Introduce Yourself



  • Mrs_Hoffer
    Mrs_Hoffer Posts: 5,194 Member
    I'm Teresa from central Ohio. I'm going to be 55 this year and refuse to get old!! I started running a couple of years ago, and finished the c25k program in about 13 weeks, but never stuck with running long enough to get any better at it. Last year I had a wedding to plan (mine!), but I have decided that THIS IS MY YEAR to become a RUNNER!! Currently I can only run about 1 to 1.5 miles at a time without stopping. My goals for 2016 are as follows: 1st quarter goal: to run a 5k without having to stop to walk part of it. 2nd quarter goal: to run a 10k without having to stop. 3rd quarter goal: to run 10 miles. 4th quarter goal: to run a half marathon. I'm also looking for more mfp friends that are consistent runners for instruction and inspiration!
  • wrigleyghs
    wrigleyghs Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi, I'm Bud from NJ. I've been on and off MFP for years, but I'm determined to make 2016 my year. I'm excited about this group. I'm going to start slow and then move up as my body allows me to. I'm looking to lose weight and I hope walking/running will help. I've done 5k's before, but never had the consistency. I am a goal oriented person, so I hope this will help keep me on track. Thanks for the group.

  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Lou from Adelaide in Australia. I started running about three years ago and have been addicted ever since. I've completed a few fun runs ranging from 5ks to 12ks. 3 half marathons and hoping to complete my first full in August this year. Have mostly trained on my own and finally built up the confidence to join a running group a couple of weeks ago which I'm throughly enjoying.
    Happy running everyone.
  • kevin_bvbfan
    kevin_bvbfan Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Kevin. I live in Albuquerque, NM. I just started MFP ten days ago and started running back in November. Would love advice on diet/nutrition and good running technique. I hope to run my first 5k this year. Dealing with a foot injury right now though
  • randilast
    randilast Posts: 99 Member
    Hi! I'm Randi and I'm just getting into running. I was very excited to purchase my first official pair of running shoes after the store did a gait analysis but I've yet to take them on an actual run. I am challenging myself to work towards the Indy Mini Marathon. I have a beginner worksheet I'm following and I'm making sure to give myself plenty of time to work up to it. I look forward to learning from you all!
  • cindyb0121
    cindyb0121 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I am Cindy. I just started running a few months ago. I am not going very far yet, but plan on building my endurance up enough to run a marathon! Just think, 6 months ago, I had trouble with my knees and feet, with almost 45 lbs gone, my pain has disappeared and am able to run.
  • lll0493
    lll0493 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! I am a happily married, empty nester am am focusing on exercise and weight loss to improve my health. I'm a firm believer in the power of plant based foods to avoid illness and chronic disease. I am up to 12000 steps on my fitbit and absolutely love walking! i've lost 15 pounds since 16 Oct 2015 and am thrilled! Looking forward to reading and following this on!!
  • anwuli25
    anwuli25 Posts: 5 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi! My name is Pamela and I'm new to this group. I joined this group in hopes to get my "mojo" back. I trained and ran the West Palm Beach half marathon in 2014, my first ever. And since then, perhaps because I was burnt out, I haven't returned to running and worst of all, the weight hasn't dropped. :(

    Please sign me up for whatever. I need all the encouragement and support I can get to get back into it.

    I'm looking forward to meeting and breaking my goals.

  • Lance6142014
    Lance6142014 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey. My name is Lance. I ran a full marathon last March, and I am running a half this March. I've been a little all over the place when it comes to routines, and it was not until recently that I set up an actual workout routine. I've been sticking to smaller races such as 10ks and lower. The upcoming half marathon is a return to bigger races. I'm also planning on doing a triathlon in July. I would love some support and I will give it back of course! Add me if you would like!
  • TheMobileMom
    TheMobileMom Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I'm Michelle (aka TheMobileMom). I am returning to running after having peroneal tendonitis for the past 4 months. As I make my way back to my standard 20mi/week, I'm looking for some inspiration. I ran 3 Half Marathons in 2013/2014, and will run the USMC Historic Half this May again. My big goal for 2016 is to run the Richmond Marathon in Nov. So my weekly mileage will start going up this summer.
  • HReneeP1
    HReneeP1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, all. I'm Renee...totally new to running. I've committed to a sprint triathlon in May in Raleigh NC with a girlfriend who started doing them last year. My first challenge is to get my walking/activity up to 10k steps a day. I'm planning on doing the C25K plan beginning next week... There is a 5K coming up in March, I've been eyeing for a couple of years...seriously considering do a walk/run of it....not committed yet. Let's get through the rest of January being consistent with the new activity.
  • Twiglet2016
    Twiglet2016 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm Twiglet and I'm starting from Couch to 5km in preparation for a triathlon in May. it's not my first but it is the first one that I am starting to train for being so overweight and unfit. But that's the challenge. Anyone in or near the Hackney area of London let me know - let's go out for a walk/run/walk soon!
  • Charliesgirl2019
    Charliesgirl2019 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi yall, I'm Cj! I have done a 5k and aiming for the next step up. I run on avg between 3 mi up to 6.5 mi 3-4 times a week. Trying to aim for faster time and distance. Love to run! When I started running I had avg around 16 min per mi, now it's around 11 min per mi... can't seen to get past the 10 min per mi mark!
  • AngelaR03
    AngelaR03 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm Twiglet and I'm starting from Couch to 5km in preparation for a triathlon in May. it's not my first but it is the first one that I am starting to train for being so overweight and unfit. But that's the challenge. Anyone in or near the Hackney area of London let me know - let's go out for a walk/run/walk soon!

    Hi there, I have been running happily on a treadmill for the past 12 months and have decided to get fitte, lose more weight and set myself a new challenge to take part in the London's Hackney half a marathon run which is around 13 miles. A very big challenge for me as my last marathan was 5k, 12 years ago however I'm hoping that being 110Ibs lighter and able to run now 8km under 50 minutes I should be ready for the challenge. Link me up on Fitpal and maybe we can hook to go for a very long walk or run.
  • nhenryoliver
    nhenryoliver Posts: 112 Member
    Hi all. I'm a periodic runner, who is trying to become consistent! I'm looking for friends who run a couple of times a week, to help guilt trip me into keeping up a routine. I intend to do the tough mudder and hopefully a 10k in the summer
  • ctg492
    ctg492 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello all, So glad I found this. I am heading into the 55th year of life and super excited for the events of 2016! I did 1/2, 4 years ago a few 5Ks. This year I am doing the 1/2 again with goal of any time under 2 hours. I only treadmill in the winter, road only rest of year. I am at 25 mile a week now treadmill is so boring, so this will keep me motivated!
  • itstime2016
    itstime2016 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Y'all! I am SUPER excited to say that I committed to this Running Challenge officially yesterday! I went and got fitted for shoes, insoles and a new BRA! I have never been a runner and have always wanted to be able to jog. So yesterday I climbed on the treadmill and didn't take no for an answer! I jogged for 1 min and walked for 1 min for 30 min. That is SUCH a great start for me! Looking forward to learning more here and getting closer to my short term goal of being able to run 1 mile non stop, my long term goal is running a 5K!
  • Hydeel6582
    Hydeel6582 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all, I'm Heidi, I have gained a lot of weight due to the stress of my Dad having brain cancer and dying within 9 months. That was 2 years ago and I'm now ready for a change. So in January I signed up for a half marathon.. , I've lost 9 lbs . My goal is to lose weight, start running without injury, and to start the Couch to half marathon. I have run a total of 8-5K's and 3-10K's.. I need this group for guidance and motivation to reach my goals
  • pansamanchada
    pansamanchada Posts: 158 Member
    Hello I'm Hector.
    I started running around 2002 after seeing the movie Prefontaine.
    I've ran 3) 5ks and would like to eventually run a marathon. That would be the climax of my running career ;)
    I'm joining this group because I believe running is one the rawest purest form of human freedom and while I believe myself to be an all around sportsy person doing pretty much all the sports and wanting to build muscle mass more than anything, I do think running is an integral part of getting, being and staying fit.
    See you guys in the monthly challenges.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Lizz, and I'm a brand new runner!

    I attended a running camp last fall before going on vacation. I really enjoyed it, and loved the sociability of having a group doing the same activity. After my vacation, there was snow on the ground and my group disbanded. I have found it incredibly hard to stay motivated, and have fallen off track ( ;-) ).

    I am looking forward to being a part of a community that supports running! My starting goal is small, 25 miles, but for me that's tremendous! I'm great at setting a sustainable pace, but for me it's also a little slow. My goal is to add some speed by the end of the month - and to have the courage to run in the snow/ice!