Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh wow Jane - where do we all get some of that???

    We have a long weekend, son and grandson staying over, and an all-day outing tomorrow. Please forgive me not replying to everyone individually just yet. Have read all the messages though and sent telepathic love, joy, sympathy or support to you all <3
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    For people living In Canada and USA I found this.....

    KGK Synergize already has developed a nutrition supplement containing PMFs combined with a form of vitamin E that seems to enhance the compound's effect, according to Kurowska. Marketed as a cholesterol-lowering agent under the trade name Sytrinol, the supplement recently became available in the US.

    Still hunting for the rest of us!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    I just searched Sytrinol and there are various makes around some with other things added that I dont know if they will be beneficial or not. The dose recommended is 300mg daily. They are usually sold as Cholesterol lowering agents....thats not going to be a bad thing as a 'side effect' either,lolol.
    Excited now to see if I can find them and if they have any effect!

    @ May, have a lovely weekend! :)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thanks Jane - you too!

    "Nutrition supplement'. Does that mean freely available OTC for our American friends?
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    It does and us too!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks for all the hard work, Jane. Are you still taking the Rhodiola?
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Wow, been away for 2 1/2 weeks and have a lot of reading to catch up on ! Hope everyone is having a good time with this post and it's wonderful posters as I am xo
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    I decided to stop today. I dont think after 3 weeks that it has done anything to help with belly fat, may have helped with sleeping. I dont think I can claim to have high levels of cortisol from anything other than minor niggles and whatever my body is doing to it maybe! I am a pretty calm and laid back person these days,lol. Of course I am happy about that but it doesnt help with my apple shape. When I find the Sytrinol I will try that!! I'm giving the Rhodiola to hubby instead!!! hehehe. I'm considering getting him some Valerian too...hes bouncing off the walls at the moment poor man.

    Question...have any of you noticed that the lower stomach is getting less but the upper part isnt changing? I have been aware of this the last few days although my measurements havent changed (my new obsession,lol)

    Sorry I havent been answering to all your messages, just flooding you with reading. Until someone tells me otherwise I think this last find explains a huge amount about why we cant lose the belly fat. Just searching for more info on that now.

    Had a lovely weekend with Chris, so nice to go out and all eat the same thing! He has such a good attitude! he's not counting anything or weighing himself yet except once a week.Not obsessing! He's just eating meat, eggs, cheese etc. We had a couple of good chats about keeping fats high and he was happy about that but Im certainly not going to nag about anything. He was happy that in South Africa he had Kudu, Ostritch, crocodile tail and big steaks to eat! Seems in Slovakia the meat isnt as good. Lol.
    Im still going to be a granny. 10 weeks now so its getting closer to the time when I am 'officially' told!! His wife told him to 'make sure you dont tell your mum anything'!!! He didnt...I already knew,lolol.

    May, hows David doing? Be back to work soon and your honeymoon over! Hope everything continues to go well.

    Kate, you are making me so jealous with your yard and everything. I might just have to come and visit! Lol. Unless your mozzies are the size of small birds!! May and I are Mozzie-magnets! Have you got your wedding outfit yet or are you holding off until you see what small size to get??

    Ellen how are you feeling on ZC? I know your weight is up and down a bit but are you feeling any different healthwise?

    Karla,you are doing sooooo well with encorporating this woe with your busy social life! Lol. Such restraint!

    Janice I have been meaning to write and say I do not envy you your job! When I was a ward sister and Nursing Home Matron I had to do the Duty Rota and it drove me mad!Lol. Let alone having such a high number to do it for and all the ordering. No wonder your stress levels get high. Whats your favourite thing to do to unwind? You deserve a huge pat on the back(sorry thats all I can send apart from love and hugs) for everything that you deal with and yet stay happy and positive.

    To our newbies on this thread..welcome. Sorry I cant write your names but if I change pages to look I will probably lose all this!! Lol.

    Now for my most exciting news....we just booked to go to Kuala Lumpur....on wednesday!!! Its the only chance we will get for a break and hubby definitely needs it...me..I'll travel anywhere! Lol. We have yet to decide on hotel and are talking about having a couple of days either in Singapore or Penang. Anyone been to either of those??? We go to Kuala Lumpur every year it seems. Mostly because we like it,lol, yes, it rains every day but its warm rain for a few hours...not the UK long grey days of constant rain. We will go there later in the year to do family etc. This is for us!
    Dont know how we will cope with food this year, low carb isnt exactly easy there! I think we may decide to stay in a serviced apartment so I can cook things rather than be naughty. I know its a holiday but I get to eat out a lot here so I dont mind.

    Will share KL with you later this week. :)
    Hope everyone else is doing well and staying strong!
    Lots of love to you all. <3
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good evening/morning ladies. It finally rained! Well poured to be exact. Had a heck of a storm. Even some funnels were spotted a few miles away! Power has been out for about 31/2 hrs now. Thank goodness hubby felt generator was a necessity when we moved out here. What plants didn't blow away will be nice & wet now.
    @Jane come visit anytime. Mosquitoes aren't huge, just lots of them. Wow, Kuala Lumpur how exotic. I'm waiting to get something for the wedding for at least another month. (Hopefully new size). Also, bride's mother hasn't picked hers yet, & I've been told it's bad form for me to get mine first.
    @May hope your family weekend was good.
    Just turned my beef bone broth off. When cool I'll strain & put in fridge.
    Hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Whoosh for me! Down 4 pounds this morning! No rhyme or reason to it! Am now .4 lb. from onederland!!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    That is really, really great, @karlottap! So happy for you. So exciting to be that close!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi ladies. Beautiful morning after the storms last night. Power was out in most of northern part of Sask. Ours was out for 13/12 hrs. Son has video of funnel that came close enough to ground it was whirling dust from the fields around! Before I can start in yard today have to drive around & pick up all the crap that blew away. At least no trees are down.
    I had no charley horses last night & could point my toes when I stretched in bed this am. Mag supplement must be working.
    @Karlottap congrats! Besides the phenomenal weight loss, you sound like you're feeling so much better.
    Well off to clean up,have a great day/evening everyone.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thank you @wheatlessgirl66 and @Sk8Kate! It was a surprise to see the scale drop. Was not expecting it! I do feel good overall! Still waiting for the headaches to improve but will get there I'm sure! :-)))
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jane--sorry I didn't answer your question. I think I'm more tired than when I was eating carbs. It's hard to tell what's what, though, b/c I have several things going on that would contribute to being tired. I'm having more SFN pain, but that could be a flare. Who knows. I lost the 2 lbs for about 1 hour and two minutes :) just enough to get me excited. I don't want to jump ship early and miss out on the chance that ZC might work, but....it's lookin' a lot less hopeful. My clothes are not getting smaller, and I'm not losing inches except for the 1/4 in around my knees.
    Go figure. I've been doing this for 40 years, so I shouldn't be surprised. But I really did think this would work. Maybe it still will, don't know. I won't quit LCHF, but I might opt out of ZC before my month is up. I don't enjoy eating just animal products.

    It's lovely that you're getting a holiday to KL. Hope it's a wonderful, restful time of togetherness with your husband.
    Be sure to come back to us! <3 Safe travels!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @wheatlessgirl66, my recommendation is to try to stick it out, if you can. I used homemade Alfredo and a type of hollandaise sauce to compliment the meat. It can get a little boring, but has been sooooo worth it for me! I actually saw a 4 pound gain one day during May. Talk about messing with your head! I haven't had a single drop on the scale without an increase the next day. I have learned that what I'm doing is right and with some patience the scale will catch up. :-)
    @jumanajane, enjoy your time away! Hope it's wonderfully relaxing! Good luck with lc!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    @Karlottap congrats on the 4 lb drop. I personally find the scale goes up and down on its own time frame. Trying not to let it bother me. What's this ZC thing that @wheatlessgirl66 speaks of?? I am not a big meat eater either. Thanks in advance.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It's following the Meativore May challenge that just finished up. It's consuming only foods from the animal kingdom. No veggies! It's been very good for me and I plan to continue this way. It's considered to be zero carb, but with some meats, and eggs, there are a few carbs that can't be avoided. I had a goal of 10 or less each day. Most days were around 5. I feel great! Well, except for the stupid headaches that is, but I've had them forever. Will be so glad when my body can finally heal itself of them. I am believing it will happen!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello Ladies. I'm just peeking in, but too tired to stop and chat too long. I have been on vacation since last Wednesday and I have done a ton of gardening, especially at my mother's house. I'm almost done, but have to go back to work tomorrow. Sigh.

    Along with the yard work and planting, we did get out and about as well. So it was all time well spent. Just wish it was longer, since I have work left to do...a wildflower garden to weed at Mom's and some weeding and flower planting at home. I planted minimal vegetables at my place, just lettuce, collard greens, 3 tomato plants, cucumbers and yellow beans, and a few planters and pots with flowers. At my mother's place, I planted 20 tomatoes, gladiolas, ground cherries, yellow and green zucchini, spaghetti squash, lots of pickling cucs, green beans, peas, carrots, beets, Spanish and red onions, and rainbow Swiss chard and leaf lettuce....and herbs.

    It took me 5 hours of heavy digging to dig up a patch of grass and weeds in the tomato garden, and a 50 year old clump of chives that was so overgrown with grass that you couldn't find the chives in it. That was a lot of work, lots of bending and digging. So when I started the actual planting, I was quite sure when bending over. I was pretty tired. A little stiff this am, but after my walk, I was fine.

    It looks like the storm that Kate had is headed our way tonight, then we are supposed to get 2 more days if rain before the sun comes back out on Thursday. Oh well, at least I won;t have to water the gardens. And no mosquitos yet, but they may appear after the rain.

    All for now, got to get ready for bed. I'm sure I'll have a ton of work to do tomorrow, so want to make sure I get a good sleep. Take care everyone.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Goodness I'm tired for you @Kitnthecat! Lol! So glad you've been able to get so much done and that you feel okay after!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    I have a question about the Atkins bars/treats. When I picked some up the other day (Walmart) I read the front of the box to say 3g carbs, but when I opened it & looked at individual packages they were 18g carbs/serving. Is there another Atkins brand out there?