Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited April 2015
    ♥ Thank you @Karlottap I really appreciate your support ♥ and it's fantastic that you can tell for yourself that you're slimmer - it helps so much doesn't it?

    Oh, @Jane One of my other symptoms has been that I struggle to wear a bra because it feels as if it's absolutely *crushing* my chest after a couple of hours. Just letting you know in case you're getting that too? Mauricio said that was definitely a sign.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @wheatlessgirl and @May thanks for your concern, I love that about this group. Today I'm feeling better than yesterday and my BP is back to normal but I still am getting flutters and feeling drained. Its 7 weeks now on Atkins then LCHF so its not keto flu(had that,lol and got over it) Dont know what to make of it!

    @Karlottap I loved it when you put on your picture. You look so lovely and happy!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    sorry, @ May, no problems with any crushing feeling or discomfort. Only discomfort is seeing the blooming scales up 600gm this morning!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @GrannyMayOz it feels super good to be able to see it and feel it! Btw: I've thought about you many times today. I have been hungry and think I'm burning up some of those fat cells created by some strong carbs, lol!

    @jumanajane thank you for the picture compliments. It's amazing, how good I feel and I do believe it's showing! One of the guys at church asked me what was different. I told him this is what getting healthy looked like. Is a weird feeling to look in the mirror and like what I see.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Karlottap Not only is your picture great, I'm enjoying your increased comments! Nice to hear from you!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @wheatlessgirl66 I started this journey as a reader/lurker and have been drawn in to this amazing group of people, thank you!

    I had a thought today that I had never really introduced myself to all of you! I just jumped in and ran with it! Anyway, I'm Karlotta and I live near the Gulf of Mexico in southeast Mississippi. Remember the BP Gulf Horizon oil spill? Yea, we walked on the beach and got that on our feet. And Hurricane Katrina? Yep. It's hurricane alley, but it's home, and it's beautiful. It has been very nice getting to know you all! So, who has oily skin now, like I do? I'm sure it's from the butter but maybe it'll help prevent wrinkles, lol! This is a new side effect of LCHF.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Jane Oh, that’s fabulous that you’re improving but yes, still a worry. I wonder if it is your endocrine system the same as me or not. I’m so sorry you don’t have a decent medical person to go to. There has to be one somewhere, but it’s finding The One isn’t it? :( I felt as if I had the keto flu for nearly 3 months, but it would have been this issue all along. Whether that was caused by going from SAD to keto literally overnight is anyone’s guess.

    @Karlotta ‘Official hello to you’ and no worries. Some jump in, some give us a name. It’s all good, and lovely to have you taking part. It’s nice to have been thought of, thank you. Hope the hunger passes soon. I’m *starving* right now, but brunch is almost cooked.

    I was down a new 200 grams today and am now 82.9 kgs. No longer 83 point anything yaayyy! I’ll probably bunce back up tomorrow and take a while to get back to this, but that’s how this goes and I accept it. I have great comp0any along the way, what more can I ask? 82.0 was my mini goal so it’s in sight and I should make it by… oh… July? Let’s hope that’s a funny and not a prediction.

    <3 Oh, one other thing. When you're looking at the list of posts in the LCD forum, check out our thread compared to all the others in number of posts. Either we're chatterboxes, or this thread is *The Best* one there is <3o:)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited April 2015
    What are everyone's hobbies other than low carb? Photos welcome. Post something about what you do in your leisure time. If you wish...

    I did silk ribbon embroidery a few years ago and here's my favourite achievement. It has a wooden frame and glass covering and is made to sit on a coffee table rather than be hung from the wall.


    Detail of one corner...

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Karlottap That's a stupendous suggestion. Just got my grey hair touched up today & was wondering about the wrinkles!
    @GrannyMay0z What beautiful work. I envy your talent. My hobby this time of year is gardening. Only started a couple of years ago, so I go with the "ignorance is bliss" motto and just do it. Pruned fruit trees 2 days ago. My DH gave me a small chainsaw, what a blast! He may come to regret that.
    @jumanajane I sure hope you feel better soon. Last night I told my DH how much better I was feeling. 2 days working in yard in the sun (& diet too?), then this am couldn't get out of bed til 10:30. Forgot how the Hashimoto's can kick your butt after physical activity. Then the rest of the day was great!

  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    edited April 2015
    Morning all, hello, I've popped in to say hi. I'm not 50 yet, but hey, heading that way. ☺. My friends call me. Fi, short for Fiona .

    That silk ribbon work is beautiful @GrannyMayOz , ill post some of my crafts soon when I get some pictures.

    Off to work now, not had breakfast as I'm not hungry

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Thank you both @Kate and @Fi

    @Kate - you could always post a pic of your garden - that's your hobby after all. The chainsaw sounds far too much fun ;)

    @Fi You're always welcome here, and I look forward to seeing your pics when you can. Hope you have an awesome day at work. We never have breakfast because we get up around 9 or 10am and have our main meal between noon and 1pm. Then I eat again around 8pm and that's usually it. Occasionally I'll have a snack around 11pm/midnight if I'm genuinely hungry, but it's only a token to stop my tummy keeping me awake when we get to bed.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    Granny, thats gorgeous. Looks like something my mom would bring me from her worldly travels!!
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I have a question for the girls...its about the lumpy bits and varicose veins. Do they smooth out as you lose your weight?? Please say yes...lol
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    edited April 2015


    I like to play with bobbles :smile:
    I actually have a whole room in my house dedicated to it - am also a certified teacher for Michaels craft stores here in the states...but alas, since I'm on the road so much, I dont get much time to play these days. I'm hoping soon though.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Good morning, friends! Aren't you a creative group--@GrannyMay your ribbon embroidery is gorgeous, and @Nill, your jewelry is stunning! I sew and quilt, but haven't done much for quite a while. Maintaining my home uses all my energy (fibromyalgia and small fiber neuropathy). I crave weight loss in hopes of feeling better and gaining lots more energy. I hope it truly happens. But I love all things homey and creative. Love going to Michaels, Nill! Always forget my coupon, though. ;)

    @Karlotta I never introduced myself either, just started in not knowing that was the thing to do. Duh! I'm glad you're here. My skin is still dry, but it probably takes a while. I think my hair is growing faster, though, and my nails are definitely stronger and faster-growing. I have to file them weekly instead of monthly.

    @GrannyMay Big, big congrats on your reaching the coveted 82!! So happy for you! Those downward movements give all of us the hope that we'll do it too. Thanks for your warmth and encouragement that you share so freely on this thread, and others as well. Yep, this is the best one, and it's because you lead the way! <3

    @jumanajane We all know how discouraging it is to go three steps forward and four behind again. Hold steady, dear girl. It WILL turn around and move forward again. Your body is repairing itself now and doing what it needs to do. Hang in there, we're cheering for you!

    @sk8Kate Ha! Chainsaws are fun, aren't they? I've used a small one, too, and they make me feel so powerful! :) I don't really know how to prune, either, but I love to whack away and tidy things up.

    @Fi Glad you're here, even if you're not 50 yet! (We may envy your youth, tho--haha). I look forward to seeing pics of your crafts.

    I finally re-lost some of the weight I had gained, and I'm glad to see it go once again. Just hope it stays this time! I was even a little hesitant to post the change because it's been going up and down and I didn't want to appear as tho I had actually lost weight when it's just old stuff. But I'm so glad it's down I posted it. I like to see that downward line! I think I'm the oldie of the group (68); maybe that's why it takes this old body to respond.

    Off to read the rest of the forum! I learn so much every day, don't you?
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Good morning everyone. All the crafts look great. I am Janice, I will soon be 53 and I live in Canada. It's so good to be able to see people's faces. Karlotta, you look great in your new photo, and we can see May and Fiona better now ! I should really try to get a camera and figure out how to use it.....Yes, this is the best group, that's for sure.

    I have made many different crafts over the years, but crocheting seems to have stuck. I have made garments and lately, items for the home. I make them mainly as gifts for family and friends.

    And as we are finally seeing temperatures above freezing here in Manitoba, I will be gardening soon. It's time to rake the lawn, but not sure I can manage that right now after the car accident. Hoping to enlist my daughter's help. I'm not sure how my planting strategy might change since keto though. I planted a huge vegetable garden last year, but my veggies intake is much less than last year. I'll likely cut it down this year.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    I'm glad you like it everyone, thank you so much for saying so <3

    @Nil Looove your beading work, wow! You have skills and an artistic eye for sure. Having a creative/arty outlet is so soothing isn't it? Congrats on being a Michaels tutor. Even I've heard of Michaels. Not that we have one in Oz. I'm pretty sure the lumpy bits do disappear when we lose weight. I don't have any swollen vein kind of varicose veins, but I have what looks like a slightly bruised area on my ankle bones, and on my left inner knee. Apparently these are varicose veins and they are certainy fading.

    @Ellen I hope that we may be able to see your quilting at some stage. If you're comfortable with that. And gosh, thank you for the compliment, I shall get a big head! However, this thread is wonderful because of every single person in it.

    @Janice Our mid-winter minimums are never less than 2°C, we never get lower in the suburbs. The airport reaches zero occasionally though. Hint hint for your crochet photos if you get the chance. I'm crocheting a mermaid tail throw rug/sleeping bag for each of my 2 granddaughters at the moment. Trying the get them both done before winter really sets in. I know what you mean about eating less veg - we hardly buy any now.

  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning ladies, nice to read all the nice uplifting chats this a.m.
    May and Nill - beautiful work.
    I have taken up sewing and love to make things for my 2 grandchildren and my 8 great nieces and nephews - I never buy a gift but rather love to make different/unique gifts.
    I,like Janice, live in Canada (Ontario) and has been too cold to get into the gardens yet but soon will be out there tinkering, pruning and enjoying the flowers
    Haven't jumped on the scale since Monday when I had the great loss after the big stall and off to visit the grandchildren this weekend so hope that I can stay the course. Why is it so easy to gain and so darn hard to lose it??

    Have a great day and weekend ladies, Mary
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Mary that's beautiful of you to make your gifts, and hand-made things mean so much more. As you all look forward to Spring it is getting colder here. I have a tracksuit on tonight for the first time, but still have bare feet on the tiled floors. Ugg boots will be the last thing to add as it gets colder still.

    I hope you have even more to add to your loss when you weigh next, and I hope you have a really enjoyable weekend. I'm guessing you will. And yes, it surely is hard work to lose what can be gained in even an hour of unbridled eating.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @GrannYMayOz, I love the picture of your beautiful handy work! So pretty!

    @nill4me, the bead work is fun to create unique items like that. Very nice!

    @wheatlessgirl66, I love quilts! My grandmother makes them and they are so nice. I've been lucky to be the recipient of a few of them through the years! Would love to see a picture if you can, but is okay if you can't.

    @happylifex10, I love making homemade and unique thing for people too! Good to meet you. We are already having 80+ degree days here in south Mississippi. Hope you warm up soon!

    For me, I have done cross stitch, when I could see, lol! The lighthouse picture is the only one I've ever done for me. The rest were gifts. Tried crocheting but didn't work for me. Now I make wreaths and sways. I used the deck mesh a and make all types. The picture is the last one I did for Easter. Then you can see my dining room table where I am working on a baby girl door hanger that someone would use in the hospital to announce their baby girl. I really like making these and you don't have to be able to see perfectly, but you do learn to respect the hot glue gun! Hope everyone is having a great Friday (or Saturday, depending on where you are)!!