whole truth.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Whew! Took a bit, but I made it through all of your posts. I love reading them all!

    My first name is Karla (Karlotta too, but have always been called Karla)
    I chose my username because it was easy to remember. (The p is the initial of my last name)
    My birthday is 22 September (we share a birthday Jane! :smile: )
    My favorite LCHF meal is a ribeye with butter and grilled shrimp!

    @Jane, Sharing a birthday is neat! I actually have two cousins on my dad's side, and one one my mom's side, that I share the day with too! I enjoyed hearing about your holiday. Good to get away, whenever you can! ZC has been life altering for me. I hope it continues to be for you as well! I know you have to be excited about becoming a grandmother, but understand their reluctance to jinx themselves by going public. I hope some of that worry is eased for them and they get to enjoy the pregnancy too. I, too, am horrified when learning of mistreatment of anyone, or anything! I don't understand how anyone can do that.
    @May, your exercise video is lovely! What a great way to pass the time while exercising! The landscape looks breathtaking! I have a husband with selective type hearing too! It's frustrating how they interpret our words, lol! I increased the valarian to two capsules, at night. I've been sleeping until 6am, instead of 4 (or earlier some days). I'm liking the results so far!
    @Rebecca, I thought of you when I saw the track they predicted for Bill! I hope they move through quickly, though that means they will get to me sooner (LOL!)! I'm happy the construction is proceeding well! What a challenge it must be!
    @Ellen, hope you are recovering well!
    I know I've missed some of you (Janice, Kathie, Cindy...) but you all mean the world to me!

    I enjoyed my weekend with friends! We went to eat Saturday evening (they chose the restaurant) at an all you can eat, fried catfish, chicken and shrimp place. They had one menu item, broiled catfish (didn't even have a burger) that I could eat. I won't be going back there. Sunday we grilled burgers and they were yummy. It was nice to spend time with my friend, face to face. I haven't been back on the scale (I'm scared to now). Even my waist measurement increased by one half inch!(??) Don't understand, but have to accept it as part of the process for me. When I know that I haven't changed anything about my food it has to be part of the healing process that's going on inside. I have to trust that! Have a great day everyone! {{{HUGS}}}