Ja-new-ary(ou) in the making: Workout Check-in



  • BethAnnieT
    BethAnnieT Posts: 263 Member
    Workout B yesterday afternoon... all by my lonesome in my wee gym. Which is fine, but the silence is deafening and I feel like I have to be quiet which makes getting the bar back on the rack kind of tedious. I need to remember to bring my headphones.


    Squat: 5x5 @ 70 lb, which is me still getting over being sick. But it was hard so it worked, I guess.

    OHP: 3x5 @ 45 lb, then 1x4, 1x3. I had JUST gotten 5x5 @ 45 lb before I got sick so I didn't expect to nail this. I will keep at it with 45 though, don't want to go back to the DB @ 30 lb.

    DL: 1x5 @ 125. I tried the over/under grip and it did wonders for my hand slippage problem! Yay. :)

    No extra credit stuff this time.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Will be going to the gym to lift after work but just wanted to report that my uphill post work walk to my car yesterday took just over 3 mins less than ever before (18 mins dead instead of 21 mins plus) .....my glutes must have been propelling me up that hill like they've never been able to before!

    I'll happily take that!. Will report back on lifting stuff later!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Stronglifts 5X5 workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105/115, 5X5X 120
    Sumo squats-5X5X105
    OHP-1X5X 45/50/55, 3X5X60, 2X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 145

    I feel that my form is solid enough on the squats to increase weight on Thursday. The OHP I was able to get up to my max weight of 60 for three sets then I was losing form so I deloaded to 55 for the last two sets. I am still working back up from a deload on the DL to my highest weight of 150. I will be able to lift that on Thursday.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    **runs around like a loon with delight **

    I increased my squat weight..... :)

    ICF set B worked up to each of the following :

    SQ 5X5 @62.5 KG woohoo!
    OHP 5X5 @25KG stuck here...need to push through
    DL 1X5@70 KG back to where I was pre-back issues.

    5X5 row @35kg
    3x8 close hand bench press 22.5kg
    8/8/6 @20kg Bicep curls (barbell)
    3x8 hanging crunches

    Plus some lat pull downs while I waited for the squat rack.

    Needed to dig deep at times but so pleased to be back on the up!! Will stick at 62.5kg SQ for a while to perfect form as I felt a bit of knee wobble at the end but yeeee haaaa!!!
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Yay for you, @kimiuzzell! And for @BethAnnieT's over/under grip :smile:

    There was a bit of kerfuffle arriving at the gym tonight - I'm told a bit of roof had fallen in! So I couldn't get to the lockers. I had come from work, in full dress and boots etc, so I had to get changed in the disabled loo and then cart a giant pile of stuff into the gym with me. Disconcerting...

    On the plus side, I have some new gym gear and was feeling very groovy :wink:

    Em, so - workout B:

    Squats: 5x5 @ 72.5kg
    OHP: 5x5 @ 22kg
    Deadlift: 1 X 5 @ 62kg

    All good. Did some dips, too, then picked up my gigantic pile of stuff and staggered off out of there.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    BethAnnieT - glad you tried the over under grip! That is what worked for me. I use my dominant left hand for over and my weaker right hand for under. I also like the idea of using the squeeze ball to increase grip strength. Supposedly grip strength has a lot to do with increased longevity. The better your grip strength the longer life expectancy you have.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    kimiuzzell wrote: »
    **runs around like a loon with delight **

  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    I did Upper Body Power PHUL today.
    @canadianlbs has gotten me interested in BCAAs so I picked some up today. I workout fasted so I'm concerned about muscles loss. I've lost 9+lbs steadily since Oct 1. & ive lost some muscle along with a lot of fat. My lifts are not where I want them. I'm also considering doing a Leangains recomp cycle: more calories on lifting days and less on rest days. Ends up being right at TDEE so hopefully I won't gain. Scared
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    edited January 2016
    Don't be scared Sumi. One thing I've learned from a almost year at maintenance* is that your body knows what to do with those calories if you are lifting consistently. And what it will likely do is build booty.

    * aka losing and gaining the same five pounds 6 times.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Picked up new training programme from pt and we're still on hypertrophy work now sets of 15. And I'm meant to do hip thrusts with barbell, which themselves aren't a problem just doing them in front of guys is. And just when I was starting to get hang of PHUL :/ so.... I'll run his programme next few weeks then talk to him about PHUL. I suppose I could always add a couple of power set at the end of the hypertrophy reps. But will definitely stay with 4 day split.
  • ninenines
    ninenines Posts: 197 Member
    Working around my back at the moment. Still a bit of discomfort but mostly I am able to go about my daily things (e.g. moving around the house, walking, bending, stretching, twisting) without any pain.

    Continued with bench press last night, 3x5 @ 31kg, then 4 then 3. Followed up with some bicep curls and tricep extensions just for the hell of it. Skipping on squats, deadlifts and rows for the time being, one until I see the physio next week and two to give myself plenty of time to heal. Netball preseason training starts up in 4 weeks so I need to be fit for that.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Sumiblue wrote: »
    @canadianlbs has gotten me interested in BCAAs so I picked some up today.

    i'm thinking about the recomp potential here, too. so for the sake of record-keeping, i'll mention that i weighed 136.4 in the gym yesterday. and using deadlifts as my corresponding data point for my strength: 130 for 1x7 or so. the packaging on mine is full of excitable claims about 'stimulating muscle growth' and all that as well . . . and it's full of b vitamins, which can't be a bad thing either.

    it does seems to have helped unbelievably with next-day doms. i think that was why @krokador suggested that i should try it, and so far she was right on the money with it. i have just no business feeling this fine after all that i did yesterday.

    so i'll see. it feels kind of extreme and hardcore, compared with mild measures like protein and creatine, so i'm a little bit frightened of it. have mental images of myself being unable to lift a toothpick without my bcaa's to help me - and if i'm honest the effect it had yesterday really did have me thinking of words like 'steroid'. but on the other hand, maybe my problem is just that i'm 50 and my body's in 'okay you can start to ditch muscle now' mode.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Everything went pretty good. I am still surprised how little upperbody i lost being away. I'm thinking being on crutches might of helped, those things took a lot of work to use!

    Bench 85lbs 5x8
    Pull up negatives - badly but at least I tried. Been a long time since I did them.
    Dumbbell Rows 35lbs 3x8
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @kimiuzzell - Nice work on the squat. Woot!

    @Ariadnula - ooo new gym clothes. The no locker thing is a pain though. My gym doesn't have that big of a problem though I did noticed a little puddle forming near the cable set-up so they might want to fix their roof at some point cause it rains often here.

    @BethAnnieT - I like under over. Lately, I've been doing some sets with the left under and at least one set with the right under so not to get too off balanced. Feels really awkward at first having the dominant hand as under but getting used to it. Anything 185 or above I need the under over grip, unless using straps. I do those both overhand so far.

    I actually have been taking BCAAs for a few weeks now. Got some on a cyber monday deal from Myprotein. I mix it with about half of a packet of crystal light and use one of my bigger water bottles cause the watermelon flavor was too sweet for me, so the lemonade helps. I'm not the best at even hitting 80 grams of protein some days, so figured it couldn't hurt to use some.

    Very long day today but I managed to accomplish a few things off my list. I went to a running store up in Portland and ended up getting two pairs of shoes to go between as I get training for the half marathon. One pair was 50% off, which is why I went with both. Two brands but they are similar in style with one being a lesser known brand. Got the Altra pair on clearance cause a new model came out. The other running shoe I got was a brand called Topo. Both have a bit of a wider toe box but are still on the minimal side as far as cushion is concerned. Shoe guy was pretty nice and gave me some stretch tips to work on my hip issue cause I need to do some mobility and foam rolling one of these days... Then I went to the Nike Factory store and found a pair of cross bionic on sale, so now I have shoes for lifting too. Yay shoes! :wink:

    Gym was packed too cause I went after 6 pm but after the drive and 5pm Portland traffic X.X there wasn't a desire to drive home then turn around later to get to the gym. Very long session with the cardio after lifting but glad I got it all done.

    56 - Upper Hypertrophy

    incline bench 4x10 @ 75 - decent and might try 80 next time.
    seated row 4x8 @ 90 - decided to try increase as I've done 80 for long time, challenging but managed to do it.
    lat raise 4x10 @ 12.5 - still a challenge by the end
    db fly 4x9 @ 22.5 - a little harder now but still not too bad
    one db row 4x9 @ 35 - still feels heavy but make it through
    cable bicep curl 4x8 @ 60 - finally tried to increase
    tricep ext 4x10 @ 80 - tough but not bad
    face pull 4x 10 @ 50 - although got them all, really feel them during the reps.

    Then 5 minute warm up, 60 minute jog though paused part way to reset treadmill cause 60 was all it was going to allow total and about 10 minute walk cool down.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts rest day

    Goblet squats-3X6X 25
    Kettle bell swing-22X8X 25

    This is week five of my program and I have changed it up because they were actually on a deload. Instead I increased my reps by one each set.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    half dose of bcaas and also creatine, compared with yesterday. still pretty good workout, although not bulletproof. i lifted in my rain/hiking boots, partly perversity partly curiosity, and i don't think i'll do that again. they were fine but don't feel like my regular shoes so i felt a little bit hampered in them.

    squats: 75. i'm re-engineering my form yet again. did warmup sets at 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, and then 4x5@70 before i decided why not, and went up to 75 and did 5x5 there. so volume if nothing else. and 100 air squats before leaving home, with webcam. it's a middling weight but i'm content because it's 20lbs up from monday when i was just hunting for form.

    rows: 70. didn't mean to; actually already did 3x5@60 for rows, but then little old man offered me his used women's bar with the big trainer plates and 10's on it. long story. i had been going to do 65 anyway, so i just went with this instead. glad i did. it was challenging and i haven't challenged rows much since ribageddon.

    bench: 45, 50, 55, 60. i was just messing around. to be honest, i don't care if i never bench press again; of all the lifts it's the one i see as the most expendable. but i did this much so i didn't do nothing, and the whole thing is a form/grip adjustment as well so i'm okay with the lower demand.

    ohp: 45. again, just accessorizing. today was technically bench and rows day, and i didn't need to press at all. i just like it, so i did 5 sets or so. will be officially pressing on friday at trainer day, and i want my 65lb overhead press back pretty soon.

    added some pulldowns at 35, a few negligible deadlifts, some fooling around with the clean . . . and i may have attempted tgu's but if i did i'm not confessing it here. also tried some pullup negatives but whoa. that's not going well since the rib issue showed up.

    rib still okay. seems to be anyway. so sleepy now.
  • christch
    christch Posts: 238 Member
    Tonight's session seemed like every man and his dog was in lifting tonight and a woman in a dress and sandals
    Bench haha couldn't get within cooee of the rack to barbell bench so...
    Db bench 1x15 10,3x12 12kg
    Incline bench 4x10 9kg
    Db flyes 4x9 12kg
    Db bicep curls 4x12 9kg
    Single arm row 3x15 12kg
    Tricep pushdown 1x15 10, 3x15 10+half kg
    Preacher curl 4x15 15 kg
    Lat pulldown didn't happen couldn't get near it either

    I'll try to do barbell bench and lat pulldown tomorrow night. Hopefully won't be so busy.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Lifted after a short cashier shift. Rather boring night at work and slow. My knees got a bit more achy than usual during lifting and wonder if it's because the short shift wasn't one where I moved around more other than out of boredom when didn't have customers. Hard to say. I also didn't eat a whole lot before gym since I didn't take a lunch break, but did get some gummy bears on the way after work. mmm

    57 - Lower Hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 90 and 1x10 @ 110 - not bad, wrists bit achy and balance gets a slight challenge by the end on the crossed arm set.
    curtsy lunge 4x10 @ 85 - same weight and knees were a bit cranky tonight
    good morning 4x12 @ 85
    leg extension 4x9 @ 95
    seat calf 4x12 @ 120
    rdl 3x8 @ 140 - hands struggled a little on the last reps
    sumo 3x5 @ 170 - first set was a bit off, got a little better on the other ones

    Tomorrow is rest and freight, but if I can get myself up early enough (as in not 11 am) then I might go check out the gym by work. It's the one I've considered that has a location near my home as well but they are having a short, new year deal so if that price was accurate, might really be something to consider. We'll see.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    Haven't posted here in a while, but this thread saved my skin the other day when I forgot my diary with all my lifts! I was able to look up my last workout from my phone and figure out my weights! :smile:


    (this was a very good day for me!)

    15 min. warmup
    Squats: 72.5kg -5x5
    Deadlift: 75kg - 1x5
    OHP: 25kg - 5x5
    Row (-10%): 45kg - 5x5
    Close grip bench: 15kg - 3x8
    Curls: 12.5kg - 3x8
    Cable crunches: 27kg - 3x10
    20 min. steady state cardio
    5 min. cooldown

    First time in ages that I haven't failed any of my lifts! Yay!!!


    (not such a great day)

    15 min. warmup
    Squats: 75kg - 4/5/5/5/4
    Bench: 32.5kg - 5x5
    Row: 52.5kg - 4/5/5/4/5
    Shrugs: 17.5kg - 3x8
    Skull crushers: 15kg - 6/5/5
    Curls: 15kg - 8/8/6
    Hyperextensions: 15kg - 10/8
    Cable crunches: 32kg - 6/5/5
    25 min. steady state cardio
    5 min. cooldown
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So today was the day I mixed Deadlift and OHP for wendler. Which, really, I never minded doing. They pair well together, and for some reason my OHP seems so much stronger after heavy deadlifts... lol

    So I was supersetting warm-ups and build-ups, took about 2 mins between AMRAP sets


    Super stoked about those 11 reps of OHP because they weren,t even that grindy. I almost tried for a 12th, but I had the good sense not to kill myself with it lol. Deadlift wasn't as impressive, but I had more in the tank if only I hadn't been fighting my grip strength...

    GBB 20 #2
    EMOTM x8
    "Heavy" pull-up/chin-up x1-3
    I got 2/1/2/1 chins, 1 all for pull-ups, used red & blue (~65lbs) first 4 minutes, red & black ({~75lbs) for the rest as assist

    4 rounds of double DB (used 30#) complex. 5 reps each
    - wide sumo deadlift
    - front squat
    - push press
    - thruster

    EMOTM x6
    - KB sumo deadlift pop squat x3 (20kg)
    - Hanging knee raises (knees to bows) R.A.T. 11/9/8/9/11/9 = 57 total

    Really good workout for me today, I'm happy. Rest day tomorrow and then bring on the next super hero challenge (this one's called Spartacus. I don't know what it will be about yet, tho!)