Leslie Sansone February 2016 Walk Challenge



  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    edited February 2016
    February Goals:
    105 miles
    10 over 10,000 steps

    Week 1 - 25.2 miles (3/10)

    Feb 8 - 1.9 miles
    Feb 9 - 1. mile
    Feb 10 - 2.3 miles
    Feb 11 - 2.3 miles
    Feb 12 - 2 miles
    Feb 13 - 2.3 miles

    Oh what fun we had making Valentines....

    Brenda - I hope she didn't bring any bugs with her. And I hope I din't send any home with anyone. Stay warm girl.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I went to the park and walked 6.5 miles. It was 14 degrees but I managed and I feel good.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,484 Member
    Goal 3.5 miles/day or 101.5 for the month.

    2/1-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles-3.0 total miles
    2/2-Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=6.5 total miles
    2/3-Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=9.1 total miles
    2/4-Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=12.9 total miles
    2/5-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=15.3 total miles
    2/6-Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=16.4 total miles
    2/7-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=18.8 total miles
    2/8-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles= 21.5 total miles
    2/9-Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles= 25.2 total miles
    2/10-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=28.2 total miles
    2/11-Vivofit tracked 3.8 miles=32.0 total miles
    2/12-Vivofit tracked 1.1 miles=33.1 total miles
    2/13-WAH-3 mile weight loss walk=3.0 miles=36.1 total miles
    2/13-Vivofit tracked 1.0 miles=37.1 total miles
    2/14-WAH-Walk Slim-4 Fast Miles=41.1 total miles

    WOW I am going to have to get on it if I am going to make my goal for the month! :noway:

    Get out the swimsuits Michigan people-we have a heat wave-it is 17 ABOVE zero finally! :sunglasses:

    Just a word Lilymay! Could you keep your polar vortexes in Canada???? :laugh:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Feb. Week 1 - 15.6 miles.
    Feb. Week 2 - 14.43 miles.
    Total - 30.03

    Half way to my goal of 60 miles for the month. :smile:
  • LaDominadora
    LaDominadora Posts: 8 Member
    My goal is to do 4 miles a day 5 days a week.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    February Goals:
    105 miles
    10 over 10,000 steps

    Week 1 - 25.2 miles (3/10)

    Feb 8 - 1.9 miles
    Feb 9 - 1. mile
    Feb 10 - 2.3 miles
    Feb 11 - 2.3 miles
    Feb 12 - 2 miles
    Feb 13 - 2.3 miles
    Feb 14 - 3.4 miles - better today.

    Went out to check out the boys ice shacks. Not a lot of fish being caught - lots of visiting going on though. Beautiful day out on the lake. When I got home I went for a walk - first one in over a week.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    edited February 2016
    Just a word Lilymay! Could you keep your polar vortexes in Canada????

    I will try Brenda - but it was a beautiful -1 Celsius today .... and yes I see the cold sweeping down on the eastern part of Canada and the US. Bundle up all.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    -16 Celsius here in Ontario!
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It's a balmy 21 degree's in my corner of Michigan.
    Woke up thinking I had to get a few errands done only to realize after I'm all dressed and ready to go that it's Presidents Day and 1 of my most important errands isn't open. :(
    So that is putting a little kink into my plan for walking.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,408 Member
    56/80 I can't wait for spring I'm tired of shoveling even though it burns a lot of calories. LOL
  • willtry08
    willtry08 Posts: 74 Member
    Hello fellow walkers! Only made two miles this week for a total this month of 11 miles towards my 30 mile goal for February. I've got some ground to cover this coming week! Happy walking everyone ♥
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Day 2 of WATP 2Mile Express
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    3 miles at the park today with my grandpup, Einstein. My son and Einstein joined me on my last walk and we did sprint intervals. It felt good at the time and i was actually impressed with myself. Yeah...never again. I have shin splints again. My back did not like it either. So I am walking slower and resting the shins. I have golf this weekend and I need to be ready.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    3 mile WATP
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    2 Mile Walk This Way
    1 Mile in Home Walk
  • s_y8s
    s_y8s Posts: 1,849 Member
    Just starting! My goal is to walk 3 miles a day with the videos! So that's 36 miles total!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    s_y8s wrote: »
    Just starting! My goal is to walk 3 miles a day with the videos! So that's 36 miles total!

    Welcome to the group!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I went to the park and did just a little over 2.5 miles this afternoon.
  • newjeans140
    newjeans140 Posts: 50 Member
    4 miles today, needed to do a bit of makeup walking...did my stregnth thebpast few days but not my cardio...I am back at it!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    February Goals:
    105 miles
    10 over 10,000 steps

    Week 1 - 25.2 miles (3/10)
    Week 2 - 15.2 miles = 40.4 total

    Feb 15 - 2.6 miles
    Feb 16 - 2.1 miles
    Feb 17 - 4.5 miles - 10091 steps (4/10)
    Feb 18 - 3.3 miles

    Okay - I have made it back to work - to the city for a meeting, to another city to the dentist and today to another city to the doctor to review my annual check up....I sure need some steps... so I will curl this weekend.. I just hope my body can keep up because I am tired already...