Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Thank you ladies. Lol, I forgot that just because I have no desire to eat anything carby that others may not be at that lovely stage yet!
    I agree about the smell though, lol, when I go to the production room the smell is lovely....a bit like chips frying or toasted cheese. ;)
    I have to blow my husbands trumpet here, he designs and makes all the moulds for our products then they are made in our little factory ready for his designs to be printed onto white chocolate and put in. My crafty-ness only comes after when I have to do the fancy packaging! Hes just off doing the new designs and I'm itching to get my hands on them so I can get crafty doing these New Baby arrangements.
    @karlottap ...we are in Dubai. We havent shipped to USA yet but.....my son got one of the laptops for his boss who was leaving here after 10 years and he sent us a message saying that it had made it all the way to Florida without breaking!!! I think it must have travelled 1st class!! Lolol.
    @May....where do you find the time to do all these things????? I love your minatures! Shame you went to Facebook..I have only just set it up and have no idea what I am doing!!!! Arabic? Is there Arabic on there?? Or do you mean on the Naional Day tray?? Lol. I know the Arabic alphabet and can work out some but....mostly I have NO idea what it is I'm reading, lolol. Our website is better (I didnt have anything to do with it!) Chocolategreetings.net.

    Today I'm 200gms down so thats in the right direction again. Feeling much better today apart from still being thirsty at night. Very odd.

    Hope you are all having a good day.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @May --Oh my goodness, Emma and Georgia are so darling and precious--their liveliness just shines through the screen! The fairy gardens are amazing, so intricate and perfect. You must be a very patient woman to do such work, and you've passed it on to your grands. Just lovely. <3

    I'm glad the scale is moving downward for you both, May and Jane. Always exciting. Jane, hope you figure out the big thirst in the evening. I wonder if it has anything to do with the liver spilling sugar during the night when it's doing it's cleanup act. Some folks have written about that. It sort of sets up a false blood sugar elevation, which might increase thirst like diabetes does. I don't know, just a thought that hit my head. Probably way off....

    Those two pounds I lost? Yep, back home again. :s I noticed that I lost them after my calories were over my goal for a couple of days. I've been back down, and they came back. Maybe I need to raise my macros a little? Or maybe was just a fluke? I'm stymied. Ideas?

    @Iris The ukelele? That's so great! I love string instrument music. Proud of you for baking cake and not being tempted, or at least yielding to it. But May's bars ought to stand in very nicely for you. :)

    Hope the sun is shining today for you all; have a lovely day!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @GrannyMayOz, your granddaughters are beautiful and I love the miniatures! You must be a very patient person! Knitting on toothpicks? Wow! Super creative ideas!

    I with you @wheatlessgirl66, no change on the scale for me this week. I will just keep on keeping on! Hang in there!
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    So the scale I originally used measures body fat%, when I used it again Fri., it said I had lost 6 lbs but gained 2% body fat. How accurate are these? Is that possible? One thing I've noticed is I'm becoming way more adventurous in my cooking. Trying all these new recipes is fun. Although, made keto pancakes with almond flour today (then had to thoroughly scrub kitchen down due to son's nut allergy) and sorry they were awful! Am still feeling nauseous from choking 2/12 down. Yuck! The cream cheese ones were far better. Does anyone have any other pancake recipes? I live in rural Saskatchewan, Canada so some ingredients may be hard to find.
    @GrannyMayOz love the fairy gardens. Your granddaughters are adorable. The patience you must have & talent!
    Back to scale issues - do you guys weigh every day? My scale doesn't measure as low as grams. (I also have mine set in lbs cause never did switch weight to metric in my mind).
    It's cool talking to those of you on other side of world. When I'm checking MFP before bed you're just starting your day and when I'm up and at it you've already logged your days.
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    @GrannyMayOz in answer to your question, I am from the US. I live in the very middle, a very short distance from the geographical middle, in Missouri. I love this thread. I really enjoy seeing all the creativity. The chocolate pictures are amazing. Not a problem for me as I am not a big choc fan. The miniatures are truly wonderful. I love the ribbon embroidery a few pages back.

    I'm relatively new to LCHF. The more I read, the more confusing it becomes. Does anyone have a source where I can get a good basic education on how to do this. Last night we went to dinner with friends. It was an asian fusion restaurant and difficult to make good choices. I need some guidelines. Help!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Beautiful granddaughters and fairy gardens May !

    Kate, I'm in Winnipeg, so might have more shopping options than you do and it takes a while to even figure out where to find some of these ingredients that you might not have tried using before. I shop at Superstore in the organic section for some things, Bulk Barn for others and our local health food store Vita Health for others.

    If your son has a nut allergy and you didn't like the almond pancakes, don't use the nut meals ! They are a bit high in carbs anyway. Have you tried coconut flour ? A little goes a long way. I store mine in the fridge. However not everyone likes coconut flour. By cream cheese pancakes, do you mean the ones from "I Breathe I'm Hungry" ? I have made the snickerdoodle crepes and they are good. The trouble with pancakes or waffles is that I always want something sweet on top and I'm trying to avoid sugar, including sweeteners.

    I raked my whole yard yesterday, so I'm a bit sore today, but the yard looks better. Now we need some rain to get rid of the layer of dust over everything from winter. I'm thinking about cleaning up my mother's yard a bit today, but will try not to overdo it.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    @Kitnthecat yes I meant the ones from "I Breathe I'm Hungry". Thanks I'll try the snicker doodle ones. Closest city for me is at least 1hr drive so guess I'll start doing major shopping every couple weeks. I'm lucky as we buy our beef from local farmer so my freezer's always stocked. Definitely will try coconut flour too. I don't need the sweets on top just trying to mix up my breakfasts.
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @GrannyMayOz my husband is a 'grumpy' too, he has a Swarovski Disney grumpy and we have a door mat that says a lovely lady and a grumpy old man live here. Wasn't tempted by cake, at one point I thought I might have some Pringles, but filled up on burgers and cheese :smile:
  • RisiM
    RisiM Posts: 180 Member
    @jumanajane I'll definitely look at your website, ideal for birthdays.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Changing topics again. Any unique, off the wall ideas for a wedding ceremony & reception would be greatly appreciated. These kids don't realize how quick July 24, will be here and I finally asked if I could step in and help (ok I'm a control freak). They are going with a cowboy/western theme and are clueless to what needs to be done. Bride's mum is too far away to help.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Kate You mean you're starting from nothing and need to organise the whole wedding? That sounds very exciting (I'm a control freak too ;))
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Yep,that's about it. At least they've rented the venue & decided on meal choice. They didn't think about marriage licence, officiant, photographer,music, etc. Just how big the wedding party should be (8 bridesmaids & 8 groomsmen - holy Hannah!).
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Jane I just love your whole concept and I think you are both very clever. A friend of mine here in Oz makes raw vegan chocolate so I should hook you up with her if you would have a market for that niche product. You and hubby are both very creative! As to my craft time, well I no longer work and I’m spoiled rotten in that David does our meal cooking, so that buys me more time than the average ;) Yes, it was the National Day try I was talking about. You do well even to know the alphabet in Arabic, it looks so complex.

    @Ellen @Karlotta @Kate @Janice thank you so much for your kind words about Georgia and Emma. They truly are darling girls (as any grandma would say of her own I am sure!). Their Mum is very artistic too, so they have it from me (on their Dad’s side) as well as her.

    @Kate I’ve no idea about body composition scales, I think I’m hi-tech just having digital ones ;) I’m so sorry your first pancakes were such a flop, but see that you’ve been directed to other recipes now. I don’t really cook ‘substitute foods’ very much so I’m grateful the others were here to help you. And yes, it’s wonderful that we’re so international. Someone is awake at all times. Jane is closest to me, time-wise, in Dubai.

    @Sue oh wow – no swimming in the ocean for you. I grew up in the very centre of England and the ‘sea side’ (as they call it) was always an extra special treat. And thank you for your words about our crafts <3 I have the next ‘getting to know you’ suggestion in my mind for a little way down the track. Have you checked out the ‘Launchpad’ http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10103966/start-here-the-lcd-launch-pad there are many helpful guides and information there. And don’t forget to ask here, of start your own new thread in the main LCDaily forum.

    @Kitn I really hope you waited a day or two to rake your mother’s yard eeeek!

    @Risi oh wow, 2 Grumpies? So happy to hear that you went the burger and cheese route, congratulations Champ!

    I was down another new 300 grams this morning. I can only attribute it to being dairy free for 5 days (as per my naturopath's orders for the 'heart palpitations' I was getting). I've had cheese in an omelette for lunch today but if my weight goes up again I think I might be dropping dairy once more. My skin seems to have gone dry without it, so after a few days break I'll try *just* butter and see what eventuates, but I'm getting ahead of myself ;)

    Back to helping hubby. We're having a clear out and garden pruning session because it's 'bulk rubbish' in our area this week. The trucks come round and remove any bulky rubbish that you put out the front of your house, that you can't usually fit in the weekly bins. We get it twice a year and it's for house-hold stuff as well as garden prunings or whatever and is very helpful. It also keeps an industry going in people who come and take stuff from the piles that they can use or sell LOL
  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    Dear lchf diet, thank you so much for making my hair darker and fuller, but could please kindly leave my chin alone. I'm having to pluck every day now.
    Yours Fi
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Oh @Fi gosh that's funny, though I'm sorry to hear you have that extra work to do. That's what you get for having such beautiful lush, dark hair! My hair is so ho hum and my eyelashes are skin coloured so that I always 'have to' wear mascara or I don't look as if I have any at all.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,071 Member
    Well, I didn't get over to my mother's house after all. I stayed at home and during a burst of energy, bought a book shelf and a metal rack, assembled them with no former experience doing this, and organized tons of books my mother keeps sending home with me. I think she is slowly emptying the contents of her home, and giving them to me. With work so busy and always something to do, especially while my Dad was sick and after he passed away, I just accepted the books, mementos of my Dad, some of his wood carvings and pictures, and dumped them in a huge pile in the corner of my bedroom. Well I've finally had the urge to sort things out. I just couldn't bear it at first, especially to look at my Dad's stuff. He passed away 16 months ago, and I think I thought that if I just left everything, it meant that he wasn't really gone somehow. But I think that now it will feel good to organize.

    I worked for hours, first assembling, then sorting and vacuuming. I rearranged some furniture too, trying to take care not to hurt myself. But I am sore today. It wasn't as physically demanding as the raking the day before luckily, but was still a lot of activity. I have noticed that it is easier for me to stay active for long periods of time, where I would have fizzled out before I started losing weight. I think that the work around the home and yard can be just as much of a workout as regular activity we call exercise.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Kitnthecat, good for you! So glad you have felt good enough to tackle the chores that you have. One thing we learn is how to not overdo, but sometimes we forget those limitations too, and end up paying for it with some discomfort for a few days. That's how it was for me before LCHF, but now it seems the discomfort doesn't last as long. I'm really loving this woe and all of its pleasant side effects!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    So pleased that you took time for what you needed to do @Kitn <3

    Really happy for you that this WOE is giving your relief @Karlotta <3

    I ate cheese yesterday and have had my first weight gain since I stopped eating dairy. Interesting! Not what I wanted to discover thank you very much ;) but interesting. Going to be brave today and try some cream and see if that does anything ha ha!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @GrannyMayOz, that is interesting about the dairy. Makes me go, "Hmm." Sorry the scale bumped back up on you. I am on week two with no change, but inches are still disappearing. I will take it and keep on truckin! I think it's good morning to you! Hope you rested well! :)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks dear Karlotta, yes, it's 10.30am Tuesday here and we're just starting our day. We go to bed around 1 or 2am because of David's shifts. He's an evening bus driver, public transport. He starts work around 3pm (it's different every day) and finishes around midnight or 1am. We love it and share our mornings together before he goes to work. Hence our main meal is brunch each day around noon or 1pm before he goes and then I have a small dinner alone in front of my computer and the MFP forum :D I have a Seattle clock on my computer so I guess it's mid evening for you, and I wish you a wonderful sleep and sweet dreams <3

    PS - oh and yes, even when the scales don't move, the fat disappears, it's weird and wonderful isn't it?