Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Good evening everyone. So nice catching up on the chat!

    @May, so glad David is up and about already and that you appear to have thoroughly tested *everything* is in working order! :);)
    @Karla.....you sound as though you had a very 'merry' trip,lolol. Hope you are feeling ok now.

    Ahhhh, memories! This talk of wine making has reminded me of years ago when I used to pop over to mums and it looked and sounded like a brewery! They were into wine making in a big way. There is an orchard at the top of the garden and they used an old fashioned potato chipper attached to a frame to put all the windfalls through straight into a plastic dustbin to make apple wine. Then there was the spiced plum...OMG we could only drink it if we were staying as it was soooo strong we couldnt walk let alone drive! lol. They used to make wine out of all sorts of odd things...peapod wine has just popped into my memory! The headgerows were perfect for gathering lots of different things such as sloes to make sloe gin and elferflowers and elderberries too. As they have got older they dont bother now and neither mum nor I drink anymore so......its all gone. They live in a 400 year old house with stone walls and the windowsills are about 2ft wide..ideal for standing the 5 gallon glass bottle on while they fermented and glugged (occasionally exploded too!!!) until it was ready for bottling.
    We have some large ceramic crocs that used to be used to make something called rumtopff. You put in various layers of fruit and sugar and cover with rum. Pop the lid on and leave....very 'interesting' desserts came out of that pot!!!
    My big, happy news of the day is that Chris called me from South Africa today where he has been for work this week to say his flight is arriving earlier and....to tell me he has gone Low carb!!!! Yaaaay. He is huge and it has been a worry for me to see him at the size he is but I refuse to say anything as I dont want him to feel nagged about his size like I was. The funny thing is it was him who first told me about Atkins back in 2002! He didnt stick at it then because his love of Cornish Pasties was greater,lolol. (if you dont know what they are I'll tell you later) He is much bigger now but as he is an out and out carnivore like me maybe he will stick to it this time. I'm going to tell him about Fit-Goat!!! Lol. Maybe the prospect of being a fat Dad has had something to do with it. I dont care as long as he gives it a go. He says he lost 6kg the first week! Ahhhh the joys of youth!!!!!

    Question my lovely ladies....if I do a load of research about post menopausal ladies, stress, weight gain/loss, belly fat etc etc would you be interested if I put something together thats easy to understand(I'll try and NOT use to many medical terms and names etc) and either posted it or made a link somehow??? Let me know what you think.

    I have just made cardamom and orange biscotti and coconut snowballs for hubby. Both low carb. The house smells wondeful!!! Ah well.
    Time for my weekly skype with my mum so I'll leave you all dreaming of the lovely christmassy smell of baking I am surrounded by! Its less fattening from where you are,lolololo.
    Love and hugs to you all.

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Jane count me in. Love to have somebody else do all the research/work & reap the benefits. Thanks in advance.
  • SRJennings
    SRJennings Posts: 126 Member
    @jane I would be grateful to you for doing the research on post meno ladies. I have been wondering if it is even possible to lose the jelly belly. And the weight loss is so excruciatingly slow that it is very, very difficult to stay with the plan.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @jane---yes, please. You're so kind to offer to do the research! I'll be grateful for anything you find that might help us.

    I decided to jump into the meativore water, beginning today. Nothing else has been successful and I'm feeling desperate. My husband and I went out for lunch today. The zero carb options were pretty limited so I ordered a cheeseburger with a side of bacon. I told the server to leave off the fries and slaw b/c I didn't eat carbs.
    So the plate came with a gorgeous pile of crispy fries. :s They were tempting, but I didn't touch them. The burger was grass-fed beef, and delicious! The bacon was from a local farmer and so good. I want to get more of that.

    You can be sure I'll keep you posted about my venture into the "animal products only" world. I expect it to be challenging, at least for a little while. So this will be my contribution to the PMR (post menopausal research) ;) I haven't found a woman my age who's done it, so we'll see how it goes.

  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Goodness. I've had 847 calories today. I don't know how I'm going to eat enough if I feel like this every day. I know I don't have to log my food on zero carb, but I'm curious about how it adds up. So far, I'm really full and I haven't had a day's worth of calories. @Karlotta, do you have any tips, since you've been doing this for a while?
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thank you dear Kate, Kitn and Ellen <3
    jumanajane wrote: »
    @May, so glad David is up and about already and that you appear to have thoroughly tested *everything* is in working order! :);)
    Last time he had an operation (to repair a hematoma in the femoral vein in his groin thanks to a push bike accident) he came out of it with a blood blister on his 'pride and joy'. When he saw the gorgeous young blonde surgeon a week later he was brave enough to ask why. It seems the pride and joy kept flopping over the wound site so they had to clamp it, with a 'brick' on the other end to hold it out of the way. Ha har!
    jumanajane wrote: »
    They live in a 400 year old house with stone walls and the windowsills are about 2ft wide..ideal for standing the 5 gallon glass bottle on while they fermented and glugged (occasionally exploded too!!!) until it was ready for bottling.
    Ohhhh my longing heart for the old English houses! We don't know what 'old' means here in Oz!

    I'm so happy for your news about Chris. Yes, Cornish Pasties are delicious. We can buy them here sometimes, but Aussies don't know how to make pastry. Thankfully, or I'd be a gonner ;) 6kgs is fantastic to keep him on track.
    jumanajane wrote: »
    Question my lovely ladies....if I do a load of research about post menopausal ladies, stress, weight gain/loss, belly fat etc etc would you be interested if I put something together thats easy to understand(I'll try and NOT use to many medical terms and names etc) and either posted it or made a link somehow??? Let me know what you think.
    Oh gosh, with a resounding Yes Please!!!! If you want a second person to try things out, let me know. I'm game to try natural remedies and ideas for sure!

    @Ellen I'm so excited for you going ZC. I would *love* to do that, but they think beef if best as the main food and I'm still getting brave enough to try that. I had one lot of minced beef a few weeks ago and 'coped' which is a long way from wanting to live on it. They (Goat, Kirkor and... ?...) said chicken and pork weren't the best items for the major part of the diet, so I have to learn to love beef first. I really hope this kicks your scales to new horizons. And soon. Truly waving your banner here!

    I'm up half a kilo/ 500g / 1.1lb today. Woken with a start by my cousin who has set foot back on Aussie soil after a trip to America and Canada and forgotten to allow for the time difference between where she is and where we are. Urgh!!! Just what I didn't need after having to 'change time zones' by 4 hours already this week for David's surgeon's app't and then getting to the hospital. I feel jet lagged all over again and I've been awake 2 hours thanks to her accident. I'd normally be waking up around now. Oh well. I know some of that weight (at least) will come off if I can get uninterrupted sleep tonight.

    The Man is out in the workshop cutting wood for his miniature coach. There's no holding him down! He can have the huge bandage off later today, and then he'll be able to bend his leg a little. He's excited about that.

    <3 Happy Weekend Everyone <3
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Oh my! I'm not a drinker and a little indulgence the other night got me, big time! So sorry about the weird posts!!! Note to self: stay away from mfp if I'm indulging, lol! But we had a fun time (what I can remember of it that is, lol)!

    This is the first chance I've had to get back on the thread since Wednesday evening. Sons graduation on Thursday evening was a great celebration of him! Then on Friday we went to college orientation and he begins his college career this Tuesday! The college is within driving distance so I'm not facing an empty nest too (thank goodness since I'm not ready for that, yet).

    Other than the alcohol I have maintained the meativore challenge. @wheatlessgirl66, good for you going meativore!! I have fully embraced this woe! Tips? Keep some meat ready to cook. If everything's in the freezer can make for a challenge, or another run to the grocery store. I even cut a second birthday cake for the month yesterday evening without licking my fingers! I ate out at restaurants the past three days and passed all of the carbage sides to my husband and son! Don't miss them and can sit right in front of them with no desire! This is HUGE!

    @jumanajane, any research would be welcomed! I'd be glad to participate!

    @GrannyMayOz, I'm so glad David is doing well and everything is in working order ;) ! Reading that he is wood working already is awesome!!

    @Sk8Kate, so sorry about the migraines and headaches! I can relate and am anxiously waiting for this woe to help that too!

    I'm sure I left someone out in my responses (I had sixteen to read) but have enjoyed everyone's posts! We are heading to town today to shop for a new stereo system for sons truck (his graduation gift from us). He wants one that "thumps", but we will see about that. I hope everyone is having an amazing LCHF day! Big hugs all around!!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Karlotta Glad you had a wonderful celebration. We recognized a little bit of a boozy influence because....well....maybe we've been there ourselves. ;) Amazing how a little alcohol can take the brain to major lala land after you've been eating a very clean diet.

    I'm excited to see how this ZC woe works for me. I decided to continue logging my diary to see how I'm doing, at least at first. Yesterday my calories were quite low, but I was so full. I ate breakfast this morning to get a head start on them so I get enough in. Not sure if I have to worry about that or not. I hope carbs lose even more appeal like they have for @Karlotta and others. And the weight! I need the weight to go. I was down 1.4 lbs this morning. At least part of that might be b/c I gave up nuts a couple/few days ago. Who knows? :) Don't really care, I guess, as long as it GOES!

    It's a gorgeous, sunny day here. Hope you all are having a great weekend! xoxoxo

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Wanted to add, I have one more big social event to finish off this amazingly busy month, next Saturday. Getting together with a bunch of high school friends (30 years for me this year) for an unofficial reunion. One friend just completed chemotherapy treatments and requested we get together. Plus, families are requested so it shouldn't get too rowdy! My drink will be water. I can't do that anymore! It didn't make me want to eat at least, and I felt fine the next day. They say that gastric bypass patients react differently to alcohol since its absorbed so much quicker, and boy did I find that out! I'm just glad I was at the hotel with family, safe. I am down .6 pounds this week!

    @wheatlessgirl66, I believe I will be mainly meativore for the foreseeable future. I may eat some salad or a blueberry or two after May is up, but it won't be daily. My primary food source will be from the animal kingdom from now on!! So happy about your weight loss too!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Oh Karlotta, I'm glad you're OK. I was worried about you the other night.

    It looks like it will be a beautiful day today. I will be working in my mother's garden all weekend. Although I am feeling the effects of stress from work and haven't slept enough this week. Yesterday my tooth started to ache and I could barely chew my scrambled eggs this am. I'm thinking it's just stress, upping my vitamin C and hoping it will go away. My head is full of pressure too, but could be due to my allergies to grass, weeds and trees. Took a reactine a little while ago and will see if that helps.

    Have a great weekend ladies.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi ladies. Hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Friday I was out for the whole day, but boy did I bounce back. It was great having no migraine/crash hangover. Thinking it has to be this woe. Never have recovered so quickly before. Still have a few planters to make up & set out & 2 more beds to weed & replant, then will be set to just keep up with watering & weeding. Have a good day everybody.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @sk8kate So nice that you've been so active but no migraines or crashes. I agree that this woe is very good for us and helps repair whatever is going on in our bodies. I love to work in the garden but trying it for 1 measly hour was agonizing. I hope I improve enough to get out there before the summer is over.

    I posted on other treads, but will say here that this is my fourth day on ZeroCarb and I'm down 2.6 lbs! Unheard of for me, right? Also, I lost 3/4" on my waist and 1/4" from my knee area. That's all since starting ZC on 5/22. Seems carbs are a real problem for me! Makes me wish I had started the Meativore Challenge on May 1!

    I soooo hope this continues!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hello my Dear Friends <3
    @Karlotta tee hee I did see a set of unusual posts from you in one thread. I thought you’d had your account hacked, so you could always tell everyone that’s what happened LOL Glad that you had such a fantastic and happy time!!! I had both of my boys move out of home within 3 months of one another. 1 expected and the other very sudden, so I’m glad you still have fledglings in your nest.

    So we have 2 Meativores in this thread, @Karlotta and @Ellen. I’m so very excited to see you both losing weight on it and truly want to do that myself. I just have to learn to love beef first lol

    Thank you all for your wishes and love for David. He’s like a new man. He’s been in pain and hardly been able to sleep since around Sept or Oct last year. Even when he was first out of theatre he rated the pain at 2/10 which was a massive improvement. Now he feels like a total fraud being off work ‘sick’, but the surgeon said 2 weeks and he can’t go back without a clearance certificate woo hooooo! We are having such a wonderful time spending this unexpected time together. A little computer time, some shopping trips, a little housework, a little time snuggled up watching a favourite TV show, and lots of time doing our hobbies together. It’s like the most amazing gift and I’ve fallen more in love with him all over again. Just so excited and happy to see him pain free and relaxed again!

    @Ellen who knows if calories even count very much when you’re ZC. Continue to go by how you feel – well that’s my humble opinion anyway. So excited for your weight losses and that you’ve found what works for you!

    @Janice gosh you work so hard in those 2 gardens. As long as you’re still listening to Dr Randy, and are pain free that’s such fantastic exercise. My Grandfather always loved this little saying… ‘The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth. You are nearer God’s heart in the garden, than anywhere else on Earth’. You may have heard it before, but it’s beautiful isn’t it?

    @Kate so happy that you had such a great weekend, and bounced back so well. You’re in the garden too? I guess Spring fever is getting you all ‘up there’ in the Northern Hemisphere. For us it’s getting decidedly cooler and I still have quite a bit of crochet to do on the 2 Mermaid Tail Afghans for my granddaughters. I’ve also crocheted some wrist warmers for myself and am now knitting some Dr Who fingerless gloves for David ready for when we go down south (colder still for us!) in July for our holiday/vacation. We want to be out early with our cameras to photograph mist on lakes and other freezing cold activities ha ha!!!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Good morning everyone! We had a beautiful day yesterday, and enjoyed grilling steaks last night with our sons. Hope you all had beautiful weather and a great day too.

    @May I love the saying you quoted! It's beautiful, and such a wonderful memory of your grandfather. About the beef--isn't Australia known for having incredibly delicious beef? Seems like I heard that on a cooking show. Hope you are able to develop the taste for it if you want to join the zc club. Smother it with butter---everything tastes better with a slab of butter on it! ;) It's so wonderful that David is feeling so much better and that you're able to enjoy this extra time together! It's lovely to have the togetherness time that makes you fall in love all over again.
    It kinda messes with my brain that you're planning a July holiday and preparing for freezing cold. In the US, July is know for heat!

    Time for my second cup of coffee. Have a lovely day, all!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning ladies.
    @GrannyMayOz I agree with Ellen. Hard to fathom preparing for cold in July. How cold is cold? It's great you & David r able to spend this time together & enjoy each other. Still can't believe how well he's doing! Keep having fun.
    @Ellen so glad ZC is working. Hope you enjoyed your coffee. Have a good day.
    @Janice r u finding the gardening & being outside in sun helps your mood/energy levels? I was told years ago to help the Hashi's that needed to take Vit D in thru my eyes. So be outside for at least 10 mins every day without sunglasses. All I know is I think I feel better after being in sun (with several layers of sunscreen on). I find I burn different now, (still quickly), but my arms,chest, neck, even face retain colour now even after peeling. Where they used to burn, peel, & turn white again. My mum always told me my freckles would fade in my 20's (she lied), but I'm getting more all the time.
    i realized I haven't been logging all the black coffee I drink. So probably affecting my water intake (need more) & calories. Well off to water and finish planting.
    Have a great day everyone.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Hi ladies. It's good to read the wonderful improvements in everyone's life. We passed the fledgling stage in this home 10 years ago. It's mixed emotions but we raise them to to stand tall and walk strong. My biggest victory has been keeping my carbs between 40-60, a huge step for me. Weather has finally become spring/summer in New England. @Sk8Kate, @janice I just read about VIT K and the sun over the weekend. I have fair skin so lather up well w/spf and cover self. Overall, that's why we are less grumpy in warmer seasons as we tend to be outside more.

    Stay strong ladies and have a good week!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you @Ellen and @Kate. Yes, it's such a relief to see David walking normally and able to get out of a chair or drive the car without any pain. We're so grateful this operation was so successful because the next step is a partial knee replacement. It will still come to that, but obviously not for a while yet now this op went so well.

    Where I live, the coldest nights get down to 35.6°F We get quite a few of those during winter, but for some reason it never gets lower. I know that's not really cold to many of you, but our houses are made to let heat *out* so trying to keep them warm during winter is a lot harder. We don't have central heating or double glazing, and we have tiled floors in most of the rooms. I have a gas room heater in the main living area, but it certainly doesn't warm the whole house. And it's probably worse for David and I because we are awake until the early hours. Most people are in bed around 10 or 11pm before the coldest time arrives. We go to bed around 2am. We do have a heated waterbed though, which is awesome. Many winter days are warm enough to be outside in a t.shirt and jeans if it's not windy, but the temp drops at night.

    'Down south' will be colder and they do get to freezing point. It's also wetter down there, but we're really hoping it'll be kind to us. There's a high tree walk we want to go on, without being blown from the walkways, or soaked ;) We'll be staying near Pemberton. Checking the map, I just found out there's one of those in BC, Canada. I didn't know that before. That probably means there's one in the UK as well.

    Hi @hoopsgal My boys left home 13 years ago now, but we had a refund on the youngest and he comes home with his own son and stays on alternate weekends.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Easily back down to my lowest-yet weight of 82 kgs this morning. I've been taking one daily valerian tablet and it's got me wondering about the things Wabmester said about raised cortisol levels in post-menopausal women. Pretty sure the valerian would be overriding some of that in that...

    We have raised cortisol through being post-menopausal;
    Once you're stressed, stress breeds in and of itself;
    Reducing the 'breeding' factor through taking herbal valerian, which is soothing/peace-giving may lead to lower overall cortisol;
    Lower cortisol can assist with weight loss.

    Other factors right now are that I've taken a very small dose of magnesium 3 nights out of the last 5, and our 'time zone' has moved to slightly more normal during this past week with David not working. We've been going to bed at midnight and getting up around 8am (instead of our usual 2am - 9.30 or 10am sleep times). Sleep times will revert to normal again after next Friday when David goes back to work, so I'll keep with the occasional magnesium and daily valerian and see how this goes. It's very early days yet and I'd love to narrow down which of the 3 things is helping me right now to lose weight, or at least not bounce back up so much.

    Or it could be none of those and just a fluke to screw with my head, ha ha!

    I even ate 1600 calories yesterday, where I normally aim for 1450. C34, F125, P80 so the extra calories were from fat.

    Busy day today. Cousin and hubby coming for lunch, then pick up the girls from school and entertain them here, then take them home, have dinner at theirs and then 'sit' them for the evening while their parents go out. While I'm there, use Amie's cutting template machine to cut out a heap of butterflies for the invitations for my mother's 80th birthday in August. Happy times.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Whatever it is that's helping the loss, I'm glad it is! I'm thinking we'll always have bounces up, but that's fine as long as they go right back down again! Sounds like you have a very nice day today, May.

    I was up .2 yesterday and it's still the same today. I was hoping it would be down again, but at least it didn't go higher! I think I need to eat a little more, especially to raise my fat. I find myself getting the 'munchies' between meals, and I want to eliminate that. I think it's more of habit than anything, just wanting something crunchy.
    I don't miss eating carbs too much, except for the things like avocado and salsa that add flavor to the meat. I think I'll probably add them in after this month is over and see if they make me gain. I enjoy the simplicity, but I still have to prepare carbs for my family. Now, if I could just convince them to be meativores...... ;)
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @GrannyMayOz like the "refund". My son left home 7 yrs ago, but kept coming back. With a dog, a couple of horses, another dog, then 2 more horses. Joked to hubby at least wasn't a baby, & lo & behold he shows up with one & fiancée (be careful what u put out there). He just celebrated his b'day and we're so grateful because 9 mos ago we didn't think he'd live to see another one. He'd been so ill for 10 mos. Lost tons of weight,couldn't keep a job as he was puking/pooping blood all the time.It was scary. A Dr in our little town caught the problem (extreme hyperthyroidism/Graves) & he had total thyroidectomy in Dec. He's a changed man. Has kept job for 6 mos (knock on wood), is getting married, & has own house coming. 7 yrs of crazy & now he's a man we enjoy having around. (Still hard to see him as a man, not my boy). And the grandbaby is one HUGE perk!
    Sorry, off track a little but was sitting counting my blessings & wanted to share.
    Have a good one everybody.