Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hello my lovely ladies. Hope you all had a lovely time over Christmas. Hope you are sitting comfortable cos this may be quite long!! Lol.

    Firstly today I hit 85kg. (187lb) YAHOOOO This was the original target I had set myself until I lowered it a few months ago.The lowest I have been for 20+ years. Now I'm thinking if I get to 80kg(176lbs) I may go for broke and aim for 74kg (163) which would put me at 'normal' BMI. At last it has started moving again!!! I think I realised that I was eating too much protein so a week ago cut that back and started adding butter here and there and....YES!!! Only trouble is I have also started having pain in my liver/pancreas area where my Gall Bladder USED to be! A bit worrying...hubby immediately connected it with eating more fat but I pointed out that actually I wasnt as I had just reduced protein and swopped the fat one for one so......something to keep an eye on.

    On sunday we went to a medical lab to have various tests done. Cholesterol panel, HbA1C, insulin, CRP, Vit D and what they call Lipoprint which measure the LDL particle size. That and the CRP we have to wait for as they send it to Germany but early next week hopefully.
    That evening we were emailed the results and, shock,horror.....both of us have total cholesterol thats very high!!! Me 274, hubs 290!!! Its very strange as just 9 weeks ago in the UK mine was 223!!! Both of us had low Triglycerides and high HDL but the LDL was awful too! This has thrown hubby into a real spin about the diet and, despite re-reading Cholesterol clarity to him etc he is still having trouble getting those numbers out of his brainwashed head!!!! Personally I put it down to methodology differences. The ratios were fine too but isnt it weird how hard it is to unwire our brains from so many years of brainwashing!!!! I just hope that my particle test shows the large fluffy LDL is far higher than the small, hard dense ones!!!! If it doesnt I really wont know what to think!!!!

    Today we went to see my Cardiologist. Not the UK one but one here who I saw 3 years ago. At that time he automatically assumed I had very high cholesterol, blood pressure and was likely diabetic......until my bloods came back and they were all great!!! lololol. I had been eating low carb for 6 weeks at that time!!
    Anyway...for some reason(cant think why,lol) he remembered me well!!! I explained about the 3 stents put in in UK and what had been happening since then. 9 weeks ago now!!! Where did that go?????
    We had written down a few of the things we wanted to discuss and had agreed not to mention my results now but give him the UK results and see how he reacted to things before mentioning diet etc and particle size.

    YESSSSSS!!!! I have found a Cardiologist who ISNT dead set on cholesterol etc. He did ask what my LDL was and, quite honestly, I told him they hadnt told me that in UK. He said he wanted to know what it was so thats when we told him about the lipoprint and that we would email the results to him. Phew...escaped that one!! They dont do particle testing here at any hospital surprisingly!!! It cost $165 to do it...lets hope its worth it,lolol.
    Told him my blood pressure was actually higher on the meds I was put on in UK than it had been before so he has changed them back to the one I used to be on.....and got taken off 6 months ago when my BP was repeatedly going into my boots after settling back into this woe!

    Then...the most beautiful sound....hubby asked him what he felt about diet as we had been eating a low carb diet........and he said 'I totally agree with a low carb diet, as close to zero as you can get'!!!!!! Yaaaaaay. Mind you he later said eat low carb AND low fat which I ignored as we all know that just doesnt cut it!

    So, all in all hubs and I both came away very happy! It could have been so different if he had a different mindset. He remembered I hate taking meds but am happy to take any useful supplements so we agreed a continuing regime. Only niggle there is that he wants me to take Pharmacutical grade Omega 3 which is prescribable but after paying out for it I read the data sheet and discovered it is licenced for reducing high triglycerides.....which I dont have!!! Only 104. Yes it could be lower but Im happy with that! Does he want them lower??? Ah well, a question for next time.

    Such a relief not to have had to bash my head against a brick wall. Only downer was saying there wasnt anything proven I could do to reduce the plaques, just prevent them getting worse. I just hope the lipoprint is good! What the hell will I do if it isnt?????? Will update you next week when I have the results!

    On a totally happy note I would like to introduce my grandaughter.....Alexandra....I am so amazed at how besotted I am and I havent even seen her in the flesh yet! The emotion of being a Grandmother is totally unexpected! Lolol.

    Happy New Year everyone and heres to a wonderful 2016 with us all losing pounds and gaining whatever our hearts desire!


    Love to you all and thanks for all your support and friendship this last 9 months.

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    OMG! Jane!!! She is beautiful!!! Look at how brighteyed she is! I know that touches a special grandma spot in your heart that you didn't know was there! I'm sooooo happy for you!! Wonderful results on your weight loss too! As for your cholesterol numbers.....umm, I know he discussed this in Cholesterol Clarity but don't remember the specifics. Seems like I recall the recommendation to watch saturated fats when they aren't the fluffy kind. I read so much that the information gets jumbled in my brain, mixing with the brainwashing of the past, it's hard for me to keep it all straight! Wish one of the more informed, knowledgeable, folks could chime in here on this for you! I pray yours are fluffy, and hubbys too!

    It's New Years Eve! The tradition we have with the same group of friends for 23 years running, is a typical food, and alcohol, fest! I'm making keto buffalo chicken dip, deviled eggs, chicken salad, and little smokies sausages (some will be in bbq sauce for others). I do plan to indulge in some wine (though I dread the headache tomorrow), it won't be much, then some champagne at midnight. It looks like we may have it at my house, since the friend who has hosted the past few years has just gotten home from being out of town, and I'm still covered up in Christmas mess! Looks like I will be cleaning most of the day! Oh well, it needs to be done anyway!

    I hope you all have a safe, and wonderful, end to 2015! Happy New Year!! Hugs, always!! Bring it on 2016!!
  • j_jayehl
    j_jayehl Posts: 9 Member
    Beautiful baby and congratulations!

    I will be very interested to hear the results of your tests as well. I know that eating the low carb and not avoiding the natural fats has me feeling the best and that the experts on LC say it is safe but it always still is in the back of my mind especially being in my 50's now.

    So good that you have a doctor that is supportive of this way of eating.

    I have been eating low carb for maybe ten months now. Over Christmas I indulged too much in the sugar and now am feeling the impact in sore joints and stiffness so really happy to get back to it now.

    It has been really great and helpful reading all of your posts here!
    I'm happy to find this niche group and would love to have some of you as friends here on MFP. I recently started a new account and haven't collected any yet.

  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello my Beautiful Ladies ! I'm sorry that I have been missing from this forum for a while. I have been peeking in and trying to keep up with the news.

    Wow, so much great news all around. Oh Jane, your granddaughter is beautiful! Congratulations! I hope you get to see her soon. Also it sounds like you are seeing some positive results after having so many health challenges. And Karla, you area bundle of joy as always. This group of ladies is so inspirational!

    I am right now sitting in a very unglamorous place, at the car dealership, waiting for my oil change and quick check up to be completed. Good time to catch up. I have 4 days off for New Years. This will be my much needed break, and also time to get organized around home and within my head. Time to get back on track.

    The past 3 weeks or so have been so hectic for me, and I was quite burnt out from work by the time I was off work for Christmas. Christmas was fine, but isn't it funny how much we prepare for this event, only to find that it goes by so quickly? My daughter did help out quite a bit on Christmas Day, in terms of doing the washing up after dinner. So that allowed me to actually take a seat and visit, (and have a few drinks). I did indulge that week of Christmas and still haven't gotten quite back to my normal eating schedule yet. It's odd in that I don't consider myself to be much of a drinker, but it seems like I enjoyed the drinks a bit more than the food. My mother makes this amazing Swedish glogg, a Christmas punch similar to mulled wine, fortified with gin and flavoured with spices, so yummy served warm. Boxing Day was very nice. I just relaxed in my pyjamas with the cat on my lap, while nibbling on leftovers.

    So today is New Year's Eve and we will stay home as usual and share a bottle of sparkling wine and have some snacks. I will get some paperwork done while I am off, since I brought some work home with me. I'm looking forward to getting that done. I will also assemble my priorities for the new year. I'm anxious for the end of the holiday season, and can't wait to get back on plan. I know that there is no rule that states that we should initiate self improvement plans on January 1, but in this case, I will be in keeping with tradition. It just seems easier for me since I have been so busy etc. There have been piles of chocolates and treats around work, and it became hard to resist. So I'm looking forward to starting fresh tomorrow. I will likely make some broth and start a fast, then get back to my one meal a day regime with weekly fasts. And since veggies are so expensive here now, good time to eat the meat in my freezer and go almost ZC again !

    I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Thank you for your friendship ! All the best !
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Happy New Years
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!
    Now we get to make the habit of writing 16 for the date! Lol! Always takes me a few days to get this habit changed!

    My plan changed drastically on new years eve! My son woke yesterday with the flu!! Fever, body aches, the full dose! He even took the vaccine this year! He will be 19 in February, and this is the 5th time he has had the flu. Poor kid! He stayed in the bed, while hubby, and I, quarantined ourselves here at home! I didn't want to go anywhere for fear of carrying it to them! So, my true food test wasn't meant to be! I did fix my keto foods, and had some wine. Then, had some champagne at midnight. I don't have the headache that I was expecting, which is wonderful! May be the white zinfandel doesn't have something that the reisling type does, because the last time I had some Riesling I had a terrible headache the next day! Small victories are celebrated!

    So, I'm beginning a new year pain free (except for the stupid stomach ulcer I'm trying to heal)!! I'm now pain free so much that I truly get mad when I do feel any of the old pains pop up!

    This woe is amazing! I'm so glad I've been here with you all! This journey is wonderful!

    Janice! I'm with you on the preparation for the holidays taking so much work (even when we try to simplify things!), and then it's over in a flash! Welcome back aboard the wagon!

    Karen, Happy New Year to you too!

    @j_jayehl! Welcome to our little thread for us ladies, and others too! I sent you a friend request! Best of luck!

    My day will be spent taking down Christmas, and watching football! Will have some traditional ham, and cabbage today, but will leave the blackeyed peas for hubby and son. Enjoy your day everyone!
  • j_jayehl
    j_jayehl Posts: 9 Member
    Hi again everyone, happy new year!
    I am trying to find what my macro settings should be for low carb tracking on MFP but I'm having no luck. May I ask what you all have yours set to? I I'm not body building or anything like that, just gentle weight loss is what I am doing with walking, yoga and some Pilate's for exercise.
    Thanks in advance for your input!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    I have mine set to 75/25/5 and I strength train w/trainer 2x a week and do light cardio 1-2x a week.
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    Hi, j_jayehl! Happy New Year! Up at the top, in the dark blue menu bar, I went to my "settings", then, "premium" (eventhough I'm not) and to "macronutrients" and set carbs at 5%, fat at 65% and protein at 30%. also, under "settings" I added fiber so that I track carbs, fat, protein, FIBER and sodium. I subtract my fiber from my carbs for "net" carbs= <20grams daily. I took my weight in pounds cut in half = my protein grams (180 pounds/2=90 grams protein). Ack :s ! Friend me. I would love the support!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    @sappho123 ... the part about the proteins as one half your weight is a new one to me. Why do you figure that in ?
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    My macros are set at 75/20/5. Lost 44 pounds since March, 2015 with no regular exercise until the past few weeks.
  • j_jayehl
    j_jayehl Posts: 9 Member
    hi @lovesretirement and @sappho123 - Thanks! I will play around with the settings a week at a time. Because I am trying to do a good percentage of vegetarian low carbs I don't think I will start as low as 5% for carbs while I am learning. I will also try to figure out the net carbs by tracking the fiber. I think I understand this...

    Thanks again!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I don't recommend anyone try to begin this woe at 5% carbs! The withdrawal from them is real! I began (last March) at 100 gm a day and realised I felt better the lower I went. Dropped to zero carb levels, for the May challenge, and haven't really looked back. Good luck!
  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    I hate to admit it but I don't exercise regularly. It's one of those things that I know I should do but somehow just don't get it done. Perhaps 2016 will be THE year. I have my macros at 75/20/5. I've lost around 22 lbs but have lost my way over the holidays. I am determined to get back on program, so far, so good.

    I don't know if everybody already knows this but there is a way to get MFP to calculate Net carbs. I use this and find it very helpful. I know that I can just subtract the fiber from the carbs in my head but this seems to improve my accountability.


    I hope you find this useful.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thank you Sue for the heads up on calculating net carbs on mfp! You may want to post it in a separate thread because I believe there are many others group members who would benefit from this information too!
  • HedgeHaug
    HedgeHaug Posts: 223 Member
    I don't recall exactly...it was on a LCHF site...and the equation comes out at about 30% protein, a place to "begin". If you do moderate to heavy exercise (or have a larger frame), then 35-45% protein...that's what I recall.
    It was probably from ruled.me. That's where I began, there and "cave man keto". They were good places for me to learn and to find my way in the beginning (I am in the middle of the beginning, now ;) ).
    I think "why" it is looked at is to make sure we get enough protein, especially if exercising. I strive for it but rarely make it.

    What have you all heard? I'm still a gal with a LCHF book in my hand, bumping into walls and parked cars...finding my way...! Maggs
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    I have been here for 10 months now, eat mostly Keto, but very rarely meet my protein goals. My typical eating pattern has evolved to eating one meal per day, so eating this way makes eating "enough" protein difficult. I don't worry about it though. Now that it's January, I'll tighten up my macros much more, but honestly, as long as my carbs are about 20 g daily or under, I don't worry about the ratio of protein to fat. I am quite often over in fat. I think that I've only had ideal macros a couple of times since I started eating this way.

    I worried in the beginning too, but now accept this as a way of life, so I find various ways to make this work, including changing things up to incorporate fasts of up to 72 hours and occasional higher carb days. I think that the key to success will be longevity with LCHF.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hello ladies. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all. Have been lurking these past few weeks, but not on much.
    What a beautiful granddaughter Jane! How lucky you are!
    Still no news on my health issues. Next thing to try is special physio & the Botox (not sure Botox in my hoo haw (sorry tmi) & trigger points in abdomen will work). But, wth, am willing to go for anything at this point. Chronic pain meds are slightly helping. Was able to sled with grandbaby today & last year at this time wouldn't have even considered it. We had a blast! Only managed to walk back up 7 or 8 times & then continued with son picking us up at bottom with the quad.
    So the past few weeks I have definitely fallen off the wagon & then been run over several times, but I am starting over in this new year. I have mapped out a 6 wk exercise program and may try 3 day egg fast starting Monday to help kick out the carbs.
    Thanks for all the great tips, & the trials & tribulations that you guys share here. The support of this group is phenomenal and really makes a difference for me.
    Hugs to all and Happy New Year.
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    Hi everyone! So nice to see some new ladies have joined us! Welcome one and all. If you would like to why not tell us your 'name' and a bit about yourself! Its nice to relate to proper names as opposed to 'tags'!!
    There is a site which a lot of us use to work out our macros...
    This gives a good guide as well as working out according to the rate that you want to lose at etc. Even has pretty graphs for those of you who are 'data junkies'.
    @j_jayhl there is a free ebook you can download with a plan for vegetarian keto by sifning up to ketodietblog. If you cant get it let me know and I will download it and send it to you. Its not easy doing veggie LCHF I understand....is that a personal choice or medical need like one of the girls????

    Thanks so much for all your lovely comments about Alexandra! I'm still amazed at how emotional it has made me being a grandmother! I think I have just about stopped crying at every new photo thats sent.

    Kathy, sorry to hear that nothing has been diagnosed as causing such pain! Maybe they could slip in a couple of extra botox injections in any area you think needs it!!! Lolol.

    Right ladies....more good news! Got my blood test results back! There was some disparity between the lipid profile done at the lab here and the lipoprint that was done in Germany but after discussing it with a Dr at the lab today I have been assured that it isnt really significant differences and whats important is the particle size! Here are the results...

    Yaaaaay. The small dense LDL are virtually non existant!!!! Thats after 10 months LCHF. My HDH was really low before at 27 and is now 56! Yes the total is a bit high and its a bit offputting seeing high, high, high for the VLDL and INtermediate but I was reassured today that those are very dependent on what you have eaten in the previous few days and I had been really upping my butter and ghee to try and get weightloss started again so that is probably the cause of that.
    The best thing is seeing the line at the bottom....
    Phenotype A.No increased atherogenic risk. Predominately large and less-athergenic particles are detected in LDL subfractions.

    Cant wait to send these to my Cardiologist....doesnt explain my recent cardiac event but that was already damage done at least Im doing something to be cardio protective for the future!!!!

    I have never heard anyone mention Intermediate lipoproteins and what little I can find doesnt sound good but I need to find out more! Anyone have any info please share!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    That sounds like such good news Jane, way to go !