Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Welcome to the group @Teraliel. Nice to have you with us. We are a mine of experience here but more than that a huge amount of love and support is found here for everyone! They are a special group. :):):)
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    So today I went over on calories, but realized I wasn't all that worried about it. Maybe things are finally starting to click in my mind. Am leaving tomorrow to referee at a TaeKwonDo tournament this weekend so might be a struggle finding good meals. Brought my magic bullet so can make BPC in hotel room. Son's fiancee's wedding dress was shipped today, so can't wait to see it when I get home.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hello Beautiful Friends – yesterday was a blur, with my 2 darling granddaughters in the arvo and ‘sitting’ them at their house for the evening. David has late starts this week (4.45pm) so here I am at last with a cup of coffee, fattened up with coconut milk (the coffee, not me ;)) to catch up on the best thread <3

    @Kitn It is lovely to read about all the other lifestyles here isn’t it? But don’t forget that your area sounds wonderful and interesting to us! Sounds as if you did amazingly well at Red Lobster – awesome work!!! I hope that you are recovering from your hard work with no aches today? Isn’t it strange the way we’re all losing fat yet the scales are so stubborn? Rebuilding our youthful muscles I reckon!

    @Karlotta Australia is rather unique with having such small populations for such vast areas, and the massive expanses in the middle with absolutely nothing. I’ve heard nothing bad about southern Americans, never fear. I’m just aware of the accent being different from middle or more-north America. David’s relation puts on a thick Louisiana accent sometimes when she visits, and yes the guy is in the oil industry, his wife is in health care. I’m going to try to eat high levels of meat and low levels of dairy for the month of May, but I haven’t committed to do the challenge as I probably won’t do it very well, not being able to cope with eating steak, minced meat and other really meaty things yet. I hope you do really well and that your weight rewards your efforts. Hope it continues easily for you. Congrats to your son for his graduation! We just got Netflix – there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot on it and those revolving video covers as the menu make my eyes spin in my head. Wish they just had a list of words to look through! You can only edit a post within an hour of posting it; hover over the post and you’ll see a little cog in the top right corner; click on that and choose ‘edit’, change what you need and then click ‘update post’ (I think those are the words.) And yes, it’s a surprise how much a bathroom trip can weigh ;) I’m 'a listening' for your cheer!

    @NewSue hello and welcome! Another person with teaching affiliations, seem to be quite a few of us. You travelled some decent distances in Oz, wow! I’m happy that you loved it. I’m on the other side, in Perth. And yes, I think it’s possible to learn to focus on health rather than weight loss, it’s certainly what all of us in this thread are learning to do for the sake of our patience and sanity. LOL at you being rebellious – now where have I seen/heard that before ;)

    @Jane yes, exactly. When we were in KL many of the sit toilet seats were always covered in water – some of it coloured (if you know what I mean). Interesting about the business and school times times there. And how are your muscles today? I hope you were surprised and they didn’t ache? Ha ha – we still say our boobs go south, but I guess we’re only meaning towards our toes. I know Northern Hemisphere folk have difficulty coping with our seasons being opposite, but I think they find it harder still that driving south means heading into colder climates. Love the cardio cartoon. Sooo true!

    @Kate Oh I’m so jealous. *I* want wild, out of control hair!!! I’m pretty sure that humid climates would actually make it worse if it’s wild through being curly? One day over on your calories is not going to matter – as you already accepted, I’m so pleased for you with being at peace! And I hope that you’re surprised by the meals you will be able to choose over the weekend! Oooohhh a wedding dress? Now that *is* exciting*. How are the arrangements going?

    @Fi Oh, India? Now that sounds very exotic to me. My experience of India really centres around ‘The Exotic Marigold Hotel’ which we really love. Is it like that? If you have a hungry day, don’t be afraid of eating a bit more, I’m sure it’s OK with this WOE. I’m guessing it might be warmer there (UK) today because we’ve turned chilly and overcast with possible lightning later. Your weather is usually the opposite of mine.

    @Teraliel Welcome, welcome. Feel free to add comments, questions, craft or hobby pictures, and just become one of us. I *love* your avatar. What a beautiful picture! And thank you so much for your words on my ribbon embroidery, it’s such a rewarding, relaxing yet beautiful hobby isn’t it?

    I had cheese again yesterday and was up this morning. Had a little parmesan at lunch (which I just saw I didn’t log, whoops!) and some cheddar at dinner (was out at my son’s). Day before, no cheese and had a loss, day before that cheese, led to a gain. Five days with no dairy prior to that and I had steady losses. I’m going to be doing more with this experiment. Anyone want to join me? Monday to Friday next week no dairy? I’m not sure whether butter needs to be included in that exclusion or not.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Good morning, ladies! Yesterday was a busy day for me, and there sure was a lot to read when I came to catch up with this forum. I love it, though.

    You may have read in another thread that I decided to give myself permission to eat 40 carbs. I've never done that level and I'm interested to see how my body responds. I won't try to get in that amount, just no longer limiting myself to 20. So yesterday I had 10. I may find that I don't even want more than 20-25. For a day or so I intended to do the meat challenge, but decided I didn't want to exclude veggies for the rest of my life and would never stick to zero carb. I know I'm a flip-flopper; hope you're not annoyed by that. I annoy myself sometimes. ;) Meat has become my primary source of food and I'm happy with that; just curious about the open door to more veg/berry carbs if I want them. This WOE is the rest of my life and I want to find out what works for me.

    My face has been broken out with either rosacea or candida for a couple of weeks. It must be part of my body house-cleaning? I'm so spongy I remind myself of a water-filled balloon. :s Maybe one day I'll get that woooosh everybody talks about. I think it will be enough to flood my house...

    May, your cheese/dairy experiment is very interesting. I eat cheese/butter every day but would be willing to forego them if that's what's holding my weight. I'll join you for the week. Is butter included?
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi Ellen <3 You can change your mind as much as you like - isn't that a woman's prerogative? Used to be anyway ;) I haven't joined the meat challenge either, though I will quietly do my best outside of having to report what I achieve. I'm sorry to hear about your break-out. That's what happens when you're a beautiful young teenager you know! But yes, I'm pretty sure it will be a 'healing crisis' as they say. When I was eating too little my stomach had gotten fairly flat, but I lost the 'L' somewhere since then and it's back to sticking out again and feels a little bloated - nowhere near discomfort, but not what it was. I can't remember if it arrived back after I reverted to dairy, but that's what the experiment is for eh?

    Yeah, I don't know about butter. I didn't for my initial 5 days and the only reply where I asked that question said that he thought not to have it. What would you like to do? I know we can't compare one person's experience with another but if you want to keep it, do that. Mention in the challenge that's what you're doing and we'll see what people's experiences are?

    I hope your face clears up quickly!

    I came across this beautiful saying just now...

    <3"Be happy for no reason, like a child. If you are happy for a reason, you're in trouble, because that reason can be taken from you." <3
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi ladies, have been reading the posts but as you see, haven't been posting myself. Am very depressed lately as I went to the grandbabies house for the weekend and seem to have gained back the 3 lbs I lost the week before (after a month stall). I did have a few small things that I shouldn't have had but man - 3 frickin' pounds!

    @GrannyMayOz I have been eating more cheese than I was in the past (adding some to salads, having a few ozs while at the grandkids instead of the other carb offers) - perhaps that is it. I will join your challenge IF I can still have my HWC in my coffee...I can do without the cheese and the butter no problem but not the cream in my coffee. I had been thinking about doing the meat challenge as I have now almost gone to all meat but think I will just do it on my own.

    And @GrannyMayOz be careful what you wish for on the out of control hair...I have naturally curly hair (not the pretty flowing curls) and the humidity is horrible with it...needs lots of product to keep it in control during the summer months

    Have a great day/evening ladies
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    So many new personalities since I last visited. I had lots to read when I logged on. I've been a bit out of pocket for a while but things are on the upswing now.

    Weight? I have no idea. I'll weigh in the morning and take some measurements as I feel like I will be starting over. Diet/WOE? It's been pretty bad but out of my control so I'll just let it go and start over today!!

    Ms. May, love the quote, and how very true it is. I am from Southern USA - - Texas - - and we do NOT talk funny!! LOL kinda a joke with my family as my youngest brother and I were born in Texas but moved around quite a bit and then moved to the east coast - Virginia when we were preteens. Everyone, everywhere we went, even family back home, told us we talked funny. I've been back home for 20 years now and I still have people ask where I'm from. Guess I have a "universal" accent as it sure doesn't seem to fit with South Texas. But accents are very different even between South and West Texas.

    I read about everyone's hobbies too. How interesting that so many people share so many interest. I am a sewer (ha, that looks funny), quilts, clothes, etc. I also have a newfangled embroidery machine that I am still learning to use. My current project is taggy cubes for my Grandnephew. Hope to get them finished and shipped out to him by tomorrow afternoon but I'll try to take a few pics before I box them up. I also read everything I can get my hands on. It is not good for me or anyone around me for me to get bored, overactive brain!!!

    Welcome to all of the new ladies, this group is amazing and wonderful.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi Mary, it's good to see you again, I was only thinking of you today. I'm glad that you had a lovely time with your grandies.

    So sorry to hear about the weight gain. It's really unfair that it's 10 times as easy to put on as to lose. It would be great if you join the challenge. I started up a new thread for it if you want to pop in there community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10151049/five-days-dairy-free-4th-to-8th-may-and-beyond-if-it-works#Item_6

    I use coconut milk in my coffee. It's really creamy and yummy. There are differences with brands, I really dislike one of them, really like another, and the rest are all 'fine'. Not saying you can't have HWC, but if you fancy trying coconut milk, it's another option at least.

    A lady I used to work with had waist-length hair (if she pulled it straight) and she washed it *every* morning, and again after work if she was going out for the evening, and after washing she would plaster a heap of shiny stuff on it to try and keep it straight and glued together. I begged and begged her to let me see it natural, but she never would. My face looks so much better with Big Hair around it LOL
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    RATSMITH69 wrote: »
    Ms. May, love the quote, and how very true it is. I am from Southern USA - - Texas - - and we do NOT talk funny!! LOL kinda a joke with my family as my youngest brother and I were born in Texas but moved around quite a bit and then moved to the east coast - Virginia when we were preteens. Everyone, everywhere we went, even family back home, told us we talked funny. I've been back home for 20 years now and I still have people ask where I'm from. Guess I have a "universal" accent as it sure doesn't seem to fit with South Texas. But accents are very different even between South and West Texas.

    I HAVE to comment on this (I don't meet the requirements for this thread, so I've been leaving it alone).

    I'm out in West Texas. Mom's from South Dakota. I got ready to go to college and was looking at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

    First objection: "You'll die of hypothermia."
    Well, I figure after the first bout or two, I'll learn to wear a coat.

    Second objection: "You know they'll make fun of your accent."
    Some guys LIKE a Southern accent.
    "Yeah, but yours isn't a Southern belle accent. Yours is the Texas trash accent."

    Gee, thanks, Mom.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh Twibbly!!! Mothers can be strange creatures, I had an odd one myself [if there was a fist shaking emote I'd put it here]. And did you go to the U of W in the end? I love all accents, and cultural differences and I think we all have a lot to learn about others. The accents help us know who to chat to so that we can learn something new! ;)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited April 2015
    Nope, I stayed in Texas. I've lived outside of it for a whole 5 months.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Twibbly wrote: »
    Nope, I stayed in Texas. I've lived outside of it for a whole 5 months.
    Sounds like my eldest son, he's lived in 2 houses as a child and 2 houses as an adult - all 4 of them fit within a 200 yard by 50 yard rectangle!

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    LOL, not quite. I've lived in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, Midland, and Lubbock. It takes about 1.5 hours to get between the closest of those and about 9 hours between the furthest.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    May---I think I'll keep the butter in! I don't use much of it anyway, and it perks up my veggies. I hope others join in---misery loves company, eh? At least we'll get an idea of dairy impact on our weight. It's weird that I had great skin when I was a teenager but now that I'm 68 I'm fighting bad skin. Go figure.

    happylife and ratsmith--(i hope those names are right b/c they're on another page) starting over is fine and dandy. We all know how that goes and how a departure from our routine can bring a few pounds back. Heck, NOT departing from routine can bring 'em back! We love having you be part of this thread.

    Twibbly---I'm a Wisconsin girl; you would have been right at home here. I even lived in Houston area for a couple of years, so I know a little bit of Texas. Wish we could hear your voice and enjoy the Southern hospitality in it! :) And you're welcome to stop by this thread anytime.

    I saw my doctor this morning and the first thing she said when she breezed in was "You've lost weight!" We went over my lipid panel and she said, "You don't know how excited I am that you've done this. This is what you've done through your diet and exercise." Yes, indeedy. In January she had wanted me to take prednisone b/c things were looking bad and I said no, thank you very much. Told her I'd try to change my lipids through diet. That's when I googled for help and found LCHF. And I shall never depart. Amen. BTW, she wants me to consider Lyrica to help with neuropathy pain. Not sure at all that I want to do that. Anybody take it? I've read that it causes weight gain, and that's about the LAST thing I want to have.

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Twibbly---I'm a Wisconsin girl; you would have been right at home here. I even lived in Houston area for a couple of years, so I know a little bit of Texas. Wish we could hear your voice and enjoy the Southern hospitality in it! :) And you're welcome to stop by this thread anytime.

    I'm a special one, I talk fast with a drawl. Still trying to figure out how that happened.
  • Lillahe
    Lillahe Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you for the welcome Granny and everyone else. I tend to lurk more then post but I did update my profile so you can all know me a little better. The profile pic I think is a Thomas Kincade wallpaper. I do so love his work!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hello ladies. Holy smokes you've all been busy talking today while I was at work !

    Yesterday and today the temperature here in Manitoba was warm...it was 27 C on the way home from work. Very nice.

    I think it is very interesting to hear the accents from around the world. I'm a sucker for an accent. While at work today one of our staff members who is from El Salvador, and has a rich deep Latin accent, called me to confirm when he is supposed to return to work. He just returned home from his native land. Sigh....I could have just listened to his voice all day.... Between the accents....and the thought of the speedo challenge soon to begin....and the maintenance men wafting by with their cologne on.....they're worse than the ladies for primping....I'm feeling spring fever in the air....

    Yes, I like to hear stories from around the world. I've not traveled far, but I've been to many different Canadian provinces and some American states, including New York and Texas and Florida and states in between here and there as we traveled by car to get down south. Interesting to hear the voices and see the changing landscape.....and to watch in amusement one year when Georgia was hit by a freak snowstorm and the locals didn't know how to best control their vehicles on ice...but we did. Oh, I've been to Spain and the Canary Islands when I was a kid too. I've camped everywhere from Vancouver Island to Ottawa, Ontario, so I've seen a lot of Canada

    And May, I am very proud of where I come from. In fact I'll send you a link to some of our 30 second commercials advertising Manitoba. I will be going to Churchill this summer, and a couple of the videos are about Churchill, one of our northern most communities where you can see polar bears and beluga whales. One of the videos is about Winnipeg, one about our lakes and remote fishing locations...lots of Americans come up for the fishing....and one video about our newly opened Human Rights Museum, which I have not seen yet, but will see at the end of May.

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Yes my hair is naturally curly, when straightened sits just below my bra strap, otherwise at my shoulders. Husband likes it "poofy" so don't straighten it often. Maybe LCHF will straighten it? (Along with plumping out my wrinkles,LOL?). Tried to talk my dad into doing this with me as he suffers from MS. But, diabetic sister in law went on & on about how bad this WOE. Is for you. Can't wait til get blood work next week to crow about the results! Was down another 3 lbs today & she ranted about how my organs will shut down with losing 9lbs in 16 days. I'm trying to only post weight on Fridays so we'll see if still down the 3 more, tomorrow or not. Bought couple of books so I can have more stats to explain it better. Couldn't get definitive answer from pharmacist about supplements so am going to wait for lab results, then talk to my Dr or health food store about them.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    @Twibbly sounds as if you got the Houston speed speaking and the Midland/Odessa drawl. LOL I can just hear you now. I have family all over Texas so I get a regular dose of all of the twang that comes along with that.

    Ms. May I think a man with a deep voice and an OZ accent are the sexiest thing on earth. It would be great if the men looked anything like I imagine when I hear the voice!

    Today is going to be a good day as I get my Grandflowers. I wasn't able to visit with them much over the past few weeks so it's going to be great to sit and play with them for a while. Hoping to get final test results today too and I've just decided I won't worry until I have to worry. Handed it over to Him and I'll deal with it later if I have to!

    Still sewing and trying to get these taggy things finished up for baby Luke.

    Hoping everyone has a good day.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Luv yas all – which is Aussie for ‘love y’all’.

    @Ellen yes, of course keep your butter. I don’t think you’ll be alone there. It’s only 5 days so hopefully not too many folks will get miserable enough to need company ;) I certainly saw a difference in 5 days, and hope it shows itself for everyone in that length of time. How fantastic about your doctor’s visit, woo hoo!!! I don’t know anything about lyrica – that could be better asked in the main forum where there are more people?

    @Kitn that’s us, chatter boxes, exactly as we’d be in person with a cup of something hot, a craft to do and time to share. Sounds so rural and wonderful doesn’t it? Yet a friend of mine calls it a ‘stitch and *kitten*’ ROFL. People in my neck of the woods would declare a public holiday and play in the streets if we got snow! I will go watch those videos now, thank you so much!

    @Kate my hubby likes my hair messy too. ‘Used’ he calls it, but we won’t ‘go there’ ;) Damn diabetic sisters-in-law. Considering she’s obviously no poster girl for health that’s really annoying that she insisted on putting her oar in. But yes, here’s to you getting wonderful results that you can wave around.

    Having finished the April Challenge this morning I have eaten my one tiny cream egg that I was given for Easter. Even with that I haven’t had many calories today. Enough though! In light of the April Challenge, where I ate an average of 1377 calories per day (when I couldn’t actually see how many I was eating, just used my hunger as my guide) I have changed my macros to equal around 1350 calories per day for the future instead of the 1450 I did have set. So let’s see how May (the month ;)) pans out, starting off with no dairy for 5 days. If weight starts to fall of me; please God!; obviously the 5 days will last longer, like forever ;)