Rock Your Resolution: January Challenge, Week 1 (1/1-1/7)



  • Another year to get it right.

    1. Go to crossfit 3+ times a week.
    2. Drink 8 8oz glasses of water a day.
    3. Get my carb intake under control.
    4. Lose 30 lbs by 12/31/16 (which shouldn't be a problem if I follow through with goals 1-3)

    Good luck to everyone!
  • BalmyD
    BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
    Lose at least 52 pounds this year.

    Happy New Year!
  • wtskinner
    wtskinner Posts: 178 Member
    1. Shooting to get down to about 175 lb before the end of this year which is about about 43 lbs less than I am right now.
    2. Get back into swimming so that I can swim a mile non-stop again in 40 mins or less, and even be doing some open water swims in the summer. Waiting for foot to heal up in next couple weeks before hopping back in the pool.
    3. Increase strength by sticking to 5 x 5 program that I started this week.
    4. Keep blood sugars down below 140 after meals and 100 fasting as I have been over the last 45 days.
    5. Increase my focus and concentration in general by getting in better shape and clearing crap and distractions out of my life.
  • Mistizoom
    Mistizoom Posts: 578 Member
    Get back to strict keto
    Log every day
    Hit my calorie and macro goals as closely as possible each day
    No snacking after supper
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Keto on track today. Having some drinks later which are planned for, but still cause water retention til monday. That's okay, since I see the pattern is consistent.
    Cleaned grandmother's table. So first project is done. For tomorrow, I have a sofa piled with clothes someone gave me. So, sort into: keep -donate- toss. Then put away as dictated. Time frame is to be done by bedtime tomorrow.
    Tonite is my belated new years night out! No project work today. Gonna go out and dance the night away.
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    I fell off the wagon big time in December (the wagon backed over me a couple times, I think) so my January goal is just to get back into the keto groove as quickly as possible, log every day and shoot for a mere 20 minutes of extra activity daily.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I feel like I am on the right track so 2016 will be about making it better.

    Become a regular exerciser and work out 4 days a week or more.
    Become a bit smaller which could mean losing 10-13 more pounds or put on muscle.
    Cut out on evening snacks. Even when I leave the calories for it, it messes with my FBG.

    I also need to log a bit more often. I don't think I will do it every day, but it is helpful to do every few days to make sure calories aren't creeping up on me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My goals:
    Be consistently and honestly SLOW carb
    Do Yoga or Pilates at least 3 times a week
    Run at least 40 miles a month
    Walk 10k steps daily

    Thanks for this thread!

    I forgot to add: fewer wine calories (hubs calls them wineries) in 2016!
  • ShootingStar72
    ShootingStar72 Posts: 183 Member
    My goals -
    Pay off my car
    Sell stuff (unwanted furniture, jewelry, etc.) so I can meet above goal faster
    Walk several times a week
    Carbs 50g or less daily
    Regular supplement schedule
    Join local art league (they had me at open studio)
    Get serious about gardening (build raised beds, deer fence etc.)
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    Great thread, thanks @baconslave and @glossbones! I'm recommitting to making my health a #1 priority this year, and losing at least another 10 lbs, preferably 15 to have a little more "insurance".

    I'm going to try to focus on 3 main things per month, since I already have a pretty good idea of how I want to eat and exercise. 3 days from the end of each month, I'll evaluate how well I did on my goals, and whether I want to continue each one into the next month or change one or more of the goals.

    For January, my 3 are:

    1. SLEEP on a regular nightly schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same times every night. I've been "previewing" this goal for the past three days, and it's working pretty well so far.
    2. LOG all food and exercise. I'm on a temporary exercise hiatus, starting up again Monday. I have been logging almost all of my food/drink over the past three days, though. I'll weigh daily and measure weekly, on Saturdays.
    3. EAT AT THE TABLE. Not standing in the kitchen, in front of the fridge, sink or pantry, not sitting on the couch, and not in the car. Only at the table, preferably off a plate or bowl, using utensils. I did pretty well with this for two days, then not so well today, but I still think it's worth pursuing.

    My other big resolution for 2016 is to save money on food by tracking our family's food spending (I do most of it), and consistently taking inventory of what we have, and planning accordingly. There's more to it than that, of course, but that's the gist of it.

    I'm enjoying reading about all your goals and how you plan to achieve them, folks. Best of luck and determined success! And congrats on some very impressive achievements in 2015. You are my heroes.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    My only goals for the year are to lose weight and follow through on my plan to move. As far as official resolutions, I prefer keeping it simple:

    - Net carbs under 25g a day - no more cheat meals/days/weeks
    - Medidate daily

    That's it. My first 18 months on keto I cheated once. I'm not quite sure why for the last 6 months I couldn't make it more than 2 weeks without cheating, the new year is another chance to get that sorted out :)

    Meditation is a permanent daily goal.

    I normally don't do resolutions, but these are simple fundamentals for me that all my other success builds off of, so this works.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    My goals:
    -Drop the 10lbs I gained over the holidays by the end of January.
    -Fold ALL the laundry I have been putting off.
    -Be more consistent with my food prepping, so I don't fall off the wagon.
    -Walk, if only at work on breaks and lunches.
  • marlamp10
    marlamp10 Posts: 26 Member
    OK, I'm in.

    1. Foodwise, keep on keepin' on. I've lost just about 14 lbs on keto since Oct. 3, and it will be a great year if I can keep that up for another 50+ lbs.

    2. MAKE THE TIME to get back to the gym. I haven't been in four months, and I've been letting my schedule determine whether or not I go. Starting tomorrow, I'm exercising for 45 minutes at least three times a week.

    3. Get my house decluttered further. I keep stalling out after a couple of rooms. This year I want to get to the point where I feel the entire house is reasonably under control.

    4. Get in financial shape to buy a new car. I'm close, and the current car is paid off, but it's making noises like it will need major repairs soon and I need to work harder at getting the other bills in shape so I can be prepared.

    That's a lot more than I intended to put down. But it's all doable if I will keep plugging away.
  • northcoastbeauty
    northcoastbeauty Posts: 34 Member
    For Jan 2016

    Brush and floss 2/day

    Play music while vacuuming each day

    Dance at least 1/week

    Be kind and gentle w/myself
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I'm usually not a resolution person but I'll join in with a few goals for the year!

    1. Stay 30 net carbs most days, truly special occasions 50-70.
    2. Hopefully lose ten pounds.
    3. Make exercise a major priority. 3 times a week minimum.
    4. Decluttering my home.
    5. Make an effort to be more social.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    My health-related goals:
    * Decrease body fat (I'd love to get to 24% but anywhere mid-20s would be fantastic).
    * Build muscle.
    * Stay low-carb, even at maintenance. (I'll do some experimenting to find a good level.)
    * Get 8 hrs of sleep at least 4 nights a week!

    For fitness, I want to make it doable:
    Do strength training, HIIT and/or yoga for at least 10 minutes, 6 days a week. If I do more, that's fabulous, but I feel like aiming for 10 minutes will make it easier to fit in and meet my goal.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited January 2016
    Jan 1 check-in (hmm, the goals I just posted are more for the year. I have more specifics now).

    SW: 150.6 (11/2, started keto)
    CW: 136.6 (bounced up 1 lb after yesterday's carbicide)
    GW for January: Anywhere from 132-135 would be great. I plan to start strength training so I know the scale might bounce up 4 lbs or so.

    Calories: Under goal
    Carbs: 19gm net
    Exercise: 20 min HIIT plus 10 min walking
    2016 off to a good start!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,427 Member
    Here are my goals for 2106...starting on January 4th:
    • Get down to 145 lbs (goal weight) by end of summer.
    • Restablish my exercise goals...I have been far too lax lately...too many excuses!
    • Keep carbs around 40 net carbs a day.
    That's it! Simple right??!! :)
  • catherineh1027
    catherineh1027 Posts: 39 Member
    Continue with Wheat Belly, increase activity, and make progress towards my goal weight with 60 pounds to go!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    My goals:
    Be consistently and honestly SLOW carb
    Do Yoga or Pilates at least 3 times a week
    Run at least 40 miles a month
    Walk 10k steps daily

    Thanks for this thread!

    I forgot to add: fewer wine calories (hubs calls them wineries) in 2016!
