Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    I have seen it mentioned in several articles. There doesn't appear to be any particular side effects. Seems to help with sleep too as part of the dampening of cortisol. Waiting for the belly fat reduction,lol.
    Have you decided to give it a go Ellen?
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    jumanajane wrote: »
    I have seen it mentioned in several articles. There doesn't appear to be any particular side effects. Seems to help with sleep too as part of the dampening of cortisol. Waiting for the belly fat reduction,lol.
    Have you decided to give it a go Ellen?

    I read that primarily it increases energy and mood. It will be interesting to see if it helps your sleep. If it won't give me side effects I may take it, but first I need to get the through with the procedure on my heart next month and get my cardio's approval. I react to so many meds and supplements I have to be careful.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Wanted to post my balcony view for the next two days! rsbfmf1lwgxn.jpg
    :) We are in Biloxi, Mississippi. Celebration is in full swing!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Wow, what a pool!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Looks like you're having a great time!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I want to join you !
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Me too!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I would think that those that aren't missing I'm proof, are right! Sorry!!!!! For any of those betting against...it's a GOOD NIGHT! Lol! I don't drink frIEndly, lol!!! How non Frentenly can you gREATLY, can you get? Another group, can u get? HaHa!!!ha Ha Ha! Good FOR WORDS_!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Oh my! Time cannot tell what's going on with US! I love y'all
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Sorry y'all. Autocorrect can't correct THAT! I think I'm a mother in mourning!, lol!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    What ? Karlotta, are you drinking ? It sure sounds like you're having fun ! I want to be sitting by that pool having a drink.....
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi Everyone *virtual hugs to you* and thank you all so much for your healing thoughts for David. We’ve been home for about 2 hours now I think. I'm jet-lagged and not thinking straight. We've had to move our body clocks forward 4 hours in too much of a rush so we could get to the hospital for admission time. All went really well for David, to the point that he’s in less pain now than he was before the op, so that’s awesome! He has a truly massive amount of bandaging around his knee, which must stay on (and dry) for 2 or 3 days. There were a few mix-ups at the hospital. The guy in the next bed was also a David, having the exact same operation by the same surgeon. Half way through filling in the paperwork, and after attaching the wrist and ankle name tags, the nurse realised she’d used the wrong ones of everything on my David and had to go get new ones printed. After the op they were wheeling the other guy in to be with me instead of his own wife ROFL

    Not doing a paragraph per person or this will be huge! @Ellen have you made those nachos? They look amazing don’t they? @Jane yes of course I’ll adopt you, come right on over! Love your Hulk idea! Do keep us posted about the rhodiola. You’d go down in history if you help post-menopausal ladies to lose fat. Particularly off the stomach. MSG is evil isn’t it? So sad that our gov’t authorities think it’s OK to allow these things to be put in our foods. I’ve known for many, many years that polyunsaturates were a giant experiment on the populace as a whole and nobody knew what the outcome would be. Glad you’ll be seeing Chris!

    Who said that stress is worse/easier to come by when we’re older? I’m finding that I panic if I have too much to do lately. Even when half of those things are self-imposed and not actually urgent. It’s a battle I fight all the time. @Kitn I am sooo relieved to hear that your day went fairly well and the bully butted out. I’ve been really concerned for you. I’ve often had workplace bullying. I’ve been so very gentle and afraid to speak out for myself in the past that the bullies just loved me to bits, but it far from excuses their despicable behaviour. Of all the wrongs in the world, bullying is top of my hate list :( I would so love to be your assistant. Your work sounds exactly the kinds of thing I would enjoy. *But* they need sufficient staff to do it and it sounds as if you really are under the pump too often :(

    @Karlotta I hope that your trip is a truly happy one! Oh wow, that view is mighty pretty!
    Sk8Kate wrote: »
    This menopause crap sure wreaks havoc with our systems. Every time you turn around something new pops up (or out).
    @Jane – oh, you’re a Ford girl? Me too. I have an old Fairmont, but we’ve owned about 4 or 5 other Fords too (and we don’t change cars very often).
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Karlotta ---it appears that you're having a very, very good time! :)

    @GrannyMayOz --So glad the surgery went well for David! At least they didn't get him mixed up during surgery do something they shouldn't. What are the odds of another David having the same surgery by the same surgeon? So weird. Glad you left the hospital with the right husband! :D

    I slept better last night--almost 7 hours. Was down .4 lb. :) I never realized that sleep affects loss during the night. I hope one of these days we figure out what it takes for post menopausal women to lose the belly fat and trigger weight loss. Then we can market our 'secret' and become millionaires. Haha.

    My face is still broken out with patches and bumps and peeling areas. Very weird; maybe clearing out toxins? Lovely, eh? Be glad you can't see it. ;) Old age is definitely not for sissies!

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @GrannyMayOz glad to hear things went well. They did do the correct knee with all the mix ups right? Lol.
    @Karlottap looks like we definitely should have joined you. Keep on having fun!
    @wheatlessgirl66 I'll be your test subject if you find the key for post menopausal belly loss.
    @jane going to try Rodiala if I can find some. Probably not before next week when I'm in city again. Health food store should have it, right?
    Well off to start my day in the garden/yard. See how much quack grass replaced itself overnite. Am watering manually as so dry here & no rain in near future. Impatiently waiting for chocolate flowers to come up (hopefully they do!).
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you @Ellen and @Kate me too. It was truly amazing! The surgeon came around before he did the work and wrote on the 2 Davids with a big, thick felt pen. A big arrow up the shin to the correct knee, and then crosses where the exact pain was. Both men were having meniscal tissue removed from their left knee. So thankfully we all knew that the crosses were in the right place, even if they did get the guys mixed up. Both were similar weight and age with perfect blood pressure, so there was nothing life and death that could be confused LOL

    I'm so pleased that you slept well Ellen, and had a loss too, that's fantastic. Millionaire status would help quite a few things that's for sure ;) Aah, but you can't help being a teenager and getting breakouts.

    @Kate have you tried a soil wetting agent? I've never bought one, but see them all the time. And we spike our soil with a garden fork to allow the water to seep in, instead of roll right off the top.

    David's doing great today. We even made a trip to the hardware store (a bit of walking around inside it) and he's cut a couple of pieces of wood using a small jigsaw. I held it in place because he can't bend his knee to kneel on it as he usually would, but *everything* else is in full working order ;)
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Good morning, all! I'm sipping my first cup of coffee and checking in to see how you all are doing today. Fine and dandy!

    @May So great that David is mending so well after his surgery! It seems like his knee will be healed up pretty quickly. Awesome!

    @Kate Are the chocolate flowers in your garden edible? So interesting--I had never heard of chocolate plants before.

    I'm happy to say I slept 7 hours again last night, with just one potty trip in the night. Weight this morning is the same as yesterday. No gain. Yay! I dropped eating nuts to see if it will make a difference. They were my daily treat, and I found myself wanting more. Gotta nip that, since apparently nuts can cause a stall. When I read the results of zero carb I'm tempted again to try it to see if it would cause a nice loss. My only hesitation is whether it would be sustained if I started eating some carbs again. I don't want to not be able to have any carbs for the rest of my life. But maybe that's what it will take....
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    May, I'm so glad to hear that David's doing well after his surgery. It looks like he was fit and healthy pre-surgery, so that is likely helping him recover.

    Kate, it seems like you didn't get all that rain we got last weekend. I was planning to get yard work done last weekend, but it was pouring. The ground is still wet 4 days later. I did get over to my mother's last evening to do some weeding, but some areas of her yard are still too wet. I'll be over there daily for a few days. She's got a big yard and I know I won't be able to get it all done but will tackle the weeds and try to improve the soil in her garden before I plant at the end of the month. I started on her wildflower garden last night. The ladies slippers are just coming up ! I'll do my yard after I get hers done. My lilac bushes are now in bloom and smell wonderful. If I get enough done this weekend, I may plant the seeds but wait for the tomatoes. It was only last weekend we had snow!

    Ellen, it must be so frustrating to be working so hard for so long and not seeing the results you are hoping for. I do notice that nuts prevent me from losing weight. I plan to give them up at the end of the month. I want to try zero carb. I wanted to do it in May, but listened to my Dr Randy. I still respect his opinion, but I am so curious about just eating meat and eggs and butter that I have to try it.....especially before the veggies I plant are ready to eat ! I am going to have my bloodwork done next week, so will eat my regular way until then. Then it is my daughter's birthday as well and a couple of social outings which will involve off plan food ( dim sum ) and of course I want to have a drink or two....... Then I will start zero carb probably May 30.

    I seem to be edging towards this anyway. I find that when I do want to eat a few more carbier food items, like nuts or berries or something sweet tasting, my desire to eat more is triggered. I only had about 2 ounces of wine last night, but I found myself wanting a snack to go with it. The pizza at work event last week is actually the main thing that convinced me to try zero carb. I want to see what it would be like to get rid of the cravings, and this is what zero carb seems to promise. For the most part I am able to resist the carbs, but I also want to avoid overeating, and if I start snacking, there is always a danger of this, especially with nuts. I am intrigued by the notion of just eating "from the animal kingdom" until I am full, then not wanting or needing to eat until I am hungry again for meat. And I never seem to get enough protein if I include some carbs in my plan. Probably since I only eat twice per day. I;m kind of excited to give it a try. And after all those burger postings, i am craving more burgers. http://zerocarbzen.com/

    So I've got to get some wine tasting done this weekend while I can. My Dad used to make wine, and it was one of the last things he did before he died Christmas 2013. I'll never know how he had the energy to start that last batch of wine in the fall that year. My daughter Anna finished that batch, then when the choke cherries were ready last summer, from the tree in my mother's yard....Anna picked them and put them in the freezer until she was ready to start the wine according to my dad's notes. She wanted to follow exactly his schedule. She's been tending it all winter and we had our first taste last night. It is choke cherry / grape wine. It looks like red wine and it is not too sweet. It might benefit from a little longer yet. It usually takes us all summer and into the fall to drink it. We don't bottle it, just siphon a carafe off when we want some. Now my daughter wants to brew all sorts of other drinks, like mead. When I was a kid, the back yard had gooseberries, and apple and plum trees and wine was made from all. But the chokecherry is the best.

    Keep well ladies and have a good weekend. I'll be out in the yard if you need me. I'll probably soak up the sun later on...I love that.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning ladies. Migraine woke me at 6:00 this morning & I still can't shake it. Maybe not enough water yesterday? And I'm up 1lb again. Going to do measurements today, tho. Sure I'll see a change (I hope).
    @GrannyMayOz isn't it amazing he's mobile already? I'm glad to hear he's doing so well. In my planters & flower beds I put peat moss to hold any moisture we get. But still no rain in 2 wk forecast.
    @Ellen some of the flowers are edible, but don't know if they taste like chocolate. How many carbs do you think a flower has,lol? I read about a chocolate garden in a novel & then the idea stuck in my head. Researched last fall, but nurseries where I can get plants are all in the States as far as I can tell & looks like you need to place orders as early as December. They have to be inspected & stuff before they are allowed to cross the border. Glad you got sleep last night again.
    @Kitnthecat did your dad use the big stone/cement crocks to make his wine? It used to drive my mum crazy tripping over dad's setup in the basement. But boy the wine was good. When we were little he'd cut it with ginger ale for us then as we got older we got the "real" stuff. Now I can't wait for the chokecherries either. My dad has severe MS but I'm sure he could supervise. (He would get a kick out of that). My fruit trees are just starting to bloom so as long as 900 mile/hr gale doesn't come along and blow them all off, should look gorgeous in a couple days. Had my hubby yank all the lilacs out as they trigger migraines. I'm sure my MIL is going to haunt me, but it's taken him 6 yrs to convince me yard is mine & I can make it my own now.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Have a great day/evening everyone.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    No Kate, I have the large ceramic crocks in my living room as decoration. They picked them up as antiques, and were likely used to make pickles sauerkraut or something. For wine making, he used a garbage can only used for wine, for the initial mash, then used those huge glass bottles, 5 gallon "carboys" for fermentation.