Rock Your Resolution: January Challenge, Week 1 (1/1-1/7)



  • gerrielips
    gerrielips Posts: 180 Member
    This is great - am so impressed by everyone's goals. I usually don't get my goals formalized until the end of January/early February (started mfp seriously last year in February) - In addition to focusing on the top 3-5 goals I want to accomplish, I also try to do an action plan for each goal so I have steps to do each week to accomplish them. Good luck everyone - hard work, but definitely worth it!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I should try and spend more time on here. I've been obsessing about programming related stuff lately. I have been slacking on posting here. Still here, still reading, but not posting much. There's not a whole lot to add to most conversations.
  • mlinton_mesapark
    mlinton_mesapark Posts: 517 Member
    @baconslave, I wish you the best of minimally-stressful traveling, and meaningful last moments with your grandmother. My husband had to say goodbye to his mom in Dec 2013, and while it was very stressful for him and our family for him to make the last-minute trip, we are so, so glad he did. He got to visit with her on her last lucid day, and show her the 12-week sonogram of our baby boy, whom she didn't yet know about.

    I'm praying for you.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    edited January 2016
    @pwrfl1 and @radiii , thanks for the info! I'll look into it. That's actually less than I was imagining. I think it would be worth it!

    January 4 summary
    SW: 150.6 (11/2, started keto)
    CW: 135.4 (new low!)
    GW for January (and beyond): Anywhere from 132-135 would be great. I started strength training so I know the scale might bounce up 4 lbs or so. I'd love to get BF% to 24%.

    Calories: Under goal
    Carbs: Right at upper goal
    Exercise: I did YAYOG (strength training) again. I have a hard time sticking with strength so hey, twice in 3 days is good by me. ;) (He recommends 3x/wk.) It's pretty short so it's doable for novices like me and relatively easy to fit in.
  • Iggiepop
    Iggiepop Posts: 4 Member
    My goals:
    1.Get to my goal weight (6.2kg to go) and keep it there.
    2. Exercise 4-5 times per week.
    3. Be able to run 5 km by Dec.
    4. Have fun with my children more.
    5. Encourage someone everyday.
    6. Eat less carbs & more vegetables & protein.
    Thank you for this challenge.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    JAN 5th Tuesday

    SW: 150.0
    CW: 150.0
    GW for January: 5 pounds
    Calories Goal Met: yes
    Carbs, Macros Met: yes
    Exercise - Treadmill tonight

    Day 2 back at work, I survived yesterday! It is true that after 2 weeks of high carbs, the hunger beast grows back and makes it more difficult to stop the urge to munch. Yesterday was 30g of carbs, and CI was kept in check. Today should be easier and it WILL get better as the week goes on with less carbs. Keeping the goal in mind today.

    @FIT_Goat Nice to see your post and dropping in again. All work and no play... :)
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 4

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 226.4
    GW for January: 224
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    edited January 2016
    slimzandra wrote: »
    Day 2 back at work, I survived yesterday! It is true that after 2 weeks of high carbs, the hunger beast grows back and makes it more difficult to stop the urge to munch. Today should be easier and it WILL get better as the week goes on with less carbs.

    This is so true for me! I am glad to be back at work, if for no other reason than to be too busy to eat crap all day!!! I am also looking forward to my complextion improving as my eating habits do as well.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    WoE Goals / Life Goals:
    Write - Sitting down to write every day is the key!
    Hydrate - I adjusted my water goal (based on my weight) to 67oz/day.
    Step goals - 5,000 steps per day (moderate challenge based on my lifestyle)
    Activity - Some form of "going out of my way to not sit still." I want to get back to bodyweight strength training, so hopefully I report a lot of that. Basic stuff is just "park far away" (but now that the temperature is dropping even that will be extra effort!).
    Logging - Logging my weight and my food daily. I almost brushed off logging food this month because I'm following the Ketovangelist's meal plan, but it would feel weird to have such a gap in my data.
    Daily NSVs - Making unique affirmations about the changes I see as a result of this WOE so I don't focus on the scale.

    Friday, Jan 1:
    [-] Write
    [√] Hydrate: 81.4/67
    [–] Step goals: 4,398/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking Far Away
    [√] Logging: Weight (138.2), Macros C/F/P (4%/76%/20%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: Everyone I know is making "This time I'll stick to it" diet resolutions, or "back on the wagon" post-holiday binging statements. I'm so proud of me that I made it through all my favorite holidays with my streak intact!

    Saturday, Jan 2:
    [-] Write
    [√] Hydrate: 73.4/67
    [√] Step goals: 8,829/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking Far Away, Mall-walking
    [√] Logging: Weight (138.6), Macros C/F/P (6%/73%/21%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: Mom and husband are getting back into the Low Carb way! Mom is aiming for Ketosis this time (to help with her fibro) and my husband's plan is to slow carb it and see how that goes.

    Sunday, Jan 3:
    [-] Write
    [√] Hydrate: 74.1/67
    [√] Step goals: 4,788/5,000 (Giving myself a check because my fitbit didn't count the grocery store steps where my hand was even on the cart the whole time)
    [√] Activity: Parking Far Away, Chores, Foundation Training
    [√] Logging: Weight (137.8), Macros C/F/P (1%/83%/16%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: Keto cleared me of a sinus bug before it turned into a wallop of a sinus infection!

    Monday, Jan 4:
    [-] Write
    [√] Hydrate: 101/67
    [–] Step goals: 3,468/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking Far Away (just didn't go anywhere), Foundation Training
    [√] Logging: Weight (137.8), Macros C/F/P (9%/68%/23%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: The shirt I wore this day used to be SUPER tight on my arms, and now is extremely comfy and loose!

    The meals I ate yesterday (using leftovers from the weekend) ended up being not quite Keto, so I need to watch that more carefully. Eating on a meal plan feels so tricky compared to how I was eating before (and definitely compared to eating while at Disney, fasting through lunch, and not having to cook!)
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    I think I'll stick with some basics for January (that compliment my overall 2016 goals). I would like to lose 25 pounds this year to get to goal. So for January I would love to lose between 3-5 pounds (anywhere in that range and I'll be happy). I think I'll start with higher goals in the beginning of the year because the closer I get to my goal the harder it will be. I plan to stay under 100 carbs/day consistently (starting yesterday - the first Monday of Jan). I need to drink a lot more. I also want to aim for 3 days of exercise per week for January and increase that in February. That's it. By the end of 2016 I want to be 145-148 pounds and strong. I would love to have 2017's goal be "maintain the hard work I put in for 2016"!!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    January 5 summary
    SW: 150.6 (11/2, started keto)
    CW: 135.8
    GW for January (and beyond): Anywhere from 132-135 would be great. I started strength training so I know the scale might bounce up 4 lbs or so. I'd love to get BF% to 24%.

    Calories: Just over goal
    Carbs: 19gm net
    Exercise: Met goal; 10 mins yoga.
  • ratlmega
    ratlmega Posts: 2 Member
    I am at 170#, I have done extreme low carb in the past and lost 50# in 3 mo. I cut my calories drastically and didn't exercise. I want to lose another 40# but want to exercise. Does anyone have any advise on what type of exercise (how long, how intense) to do while having a carb count of 30gm or less a day and calorie of 1000/day? I need to lose weight fast but also want to tone... Any advice?? Thanks
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 5

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 224.8
    GW for January: 224 (need to adjust this one :) )
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes
  • catherineh1027
    catherineh1027 Posts: 39 Member
    Down five pounds since starting Wheat Belly 12/27. I still need to make adjust to go lower on carbs. Definitely eating better now than I have in a while, and feeling better, too!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Keto on track for now. losing slow and steady after holiday sidetrack. Due to increased hunger and increased activity from work I am experimenting with raising carbs about 6g to see if that affects my losses. I am highly carb and calorie sensitive so I will be keeping an eagle eye on this, but I also concede that I may need more food for energy... We'll have to see how it goes.
    Took a total day off yesterday due to feeling wiped out. Didn't even make it to "getting dressed." So I'll pick up the declutter project today or to finish by sun night. This week I have extra work hours and my energy expenditure has to be focused there. I'll see how it goes, maybe tackle some smaller projects in front of the boob tube, if possible. If not...c'est la vie!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    For energy slumps I drink a half cup of pickle juice!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited January 2016
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    WoE Goals / Life Goals:
    Write - Sitting down to write every day is the key!
    Hydrate - I adjusted my water goal (based on my weight) to 67oz/day.
    Step goals - 5,000 steps per day (moderate challenge based on my lifestyle)
    Activity - Some form of "going out of my way to not sit still." I want to get back to bodyweight strength training, so hopefully I report a lot of that. Basic stuff is just "park far away" (but now that the temperature is dropping even that will be extra effort!).
    Logging - Logging my weight and my food daily. I almost brushed off logging food this month because I'm following the Ketovangelist's meal plan, but it would feel weird to have such a gap in my data.
    Daily NSVs - Making unique affirmations about the changes I see as a result of this WOE so I don't focus on the scale.

    Tuesday, Jan 5:
    [√] Write
    [√] Hydrate: 136/67
    [√] Step goals: 6,249/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking Far Away, Foundation Training
    [√] Logging: Weight (138.2), Macros C/F/P (2%/81%/17%)
    [√] Daily NSVs: holy cripes, guys, I just realized yesterday that my BMI is in the 'normal' range now! I don't put a lot of stock in BMI as an accurate measure of anything that matters, but now I know that as long as I Keto On, I will have achieved one of my goals, which was to not have "weight issues" silently checked off on my next annual exam report, which isn't even until April. :o I guess I put a little stock in BMI... but it's still really about the doctor considering me overweight. :P Wonder if she'll say anything. She never told me I needed to lose weight, I just noticed the tick mark on my yellow copy last year (which was actually ticked by the technician that saw me first), but that sealed my determination (I was already LCHF for a few weeks at that point, iirc).

    Last night we made the chicken nugget recipe from Ketovangelist's January Keto Recovery Meal Plan. VERY tasty, but a LOT of work. I started at 5:30 and didn't eat until 8pm!

    Oh, oh! did I mention? My dad is now eating low carb, too (at least for dinner)! I think he just likes being included, but he did say he wants to lose around 10 pounds. Before the holidays his plan was just to cut out SOME bread (we tried a few different LC pizza crusts as a family activity one weekend - Fathead still wins). Now that I'm cooking dinner for him, I'm super curious what he's eating the other two meals of the day. He added some multi-grain crackers to the Caveman Chili I made the other day, but just a handful.

    And mom is trying my levels of carbs. She ate cashews for lunch yesterday, though, instead of the leftovers I had planned for her. I know cashews were probably fine considering she replaced a whole meal with them, but I don't want to give her the option to 'wing it' just yet, because she doesn't quite know the carb culprits. Today she's meeting a friend for brunch so we talked about how to order her omelet for maximum benefit. She asked if she should just have a salad with steak but I told her no, the omelet has more nutrition (and cheese!).

    Husband says he's constantly hungry. Thankfully he's been snacking on cheese, but I still worry that slow carbing it will never work for him. His mind seems in a better place, though, so I'm keeping my critical trap shut and just enjoying the Ketovangelist's podcasts, where at least Brian W can say what I'm thinking. ;)

    As for me, the scale has been creeping up the past couple of days. What else has been creeping? Extra coffee with cream (it's been COLD and the steamed heavy cream just feels so good). Cutting out the cream from my coffee again and I expect that to reverse. But hell, my weight is 'creeping up' and I'm still way down from where I was this time last month. Love it!

    Oh! And I ordered cricket flour and will be trying that in a fathead pizza crust instead of almond flour on Friday. I want to try roasting crickets but I don't know if I trust the quality at the only source of crickets I'm aware of: the pet store.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    edited January 2016
    It's about time I came back! My overall goals for this year are pretty simple:

    1) Limit social media time to 15 minutes per day on my lunch break, with a timer set. I have a four month old daughter and I don't want her to see me with a phone in my hand all the time. (Logging on MFP and coming here on the computer to check in daily while I'm at work are the only exceptions).

    2) No alcohol until my 30th birthday on April 26. Too much self-medication lately.

    3) Lose enough weight to fit into a size 14 bridesmaid dress in September. Probably about 30 pounds. If I lose more, awesome. My ultimate goal weight is 145 and there's a chance I could see that before the year is out, but I'll just take it one month at a time.

    4) Weigh once a week on Wednesday.

    5) Start out with <20g net carbs a day and adjust each month depending on my progress. Not worried about calories although I'd prefer to stick with the MFP daily recommended goal to lose 1 lb a week.
    So that leaves me with this month:
    1) Eat <20g net carbs a day.
    2) Weigh weekly on Wednesday.
    3) Lose 5 pounds this month.
    4) No alcohol

    1) On track since January 2!
    2) Weighed in today, 226.2, down from 229.2 last Wednesday!
    3) 3 pounds lost, 2 more pounds to goal!
    4) On track since January 2

    I am enjoying the low carb benefits already-- my husband no longer has to sleep in the guest room because of snoring and I'm not having as many aches and pains. Probably reduced inflammation. I am trying to get on the treadmill when I can, but I'll probably focus more on exercise next month since it's hardest to get my eating under control.

    Happy 2016, everyone!

  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    Last year saw me losing 46/47 lbs....I would like to continue that trend and add in strength training as I'm able.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    Oh, oh! did I mention? My dad is now eating low carb, too (at least for dinner)! I think he just likes being included, but he did say he wants to lose around 10 pounds. Before the holidays his plan was just to cut out SOME bread (we tried a few different LC pizza crusts as a family activity one weekend - Fathead still wins). Now that I'm cooking dinner for him, I'm super curious what he's eating the other two meals of the day. He added some multi-grain crackers to the Caveman Chili I made the other day, but just a handful.

    He just announced he lost the five pounds he gained while we were all at Disney for the holidays. "Ten more," he says. That probably means he'll abandon this WoE after he gets to his goal. So we'll see if he'll be back after he regains it (he likes a 'nightcap' of Ben & Jerry's every evening).