Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Yes, @deksgrl, that icky feeling will grow into the strongest willpower you've ever had. For me it is anyway. I get the icky feeling if I think about, or see carbage. The motivation I feel is outstanding because of the results (NSVs) I've seen!

    @Sk8Kate, having validation through blood work is awesome proof that this woe isn't harmful is a great thing. I don't feel it's pretty, at all! I understand wanting proof, to show the naysayers that they are wrong!

    @debbiesteinman, welcome to the group! It's the most comfortable, and supportive, on mfp!!

    I feel real good about my "admirer" situation. I've never had an opportunity to tell one how their words affected me, until now! I feel so much stronger and able to handle anything!
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    I feel that if you are not losing, you have to seriously look at your food intake. So if carbs are low enough, take a meal and cut out some protein. I would also stop snacking between meals. Go further in between meals. To burn some fat. At 20g carbs a day you should be in ketosis. You should not be hungry. So dont eat if you dont want to. Even if it is mealtime. It is ok to skip a meal sometimes. Make sure to eat nutrient-dense foods so that you are up with all the vitamins you need.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi all. Had my Dr appt today. She won't do blood work for another month to give this WOE a "real chance to see change". But, she was all for it. And my biopsies came back clean so I am going to really enjoy this summer. Still can't believe how much better I feel now as compared to this time last year. I've already spent more time in yard in the past month than I did all of last year. It's great!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Why can't MFP give us a like button? So happy for you @Sk8Kate!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    edited May 2015
    That's awesome Sk8Kate!

    Well.... yesterday we had a fundraiser to go to and I figured this was going to be a bad thing. Beer and chicken BBQ. Ugh. I learned my lesson. Nothing on the menu was low carb. The fog came rolling back into my head and I felt like I was hung over. But today I'm back at it and I feel better. This is Day 1 for the man. We used stevia in our coffee and we didn't die from no sugar. lol. We just had brunch, bacon onion scrambled eggs with bacon on the side.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Yum...bacon! I'm glad it's something I don't get tired of eating! Great start! Before long the Stevia will taste sweet too!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello Ladies, hope everyone is well.

    I feel like I am in a bit of a slump, but I know you ladies ave all been where I am now. I was going great with the dairy free experiment, and then along came Mother's day and I'm struggling to maintain the loss....which wasn't a real loss, it was merely getting back to my previous low weight. I'm wondering why I have been losing the same 2-3 pounds for weeks really, and ending up in the same place as before. The only good thing is that I am not gaining weight. If I have a day or two with a higher carb intake, I can expect my weight to go up even if the amount of carb calories I have eaten does not justify the gain.....you know what I mean, I did not take in 3,500 calories in order to gain that pound. Sigh.

    I am also bummed out about an incident at work on Friday about which I won't go into in detail. This co-worker who is a manager is a bit of a bully and took out some of her nastiness on me, and I am trying to get this worrying out of my mind. You know, even though I know I am doing so much better handling my anxiety, at times like this it crops up. I am so thankful that I don't resort to stress eating anymore, so that's good.

    So today I thought I'd better try to find something to cheer me up. I am preparing a big bundle of clothes to give for a donation in aid of diabetes, so went up to my closet to see if I could find anything else to give away. I tried on clothes, trying to determine what to keep, what fits, what's too big etc and I found a whole heap of stuff to give away. But I also found some old clothes that now fit ! I was flabbergasted to find blouses in size 14 that fit and a nice pair of fancy jeans size 16 ( I've always been one size bigger on the bottom ). I could not believe that they fit ! I'm happy about that. That news gave me a little energy to get on the treadmill this afternoon.

    Back to the old grind, back to routine. Maybe I'll try the dairy free idea again this week, right after my cheeseburger is eaten....
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Kitnthecat, closet shopping can be fun!!! We are about the same size. I'm an 18 on bottom andl L/XL on top. I actually wore a size large dress this weekend! I am amazed with myself and insured you are feeling the same! Try not to allow work stress to dictate your actions. Good luck! :D
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hello Everyone <3 Well, I've read and loved all of your posts - and all of the posters (by which I mean each of you!). You're truly the most beautiful group of ladies on the entire web, not just MFP!!!

    But I am so far behind that I simply can't go through every post and reply to everything that I want to. That makes me sad, but I have a lot to do in real life, and David is rostered off on Wednesday so I only have 2 days to achieve the urgent things before things get behind/messed up again. I don't do housework or exercise while people are around and David had both weekend days off. Which was wonderful.

    Saturday we had our son and grandson arrive as they always do on alternate weekends. Then we had our other son and D-I-L bring our 2 granddaughters. Those 2 adults stayed for a while and then went home. We'd been looking forward to attending a Medieval Fayre in the city for literally months, and had planned/made costumes etc. Well, after a fine week and so little rain so far this Autumn (only 2 weeks remain until Winter) the forecast for the weekend was guaranteed rain, and storms with strong winds. What awful timing :( The Fayre was to be outdoors. So we put on our costumes anyway. I face painted (my latest hobby) the 3 grandies and my son and we had fun taking photos. Then the grandies did some colouring in, we had dinner, and they snuggled up to watch a film before bed.

    The narrator of the story
    The scary dragon
    The brave knight
    The innocent maiden/princess...
    and her sister

    So they enacted the princesses being scared and the knight saving them by stabbing the dragon.

    The girls' dresses were purchased by their Mum a while ago, and a friend of my mum made my dress. David made his own trousers and jacket, I made his shirt and Andrew's knight's tunic.

    Sunday they just played happily together until their parents came for them. It was a happy time, but still disappointing that we couldn't go out. Apparently there's another one out in the country in October *sigh*. It'll be Spring by then, and hopefully fit weather!

    And I'm very relieved to finally report, after 3 weeks' hard work, that I'm down a new 100 grams today. Woot, woot, happy dance!!! Which is slightly marred by wondering how much of the glory will be taken away from me tomorrow ha har! ;)
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Kitnthecat Sure do know about the slump! But how great that you are able to wear clothes you haven't been able to wear for a while---that's wonderful! I'm sure the ones you're donating will be of real help to other ladies. So nice of you to do that. Maybe dropping the dairy for a while will shake things up a little bit. Hope so!

    @Karlotta Oooo--so fun to get a pretty dress for the wedding. You must have felt like a million bucks! Good on you for passing up all the cake, too!

    @GrannyMayOz You're an amazing artist--the face-painting and costumes are wonderful! The kids look so happy with them. You made it a great day despite the rain; such a fun grandma and grandpa. :) Yay for the scale drop, and I hope it's permanent. You've been working so hard at this!

    It's good to read everyone's progress and stick-to-it attitudes. Hope you all have a great week!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    May, What a great way of improvisation to make the weekend fun. Congratulations on your progress.

    Everyone's posts are very inspiring. Here's to us all having a good day and week.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello Ladies. It's great to hear everyone's stories. I love this group !

    Wow May ! Your face painting is superb ! It looks like everyone had a good time.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Love the costumes and the painting! How cute!

    Closet shopping is the greatest.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Yes, the closet shopping was fun. I never dreamed that I could have fit into the size 14 blouses. I thought they'd be tight and they're actually a little loose, just right probably. I washed them this am since they were dusty from sitting in the closet for maybe 8 years ?...and I will wear one tomorrow to work.

    Shopping in my closet is like undergoing an archeological dig. I have a stack of pants folded and stacked according to size, smaller sizes at the bottom and the larger ones on top. I'm removing the layers and reliving the memories associated with the clothes. I can remember what I was doing when I last wore these clothes. Some of them have bad memories associated with them since in my mind, I was ashamed of gaining weight and having to continually buy larger clothes. But this time, on the way back down in size, it is kind of fun to wear them again but with a more positive attitude.

    For instance, the size 16 jeans and the size 14 blouse were worn when I attended a party with a man 14 years younger than me. That was the last time I felt OK about how I looked. It seemed to me that after I grew out of these clothes and had to buy larger sizes, I gave up on ever being able to look good in clothes, since I was wearing increasingly larger sizes.

    Also looking forward to getting all of these old clothes out of my closet and dresser drawers once and for all, and being able to maintain a healthy weight with this woe. It will be even more fun to shop for clothes that fit whatever new size I end up being able to comfortably maintain. I figure I'll know it when I get there, might take another year, who knows ?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Right there with y o u on the emotions @Kitnthecat! What a great FEELING it is!!! Am getting more passionate!!!? I LIKE!!! GOOD for U!! The closet clean outs are more fun! Don't forget consignment shops (sorry to hijack), are a great way to get some money back on your clothes, instead of just giving them away in a clean out!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you everyone, I loved face painting so much!!!

    @Kitn that's so very exciting about your clothes, I'm thrilled for you. And your happiness at rewriting the story of each garment too! Because my waist and tummy have stayed fairly much the same size I haven't really been able to do that yet, though I've bought some knee-length boots 'off the shelf' for the first time in my life. My calves have always been too fat to fit into normal boots. So either the whole population is fatter and they make the boots to accommodate us all now, or I've lost fat on my calves for the first time since I was 11.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    So. I figured out what to do about chocolate. I'm trying a chocolate garden this year. Really hard to find the plants I want, but I've started with chocolate mint & chocolate flower (supposedly smell like chocolate) then I have some chocolate coloured plants. Hubby keeps telling me that no matter what I do they won't magically turn into Hershey's bars ( he's not as funny as he thinks he is). Can't wait for everything to come up & sit & have my coffee in it.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh wow @Kate what an amazing idea! Did you know there is a fruit named a chocolate sapote? It's real name is 'Diospyros nigra' or 'black sapote' but they say that it tastes exactly like chocolate pudding, or frozen like a chocolate icy pole. Not sure what icy poles are called in the USA, but it's usually just frozen juice or flavoured water, not an ice cream as such.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Here's what I do for a chocolate fix. I buy Stash brand organic herbal tea, "Chocolate Orange" flavour. It has a nice chocolate flavour and aroma. The ingredients listed on the box are : organic cocoa shells, orange peel, rosehips and orange oil.