Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Beautiful work Karlotta - I could never do the crossstitching (too tiny of work for my eyes)
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi all, I just found you as I was poking around trying to find out more about LCHF. I just started this WOE and have gotten past the bread cravings. I always feel so much better without bread and pasta in my diet. I haven't weighed myself yet. I've been consistently about 174 and would like to get down into the 140's. Believe it or not, my regular doctor is in favor of the LC lifestyle. Her feeling is if you feel better its the way to go.

    I love seeing the crafts. I knit. I learned a very long time ago but never really got serious until I retired. If my hands are busy, I'm not eating.

    I look forward to checking in regularly to see what you're all up to.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hello to you @NewSue52! Welcome! This is a great group of ladies here as well as a great group in general. Glad your doctor is knowledgeable enough to promote whatever makes one feel better. It can take them a while to realize that every patient isn't the same.

    @happylifex10 thank you. I don't do much cross stitching anymore for that reason. I love doing it though! :)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Karlotta What beautiful work! I used to do cross-stitch about 30 years ago but haven't done any for that long. Your lighthouse is gorgeous. Beautiful stitching. It must have taken quite a while to do. I loove your door hangers/wreaths, they're totally fascinating and I've never seen anything like that before. They're so lovely. Is the base 'fabric' like the bags that oranges come in?

    @NewSue Welcome, I'm so glad you found us! The whole LCD Group is full of such lovely people so feel free to plunge right in. This thread is for anything you wish - LC food questions, sharing your joys and frustrations with anything you like, and just now we're sharing our hobbies, as you can see. Feel free to post a photo of your knitting, it's nice for us all to get to know one another more and share together. It's amazing that your real GP approves of LC, well done for finding one of those rare beasts. What country do you live in - if you don't mind sharing? Bread is a tenacious beast isn't it? I've read in the past that grains have the same qualities and addictions as one of the street drugs that I can never remember the name of lol Aren't I just a mine of information?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @GrannyMayOz, thank you, once again, for your kind compliments. Now I'm getting a big head too, lol! The mesh would be similar to the bags oranges come in, but with a much finer mesh. It's really fun to work with and the finished product is pretty. Also, they compare food addiction to being addicted to heroin. Some people actually get euphoric from food and they get addicted to the feeling. That's another hurdle to jump on the way to lc.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Karlotta I love cross-stitch and yours is beautiful. It's counted cross-stitch, right? I've done some, but never that detailed and beautiful. The door hangers are lovely, too. Such a beautiful, unique way to announce the birth of a baby.

    Hi @NewSue---You've come to a good place to learn about low carb. Lots of folks who can answer questions you might have. Most doctors have no knowledge about the benefit of low carb and high fat, so count yourself fortunate! Glad to have you here.

    @Mary --Hope you have a great weekend visiting with your grandchildren--sounds like fun! The scale will still be there when you get back, so just enjoy yourself!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @wheatlessgirl66, Yes, it was a counted cross stitch. That was the only kind I liked to do.

    Hope everyone has a good night, or day! I'm off to bed.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Ok ladies I have a question. Sorry to get off the beautiful hobbies you do. Last Mon. I did weigh myself. To my delight I had lost. Then thought maybe scale was out cause it wasn't the one I used when I started LCHF. Tonight I weighed on original scale & I'm up 2 lbs from Mon. (Both scales are within 1/2lb of each other). Could this be from not meeting my protein goals for a couple of days? I've kept my carbs to<20 and fat runs from 94g - 110g some days. I have discovered switching supper for breakfast seems to keep me less hungry. Could the 1 diet coke and couple of coffees be messing stuff up?

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I had a week where it jumped up four pounds (talk about messing with your head). Stay the course. Don't allow yourself to become discouraged. It will go down again. Just keep doing what has been working and it will catch up. Our bodies go through such a transition with this woe that shows on the scale!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Kate, for the past month I've been going up and down on the same 2-3 lbs. I was down yesterday; today I'm back up again. I know it's not from what I've eaten, it's just the amount of water my body is retaining to do its work. You'd have to have eaten and extra 7000 calories to make up 2 lbs, and you didn't do that. It's just your body at work, so try to relax about it. We lose fat on the inside first and it doesn't always show up on the scale. You're doing great!
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    Goodness girls, there's an awful lot to catch up on if you don't visit every day. The craft work is beautiful, I'm a knitter and recently started to learn to play the ukulele. My youngest will be 30 tomorrow so have been busy baking cakes for the family, won't eat any though, I've got GrannyMayOz bars!
    Lovely to see input from the newbies.
    Iris x
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    I had just sat here typing away for a while and hit the wrong key and lost it all! Argghh. So here we go again! Lol.

    I agree with RisiM, you miss a lot if you dont check in often but a lovely read too.

    I am still suffering from the low BP, woozyness and lack of energy but its improving. Thank you so much for all your messages of concern and support. Yesterday I got some electrolyte replacement sachets as I was unsure what I am low in. They of course had sugar in!!! No sugar free ones to be found here...if anywhere. I decided I had to get the minerals in so wouldnt worry about the carbs but I still managed to stay under 50 so not too bad. Today my BP is up a bit and I feel more energetic (for me,lol) and I havent had any more of the heart flutters or extreme thirstyness. Just got the lightheadedness. Hubby is now calling me 'Foggy', lol.

    How nice to see your names, it will take me a while through the fog to tie them up with our nicknames so if I get it wrong...sorry!
    A very warm welcome to our new groupies. You couldnt have chosen a better group!

    WOW!! The picture of your craftworks are so beautiful. I had seen some of May's photography on her travelblog and Pinterest but this is yet another skill! I am facinated by the jewellery @Nill. Its something I have been thinking about having a go at but havent got around to it yet. As for the Cross stitch....exquisite. Must have taken sooo long and I echo seeing Ellens quilting please... another wonderful skill.
    Do you think most of us are of that age where our mothers and grandmothers taught us these skills where nowadays they are lost to a certain extent? I remember my grandmother and(lucky to have had her) Great grandmother teaching me to knit, sew, crochet, basket make and my mother to cook.
    Now my mother does all her own spinning, weaving and dyeing and makes different styles of braids and my aunt teaches felt making. This is in the UK and they are seen as 'country folk' skills!

    These days I dont do so much but the last couple of years I have got into beading. Hubby says it keeps me out of trouble! lolol. Actually we run a chocolate business. Yes, I know!!! No, I havent eaten so much I have got to my size,lol. I really have only eaten it when we were deciding on which chocolate to use. We print photo's and messages and images directly onto the chocolate. Here it is big business providing huge trays of chocolate highly decorated with bows or displays all done up with flowers and add-ons etc for weddings and babies so....that is where my creative skills are put! Hubs is just finishing designing some new images for New Babies so I have to do several different fancy trays for them! We are like a greeting card shop made out of chocolate.
    If you are interested we are on Instagram and facebook. Chocolategreetings. I would put a couple of pictures but...I dont know how!!!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Sorry they are soooo big! Worked out how to post them but not crop them!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Another apology....sorry if seeing chocolate is difficult for some of you. :# I should have thought before I posted these.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    edited April 2015
    @jumanajane --Such beautiful chocolates! I've never, ever seen a chocolate laptop before! Fabulous work, Jane. And no apology necessary for me; seeing the chocolate doesn't bother me at all. Now, if I could smell it.... ;)
    I don't have pics of my quilting; maybe some day I can do that.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @jumanajane, that is awesome, what a neat idea! Seeing chocolate doesn't bother me either, so no apologies needed :) Where are you and how well does it ship?
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Karlotta I hope that all of us in this group can have big heads; that we all feel good enough about ourselves in here that it carries through to the rest of our lives. Your crafts are wonderful. Aahh, heroin, thank you. I never can remember anything about drugs, OTC, prescription or otherwise.

    @Kate We’re definitely here for food questions any time. As to the weight yes, gains and losses seem all a part of our ‘post-50’ life. Best thing is to try to know that your body is spending this time to heal rather than deal with fat stores, and this will probably happen in a cyclical fashion along the way, but you *will* get there, I promise. Also watch for fat loss even when the scales don’t think you have; it truly does happen with this WOE.

    @Iris so glad you have hobbies. The ukelele playing sure is different. Particularly that you play in the area I was born in, which is a *little* bit of a way from Ireland ;) I hope you’re having a wonderful time today for your baby’s 30th! And those ‘bars’ are amazing with thick butter spread on the top, weird as that may sound.

    @Jane Oh, don’t you hate it when a post goes AWOL? If I’m going to type a lot, I’ve learned the hard way to type it in Word or an email so I can save it periodically, or send it to myself, then copy and paste into MFP. That keeps my hard work nice and safe ;) I’ve lost too many posts when the ‘net had dropped out in the past. I truly hope the elctrolytes will be your answer. God bless husbands with sarky replies *sigh* ;) I was *almost* given a spinning wheel during the week. So sad it didn’t happen after all. Oh wow, your chocolates are amazing!!! What an incredible business. And no, don’t worry about the pictures, I am happy to look only as well. What a fantastic idea. I went to your facebook page. Can you read Arabic? Love the laptop one in particular.

    I love all crafts, and make miniatures as one of them. Here's a couple I've made, plus one each that my granddaughters made when they were with me one day. Very little input from me.

    'Grumpy' is the name they call my husband and I'm Granny May, which won't surprise you.

    Miniature garden in a frozen yogurt tub. Swing is made of tiny sticks, flowers are thoroughly chopped up kitchen sponges.
    Knitting is done on toothpicks, it was far easier to do than I expected.
