Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @kitandthekat...how lovely! You must be over the moon!!! Fantastic! I have forgotten what it's like to buy 'normal' sizes,lol. I am sooooo pleased for you! Have a lovely evening and ...strut your stuff!! ;):)

    @May what a super photo and what a privilege to have had so many generations together!! I loved my grandmother to bits, was so close to her and still miss her even after 25 years.
    The sad thing is my son lives in Bratislava (my dil is Slovakian) and I live in Dubai so....won't get to see any very often but I'll take that as an excuse to spoil them rotten and be really naughty with them when I do!!! Hehehe
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Kitnthecat !!!! So much fun! Good for you!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcome. I did the keto calculator and am still a bit lost. According to both it & MFP I need 1413 kcal/day to exist so thought 1200 would be good deficit. But with breakfast & lunch today I already am just about maxed on carbs & protein but still need 47g fat and about 470 left in cal. So just eat couple spoons of olive oil? I'll be starved! I'm going to up calories to 1300 & fiddle with macros there I think.
    @GrannyMayOz I am 5'3 on a good day with about 20lbs to lose. Would like to fit into something nice for my son's wedding in July.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Thank you ladies for your support and kind wishes, May, Jane, Wheatlessgirl, Risi, Karlottap and others. I have had fun this week despite the small car crash. Jane, your time will come too. If I have learned anything through this weight loss journey, it is to persevere. I credit my recent success to eating high fat, and MFP.

    Sk8Kate, I just took a peek at a couple of days in your diary. If I were you, I'd up the fat intake and decrease the carbs a bit. You eat a lot of vegetables compared to some of us here. Maybe you could decrease the veggies or make a higher fat dressing for them, with more oil, mayo, bacon fat etc. Why not substitute the low fat dairy for the highest fat you can get. I didn't see you eating any butter or heavy cream. Butter is great on veggies or you could make a sauce with cream and butter, maybe some cheese, cream cheese. I am usually at my fat goal or over. I eat heavy cream and butter every day, and cheese and coconut oil most days. I cook in bacon fat.

    Don't just eat the olive oil plain, that might not be enjoyable. I think this way of eating works because we enjoy what we eat. Find something you like and find ways to up the fat. Good luck !
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Ska8Kate ---Looks like the smoothie used up a lot of your carb allotment and maybe a little high on protein since it's over half your daily amount. Did you use milk? Maybe sub with unsweetened almond or coconut milk? They're lower in carbs.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @grannyMay --Such a wonderful family photo--I love seeing it!

    @Kitn --yay for the new clothes in the regular department! I hate most of the the large size women's clothes. So ugly. Somebody needs to design a line looks good but doesn't cost the earth.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @sk8kate I have also had a peek and I was wondering how/why your daily goals change every day? Your daily carb goal has ranged from 150-45 over 4 or 5 days!
    There are a couple of things that dont seem right in the carb count of your diary such as the broccoli...it should be 2-4 carbs not 10! Have a look at several alternatives when you search for the food, you can get an idea of those that are correct when 3 or so agree on the values. Did you really eat 2 cups of chopped peeled cucumber? The salad that you are putting as having 2 cups......is that from a supermarket or shop? Seems high carbs for the amount. Mixed leaves are a better choice as they are low in carbs and you can add anything else.

    I agree with wheatlessgirl about the smoothie,lol, you just have to get your head around HIGH FAT everything! Anything low fat they will add starch/sugar for mouth feel!

    Sorry if this is picking but they are just observations. A couple of days you had salad for breakfast.....this really hiked up your carb count at the start of the day, could you try your egg and bacon breakfast or nice creamy scrambled egg with chopped bacon or smoked salmon???
    I dont know if you use pinterest but if you do just search low carb high protein or keto and you will get loads of recipes and ideas to help you out. My hubby is delighted as he is having lots of new things to eat,lol. If you dont have a pinterest account its easy,just need your email.

    I know with Hashimotos you cant drop your carbs too low. I'm trying to remember a good LCHF blogger who has really good recipes that also has Hashimotos...... but I'm having a senior moment,lol.

    You will soon pick it up and start to feel the healing power of this WOE! We will help you all the way as you will have seen in just todays posts!
    I'm hooked on this group! Lol. Hubby wants to know why I'm typing so much??? Heheh...not telling him!
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @sk8kate found it! Martina runs the KetoDiet blog and is a fellow sufferer. Lots of lovely recipes and other things on her blog too. I love that she puts the nutrtional info on all her recipes too! Saves my brain.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi guys. Thanks for the tips. I've been mucking about with the goals trying to figure stuff out. But going to leave them as they are for at least a week now. Definitely going to cut the smoothies out. I put one in for today to see what supper could be but haven't had it, so going to change to something else. I hate the taste & feel of butter so am going to try cheese instead. Thought I was using low carb veggies and I ate lot's to stay full (I thought). Am now adding olive oil to just about everything and just picked up some coconut oil and cream. So with no smoothie I can look day over & readjust lunch & supper. Was getting values from MFP but will definitely search better.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    You know, I used to have smoothies daily for years when I gave up the grains and sugars to go paleo. I would alternate days and have an only green smoothie made with avocado, celery, cucumber, kale, spinach etc and water for lunch at work. Every other day I would make one with a plain high fat Greek yogourt base, with berries, avocado, spinach, kale, and stevia sweetened whey powder for protein and water. They were good and I never tired of them.

    But something changed when I upped my fat intake and lowered my carbs by eliminating many of the veggies, when I went keto 2 months ago. I found that my bacon and eggs in the am kept me full enough all day, that I only needed water and coffee all day at work. Then I eat supper 12 hours later and be fine until morning again. It's like magic. I feel fuller longer making sure I get enough fat. I do have trouble eating enough protein though, should up my portions probably.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Kitnthecat how many eggs & slices of bacon keep you full that long?
    @jumanajane I really checked the bacon I had for lunch. Even using barcode scanner values were different from package label. So I manually put in the label values. Right or wrong? Then fried the mushrooms in the bacon grease (ugh). Might take awhile to get brain & tastebuds working together. Going to check out blog you recommended for recipes. Thanks for that.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Here's my usual breakfast. I chop up 2 pieces of bacon and fry them in a small pan, keeping all the drippings in. I add 2 eggs beaten and make what we call in my house, bacon scrambled eggs. I add 30 g (1oz) sharp cheddar cheese to the pan halfway through. The bacon fat is absorbed by the egg, so it is not overly greasy, it's delicious ! If I am extra hungry, I'll add another egg. I don;t always add the bacon and cheese though... I do drink 2 cups of coffee with HWC at work, so that gives me some calories and fat, but otherwise, just about 6 cups of water until supper. Feels great. :)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    I should have added about the mushrooms. I find that if the heat in the pan is too low, the mushrooms might be soggy and greasy, but if the pan is hot enough, the fat will be absorbed into the mushrooms, making them delicious when not overcooked.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks try that tomorrow.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    @Kitn @Karlottap @Jane @EllenThank you so much for your kindness <3

    @Kitn oh wooooooooowwwwwww!!! Congratulations on your new tiny status! Isn't it odd that the scales move so slowly but the fat disappears at 'normal people' speed? I've really found that. I've 'only' lost 5 kgs, but I feel so much smaller than that. I'm so excited for you!

    @Jane wow, you really are an international family! And yes, I don’t blame you spoiling everyone when you get the chance.

    @Kate It’s possible that 1413 cals doesn’t include moving around/exercising. What that just Basal Metabolic Rate? So if you eat *at* your BMR then all movement causes a calorie deficit. It also seems that low carb is different. I used to always diet at 1,000 to 1,200 calories. On low carb I have my allowance set to 1,450 per day and was losing at that rate. If I exercised hard I didn’t eat extra calories unless I was truly hungry and then I’d only eat a little more – like a walnut and a macadamia, or a little piece of packaged pork rind or something. I can’t speak for my calories this month because they’re hidden and I can’t tell how much I’m eating ;) You shouldn’t be genuinely hungry on this WOE so try 1400 cals per day for a week or so and see how you go. Keep us posted if you need help – or anyway <3 As I said above, the scales may not move much but the fat melts regardless. Aahhh, I see that @Kitn @Ellen/Wheatless and @Jane looked at your diary. I *fully* agree with them. Don’t fear the fat (of your choice), embrace it! Just read your profile page and I ‘lost’ both of my children within 2 months of one another. One was scheduled to get married in the March (13 years ago now) and the younger one came home in January and said (was it OK if) he was moving in with his girlfriend’s family. Poof! 2 kids to none in one fell swoop! One now lives with us on alternate weekends along with his 7 year old son, but otherwise I’m alone while David’s at work. It’s actually nice and peaceful and I can do as I please ;) They all visit regularly.

    Here’s my Pinterest Low Carb board https://www.pinterest.com/mayebony1/recipes-info-low-carbohydrate/ BTW olive oil is great cold, but not the optimum choice for cooking. Coconut oil is my preferred choice, particularly if you don’t like butter. Coconut *milk* is another LC option; lower in fat than coconut cream if you need to ‘go there’. I have the cream and milk in my pantry and use the milk in all of my coffee (1.5 tablespoons per cup) all day. That adds a nice quantity of fat without carbs. I’m the same as @Kitn in that I eat twice a day. Brunch (our main meal because of my husband’s shifts) around noon and I have a dinner around 8pm – we go to bed around 1 or 2am.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @GrannyMayOz Thanks for the help. I think I'm over obsessing about this. Just going to try and keep fats up & hopefully others will fall into place. My DH has decided he wants to eat same as me, so now I'm trying to find stuff for him. Big on potatoes, breads, desserts, & anything else that's bad for you. Needs to lose at least 75lbs to be in healthy range again. This is first time he's ever mentioned doing something so I'm all gung-ho to keep him interested in the plan. No nuts or nut products in my house, tho. My delightful son (who's moved back in with fiancée & child in tow) is extremely allergic to all tree nuts & airborne to peanuts. To keep hubby in line means I'm going to have to be up with breakfast at 5:30 am. That really sucks as I'm a night owl also. Bedtime is usually 1 or 2 am for me too. Oh well just thrilled he wants to come along for the ride.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sounding good @Kate and yes, obsession is not the way to go for peace of mind. Pre-boiled eggs, pre-cooked bacon that he could microzap and eat without you having to prepare it for him for breakfast? Your sleep is important, as you already know.

    There are plenty of recipes to replace the carbs your husband loves, but it does involve some shopping for new ingredients to start with. Coconut flour - is that 'nut free'? is good and there's a rice/spaghetti substitute that we can buy here made of konjac flour which is zero carb/protein/fat - just appears to be made of fibre! Wash it well when you unpack it (it has an odd smell) ready to cook - for 1 whole minute ;) It's fantastic!
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    I was a granny at 42, now have 6 of the darling's, eldest 17 next month and youngest 4 months. Best thing ever, school runs, baking, knitting, tooth fairy money, cuddles - amazing, highly recommended :)
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @RisIM What are your macros/calories? I'm unable to see your diary. You've done so well, think you're in a holding pattern now?
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    Wow, that's fantastic Risi, and yes, grandchildren are the most amazing gift on earth aren't they? 6 is incredible. I've only got 3; ages 9, 7 and 6. The youngest grandparent I ever heard of was John Cougar Mellencamp at 32 - now that's really going some!