Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @wheatlessgirl66 I've been 10% carbs, 30% protein and 60% fat. Will open diary. Changed it today to 5% carbs, should get that figure by end of the day.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Risi Took a quick look--sometimes your protein has been higher than your fat. Reversing those will probably help, from what the experienced folks say. Not sure about the double cream, but it might be worth cutting back to see if there's improvement. It seems so difficult to get things just right. Or maybe I'm just impatient!
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @wheatlessgirl66 thank you, I'll keep a check on protein %
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    @RisiM cant believe you are a granny of 6! Definitely keeps you looking young!

    Has anyone ever substituted milk in tea (I'm a typical British tealeaf! 6-7 cups a day) I didnt want the carbs or calories so I hit upon putting 100 ml double(heavy) cream in a jug and adding water to 500ml. This lasts me 2-3 days and is so low in cals and carbs...once you get used to slightly creamy tea.

    @kate. Im lucky enough that my hubby has always done the low carb lifestyle with me. We used to eat the same thing but as he doesnt have much, if any, to lose he is eating without restriction of calories and not worrying about being under 18gms carb(my daily goal). I found so many good recipes for breads and rolls and biscuits etc on pinterest it might be worth having a look. I'm sure May has lots on her boards on pinterest too...just going to check them out!
    If you want any recipes just let me know!

    @ kitnthekat....how was your 'social' in your new skinny clothes!!! :):):)
  • tracyjprez
    tracyjprez Posts: 7 Member
    @tracyjprez Welcome Tracy. We're glad that you found us too! I've suffered a bit with breathlessness too in my earlier days of this lifestyle, but it seems to have passed now thank goodness. It's been mid-summer and very hot since I started and heat and breathlessness don't go that well together. Some people do gain to start with, please don't freak out. What dairy are you having? Is your diary open for people to look at? I have grandchildren asking me to play with them so I can't look right now. My diary is open if you want a look. I'm doing the April Challenge at the moment and have hidden my calories so I'm eating to hunger, not mathematics. So don't mention to me how many calories I'm consuming per day if you do look.

    We'll work this out together and lose weight, even if it is slowly.

    GrannyMayOz - Thanks so much for your kind support! It means so much to me! (I love the pic of your beautiful family above, btw! ) The breathlessness was when I was following a low fat high carb eating plan. So that is already MUCH better on this WOE. But the weight loss...sigh. I'm up another pound this morning. So discouraging! I just feel BULKY. About my "diary". I'm not writing actual diary entries...but I think my food history is visible. I've just started using MFP again, so there isn't much there yet. I will try to do better at recording everything now that I know someone will be looking and trying to help figure out what I might be doing wrong. I'm eating all kinds of dairy...I think my confusion is coming from trying to follow a more ketogenic approach rather than just a low carb approach. That WOE says not to eat much protein and focus instead on fats...so, I'm eating "fat bombs" with cream cheese or sour cream and almond butter and butter and MCT or coconut oil. I'm also eating cheese and the last two days I've had 1 cup (each day) of full-fat plain Greek yogurt with Torani SF syrup. Yummy! But maybe not so good for my progress. Anyhow...I'll do a better job at tracking and welcome your feedback! Thanks again! ;)
  • tracyjprez
    tracyjprez Posts: 7 Member
    GrannyMayOz - just checked your page and it says your content is private :( I'll check to make sure I don't need to do something on my end.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    It is a busy weekend for me. I stayed up way past my bedtime at the social last night. It was good to go out and have fun, but the only draw back was that most of the music was what my kids call "club music", you know, the thumpy base beat, with no real music, just loud thumping. I don't know how else to describe it. I was hoping for some classic rock. So any time the classic rock that I recognized was played, we were on the dance floor. My back was a little sore, so I took it easy.

    I bought quite a few silent auction tickets, but didn't win anything. You see, the couple holding the social will approach businesses for donations of goods to be put up for auction as prizes. There was a wide selection of baskets like kitcheny type things, a big TV and Blue ray, cookware, a wine and cheese basket, ladies pampering products, men's stuff, camping gear, to sports related items etc. I was hoping for the sports package with a fitbit in it, or the camping gear, or the wine or the basket with Grey Goose vodka, crown royal whiskey etc....but didn't win. The money raised through the raffle ticket sales go tot the happy couple, along with any other profits from the sale of the alcoholic beverages and 50/50 tickets, of which they'd get half. Of course, the Winnipeg Jets playoff game was played too. We are in Winnipeg and are very proud of our hockey team coming back to us. Too bad the Jets lost the game. But it was nice to be all together from work, celebrating our co-worker's upcoming wedding and also watching the game.

    I was a little nervous in my skinnier clothes, since you can see my shape. I feel smaller wearing them, very weird sensation. The food is always the same at these socials....rye bread, a variety of deli meat including garlic sausage, lot of cheese and dill pickles. So it was easy to just eat meat and cheese.

    But today I met a large group in Chinatown ( old friend in town, yay !) for dim sum, so that will be my big cheat for the weekend. I did not eat anything breaded or in sauces, but did have a few dumplings, some plain steamed meatballs and some of that delicious Chinese broccoli, and one bite of my daughter's mango pudding.....well OK two bites ! I figure that this only happens once every couple of years where we meet for dim sum, especially since my friend lives in another province now and I only wee her a couple of times a year now.

    I did wear my skinny clothes, so it was amazing to see these friends, as I am 33 pounds lighter than when they saw me last !

    I hope you're having a wonderful weekend ladies !
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    My cheat items involve eating this amazing raw kale salad that has...
    CARROTS in it!
    ...although I pick most of the carrots out. >_>
    Also, there's some stevia-sweetened chocolate bars I have small pieces of. Mmm...

    Apart from that, my own little milestone is that I am also now able to wear "skinny clothes"!!!
    I can finally fit back into my old pair of size 8 Levi jeans. Without muffin top. And can still breathe and bend over.
    IN FACT!!!
    On that front:
    Today I squatted down to collect things from under my desk in said size 8 jeans, and stood up again with ease. No cane. No pain. No toppling over.
    I will not fret the extra lb on the scale right now because I did THAT. =^_^=

  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Ok. I didn't know if I should open new thread or stay here. But this over 50 site (forum, topic, whatever-am totally tech illiterate) is comfortable for me. I thought I had figured things out. Upped my cals readjusted my macros & planned meal accordingly. Today my numbers were: 1123 cal,18 C, 94 F, & 68 P . I'm starving & exhausted. Son's fiancée made bbq ribs for them & I had chicken,cheese, salad, oil, & cream (with dash of Splenda). I could have cried while they chowed down. It looked & smelled AWESOME, but too much sugar in sauce so I refrained. I'm sulking in a diet coke now. I did discover cream is good tho, so that's a plus. Also, broke out in big cold sores this afternoon. Haven't had them this bad for months. Related? Will taking cold sore medication (Valicyclivor) affect this diet? Started taking probiotics same time started LCHF & a multivitamin. Good idea? Migraine yesterday went away after nap & lot's of water (no meds woohoo). Oh, fried my asparagus & green pepper in coconut oil this am. Wow, you ladies are so smart! Tasted great! Keep tossing advice & tips my way it's greatly appreciated.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    So many beautiful ladies here (that’s all of you, don’t anyone think you’re excluded!). I love this thread (or anything else you choose to call it @Kate, we’re none of us tech snobs!).

    @Jane I mostly drink instant coffee with coconut milk in it. I drink tea when I go out because ‘flat white’ coffee is so high carb with the cow’s milk! Though I did have my first flat white in ages this morning before The Walk home (see my home page if you want to know the details of that :( ) The cream and water sounds like a great idea and if you accustom to the taste… well done!

    @Tracy No worries, and we’re glad you’re here. Thank you for your words about my family pic, and for clarifying about your breathlessness issues. I’m so sorry about your weight gains, and really hope that trend reverses soon. It *is* harder for us mature girls, but I’m going to urge you to take body measurements. I’ve only been measuring my waist and belly and there was no change at all in either for a long time, yet I (and hubby) can see the fat loss in other parts of my body. Even the tops of my feet look slimmer today LOL I only wish I’d measured my forearms, biceps, midriff, thighs, calves… I’ve only lost 5 kgs (11 lbs) but the amount of fat that is visibly missing from me looks at least double that! Now, these are just my thoughts, so mull them over and choose to agree, disagree or experiment, it’s entirely up to you. These are things that I have found to be true for me, and they may not be true for you… I’m doing keto so if you are now able to see my diary you’ll be able to see the way I do it (which is with no red meat so far). I find that cream cheese is very high in calories if you eat more than a small quantity of it. ‘Not much protein’ depends on your energy expenditure/exercise level. Have you been to the calculator at http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ to see roughly how much protein you should be including daily? I aim for between 60-80 grams. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I struggled to keep it high enough to start with, but seem to have it down now. Some people say that cheese stops them losing weight. I seem to be OK, but wouldn’t have more than around 50 or 60 grams per day. Now the bit you may not want to hear… SF syrups and other artificial sweeteners could possibly be a problem. Some folks are fine, but others can apparently be kicked out of ketosis just purely by the taste of something sweet because their body knows that what comes next is a sugar dump, and it prepares for battle. If you can stand it, can you try a week with nothing sweet and see how you go?

    @Kitn so glad you went to the social even if the music wasn’t quite ‘you’. Ever notice how DJs finally get everyone up to dance and then change the music style so everyone sits down again? Crazy pants! It’s so exciting that you could wear slim clothes and feel gooood! Glad that you took it easy for your back too. I’ve never done dim sum so thankfully that’s something I don’t have to miss. And did the friends comment on the new you?

    @Teneko ha ha, that’s brilliant, but yes, carrots are quite high aren’t they? How dare they!!! I hate that onion is high, we love our onion, but now it’s rationed ;) That’s fantastic about the jeans – wow! And yes, that’s a major victory no matter what the scales say!

    @Kate No, no new thread needed, this thread is for anything us girls wish to talk about – food, real life, whatever. I guess new threads are for when you want more input than this small group can give you in reply. (I occasionally wonder if any of the guys peek in here or not, but they probably don’t dare ;)) My opinion is that your calories are too low. We seem to be able to eat more with this WOE. In fact, we seem to *need* to eat more! Your break-up is good, but for my opinion, I’d say increase to around 1400 calories. Keep your carbs under 20, protein is good unless you’re incredibly active, so add lots more healthy fat (or your choosing) to give you more energy and fill you up. You should *not* be hankering after ‘old foods’ and you certainly shouldn’t be hungry! I don’t know about you, but diet drinks always make me feel really hungry. I have seen a study explaining why it does that, but couldn’t tell you where it is now. Do you drink much of it? My husband always takes L-Lysine for cold sores. L-Lysine is an amino acid (a protein) rather than a script, and can be purchased near the vitamins at the supermarket or pharmacy. However, if you’re eating enough protein you shouldn’t need to add this in, once your body is accustomed to low carb. It is more than possible that your body is ridding itself of toxins through your skin, and this is the result. I hope that they go away quickly. Sometimes things that we’re prone to, do ‘come out to play’ while we’re detoxing. I’ve had a problem that was constant, and terribly embarrassing, come and go since I’ve been low carb, but it’s getting further apart and smaller intensity every time. I think that as my body empties out the fat cells it finds stuff that caused the issues in the first place, releases it into my system and has to clear each dose as it arises. If that makes any sense. Glad you’re enjoying the foods.

    Wow, what a lot of words!!! B)
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello ladies, very happy to check in today with a weight loss....finally....after a 4 week stall - down 3 pounds, woot,woot. I upped my calories by 100 to 1600 and exercise by 20 more minutes (I don't eat back the calories or at least not all of them anyway) and ate more meats/fat and less veggies and voila, finally. Not sure if it was all these things or just my time to lose but man it feels good this a.m.

    @Kitnthecat great for you on the skinny clothes, congrats

    @Sk8Kate I agree with Granny, I think your calories are too low - I don't know your stats but 1100 seems very low....up those calories and enjoy this woe - you shouldn't be hunger or exhausted

    @GrannyMayOz love the new picture/to see you...so good to see the face of the lady that gives us all so much support and confidence in this woe, thanks

    @Teneko good for you on the loss of the muffin top - that is my goal!

    Have a great day ladies
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    Oh wow @Happylife that's fantastic news, congratulations! So happy about the weight loss *and* the fact that you can eat more to achieve it. Let's hope this continues! And thank you so much for your kindness, I just love being a part of this group.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm not going to fiddle with %s again. But will try to worry less about cals & just keep fat up. I am supposed to weigh & measure today, but the scale scares the crap out of me. I hope to see some movement down but if I went up I'm worried I'll blow last week's work & eat anything that's not nailed down in house. Is adding vinegar & Splenda to mayo ok? How many eggs/day are too many?
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @GrannyMayOz I was drinking 5 ish diet cokes/day but have cut back to 1 at night as a treat. Was hoping this wouldn't screw stuff up
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    I can understand you not wanting to mess around again @Kate Hopefully the extra fat and calories will help you and you'll get a wonderful surprise next time you're brave ;) I find that I've lost far more fat than the scales would suggest, so try to go by how you look and how your clothes fit. The scale isn't the be-all and end-all.

    And yes, vinegar is fine and artificial sweeteners seem fine for most people. And congrats on kicking the high number of diet cokes, that's fantastic work!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    I feel... I dunno... not myself today. Walked from the shopping centre carpark to, and around, the supermarket, then back to the car. That felt like enough today thank you very much. I did do Week 1 Day 3 of the pushup challenge first thing this morning but that's liable to be it for today. I think I still feel a bit afraid of how much I pushed myself yesterday for the walk home from my car breaking down. But that should have been minimal effort for that length of walk. I'm sure it still would have been on a cooler day, but I've frightened myself. Just going to rest today, and I feel that I need to reduce my coffee intake as well. I hope coffee isn't the problem, it's my one remaining treat in my diet with the coconut milk in it

    If I had a magic wand I would conjor (how do you spell that?) up a low carb approving GP nearby and go get blood tests done. But mainstream medical people terrify me so that's not going to happen. I have the blood tests from the hospital when I had the heart palpitations and the only thing they didn't really test was iron. I used to be low on that prior to menopause so I'll start a very low dosage supplement and see if that helps me.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @GrannyMayOz hope you're feeling better soon. Iron supplements can bung you up a bit, so be careful. Constipation is never fun. On top of everything else age has decided to throw at us. Seriously, now we're learnt life values shouldn't we get to enjoy it and dealing with some of this crap would have been way easier in my twenties (and I wouldn't have had the energy to do so much silly stuff).
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    Thank you for your help @Kate, I'll take it slow. I feel a heap better since I ate lunch and I think my too-low food intake recently was still leaving me lethargic. I thought I'd eaten enough and overcome that on Sunday, but these things take time and I was rushing. I was just starting to 'fade' again so I've eaten a little salami stick and feel brighter already. I can take a lot as long as I know what the problem is, so I'm happy now that I just need to eat more. I know. Just think how fast the weight would come off us if we'd found this when we were really young? But perhaps the slower losses we experience will help the skin tighten as we lose. There *has* to be an upside. Doesn't there? ;)
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Oh, May, please give yourself time to recoup! You've been going on low calories, plus that exhausting walk in the heat--it takes time to recover from both of them. I wish you could find a good doctor to check you out and verify that you have all the nutrients you need. (As a matter of fact, I wish I could find a good one too!) ;) Take good care of yourself, dear May!

    I'm thinking this is a bit of a discouraging time for some of us b/c we're at a stand still. My weight went down for 1 day this month, but was back up the next and has stayed there. So I really haven't had a loss in over 3 weeks. Bummer. I've increased my calories, but no effect from that, except to go up a couple of ounces. I'll stay the course, but it feels like my body is doing what it always does. Drops a few pounds in the beginning when I change my eating, then it holds itself there. When I give up and eat more, the weight all comes back, plus more. I've done that for 40 years. This time I don't intend to give up, but I don't know that I'll ever lose the weight. I wish I had known about this WOE all those years ago. The upside is that my insides will be healthier, and that's good.

    Is there such a thing as Whole Body Liposuction? :p
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,050 Member
    I will Ellen, thank you <3 Definitely feeling better since lunch, and then since my little snack. Dinner is an hour away, and I'll be ready for it by then. I'm sure it's just the heat that affected me, and this is the second bad reaction I've had to exercising in heat since going LC. To be honest, I've been having some hot flashes again since going LC - I hadn't had those for about a year, and didn't have them badly even when they were 'at their worst'. I've always loved summer, but this one's been... well, hot ROFL I do have my lovely naturopath if I need him but he's a long way from blood tests etc, he's *really* alternate.

    I wonder if you can mix it up more with your diet? Could you have a week with higher calories, a week lower, or something to fool it in the hope it'll be shocked into losing. I've heard of that somewhere, but never tried it. But yes, ultimately we're all going to be healthier even if we won't be skinny o:) Maybe we can get a package deal for 2 on the liposuction?