Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you are all feeling bright and happy. Wow, 4 or 5 days since I last posted...what a week! Lol. I have read through all the posts and decided to make notes so I dont miss saying what I want to. :p

    First off, welcome to Rivka and AlaskaSue. Lovely to have you with us! Sue.....you are way to active for me,lol, but respect and I predict a bit of competition with you and May now. We can all just sit back and let you two bask in the virtue of doing your running while we think about it! :) I used to do Atkins and take no notice of fat but that could be your stumbling block...too much protein. I have to say putting fat high and protein medium seems to (slowly thanks to our collective age enemy) do the trick. Have you done your macros? Might be enlightening.

    Wedding pics.......you look so beautiful....Karlotta , May and Betty! May - you were young and congrats on growing together and staying together! Lolol, David is looking at you like he wants to EAT you! But that look of love is unmistakable. Lovely. I have a wedding photo of Chris looking at Tinka like that. I always makes me fill up seeing my son look like that! I finally came across a photo of mine which I'll post after I finish writing. :#

    @May and Ellen...good luck on your trial to get the stall over! Be interesting to see what happens. Btw, May the Filigree boxes are wood and popular but our stockist isnt keeping them anymore so hubby is thinking to make them himself!
    @Janice I really hope that your headache has gone now and that your neck is sorted. Has Randy done his magic again?
    @Kate well done on the good choices you made on your Tournament weekend, shows you are getting there when you can do that.
    Happy Birthday!! I wondered why desserts suddenly appeared on your diary! Lol. Im actually going to say that I'm glad you didnt enjoy them...it means you will remember and avoid them in future. I'm not fancying sweet stuff at all but hubby is so I have been making all sorts of new things that I have found on Pinterest. Today it was creme anglaise....rediculously low carb! Low carb Nutella. Microwave mug cakes and microwave cheesecake! I have been really happy to find Erythritol.....I hate the aftertaste of Splenda etc and Erythritol behave just like sugar. Only drawback is that its not as sweet as sugar so I still have to add a bit of splenda.

    @Karlotta brilliant news about your sons award. Its so nice when their hard work gets recognised. Enjoy your trip.
    @ Ratsmith....so happy you have got back into LCHF easily.

    So, my week! A week I dont want to repeat too soon. The baby Arrangements took so long that I was starting about 7pm but wasnt finishing until about 1am. For 4 nights I didnt sleep until about 5am. I went to bed, tossed and turned and got up again until about 5-5.30 then had just 4-5 hours sleep!!! Argghhh. Finally on wednesday I broke it! So much so that I was sitting in the car doing suduko on my mobile while hubby went into a shop and......I fell asleep bolt upright!! Lol. Then when we got home I slept for 2 hours and again went to bed at 1am and slept! Thank God! I got some Rodiola and Magnesium so we will see if that helps.

    On the other hand....I broke my mini target today! Under 95kg. Thats 6.4 kg in total as I was low carbing before MFP started. Probably be up tomorrow but I dont care! I know its only a matter of time now. Next mini target......under 93kg by 21st June( Hubbys Birthday) After that.....unknown territory....havent been there for sooooo long! Can it be anything to be with not counting calories? I will see what I have been up to in another 3 weeks.
    Happy Mothers Day to all of you celebrating it this weekend. Enjoy all the time with your kids and grandies. Such special times.

    If we dont have wedding pics to share how about our 'before' pics? Before putting on weight OR before losing it! I look at one I have that just reminds me I was skinny once,lol, but theres a whole lot of life experiences since then!
    Hope you all have a lovely week and we see lots of losses for us all! And if we dont....dont worry,,,it will come(or go,lol).

    Here it is then....1977, 21 years old!!!!!

  • Lillahe
    Lillahe Posts: 37 Member
    @May, Thank you for the tour of your garden. I enjoyed it very much! One other thing I appreciate about you is your willingness to try different things in your w.o.e. in an effort to help all of us. You my dear are a scientist at heart.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi ladies, thanks for all the b'day wishes (greatly appreciated). Next time I cheat it's DQ, cause Peanut Buster Parfait is the world's most perfect food (IMO). But not for a long while. After 7 hr drive home today, filled out my diary & realized didn't do too bad. Another t'ment tomorrow tho, but BPC can go a long way. Then Mother's Day - family is being very supportive, so it should go good. Will weigh in am to see how much damage did yesterday. So now am wondering if wedding cake at son's wedding is going affect me same way. (Can't do PBP as he's deathly allergic to nuts). Take my own fat bombs & not share?
    @jumanajane wow what a week. Congrats on mini goal. You look so young in the photo & beautiful! 21 yr olds today sure don't look that way anymore. Awesome suggestion for the photos. My mother-in-law "accidentally" lost ours, but my mum had a couple amateur ones & couple of proofs I'm going to see if I can dig up.
    @GrannyMayOz I'm really glad you're test driving so much for us & letting us know your results so we can see other options of mixing it up for ourselves. Don't think I can go without dairy for awhile yet as large % of my fat comes from there.
    @Karlottap you leave me exhausted with all your activities. Congrats to your son ( huge accomplishment)! Isn't it great when we can bask in our kids' glory.
    @RATSMITH69 welcome back to group. Glad keto flu passed you by.
    @happylifex10 glad the no logging is working for you. Think I better wait a couple weeks, cause my brain is pretty good at tricking me & I might just eat anything not nailed down.
    @Kitnthecat hope you're feeling better.
    Once again I really appreciate the birthday wishes.
    Goodnight all
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Jane---congrats on getting to your mini goal! That's wonderful--now on to the next! Your wedding picture is so pretty and sweet. I love the waterfall bouquets.

    Kate--Peanut Buster Parfait sounds perfectly decadent! I love ice cream; another of my 'one weaknesses.'

    RATSMITH--I like Goat's point about the downward line; a much better and more reasonable perspective to watch a trend rather than the frenetic daily changes.

    Happylife--How great that no logging is working for you! I'm sure I'd go off kilter in a heartbeat.

    Kitn--feeling better today, I hope!! So good that you have a good chiropractor to help you!

    So far so good for GrannyMayOz and me with our little shake-it-up-carb-it-up experiment! We both had happy a happy morning with a little loss on the scale. Could be just a tease, but we'll see what happens in the long run.

    Have a lovely day/weekend, everyone!
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Hi AlaskaSusan, your story sounds a bit like mine. I too am down 120lbs , a widow and looking for "me" LOL I have the last 58 to lose and always seem to get stuck at the same point. Not sure if I get complacent or what. Just feels good to be able to move and do things I could not for many years. Keep up the good work everybody, I don't post a lot but read all you posts :smiley: My biggest challenge with this woe starts Monday as I am going on a road trip for 2 1/2 weeks. Anyone got any tips for travelling, please chime in !!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hello Ladies. I hope everyone is keeping well. Welcome cdpits and Susan.

    I'm still flabbergasted by May's awesome spreadsheet, holy smokes ! I've stopped using my rudimentary one in favour of MFP and logging my daily weight on an extra calendar...very primitive, but it works. Whatever works. It looks like not logging is working your you happylife - good work.

    I'm cheering GMO and wheatless on their mission. I think I did the same thing in raising carbs when I overindulged on Easter, and all those social functions. It suddenly makes me feel better about it, knowing that it could be used as a strategy. I think my extra carbs on my birthday last week led to getting my weight loss going again this past week when restricting dairy. It was such a difference from one week to the next. Good luck ! See Kate, you did well on your birthday !

    Wonderful about your son Karlotta ! Enjoy your weekend !

    Jane, what a beautiful wedding picture ! So regal. I am divorced....wondering if I can find a picture just of me.... I'm so terrible for pictures.

    Well my neck is still sore, but not nearly as bad as the other day. I was crying trying to get to sleep that night. I usually sleep with a neck roll under my head to support my neck, at least for a little while, but haven't been able to tolerate it these days. The past couple of days have been better. I still have a bit of pain, but it is manageable without pain killers usually. I saw Dr Randy this am, but no results on my X-rays yet. He did do some different techniques today though so we'll see if it makes a difference. He did say that he sees improvement from a couple of weeks ago. It could be that it will just feel worse as it gets better ? When I look back to even a year ago, I am in such better health. It could be that I am more tuned in to my body, and instead of disregarding injury and pain and just keeping on going and making things worse, I deal with my own health much better.

    I've got some house work to do today. My mother seems intent on emptying out the contents of her house into mine, so we have to clear out some items we no longer need in order to make room. Going to donate a lot of clothes that are too big for me and that the girls no longer need.

    I'm going to have a short visit from my oldest friend this afternoon. We met in Grade 3 when we were 8 yrs old. Then tomorrow it will be the fancy brunch with my mother and sister for Mother's Day. Have a great weekend everyone, and Happy Mother's Day !

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Just sending love to you all quickly before I head for bed. I've read and loved all your messages, just not had the time to answer everyone personally, so I hope to do that properly tomorrow evening after the boys and grandies have gone home, and David's still at work.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I just got home! 6:14am here. Have been awake for just over 26 hours. Am tired. Just dropping in to say hello, and good night! Happy Mother's Day!
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Happy Mothers day everyone xo
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Happy Mothers day everyone xo
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Belated "Happy Mother's Day" everyone (as day is nearly done). Best gift ever, my daughter showed up at Taekwondo t'ment I was reffing at yesterday. She worked my ring with me & we had a blast. The little guys are so adorable, they kept us in stitches. I got smoked by 2 inexperienced fighters at the same time, one kicked my belly the other got me just above my left knee. I didn't go down, but when I looked at my daughter I thought she was going to jump in to take over (or kick them back, lol). We don't get to spend too much time together anymore (she's away at university) so yesterday was extra special.
    Hope everyone had just as good a day! Night all.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @GrannyMayOz I was looking at your spread sheet on"2 lovely ladies" thread. Wow! You've got a very analytical mindset obviously. so does my husband drives him crazy that I'm a little scattered. Love how you have a "tummy" measurement & "waist" one. So do I. The young ones probably don't,hey?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm still recovering from the crazy, but fun, day with family! Tired can't begin to describe how I felt! Was a great weekend! Saturday morning my brother-in-law (graduates dad) made breakfast for everyone. Many carb loaded options but I chose the scrambled eggs and sausage patties. For lunch we went to a local restaurant that's similar to McAllisters Deli with mostly sandwiches. I got a ham and Turkey with bacon and provolone poor boy and ate the inside sans bread. Then supper was at a party being hosted by a friend's family. Got lucky again when there was roast beef, boiled shrimp, and cheddar cheese in the options! So, eating wasn't so hard for being out of town.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi all. How nice reading about all the lovely things you got up to over the weekend! All so restrained or making good food choices and still enjoying it all! Brilliant!

    I have had a few days with a high pulse rate and feeling that my blood was fizzing through my heart...weird I know but decided it must yet again be low electrolytes. If that didnt help I was off to the hosp. I took a large couple of pinches of salt and added low salt and just licked it off my hand. Then added another magnesium tab for good measure. WOW! Within half and hour I suddenly felt better! Added salt to my lemon juice this morning and had the full dose of magnesium(I didnt look at the 'serving size' on the bottle for 400mg..its 2 and I have only been taking 1! :p ) and .....pulse is down and I feel fine! No idea how to monitor my levels though!

    Its certainly heating up here in Dubai! Over 40C (104F)most days now and the AC is permanently on. I have always been a 'hot' person meaning I sweat easily. I used to look like I had had a shower when I came out of the gym....before going into the showers,lolol. I guess I have to watch losing extra electrolytes because of sweating too.

    A friend sent me this which really tickled me....I guess those of you getting ready for summer can relate.....

    aaagghhhh....hubby just came home with a new product! He has been making moulds to make filled chocolates with a little printed white chocolate insert for the message.....he insisted I try it as his chief taster!! >:) I had a quarter nibble. That was enough (I'm lying,lol it was lovely!!! hehehe)

    I have been reading a lot of the threads and I have been amused/surprised that a lot of people seem to have or had issues with their mothers....myself included! Seems we all turn to food for comfort. Unfortunately I exchanged my super critical mother for an equally critical husband! It wasnt until I was in my 40's and after hypnotherapy that I learnt how to deal with her and it's only now that we are actually building a better relationship. I didnt learn how to deal with my husband but did get the strength to get rid of him!! BTW my mother always told me I was fat and that was when I was the same size as in my wedding photo.....it was only when I DID get fat after all the medical stuff in my 30's that I realised that now I WAS fat and that I never had been before!!!!

    I'm pleased to report that I met and fell in love with my wonderful husband about 3 years later.....when I was fat,lol..... and we have been happily married for 15 years.......and he has never said a word about my size except being worried for my health! Oh, I better tell you all now...hes 18 3/4 years younger than me!!! Just shows you! He is a blessing and gift from God!

    Hope you are all doing well and I'm looking forward to hearing about all your losses!
  • HorseChick008
    HorseChick008 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, I am 50yrs old and have been crazy yo-yo dieting for the past 3 1/2 yrs. I lost all my weight in 2007 and kept it off for a few years then it all came back. I am struggling as I feel my weight is getting in the way of what I love to do which is to ride and show horses. Also I watched my Mom die of complications of obesity at age 66 and just want to be healthy. I was my highest weight ever the first of the year but I did lose 18 pounds doing the Dukan Diet which is low carb low fat by Valentines Day. I gained 4of it back and have been struggling. LCLF is not a WOE I could keep up. When I lost my weight before I did a modified South Beach but am finding at age 50 it no longer works for me either. Anyway I was glad to find this thread and look forward to learning from you all :-)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hello to all the beautiful ladies here. Thank you so much to everyone for your wonderful posts, they each bring so much to this group <3 and I smile and feel your joy, or I am sad with you and hope for everything to turn to good - and skinniness too! Love the cartoon Jane - that's about right! And your wedding photo is wonderful. I love weddings, and seeing the dresses, flowers, churches and everything that they bring! Oh wow, you're a cradle snatcher - like your style!!! Sounds as if you now have a lovely husband to make up for the first one and your mother.

    My mother is a covert narcissist. She always knew exactly how to twist the knife to inflict pain, guilt and shame on me; all the while maintaining her angelic exterior for the world to see so I was never able to go to anyone for help, understanding, sympathy or whatever or I'd have been seen as a nasty liar. Mind you, I was married before the penny dropped and I truly saw her for what she was. I'd always believed her when she said everything was dad's fault. And he's a loveless empty void so neither parent had the faintest clue about nurture or love. However, I had one amazing grandfather and an uncle/aunty pair who I saw regularly enough to receive at least some unconditional love. They truly made every difference in my life. And somehow, I married a man like my gorgeous (maternal) grandfather, not my father, so I've been gifted 40 amazing years full of love and support as I journeyed my healing from the damage my mother had done. Yes indeed, food was the love and comfort that never showed its face in my FOO (Family Of Origin).

    Welcome @HorseChick I hope that you feel settled into the WOE soon and start to love it! Ask if you have any questions.

  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    WElaine @Horse chick. You are in the right place for love and support! Feel free you.....or any of our ladies...to add me as a friend!

    LOL....I prefer...Cougar rather than cradlesnatcher.....sleek and elegant
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Why does it cut half the post when I use my mobile!!???
    I wrote...I resisted him for a long time but had to give in. Obviously what God had planned for us!!
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning/evening ladies

    I cannot relate to you ladies and your Mother problems as I was blessed with a beautiful Mom. She passed away 2 years ago and I miss her very much everyday. I did have the normal Mother/Daughter issues as a child but never the anything bad just a young girl thinking that Mom didn't know anything. As I became older and had children of my own, we became the best of friends and spoke daily. When she got sick, I was blessed to spend everyday with her at the hospital for the 2 months she was there before she passed.

    I agree with you @jumanajane - Cougar is much better, lol

    Good to hear that everyone had a good Mother's Day - mine was good as well...enjoyed the day with my hubby and a nice big Rib Steak for dinner..yummmm
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @happilifex so happy to hear that. Such a blessing and I'm sure you must miss her dreadfully. Lovely memories to hold on to and share with your family in the future.