Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    They list the net carbs on the front of the package. I ate them when I was still lc. Haven't had them since the beginning. But they were good for someone who wants a treat and can fit them in.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh wow, so many wonderful posts. I love being a part of this group so much! Some amazing victories for many of you, be it food, weight loss, work achieved or etc. So heart-warming to read!

    David sees the surgeon tomorrow morning and should be cleared for work Friday. Then he's rostered off for Sat, Sun and Mon ha har!!! I feel sad for not having time to reply to each of your posts individually, but ask that you bear with me until at least next Tuesday when I get The Man packed off back to his usual working routine, and me to mine ;) I'm still absolutely loving it with him home and will eventually post photos of the crafts that we've both been up to.

    The daily valerian tablet seems to be working a treat for my weight. And my peace of mind too actually, though I had a bit of anxiety last evening before bed. Sun night I'd taken a magnesium supplement before bed and it had set my heart pounding. Usual rhythm, but far too intense. It took me hours to actually get properly to sleep, partly because of the pounding and partly because of worrying about the pounding. I've had the same effect from potassium supplements in recent times so there will be no more of either for me. Obviously I not only don't need them, but my body doesn't *want* them either! Other than that one night I'm sleeping more soundly than I have for years - and I do love my sleep.

    Yesterday we were out for the day with our 2 sons and 3 grandchildren. It was so special to have them all to ourselves. My son bought me a soy milk coffee, which was so kind, and well motivated, so of course I drank it. Then later I had a cow's milk one. We'd taken boiled eggs, cheese 'pods' and nuts to eat so the second coffee was my only choice not to feel hungry. Had a shared dinner with one son and grandson and was then really hungry before bed so had some left-over tuna bake. Calories for the day were fine, but carbs over 50g and fat a little lower than I like. Only up 300 grams (.6 lb) this morning so hopefully that will disappear again quickly.

    Have a great week Ladies <3
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    May, all that valerian root is fine, but I really think that the reason you are sleeping better is due to your "honeymoon" with your Sweetie after his surgery...wink, wink.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Lolol. WOW! What an active bunch we are!

    Janice....I thought holidays were for relaxing??? You sound as though you need to go back to work for a rest! I guess its a different kind of stress and exhaustion than mental stress. Keep an eye on your symptoms though....I dont know if our bodies differentiate between the two. You dont want to raise your cortisol levels from your brief time off! On the other hand I am sitting here green with envy at all the things you have planted! I keep reading recipes for spaghetti squash. Mum used to grow then, may still do, but no chance of finding them here ....or in the shops in the UK either. I think Ill ask mum to grow some, you never know if I get to visit in september they may be ready for me.

    kate please take it easy rushing around trying to clear everything. I know with Hashimotos you can have a 'must finish things' streak and that just puts you under more stress. More time by the pond contemplating the beauty around you or counting mozzies and sending them to people who irritate you!
    Regarding Atkins bars we have used them for 12 years and I have never seen 18gm carb anywhere! I even went and checked all the varieties we have in the fridge(about 6!) and none of them show carbs that high. The only thing showing around that is protein. Could it be a misprinted batch??? Try checking out their website for the ones you got or let me know and I'll see if I have the same and we can compare. I have found them brilliant when we are out and about. Lunch with a cup of coffee and cream! Only prob is the malitol can give you loud and inglorious wind! Happily hubby eats them as much as me so we can be noisy and smelly together!

    Ellen I am so sorry that ZC doesnt seem to be doing the trick with you....yet...maybe you need to give it a bit longer. I know we all want things to change quickly for us but we also know our bodies just take their own time. Maybe its dealing with your subliminal stress about your procedure. Maybe this is boosting your cortisol? This all adds to your fybro so just take your time and try out suggestions like Karlas for things to make your food more interesting. Why not start a thread asking people for their ideas and recipes. I was happy to see a hollondaise sauce recipe posted...I think this could be yummy! Actually I am finding myself inadvertantly going more and more ZC as I am a bit fed up of salad but quite happy with meats eggs etc.

    Well, Karla....what can I say except congratulations! I know we are all very happy for you as well as somewhat whistful wishing it was us!!! I know I am. Its close to 13 weeks I have been doing LCHF and my total loss inc pre MFP is 17.5lbs.Just over a pound a week I suppose but too slow(for me anyway) I actually dont feel much slimmer now as I have accustomed to it after a 3 week stall. I hope something really kicks it up again soon(my loss not my weight! :p )
    Today I found the Synetrol and will give it a month to see if my belly fat changes at all. Not sure whether to continue the Rhodiola or not. I havent taken it this last 2 days and....funnily enough...have slept much better! A Connection? Not sure. Still mulling that one.

    I'm sad to say that our holiday has been tarnished a bit by the news that Hubbys uncle died this morning. He was only 57 and a lovely man. A Dr. He had cancer. Leaves 4 youngish children .....he didnt marry until he was 40. Sad. Hopefully the other uncle who also has cancer and is having chemo now will be spared. Mil is obviously very upset bless her.
    So to finish on a nice note our lovely May! Soooo happy that things have been progressing well with Davids recovery. I'm sure he has been truly spoilt by you. Please tell him 2 weeks is enough! We are fed up with sharing you with him and want you back!! B)>:)<3
    I have discovered that May has been hiding yet another talent! I came across it a few weeks ago reading her travel blog and it kept niggling at me so I asked her if I could share it with you? She said yes!!!
    So here it is....

    Just look at these! Done by her!! Amazing arent they!




    Here are some others. You can see more on


    So....who else has hidden talents that we dont already know about??? Come on now, dont be modest! Show us!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    First, I MADE IT TO ONDERLAND!!! 199.2 this morning. I guess the fasting day did help even though it wasn't planned.

    Yes @GrannyMayOz, that noise you heard was me, lol!! I too am so glad that David is recovering so well and that your together time has been so productive! Can't wait to see what y'all have been creating! The nail art is astoundingly awesome! Patience and talent needed for that, for sure! But yes, you have been missed though we understand!

    @Jane, so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband's uncle! I'm sure it's a terrible loss for the whole family and having youngish children just breaks my heart! Sending out comforting thoughts and prayers for all! Hope the vacay isn't affected too badly! Hugs!

    I hope everyone is well and having a great LCHF day!! :smiley:
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janice, you amaze me too with all your gardening work! You have so much stamina---so wonderful! How's the ZC going so far?

    Karla--Huge congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment, and I'm thrilled for you. I just knew today would be the day you'd leap into onederland!

    Jane, such a sad thing about the death in the family, especially for the children. I hope you can still have peace and be able to enjoy your vacation. It will be a lovely respite for you. Glad you got the Sytrinol, and I hope it does what it's supposed to! If it works, it will be worth every penny! I know how you feel about the sloooow losses. I've been at it 18 weeks and have lost 12 lbs. That's not counting a month not on MFP when I had cut carbs down but not as low as LCHF. I really do understand your frustration!

    May--those nails! They're amazing--can't imagine how you can paint so delicately and perfectly. I'm so impressed with your many art skills. I'm glad the Valerian is working well for you and things are moving again. So nice that you've had extra time with David, too.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @wheatlessgirl66 I thought about your comment before I got on the scale! Thank you for all of the support! You're will catch up. Remember the lady who actually gained 20 pounds in her first six months of LCHF. I've kept that in the back of my mind since I been such a slow loser. Your body is doing what it needs to prepare itself for weight loss. Hang in there! Thanks again for cheering me on! <3
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    @Karlottap thanks for the answer to my question. I figured it was some form of zero carb. Don't think I am quite ready for that yet. Funny how people you work with make all kinds of comments on what your eating. Hope to see the scale down next time.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello Ladies. I was thinking of you all today when I went back to work. I always take time off from work in order to do other "work" at home. I take time off to put the gardens in, to take produce out, and generally to prepare for family feasts. It is hard work, but I love to be outside in the sun. And it is nice to see that I have greater endurance and flexibility etc.

    But I went back to work today to piles of work. No one does my job when I am away which sucks. They had projects lined up for me, waiting for my return. So I couldn't get down to the business that I wanted to. Grumble grumble grumble. It's funny Jane that you mention the cortisol. I don't think I raised it while away, but I'm sure that I had cortisol pumping and wreaking havoc on my innards during the day at work. I never take a break, don;t need to eat anyway, and stayed one extra hour to try to get work done, but did not come close to catching up. Oh well, tomorrow's another day.

    @Karla....wow, I am so happy for you ! You are truly an inspiration ! Nice nails @May ! Sorry to hear of the loss in your husband's family @Jane. And @Kate, I know these ladies will help you along. We did not get your rain leftover from your storm after all. It looks like it headed south and missed us, so I had to water my garden this evening. Will have to head out to my mother's place tomorrow, along with the fancy tomato spirals I bought, and stake the plants and water everything there, after work and after a visit to Dr Randy.

    @Ellen, I know you've been doing this ZC thing longer than I have, and I don't know yet how long I can do this. But for now I am doing fine. I did sneak a couple of fresh cherries that called out to me from the fridge. But I am enjoying the meat. Yesterday was a feast. I had eggs, pork, beef, lamb and chicken all in one day. It sure is satiating. I literally ripped the chicken apart with my bare hands while it was hot from the oven.....a beautiful pastured chicken, at least 6 pounds, golden brown skin, crispy and delicious and dripping in fat....yummy...now this is turning into a poem to the chicken. I had a small hamburger patty a couple of hours before the chicken, then cooked lamb chops as well, and ate one small one, but the chicken was amazing. The fridge still has leftover meat in it, so supper today was easy. I made a "salad" out of chopped chicken, bacon and a hard boiled egg, held together with mayo. One small bowlful and I am full until breakfast.

    I am having trouble getting my protein numbers up even so. I must be eating too much fat. I switched from HWC to just drinking BPC, so that must be the difference. I guess I'm waiting for butter to make my pants fall off. I have some tweaking to do.

    @krazyforyou, don't worry about what your co-workers think about what you eat. My co-workers know that I don't eat grains or sugar, and although there is one especially nasty woman where I work who will make comments, most of the others see that I am losing weight, getting smaller and getting more definition in my body shape. And I don't usually feel left out, partly because I don't often feel hungry enough to eat while at work, but also because the food that they eat is not usually enticing to me anymore. I started thinking about my chicken in the fridge today And one of the nurse brought me a gift of homemade pork rinds today, so that was nice. Now I'm just going to be patient until the rest of my weight comes off. Some of them know how I am eating and don't open their minds up enough to allow themselves to consider any new ideas about food, but others may actually get interested one day, and I'll be ready to answer questions anytime. I've been eating differently from most other people for several years now, so I am getting a lot calmer about it I guess.

    Well, I'm going to make up some hamburger patties for the freezer then get ff to bed. Good Night beautiful ladies.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Kitnthecat, I used to plan vacation time to do that too, when in was able. Wasn't anything more relaxing than having my hands in the dirt. It's hard work and bless you for taking care of your mother's gardens too! Impressive! Hope you are able to catch up on the work backlog quickly!

    @krazyforyou, ZC isn't for everyone. Try not to allow the opinion of others to dictate the foods you decide to eat. People will always have opinions, it's how you decide to keep them from affecting you that is key. The foods you eat are for your benefit, not that of others. I used to allow the opinions of others to dictate choices about my life, but no more! I wished I'd have learned this when younger, but, is never too late to learn! Good luck with the carb levels that work for you! It gets easier the more time you invest in this woe! :smiley:
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good evening ladies. Well the hungries seem to be leaving, almost normal day today (maybe bone broth?).
    @Jane sorry sorry to hear of your family's loss. Prayers & hugs.
    @May would you like to come do my nails for the wedding? Those pics are awesome.
    @Janice glad you're finding it easier to do all the gardening you've been doing. Sounds like you did a marathon on your "holiday".
    @Karla as soon as my daughter gets home to show me how (lol), I'll post a picture of the Atkins treats I bought.
    @Ellen sorry ZC isn't working the way you hoped it would, but at least you're not throwing in the towel. It's so interesting to hear how other people are trying different things (valerian, Rodiola, Sytrinol). I guess we all have to keep tweaking here & there.
    Well off to bed (way early for me), another full day planting tomorrow & then I get to start weeding. (Have to wait til some plants are up so I can tell difference. Have a good night all.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Karlotta Thanks for your encouragement (and also everybody else)! If I remember correctly the lady who gained the 20 lbs when she began zero carb had already lost a large amount of weight on LCHF. Her appetite had increased a lot on ZC and she was consuming far more fat/protein/calories than I am. I don't know whether that makes a difference or not. My appetite dwindled when I went zero carb. I'm continuing the ZC but may eat a few carbs now and then. Like the avocado that I ate yesterday. Poor thing was ripe and soft and ready to be thrown out. I had to rescue it instead ;) and it tasted might fine.

    @Kitnthecat Whew. That's a demanding job you have, so kudos to you for keeping a level head with all the things you juggle. I'm glad the ZC is going well for you, and I hope it starts a big ol' series of losses! I agree that meat is very satiating and it doesn't take much to fill up. I have trouble getting in enough fat before my protein runs out--kind of the opposite of what you do. I don't usually put fat in my coffee. I'm not very much of a HWC girl either. Anyway, the best to you with the ZC!

    @krazyforyou So sorry I didn't see your question about my ZC reference. Karla to the rescue! :) Hope you get that loss you're waiting for!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    This is post #700 for me!! Can't think of a better place to use it! You ladies are amazing and I am so glad to call you friends!

    @wheatlessgirl66, I use her experience for motivation with my own scale ups and downs. Knowing that there are others who have been, or are going through, the same experiences has provided me with the ability to not give up. You are doing great by yourself for sticking with it too, even when it's frustrating.

    I was visiting with my parents on Monday, who are both morbidly obese. Had the chance to talk to them about LCHF though I did try to not throw it up all over them, lol! I may have inspired them to try. I told them to give it thirty days, if they decide to, just to see. I'm hoping it happens and maybe can get my sister's, bil's, and nieces on board too. My mother did comment that I am looking skinny! :smiley: I felt that was my opportunity to tell them about this woe!

    Have a great day/night everyone! :smile:

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Kitn LOL at the honeymoon sleeping. You could be right ;) I really hope that you get caught up easily at work. It really sucks that nobody fills in for you when you have time off.
    @Jane I’m so very, very sorry to hear of your husband’s family news. That would be a lot to take for anyone and I truly hope it doesn’t impact on your holiday. I have once managed to find a spaghetti squash, it was fascinating that’s for sure! I did laugh about the Wind Wars. Fair’s fair after all, and ‘Do as you would be done by’ comes to mind. And I read your sentence to David about wanting me back and he laughed. And thank you for liking my nail art. I always used to get in trouble at high school for drawing so very, very small. Now we know I was practicing ready to paint my fingernails LOL And I agree – come on ladies, show us your other talents. I love that we’re all friends as well as ‘dieting’ buddies here in this thread!
    @Karlotta Oh… wooooooooowwww! Heartiest congratulations to you on having a ONE at the front. Squeeee. I thought I heard something, so now I know it was you!
    Thank you @Karlotta @Kitn and @Ellen for enjoying my nails too. It’s a hobby and creative outlet that I enjoy so much! My little once-a-week treat to myself.
    @Ellen I so hope that you start to lose weight really soon. I know how frustrating and bewildering it is to be stuck even when you’re doing everything humanly possible.
    Hi @krazyforyou
    @Kate I’m so pleased your hunger is under control at last. Whew! If I lived closer I would definitely love to do the wedding nails.

    All went well with the surgeon today. As he walked in he said something like “I see it was all a huge success by that happy grin!” David returns to work as scheduled on Friday, and then resumes properly on Tuesday arvo after his 3 rostered days off LOL

    It's taken me about 3 hours to write this, and we're off to bed now. Sleep well each of you, when it gets to be your turn for bed.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @GrannyMayOz, I told you that you would "hear" it, lol! Glad the surgeon was happy with the recovery. I know it's so nice to have hubby home, but it's nice when they do return to work too, lol! They do cramp our style a bit! Good night! Oh, btw, I ordered me some valarian last night. I do need something to help calm me too and hope this helps! {Hugs}!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I've got to put this out there! My "sticking to it"has finally paid off! Weighed myself last night (which I don't normally do) and showed a 3.5lb. loss! Then, this morning it's down some more, another 1.2lb.! I'm amazed at the whoosh my body is finally giving me! I could have given up, felt defeated, many times through this process, but I'm sooooo glad I didn't! Sticking it out is so worth it! I now weigh less than my hubby for the first time, ever. We've been married almost 24 years and dated for four years before that. I've spent way too much time being obese! Oh, and this morning's weight loss makes me just overweight, not obese, according to the BMI calculator! It's definitely time for a pedi! Need to seriously reward myself!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Woohoo! Go Karlotta!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh Karlotta, that's the most amazing and fantastic news for you - and all of us here who are rejoicing with you!!! <3
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Way to go Karlotta? Think it was turning meatavore that kicked in the losses?
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    What a busy bunch you have all been. I'm not even going to try to comment on all, just know that I'm glad you are all here and that it seems most everyone is doing really well. I actually missed you ladies!

    I went on a cruise for a week and came home to a flood. UG! Some pretty bad damage to home and property but thankfully everyone in my world is safe and healthy. We are making in thru this mess and will come out stronger and closer on the other end. Lots of kids graduating and celebrations going on right now so we are working really hard a focusing on the happy stuff and not the water/mud. I hope all of the rest of you came out of it safe and without much damage.

    Work?! again, UG! lol I've missed so much and no one else fills in for me so I've just now started to be able to even see my in baskets! They were so full I couldn't even find them for a week or so. I'll get there, and I'm grateful at this point to have a job and something to pull my mind from other things for a few hours a day. Sorry if that sounds "o poor pitiful me" as I really am grateful.

    Looks like there are several new ladies with us and I welcome you all. I've read thru most of the posts and I've again learned a ton. I'm going to try the valerian root, sounds like something I would benefit from. Have any of you tried Ashwagandha? My Doc says its great for women and cortisol levels and helps with weight loss. I've only just started it last week and with everything going on I can't really say if it's helping anything. I'll let you know. I'm trying to get my walking in everyday. Usually just 15-20 min a few times a day but it gives me a break and the weather is actually nice right now. All you fellow Texans know it will be hotter than hades here all to soon.

    Gotta get back to work for now. We are meeting with the ins people about the house at 3, that should just be LOADS of fun..........

    Take care ladies and thanks for being here!