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The Vicious Yellow Platoon



  • L_Master
    L_Master Posts: 354 Member
    dujyandco wrote: »
    @kmcquiggan wrote: "Goal for the week: Add in a walk each day at lunch. Lose 1 lb.
    Goal for the challenge (35 days): Consistently lose weight each week, drink more water, move more minutes in the day"

    I want to lose some weight too (passionately), but I"m coming off a two or three-week bounce between the same six pounds, and while I've reevaluated and researched, I still don't dare say the words "Weight Loss" as a goal! :/
    On Sunday I got my new scale, and having one that consistently gives you the same weight for three times in 45 seconds is promising! lol I am encouraged. :)

    I look forward to your success!

    maximum time to know that youve actually hit the plateau and that its time to change things a little, if 4-6 weeks. I hope you're taking your multivitamins and focusing on protein. Vitamin c and D can hinder a lot in your weight loss process.

    The sooner i learned about this, i started taking multivitamins and i lose weight more often that i gain.

    Do you mean minimum time? Or am I missing your point?

  • night_watcher
    night_watcher Posts: 825 Member
    Youve left me confused as well @L_Master :tongue: I guess i am wrong. What i mean to say is you should give yourself at least 4-6 weeks before you think its a plateau.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Anyone else awkwardly doing jumping jacks in the bathroom so your coworkers don't think you're crazy?

    Lol Love it!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    @sue_01: well done on your day and exercise! No idea for protein powder for smoothies, I don't use any :( sorry about that!
    @L_Master: even if you haven't done the challenge, I have checked your exercise, and you're moving like crazy so well done! that's impressive!!
    @night_watcher: you both mean the same thing then :) minimum time (at least 4-6 weeks, otherwise that might no be a plateau) :)
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    @night_watcher and @L_Master

    I wasn't really worried about a true plateau, I think it's too early for that. I've only been here (actively working on fitness) for two months. I was more concerned about weighing foods and keeping a tighter record, and what was being counted on my fitbit and mfp records as caloric burns. And drinking enough water, and balancing my sodium with loads of potassium. I took the two/three week irritation as an opportunity to learn how things work! :) (Still will be learning for a long time, of course!)
    I don't think I need a multivitamin, as my D and C (and everything else) are plenty high. I'm usually way over my required percentages on vitamins! (Those morning smoothies, you know.... 500% for C, 800% for A) And D--well, I walk outside most days, so I get plenty of that! :) (hooray!)

    My current plan is to leave around 500 calories in the bank every day (as I've mentioned), as it seems a nice cushion for error and extra umph. And I 'work off' over a thousand calories a day with exercise (above the 'daily stuff'), so hoping a 2100 to 2300 calorie day should see some regular weight loss!
    I'm certainly seeing regular, high energy levels! :)
  • mia2xtran
    mia2xtran Posts: 9 Member
    My hubby had foot surgery this week. It was stressful so I blew up all my diet plans. I gained about one lb or so due to stress eating and no exercise, sorry guys.! I will get better next week hopefully.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    mia2xtran wrote: »
    My hubby had foot surgery this week. It was stressful so I blew up all my diet plans. I gained about one lb or so due to stress eating and no exercise, sorry guys.! I will get better next week hopefully.

    Sorry to hear it's been a rough week for you, Mia. Don't worry, life happens. Just have a nice weekend (hopefully) and get back to us next week?
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Guys, I am doing pretty bad today as I am sick... Not calorie-wise, but I haven't been walking a lot as I am homeworking today, haven't been able to drink as much water as my throat is super sore, and I haven't exercised... Regarding the side challenge, I have cut back on processed food, but it's not perfect either as I had cheese and yoghurt, boo. Will try to end the day a bit better, it is not a wash but it's not one of my best either... Hopefully yours is going better! :) Go team!
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    Ack!... no processed foods. Knew I shoulda looked that up early! :(
    Greek yogurt is a big, big part of my protein intake... and I have that every morning. (Already drinking my smoothie, at 9am.)

    @mia2xtran Oh! Sorry to hear about your troubles! Take good care of yourself this weekend!

    @HealthyGinny I'm sorry you're down. :( Take it easy, and get better! I'll try to walk enough for both of us. ; )
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    dujyandco: thanks, doll xx
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    L_Master wrote: »
    Oh, I did. FRUITS!

    Namely berries. Blackberries, strawberries, rasberries, and especially blueberries.

    I'm that obnoxious guy that literally buys 20-30 containers of berries when they go on the $1/container sales they have occasionally here in CO

    I do that too! If they start to go bad, I just freeze them. The current price of berries around here is killing me though. I refuse to buy strawberries for $5
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    edited January 2016
    dujyandco wrote: »
    When I first started really walking, a couple of months ago, (brisk-paced, five to seven miles at a stretch), I loved how I'd fall into bed so wonderfully tired at night. It felt so good!
    Now I don't get that as often, as I'm acclimating, but today I got to experience my current favorite-- doing my aerobics downstairs, heart rate up, carrying those weights, breathing and blowing, and having sweat drip down my face. :)
    Yes!! So dang satisfying.
    I'd love to hear about your favorite!
    :) Stephanie

    Running! I love running. It is soooo satisfying to see how far I have come since I started. I recently started a weight training program, though. It has cut into my running a little, but it is gorgeous today so I am looking forward to a nice long run today.
  • mia2xtran
    mia2xtran Posts: 9 Member
    @dujyandco : thanks Stephanie
  • mia2xtran
    mia2xtran Posts: 9 Member
    @HealthyGinny thank you Ginny
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    dujyandco wrote: »
    @jbaker436 wrote " I ate protein shakes back in the summer, but it's so cold to drink something cold as well now (32 degrees F high today)... I might rethink it though. Thanks for the inspiration."

    Cold here, too! (Salt Lake City) If I do this though (a smoothie), then I"m sure to get my micros in for the day. 'Health' is the name of the game for me right now!
    And--I just feel so good! :)

    It is a great feeling, isn't it!? I have been eating healthy and working out for 1.5 years and I feel and look so much better. I am so glad that you are feeling good!
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    L_Master wrote: »
    Last two days were good for me, just shy of 100m on the bike. Coach had me doing back to back hard workouts on the bike, both of 2+ hours w/intervals during the ride. Ouch.

    Right at my calorie target, and doing good keeping any sort of junk food to less than 5% of daily kcals as well as very minimal snacking (knowing I have to weight and log this is really helping). Basically just 1/4 of a Hershey's bar right before bed and then maybe one other small treat right in the morning to make taking in water pleasant.

    Real goal is to be singing this same tune in 4 weeks, or ideally 6 months. Also doing good on soda...none since Dec 31, goal (for now) is one month no soda period.

    Will comment more tomorrow when I have time to read all the cools stuff the rest of you have been up to.

    I quit drinking soda over 1.5 years ago. So glad that I did! I do not miss it at all. The first few weeks were really rough though.
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    mia2xtran wrote: »
    My hubby had foot surgery this week. It was stressful so I blew up all my diet plans. I gained about one lb or so due to stress eating and no exercise, sorry guys.! I will get better next week hopefully.

    I had a close friend go through foot surgery and it was pretty rough. I hope he is doing better.
  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    Sorry for the late replies to everyone. I am officially caught up and for some reason, I am really craving a smoothie ;)

    I am getting ready to go for an amazing run. I hope everyone has an amazing day!
  • dujyandco
    dujyandco Posts: 90 Member
    So nice to meet you, @traceys4 ! And glad you got caught up! Have a fantastic run! <3

    So about the Processed foods.... :)
    I'm hungry (amazing as I'm just finishing my smoothie!) and I'm like "Mmmmm... a grilled turkey (high protein) and swiss (also high protein) sandwich on sourdough! And a couple of potato chips. Mmmm. That'll be perfect!"
    "Oh... wait.
    "Can't have sourdough." Even though I haven't had bread in like a week, I think. Just haven't wanted it.
    "Turkey.... and swiss. No bread.
    "Wait... deli turkey means processed.... swiss is processed.....
    "Uh... ham! No, wait. Uh...."
    "Salad? Good grief I've had tons of veggies and fruits, today... salad it is. Wait. That means no cheese, no salad dressing....

    So here I am, ready for lunch (pre aerobics) and not having a blasted idea about what to eat. :)
    Thought of scrambled eggs and hashbrowns, but that means salt.... butter..... cheeeeeeeese.....
    I really didn't think I eat that many processed foods. You know--besides my beloved desserts. :)

    I may not be up for this challenge, today! :D Will let you know how it goes!
  • moremonica
    moremonica Posts: 32 Member
    YEAH! Four days in a row with no sugar/dessert. But, I have decided to cancel on my dinner plans with my friends tonight. I weigh in tomorrow morning and I don't want to be around any triggers. It makes me really mad that I can't trust my body and see my friends. But, I want a great weigh in tomorrow morning and quite frankly, I do make bad choices when I am social.
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