Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @GrannyMayOz I had forgotten about your Easter cream egg that you saved to celebrate the April Challenge. You did great with the calories! Just shows how much this WOE directs us to the right amount. I'm kind of excited about seeing the results of the no dairy challenge. I had one piece of cheese yesterday--forgot to tell my hubby not to put it on my burger. But I'll avoid it today to get started on it. I will definitely miss it, but if it helps lose weight, it's worth it. In the article I posted on @risi's thread about slow loss, I think it listed dairy as the #1 thing to look at. Very interesting. We'll find out, won't we!
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Glad I found this group :) I have been LCHF for 3 weeks now and saw the crazy drops for the first week or so and haven't budged since. But I am feeling very energetic and my inches are going down so I am happy with that.I am 55 (56 in July) and in the past 2+ years have lost 118lbs, I still want to drop another 60 so I need to get my head wrapped around this WOE again. Yes I agree, the older we get the fat seems very stubborn about moving off LOL, but we are a strong lot having been around the block a few times. I haven't added much exercise to my day at this point as I want to get the eating situated first. Thanks for starting this thread :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi everyone! I missed a day and am enjoying catching up!

    @wheatlessgirl, my face has broken out too, really bad acne. I have it anyway due to adult hormones, but it's been especially active the past couple of weeks. I guess the "clean out" comes from everywhere. I'm hoping this doesn't last too long!

    @happylifex10, sorry about the 3 pounds. It is disheartening to see a scale increase. A few days back on plan and you will get it off. I have been working on not letting the scale have the power to control my emotions. I used to let that happen too, but I have taken that power back!

    @RATSMITH69, glad you are back! Please take pictures of your sewing! I would love to see what you make!

    @Twibbly, mothers are sometimes a different breed all their own. Their honesty can cut deeply sometimes. I'm sure she was trying to get you to not leave by making it sound bad. Hope you did make it to the college you chose!

    @GrannyMayOz, I am enjoying learning about the different cultures of the world too. MFP has been great for that and a pleasant surprise. Funny that your family in Lake Charles is in the oil industry! Most people who move there are. Still considering dairy free!

    Started the meativore challenge today! I am excited to see what happens. Have my first birthday party of the month this evening. My sister older sister is 50 today. I don't think I will have any problems with the cake and ice cream though. I made 75 brownies for my son's party at school today and didn't even lick my fingers! Had no desire to. That's a gigantic accomplishment for me. Son is going to the beach after the party this evening so me and hubby will be childless this weekend. We plan to go on a "date" tomorrow evening (Saturday). Not sure what we will do yet, but we will figure it out.

    See y'all later! Have an awesome weekend! :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Sorry, missed a page, lol!

    @GrannyMayOz, I forgot the chocolate egg too! Hope it was good!

    @cdpits, welcome! There are ways of measuring success without the scale. Glad you are seeing inches lost even when the scale isn't moving!

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    @cdpits, welcome! There are ways of measuring success without the scale. Glad you are seeing inches lost even when the scale isn't moving!


    I love this list: http://whole9life.com/2012/08/new-health-scale/
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited May 2015
    Welcome @cdpits My birthday is July as well - 18th.

    @Karlotta All the best with the Meaty Challenge! I'd like to be doing it, but I think it would be difficult until I can eat a wider range of meats. I'm going to do my best quietly on the sidelines though.

    Oh Rebecca!!! I didn't see you there - maybe I was typing as you were. So happy to see you back safely! I hope all continues well for you and I'm so pleased you are having time with your beautiful GrandFlowers. I love men with deep voices too, though I can't necessarily vouch for Aussie guys matching all you could hope for ;) Here's a prime example LOL

    At David's work (as a bus driver) they have an annual free dress day to raise funds for the radio station in our children's hospital. These are the outfits that he wore over the years. Now he's a permanent night driver he doesn't dress up, which is a shame.

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Kitn those videos are sooo beautiful. It would be amazing to see all of those things.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member

    Okay, sorry, needed to yell a bit there, and I had to come back and share the GREAT news as so many of you have been so supportive. Just a quick recap to get it out of the way - - I found out a few months ago that I had a patch of skin cancers of different sorts on both my left jaw/neck/ear and another on my left arm/shoulder. I did my required seven radiation treatments but ended up going in on the 20th for surgery on both places for stubborn spots (image me having stubborn anything!). Surgery was on the 21st and went relatively well but I have puny lungs and don't do anesthesia well so I ended up with pneumonia and had to stay inpatient until the 29th. AND NOW I"M ALL BETTER!! :D

    Whew! Gotta go bounce around a bit!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Oh Wow, congratulations Ratsmith ! That's wonderful news ! Glad you're all better. Sometimes I think that the worrying about results is worse than the procedures we go through.

    Thanks for watching the videos May. You know, whenever those commercials or "ads" run on our TV, I get teary-eyed, just in pride, then my daughter tells me to stop crying. And I've been researching Churchill, so it's cool to see what it looks like. It's in my own province, but very few of us get to go there, and it's just as expensive as a holiday somewhere south and more exotic, just because it is so remote.....no roads, you have to either fly or take the train.

    I love the pictures of your hubby, May ! They're hilarious !

    Well, it's May now, and I think that I'm edging closer to eating more meat, so we'll see. The meat challenge is very tempting, but the dairy challenge is also intriguing me. If I could still have my butter, I may give it a try. At least I could put butter in my coffee with some MCT oil. The trouble is that I've got more than 1 litre of cream in the fridge....might have alfredo this weekend, then start on Monday. It would be interesting to see if the dairy makes a difference. I'm only down .6 kg or 1.3 pounds in the last month, after many highs and lows. The only consolation is that my clothes are loose and I feel smaller. I think it would do me good to eat more meat and less dairy and try to cut down on the nuts as well. I keep dreaming about meat......
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Ratsmith---How wonderful! What a relief to have the treatments over and you're in good health. I'm happy for you. To be able to say "cancer free" is a huge blessing.

    Oh @May---the pics of your husband are hilarious! What a guy! :)

    @cdpitts---Welcome! You've had an amazing loss already, so there's no doubt you can finish the last bit. This is a great group of supportive people.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Squeeeee Happy Dance @Rebecca I'm just so thrilled for you! I was worried during the time you were quiet (after the op), but kept you in my thoughts and prayers. So excited to hear your news!!!

    @Janice I can well understand your pride in those videos, they really gave me goosebumps. There was one with a lady on a canoe and I would swear she was a New Zealander, but I think that one was advertising a cultural centre so she could be. She didn't look Eskimo to me anyway. But I love to see native peoples. I feel so boring as a white person from England and spent my childhood longing desperately to be a native American Indian. I was going to marry a guy with tanned skin and long flowing black hair at the very least!!! You can see I did nothing of the sort ROFL I didn't realise Churchill was *that* isolated, wow! The alfredo sounds like a good idea for the cream. Or you can start Tuesday or whatever if you prefer. I think some of us will go longer than 5 days so just hop on board when you want to.

    @Ellen and @Janice Thank you both. He's a nutter. Full of bubble and cheek most of the time, and game to do almost anything. He's my hero because I'm more one to sit quietly in the background and I used to emotionally hide behind him for years and years. More confident since I gave up full-time work 8 years ago though! We've been married a little over 40 years. Married at 18 and 21.

    I actually feel so fat right now, and my stomach is bloated visibly, as well as just how it feels. I've no idea what happened! I'm up this morning to 83 kgs where I'd been down to 82.4 on Monday. But that's how it goes for us, and I know it will change again - hopefully downwards ha har!

    And that's my next 'Please share if you wish' How about posting one of your wedding pictures?

    Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! <3

  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcomes. @Twibbly, the link was great and yeas way better options than jumping on the scale ! I used to be a slave to it, I would step on it every time I went into the bathroom LOL. I also joined the meatavore challenge to help keep me on track :)
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    It's a good morning here in Missouri. Beautiful sunshiny day perfect for walking. I'm back walking after my day off on Thursday. I'm proud that I completed two full weeks of 10K steps per day with two planned rest days. Last week I did 71.633 steps. HooRay.

    I'm afraid to get on the scale. I don't want to be disappointed in my numbers so I won't weigh again until I notice a change in my clothes. The scale has too much power over me. I get discouraged then binge.

    I've enjoyed the pictures. I'll post some of my own once I figure out how to do it. I may even get to post a picture of me.

    @ granny - how did you learn ribbon embroidery? I love it and would like to try it myself. Any suggestions?

    @ ratsmith -- I'm happy for you and your good news. A cancer diagnosis is terrifying, been there--done that. It takes a while but you actually get to the point where you don't think about it everyday. It took me about 2 and a half years before I was free of the constant shadow hanging over me. Chin up, we're here for you.

    Have a wonderful Saturday or Sunday depending on where you are!!

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hi Ladies....it's my birthday today ! I am 53. You know, I think I get more and more comfortable with my age the older I get.

    It is a beautiful day here today, supposed to go to 27 C. I saw my chiropractor today and he gave me a birthday present, got to pick our a free supplement, so I chose Natural Calm. I didn't take it last night as I chose to drink vodka instead to relax me before bed.....so surprise surprise, I woke up more than 10 times last night with leg and foot cramps. I lost count how many times. It just took the very slightest movement to trigger the next cramp, sometimes while trying to get back into bed. Very frustrating and tiring. And twice I got out of bed too quickly, and that triggered dizziness ( I have an inner ear disorder so have to be careful with movement). At one point I thought I was going to faint or throw up while standing beside my bed trying to straighten out my feet. I didn't know which was worse and didn't want to fall, so got back onto the bed just to avoid the fall. OMG, it was a bad night.

    So this morning I asked my chiropractor ( my Mauricio, May, but his name is Randy ) what else I could do to avoid the cramps. He always says to drink more water, and it's true that yesterday I did not drink my usual amount of water, especially when I switched to vodka, hee, hee. :) He knows I already take magnesium, but he also mentioned potassium, so I figured I needed avocado. I googled potassium rich foods, and I was right, avocado is one of the richest sources of potassium. Most of the foods I do not eat and can't imagine eating a banana now for instance, but avocado and spinach are good ones that I could try to eat more of. I just ate a very late breakfast / lunch of 2 eggs fried in butter with cheddar cheese on top, on a bed of baby spinach, kale, and swiss chard, with a whole avocado with salsa. Oh boy, it was so good. I hope my muscles in my legs and feet are paying attention that they have to be good tonight.

    I'm going out to supper tonight at one of our favorite local Mexican / El Salvadorian restaurants. We started going there years ago since we know they only serve organic grassfed and pastured meat, and that is the only kind of meat we eat at home, so we want the best when we go out too. Most of their menu is gluten free too, but right now since I am doing LCHF, I'll skip the rice, beans and tortillas, and pupusas, and stick with the meat, maybe the buffet so I can just get what I want. They also make their own fresh hot sauces and freshly squeezed lemonade with stevia....so likely there will be a shot of vodka or tequila in there as well !

    I was so pleased that Kate decided to have her baby on my birthday, wonderful planning and a little girl too ! Happy birthday to me and to the little princess.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hi Ladies....it's my birthday today ! I am 53. You know, I think I get more and more comfortable with my age the older I get.

    It is a beautiful day here today, supposed to go to 27 C. I saw my chiropractor today and he gave me a birthday present, got to pick our a free supplement, so I chose Natural Calm. I didn't take it last night as I chose to drink vodka instead to relax me before bed.....so surprise surprise, I woke up more than 10 times last night with leg and foot cramps. I lost count how many times. It just took the very slightest movement to trigger the next cramp, sometimes while trying to get back into bed. Very frustrating and tiring. And twice I got out of bed too quickly, and that triggered dizziness ( I have an inner ear disorder so have to be careful with movement). At one point I thought I was going to faint or throw up while standing beside my bed trying to straighten out my feet. I didn't know which was worse and didn't want to fall, so got back onto the bed just to avoid the fall. OMG, it was a bad night.

    So this morning I asked my chiropractor ( my Mauricio, May, but his name is Randy ) what else I could do to avoid the cramps. He always says to drink more water, and it's true that yesterday I did not drink my usual amount of water, especially when I switched to vodka, hee, hee. :) He knows I already take magnesium, but he also mentioned potassium, so I figured I needed avocado. I googled potassium rich foods, and I was right, avocado is one of the richest sources of potassium. Most of the foods I do not eat and can't imagine eating a banana now for instance, but avocado and spinach are good ones that I could try to eat more of. I just ate a very late breakfast / lunch of 2 eggs fried in butter with cheddar cheese on top, on a bed of baby spinach, kale, and swiss chard, with a whole avocado with salsa. Oh boy, it was so good. I hope my muscles in my legs and feet are paying attention that they have to be good tonight.

    I'm going out to supper tonight at one of our favorite local Mexican / El Salvadorian restaurants. We started going there years ago since we know they only serve organic grassfed and pastured meat, and that is the only kind of meat we eat at home, so we want the best when we go out too. Most of their menu is gluten free too, but right now since I am doing LCHF, I'll skip the rice, beans and tortillas, and pupusas, and stick with the meat, maybe the buffet so I can just get what I want. They also make their own fresh hot sauces and freshly squeezed lemonade with stevia....so likely there will be a shot of vodka or tequila in there as well !

    I was so pleased that Kate decided to have her baby on my birthday, wonderful planning and a little girl too ! Happy birthday to me and to the little princess.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hi Ladies....it's my birthday today ! I am 53. You know, I think I get more and more comfortable with my age the older I get.

    It is a beautiful day here today, supposed to go to 27 C. I saw my chiropractor today and he gave me a birthday present, got to pick our a free supplement, so I chose Natural Calm. I didn't take it last night as I chose to drink vodka instead to relax me before bed.....so surprise surprise, I woke up more than 10 times last night with leg and foot cramps. I lost count how many times. It just took the very slightest movement to trigger the next cramp, sometimes while trying to get back into bed. Very frustrating and tiring. And twice I got out of bed too quickly, and that triggered dizziness ( I have an inner ear disorder so have to be careful with movement). At one point I thought I was going to faint or throw up while standing beside my bed trying to straighten out my feet. I didn't know which was worse and didn't want to fall, so got back onto the bed just to avoid the fall. OMG, it was a bad night.

    So this morning I asked my chiropractor ( my Mauricio, May, but his name is Randy ) what else I could do to avoid the cramps. He always says to drink more water, and it's true that yesterday I did not drink my usual amount of water, especially when I switched to vodka, hee, hee. :) He knows I already take magnesium, but he also mentioned potassium, so I figured I needed avocado. I googled potassium rich foods, and I was right, avocado is one of the richest sources of potassium. Most of the foods I do not eat and can't imagine eating a banana now for instance, but avocado and spinach are good ones that I could try to eat more of. I just ate a very late breakfast / lunch of 2 eggs fried in butter with cheddar cheese on top, on a bed of baby spinach, kale, and swiss chard, with a whole avocado with salsa. Oh boy, it was so good. I hope my muscles in my legs and feet are paying attention that they have to be good tonight.

    I'm going out to supper tonight at one of our favorite local Mexican / El Salvadorian restaurants. We started going there years ago since we know they only serve organic grassfed and pastured meat, and that is the only kind of meat we eat at home, so we want the best when we go out too. Most of their menu is gluten free too, but right now since I am doing LCHF, I'll skip the rice, beans and tortillas, and pupusas, and stick with the meat, maybe the buffet so I can just get what I want. They also make their own fresh hot sauces and freshly squeezed lemonade with stevia....so likely there will be a shot of vodka or tequila in there as well !

    I was so pleased that Kate decided to have her baby on my birthday, wonderful planning and a little girl too ! Happy birthday to me and to the little princess.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hi Ladies....it's my birthday today ! I am 53. You know, I think I get more and more comfortable with my age the older I get.

    It is a beautiful day here today, supposed to go to 27 C. I saw my chiropractor today and he gave me a birthday present, got to pick our a free supplement, so I chose Natural Calm. I didn't take it last night as I chose to drink vodka instead to relax me before bed.....so surprise surprise, I woke up more than 10 times last night with leg and foot cramps. I lost count how many times. It just took the very slightest movement to trigger the next cramp, sometimes while trying to get back into bed. Very frustrating and tiring. And twice I got out of bed too quickly, and that triggered dizziness ( I have an inner ear disorder so have to be careful with movement). At one point I thought I was going to faint or throw up while standing beside my bed trying to straighten out my feet. I didn't know which was worse and didn't want to fall, so got back onto the bed just to avoid the fall. OMG, it was a bad night.

    So this morning I asked my chiropractor ( my Mauricio, May, but his name is Randy ) what else I could do to avoid the cramps. He always says to drink more water, and it's true that yesterday I did not drink my usual amount of water, especially when I switched to vodka, hee, hee. :) He knows I already take magnesium, but he also mentioned potassium, so I figured I needed avocado. I googled potassium rich foods, and I was right, avocado is one of the richest sources of potassium. Most of the foods I do not eat and can't imagine eating a banana now for instance, but avocado and spinach are good ones that I could try to eat more of. I just ate a very late breakfast / lunch of 2 eggs fried in butter with cheddar cheese on top, on a bed of baby spinach, kale, and swiss chard, with a whole avocado with salsa. Oh boy, it was so good. I hope my muscles in my legs and feet are paying attention that they have to be good tonight.

    I'm going out to supper tonight at one of our favorite local Mexican / El Salvadorian restaurants. We started going there years ago since we know they only serve organic grassfed and pastured meat, and that is the only kind of meat we eat at home, so we want the best when we go out too. Most of their menu is gluten free too, but right now since I am doing LCHF, I'll skip the rice, beans and tortillas, and pupusas, and stick with the meat, maybe the buffet so I can just get what I want. They also make their own fresh hot sauces and freshly squeezed lemonade with stevia....so likely there will be a shot of vodka or tequila in there as well !

    I was so pleased that Kate decided to have her baby on my birthday, wonderful planning and a little girl too ! Happy birthday to me and to the little princess.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    OMG, the system was slowing down, and I kept getting a message that told me to try again and the "post reply" button was activated again, so I pressed it again since my first attempts failed....sorry for the quadruplets.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    OMG, the system was slowing down, and I kept getting a message that told me to try again and the "post reply" button was activated again, so I pressed it again since my first attempts failed....sorry for the quadruplets.

    Here it goes again, can't post. It says" There was an error processing your request. Please try again." But the button won't let me save, phooey.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    OMG! A couple of days when I could read but didnt have enough time to sit and type(why dont they get a voice mail thingy for our group...much quicker to talk,lol) and I just know I am going to miss commenting on things I want to!!!

    First off..@Ratsmith...BRILLIANT! So happy for you. What a huge weight it must be off your mind and you have been so positive.
    @Janice Happy Birthday. Hope you have a lovely evening!
    @cdpits....welcome and congrats on your wonderful achievement so far. Hopefully we can all support you on this last 60lbs. Wow, how nice to be able to say that! The last 60!!! You must feel amazing.

    @May..lololol....I kind of guessed that David would be dressing with flair! Wish my legs were as good and....I can rival his moustache some days. heheheh. Thanks for the info about how to turn off seeing calories. Only trouble is it turns off everyones so if I look at a diary I cant see cal but I guess you are all doing great anyway.
    @ NewSue...respect! There is no way I could wait until my clothes feel loser! Lol. I dont stand on morning and evening like I used to and estimate how much I wee overnight so have an inkling of the morning weight.....just the morning! This sleepless night will mess things up anyway! arghhh.

    I thought about joining the dairy free trial but I decided that I just enjoy my cream, butter and some cheese tooooo much. Being a Brit means I must have milk(or in my case watered down HWC) in my tea and I love my 1 cup of coffee a day with cream and the odd creamy sauce so......my other thought about that is that this WOE is focused on weight loss for us at the moment but to become a lifestyle means we need to be happy and comfortable with the variety in our diet and cutting out dairy just wouldnt do it for me. I just love my fatty things now sweet stuff holds no interest. Dont know what anyone elses thoughts are. Same reason I'm not doing the meat challenge.

    Fluffy hair....definitely worse in high humidity...I spend masses on 'smoothing' products and always look like I have a halo if I keep it down so you will usually find me with it pulled back into a scrunchy!!

    Accents.....I love them! Lol. We have so many regional ones in the UK...some lovely, some not so much and I imagine it must be pretty much the same in the US and Canada. Does that apply in Oz too? I love the 'southern drawl'.....very Scarlett O'Hara,lol. Can just see you sweeping down the drive to the Plantation house in your crinolined dress etc with a bonnet! Hehe I always wanted to dress like that.
    May do you still have a British accent or is it Oz now?? I always listen to Canadians say 'out'. Comes from watching Holmes on Homes and other stuff like that....always indicates Canadians.

    Here in Dubai we of course have sooo many accents and languages. The fun is guessing where people come from!
    Just walking through the Mall yesterday I heard English, French, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi,Malay, Philipino, German and Swedish( I think!). If I hear someone speaking with a British accent I often speak to them and its fun because we always ask where they are from, how long have they been here and do they like it!! Everyone asks that as it seems to be a curse that when you have been here a couple of years you start moaning about everything here but...when you ask where would you want to live....everyone says...here!!! Sad thing is that nothing is permanent here. You dont get citizenship so no one can retire here. I have friends who were actually born here and are now in their mid 30's who know they will have to move to their 'Home' country at retirement age because they cant live here unless they are working!!! That applies to every nationality except the 'GULF' countries. Even other Arabic nationalities cant stay.
    I am longing to visit Canada such a beautiful place. I dont know much about the Southern states of USA except Florida where I have been twice. I have friends in Houston who keep asking us to visit but.....not get there yet! Come on girls, give me something I can tempt hubby with!!! We are not beach lovers so go on holiday to explore and discover the places we go. I actually HATE sand,lolol, great when you live in the Desert!!!Our home is about 5 minutes walk from the beach and we never go!!! Fortunately we do have some beautiful parks for a good walk when the weather allows. Only 35C today so too hot but not boiling...yet!

    So, my final bit of news. I am going to be a Grandmother!!! My son Chris sent me the scan picture on wednesday. Tinka, my Daughter in law, is 6 weeks and I'm not supposed to know but he told me anyway!! Yaaay. They have had 4 rounds of Ivf and this is the furthest she has got so.....fingers crossed. Dont know how much I'll see the baby as they live in Bratislava in Slovakia and Tinka hates flying!!! I'll just have to visit there as often as I can and spoil him/her rotten when I'm there. Lolol.

    Its 4.16am. Couldnt sleep but its given me time to write all this and catch up.
    Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow and see you all for your news soon.
    Love and hugs to you all.