Tell us about your Leslie Sansone Walk today!



  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I did the 30 min. and 40 min. walk from Walk Off Fat Fast today. It was a great workout.

    I sat out on this one, but I saw it in my library and tried it. I will be adding it to my collection soon. :smiley:

  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    Yesterday I did 2+ segments from the Mix & Match DVD. I had about 2400 steps left to hit my 7000 goal. I did the warm-up segment, the dance segment, and then part of the cool-down segment. I typically just walk a hallway at work 2x for 15 minutes each and then take the dogs for a walk if the weather is decent. They are painting at our office this week and I wasn't able to do my 2 pm hallway walk due to the paint fumes. I left work early to work at home for the afternoon - and am working from home today as well (paint fumes). I'll be doing a combo of Leslie and neighborhood walking to hit my step goal today. :)
  • Today 10/6: I did 5 miles 5 Mile Fat Burning Walk
  • as5811
    as5811 Posts: 62 Member
    Today, I was busy with housecleaning, but wanted a quick workout to round out the day. I did the 30 minute walk. It's an older 2 mile walk, but I like it for a quick workout.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I just finished 3 fast miles! I love this video. It is so fun and energetic!
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I just logged 11,609 steps! Whoo hOOOOOO! Got my 5 mile walk in today! I am up to 17 miles this week. I tried to talk myself out of it, then I remember that Blaze Pizza I had today... and I just had to get the drizzle of bbq sauce. =) good bye to those calories. YaY!
  • TheMojoMissy
    TheMojoMissy Posts: 18 Member
    Yay for finding this group! I did Walk Off Fat Fast 40 min yesterday & did the 20 min today after 30 min on the bike.
  • ladytwilight72
    ladytwilight72 Posts: 70 Member
    Today at lunch I did the 10 min mile from 4 fast miles...then after work I did the 15 min mile and the 10min mile from the same dvd
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