belly fat



  • SpeedRacer13
    SpeedRacer13 Posts: 104 Member
    Yep. what ya'll said! I am losing the 'belly' (it takes on a life of it's own)....slowly.....I've always had a tiny pooch anyway...but it got a little too much at one point. Now I just do the best I can.
  • brburrell77
    brburrell77 Posts: 2 Member
    Always struggled with belly fat and am dropping weight since doing 21 Day Fix, it's just starting to sag due to past pregnancies and csections. I need to build some serious abs to tighten my tummy. Somebody mentioned lifting weights and I'm thinking about getting Beachbody's new workout Master's Hammer and Chisel. Do you think this would work to tighten sagging ab skin?
  • lachellerininger
    lachellerininger Posts: 11 Member
    tracefan wrote: »
    PS. In Lieu of a tummy tuck... I have no answer.. ugh

    I had a tummy tuck 11/2 years ago and it DOES NOT give you abs. As a matter of fact, I still have issues with swelling. I can swell up to 3" or more and Lord help me if I eat too much salt. But the best is too much salt and it's hot outside, you know, like when you go to the beach! Mine just isn't soft but it's there. B):/

    That being said, getting a six pack is much harder as you get older but it can be done. You could try consulting with a trainer or some of the workouts other posters had success with along with the proper diet.

  • luckyblueeye
    luckyblueeye Posts: 20 Member
    tracefan wrote: »
    PS. In Lieu of a tummy tuck... I have no answer.. ugh

    I had a tummy tuck 11/2 years ago and it DOES NOT give you abs. As a matter of fact, I still have issues with swelling. I can swell up to 3" or more and Lord help me if I eat too much salt. But the best is too much salt and it's hot outside, you know, like when you go to the beach! Mine just isn't soft but it's there. B):/

    That being said, getting a six pack is much harder as you get older but it can be done. You could try consulting with a trainer or some of the workouts other posters had success with along with the proper diet.

    What are the benefits of your tummy tuck that you see? Did they not tighten the abs during the surgery? I'm beyond miserable how my belly looks. Almost 2 years ago I had an emergency cesarean hysterectomy which gutted me (5 hr surgery) and when they put me back together, I got left with awful amounts of scar tissue, an ugly scar that goes in and out, bulging area on the right that had major healing issues. My abs were cut and they dissected all of my lower muscles to open me up (internally, externally I was cut hip to hip) all the way to ribs etc...I have been thinking that tummy tuck and some kind of tissue repair would be my only answer to get rid of this thick scar area that I can feel through my skin.
  • marielou62
    marielou62 Posts: 4 Member
    Belly fat is an issue with me as well. Over the last year the rest of me has shrunk including the belly by doing mostly cardio. Most of me is beginning to look ok. Belly fat is being very stubborn - however I have just purchased an exercise ball to start working on the abs. Yet to try it out. Looking for some direction regarding how to use so browsing YouTube at present. Will start tomorrow!!! At present my waist is 33" so will keep you posted a couple of weeks on how I do.
  • mmcdowell
    mmcdowell Posts: 9 Member
    Belly fat for me too, but I find that weight training, core training with cardio have really helped. I never had a problem until menopause.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    tracefan wrote: »
    PS. In Lieu of a tummy tuck... I have no answer.. ugh

    I had a tummy tuck 11/2 years ago and it DOES NOT give you abs. As a matter of fact, I still have issues with swelling. I can swell up to 3" or more and Lord help me if I eat too much salt. But the best is too much salt and it's hot outside, you know, like when you go to the beach! Mine just isn't soft but it's there. B):/

    That being said, getting a six pack is much harder as you get older but it can be done. You could try consulting with a trainer or some of the workouts other posters had success with along with the proper diet.

    I have had my belly balloon up almost 6 inches after Chinese food, and I've never had any kind of surgery! But that kind of bloat is not what bothers me the most (it is annoying for sure). What I hate is the jiggly squishy fat that blankets my whole mid section. It is not even really a belly, it is all around! I never had that when I was younger. Plus my waist is just thick now.

  • sabrinasmith7
    sabrinasmith7 Posts: 583 Member
    I'm having an issue slimming my lower stomach, I do ab workouts (not obliques) almost every day and it doesn't seem to want to go away! I think other women refer to it as the "belly pooch" but does anyone have any suggestions??
  • PamL66
    PamL66 Posts: 116 Member
    I have 3 children and have never quite been able to get rid of the belly fat. I'm starting to vary my workouts and include more core work to try to improve in this area, but at my age (49), I'm not sure I have much hope of getting rid of it completely.
  • lachellerininger
    lachellerininger Posts: 11 Member
    tracefan wrote: »
    PS. In Lieu of a tummy tuck... I have no answer.. ugh

    I had a tummy tuck 11/2 years ago and it DOES NOT give you abs. As a matter of fact, I still have issues with swelling. I can swell up to 3" or more and Lord help me if I eat too much salt. But the best is too much salt and it's hot outside, you know, like when you go to the beach! Mine just isn't soft but it's there. B):/

    That being said, getting a six pack is much harder as you get older but it can be done. You could try consulting with a trainer or some of the workouts other posters had success with along with the proper diet.

    What are the benefits of your tummy tuck that you see? Did they not tighten the abs during the surgery? I'm beyond miserable how my belly looks. Almost 2 years ago I had an emergency cesarean hysterectomy which gutted me (5 hr surgery) and when they put me back together, I got left with awful amounts of scar tissue, an ugly scar that goes in and out, bulging area on the right that had major healing issues. My abs were cut and they dissected all of my lower muscles to open me up (internally, externally I was cut hip to hip) all the way to ribs etc...I have been thinking that tummy tuck and some kind of tissue repair would be my only answer to get rid of this thick scar area that I can feel through my skin.

    I too had a c-section and you could get to Alaska using the map of stretch marks on my stomach. I was cut from the bellybutton down to the top of my pubic area. When I was younger and weighed 123 pounds it wasn't so bad but it always bothered me. Fast forward 26 years and I decided to get it fixed.

    It did take away all the scars and loose skin. I knew I would never look like I did at 21 but didn't really care. I had an issue with the incision and it separated in the front for about 2 inches. It did tighten up my stomach but not like one would think. I am lopsided. I am actually considering a revision but having over 500 stitches and pain that made me c-section feel like a walk in the park has kept me thinking twice.

    My mistake was gong to a teaching clinic to keep costs down. I look better than I did but not as good as I had hoped.

    If you think it is something you want to do, do a lot of research first. Check out There is a wealth of information there.

    All that to say it sounds like you may have scarring issues. Talk to a surgeon, he can best advise you.
  • lachellerininger
    lachellerininger Posts: 11 Member
    tigerblue wrote: »
    tracefan wrote: »
    PS. In Lieu of a tummy tuck... I have no answer.. ugh

    I had a tummy tuck 11/2 years ago and it DOES NOT give you abs. As a matter of fact, I still have issues with swelling. I can swell up to 3" or more and Lord help me if I eat too much salt. But the best is too much salt and it's hot outside, you know, like when you go to the beach! Mine just isn't soft but it's there. B):/

    That being said, getting a six pack is much harder as you get older but it can be done. You could try consulting with a trainer or some of the workouts other posters had success with along with the proper diet.

    I have had my belly balloon up almost 6 inches after Chinese food, and I've never had any kind of surgery! But that kind of bloat is not what bothers me the most (it is annoying for sure). What I hate is the jiggly squishy fat that blankets my whole mid section. It is not even really a belly, it is all around! I never had that when I was younger. Plus my waist is just thick now.

    That is one thing I do not have anymore and I am thankful! Mother nature definitely likes to take her toll.
  • luckyblueeye
    luckyblueeye Posts: 20 Member
    tracefan wrote: »
    PS. In Lieu of a tummy tuck... I have no answer.. ugh

    I had a tummy tuck 11/2 years ago and it DOES NOT give you abs. As a matter of fact, I still have issues with swelling. I can swell up to 3" or more and Lord help me if I eat too much salt. But the best is too much salt and it's hot outside, you know, like when you go to the beach! Mine just isn't soft but it's there. B):/

    That being said, getting a six pack is much harder as you get older but it can be done. You could try consulting with a trainer or some of the workouts other posters had success with along with the proper diet.

    What are the benefits of your tummy tuck that you see? Did they not tighten the abs during the surgery? I'm beyond miserable how my belly looks. Almost 2 years ago I had an emergency cesarean hysterectomy which gutted me (5 hr surgery) and when they put me back together, I got left with awful amounts of scar tissue, an ugly scar that goes in and out, bulging area on the right that had major healing issues. My abs were cut and they dissected all of my lower muscles to open me up (internally, externally I was cut hip to hip) all the way to ribs etc...I have been thinking that tummy tuck and some kind of tissue repair would be my only answer to get rid of this thick scar area that I can feel through my skin.

    I too had a c-section and you could get to Alaska using the map of stretch marks on my stomach. I was cut from the bellybutton down to the top of my pubic area. When I was younger and weighed 123 pounds it wasn't so bad but it always bothered me. Fast forward 26 years and I decided to get it fixed.

    It did take away all the scars and loose skin. I knew I would never look like I did at 21 but didn't really care. I had an issue with the incision and it separated in the front for about 2 inches. It did tighten up my stomach but not like one would think. I am lopsided. I am actually considering a revision but having over 500 stitches and pain that made me c-section feel like a walk in the park has kept me thinking twice.

    My mistake was gong to a teaching clinic to keep costs down. I look better than I did but not as good as I had hoped.

    If you think it is something you want to do, do a lot of research first. Check out There is a wealth of information there.

    All that to say it sounds like you may have scarring issues. Talk to a surgeon, he can best advise you.

    Thank you SO much for your reply! Yes, major scarring incision didn't heal for 6 months. I had a c-section with my 3rd baby and in my case it was a piece of cake...I was mopping floors 6 days later. But with my 4th, I had a life threatening condition called placenta accreta and my placenta grew through my uterus and attached to other organs. My surgery was huge and I almost died in the OR. All of this, both mental and physical healing, leaves me scared to "volunteer" for another extensive surgery. I will do tons of research before moving forward...the only thing is that my condition was so rare that most doctors don't even know about it and understand all the deep tissue work that was done, ugh. I'm trying to lose another 5-7 lbs and see if it affects the stomach issue. Thank you again :)
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I worked out hard for like 1.5 years. Major core exercises and all. Never got rid if the pooch. You could feel the muscle there. Now I have been out of the gym for 10 months. I feel terrible and look terrible. I disgust myself. My whole body looks bad. I am soft every where. I started back at the gym 3 days ago. I have only done cardio so far. A knee injury is was took me out of the gym. I need some serious help.
  • work2bafitbadass
    work2bafitbadass Posts: 11 Member
    I am 38 with 3 children and this is a problem area for me also :( hormones can play a huge role ... along with stress :( I think most mamas fall under that one!
  • dynamohum
    dynamohum Posts: 17 Member
    Does any one else have a problem with belly fat, as I'm getting older i seem to put it all on my belly (no where else) it doesn't seem to matter how much i exersize i just can't seem to shift it, any ideas???

    I am 55, it took me an extra 3 months of exercise once I reached my goal weight and the rest of my body toned pretty well, to get the belly fat. It was worth it, then a bicycle accident and I was out for a year, back at it, hopefully flat belly by May, just regular crunches, twists, cycling, lots of stretching, did weight training and develop muscle and the rest will come. Keep at it dont despair 55 and feeling fine ( with work of course).
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    I find that like many of you salt is an issue and my carb levels. When I cut carbs even for one day I lose a couple inches of bloat and jiggle in my belly. I know everyone is different but cutting back carbs really helps for me :)
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    Miss_Mabee wrote: »
    I find that like many of you salt is an issue and my carb levels. When I cut carbs even for one day I lose a couple inches of bloat and jiggle in my belly. I know everyone is different but cutting back carbs really helps for me :)

    I have to agree about the carbs. It has only been 4 days since I started cutting carbs. You definitely can tell the difference in my stomach. I fit in a pair of jeans that I put aside because they were way too tight around the waist. As hard as it is I think cutting carbs is key.
  • smis92103
    smis92103 Posts: 58 Member
    It is a big challenge for sure. I had 2 C-sections myself. This is what I believe helps:

    1. Reduce body fat percentage. It is not about being the lowest weight but being lean. You can not see your abs if there is fat over them.

    2. Build/tighten your abs to show. Especially for us moms, we need to work on getting the muscle tissue strong again and get it tightened. I recommend weighted ab exercises and compound exercises such as squats and deadlifts make a huge difference too.

    3. Some of our sagging skin will just not go away-there is no cream or other magic for it..Photoshop is our enemy here since we see other womens perfect stomachs and believe thats how they really look. Most likely they don't, LOL

    Diet is super crucial here, we have all heard before "Abs are made in the kitchen" and it is true, you got to employ the correct nutritional plan. This strategy changed a lot for me. Here is a nice article which might help:

    Where Is My Sixpack? Your Daily Protein Intake Might Play A Deciding Role In Achieving Your Goals!
  • AshetteKetchum
    AshetteKetchum Posts: 26 Member
    Yes I've always struggled with belly fat. I've just been trying to do more cardio the past couple weeks, and trying to eat more strict on macros, and diet. It sucks because I've lost a lot of body fat since I started this journey (18% body fat lost) but I still can't seem to get rid of my belly. Hoping in the next few months it will shred off. I try changing my work out program often and core exercises help me feel tight in the stomach.