Quzzdragon's Weight-Loss



  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    You sound like you're making some huge gains (well except for weight which is awesome). Doesn't it feel amazing to notice those little changes in your clothing when you think you haven't really made a difference to your weight? Keep going hon you're doing awesome
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Feeling like I took a step back this morning - bloated, uncomfortable, and wearing stretchy clothes - but I'm trying to take this as a sign that my body is getting used to eating less food, and when I accidentally eat too much then it's unhappy. I've been a social eater ever since I was a kid, so when people come over and are constantly snacking I'm in deep trouble. I'm determined today to get back on track with my calorie limits and work on staying there this week.

    Hopefully this coming dr. visit won't cost as much as the last one. Just got the bill - over $300. Ouch. And that's with insurance. It also included two knee braces and x-rays of both knees, so I'm hopeful the next one will be less expensive.

    Happy Monday!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    You are a brave woman. You are making good changes. I applaud you and will always cheer for you along the way!
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    It must be the day...I woke up feeling like my skin was going to explode from bloat. Do not let it get you down...onward and upward....have a great day!!!
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Today's interview day! Barely slept last night because my hip was hurting - weird. Maybe the aqua PT was too intense? The weird part was it was most comfortable when I was laying on that side. Maybe the pressure? I don't know. Anyway, I moved out to the couch so I wouldn't disturb hubby, finally got comfy, and still got about 5.5-6 hours of sleep. Not too bad for the night before an interview. PLUS! For my current job I couldn't wear my regular suit pants because they were too tight (about 4 months ago) but I'm wearing them today. Knowing that this interview is a back-up (my current job is fine, just... boring) is a huge relief but having the extra confidence to go in there wearing these pants and a little make-up - makes me feel awesome.

    When I first started using MFP I was really conscious of how much water I was drinking - which was great for me because I regularly forget to drink enough water. Unfortunately, when my account went on the fritz a week back or so, I stopped tracking water. Now I'm trying to get back in the habit of tracking and drinking enough. Probably another reason why I've felt so bloated recently. It's amazing how simple a thing really affects how you feel.

    Anyway - hope you all have a great day! :smile:
  • cmr3399
    cmr3399 Posts: 80 Member
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    good luck with your interview and way to go for fitting into the pants. It's a good omen for a successful interview
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Interview went REALLY well. It's not SUPER different than what I'm doing, but the few differences are big ones - PTO (Paid Time Off), Sick leave, Paid Holidays, and the big one: I'd spend time with people. My job right now is me in a cube and it's BORING. I'm an extrovert, I like people (at least when they're not being 100% stupid ;) ). So I'm really hoping they offer me the job. Now it's just a waiting game. I'll follow up with a thank you tomorrow and then in a few days to see if they've made a decision.

    Thank you all for your well wishes and support. It means a lot knowing I've got so many people rooting for me both physically and job-ly.

    :D hope everyone had a great day!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Hey, glad to hear you had an interview already. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I'm so glad your clothes are looser on you, there's nothing that feels better than that. I'm doing cartwheels for you.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Keeping fingers crossed for you. Hope it works out
  • mimi2974
    mimi2974 Posts: 40 Member
    Positive vibes!
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Today's my last day of PT! I've got at-home exercises to I can continue to maintain my pain-free knees and I ordered an at-home TENs unit. I'll let you know how that goes once it shows up in the mail.

    Unfortunately, I just got the bill for the PT - over $500! And I'm not sure, but I think that only covers the first few days! :scream: Hubby keeps saying "it's worth it for you being pain free" and he's right. And it should keep me pain free or in less-pain for many years. But I'm just mad that other people my age (25) don't have to spend thousands of dollars in order to feel normal! It really has my stomach tied in knots. We're trying to save for a house and $1000 here and there makes a big difference. Hopefully my insurance deductible kicks in soon. He keeps saying "why do you look so worried?" but that's because I generally manage our finances. Most of the time it's no big deal, but with taxes around the corner, buying a house, and this huge bill... it's a little scary. Don't get me wrong, we're not in danger of living off of ramen and living on the street, we're fine. It's mostly the long-term delays in our goals that has me disappointed. *shrug*

    Anyway. Hoping to hear back from that job, but realistically I probably won't hear until next week.

    Finally a weekend home with no visitors and no trips... but that means I should probably do our taxes this weekend. Thank God for TurboTax.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Just heard from the company that their corporate has been traveling all week, so I won't hear back until next week. Nice of them to let me know so I wasn't anxious all weekend. Well... less anxious haha.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely Friday and have a great weekend!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Good of them to let you know. At least you can concentrate on other good stuff over the weekend. Have a great one
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Thinking positive thoughts for you, still keeping my fingers crossed too.
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    That seems like a good sign that they contacted you to let you know. Have a great weekend.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Not too much happening recently. Tomorrow is official weigh-in day and my follow-up Dr. appointment for my knees. I know that I've lost - can't wait to see how much!

    Haven't heard back about the job yet. Tomorrow is a week from the initial interview, so I figured I'd follow-up again then. Hopefully they'll have good news for me. *crossing my fingers*.

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. More exciting stuff happening tomorrow!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    My weigh in is tomorrow too, I hope you have a great result, I know you've done the work. I don't think mine will be that much. I'm drinking a lot of water today hoping for the best.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Drum Roll please.... 11 pound weight loss in 6 weeks! I'm pretty sure if I wake up tomorrow and weigh myself I'll have the full 12 pounds (2 pounds per week) in the bag! WOO!

    About a third of the way to my goal and a third of the way to my cruise (2 more months). New bikini here I come! :D

    Hope everyone had a great day and have a great night! I'm celebrating!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    In happy for you. Great job!!!!