
Right after the last time I weighed in I decided I would only weigh in once a month. Daily and weekly weigh ins are kind of soul crushing if it does not move or worse moves up. Once a month should show between 5 & 10 pounds lost, assuming I had a good month.

As long as I know I am eating less and doing more for the majority of the month, the weeklies won't mean much compared to the monthlies.

Don't sweat the small stuff.


  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I am somewhat OCD when it comes to weigh ins. I weigh every morning but only record the weight on Sunday. Last week I gained a pound but I'm not concerned. I am in for the marathon, not the sprint, success goes to he who keeps striving.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    Weekly weigh-ins can be a bit depressing when in a stall.. I had a recent one that went 4 weeks. Now I knew that I was doing OK diet wise (not perfect, but definitely enough deficit) and I was burning a lot working out according to HRM... so it was pretty frustrating for a while, but then came a big "whoosh" after, and I lost 5 lb over the next week.

    Perseverance pays off. Be strong, and never give up.
  • FLfitguy
    FLfitguy Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh nearly every day. It reminds me to watch what I eat and also to exercise. My weight fluctuates up and down based on water weight.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Gentlemen, weight is a horrible health marker. If you want to lose weight, cut off a body part. No?

    What you want is fat loss and/or muscle gain. Body composition.

    Get your body fat percentage checked. I use a dexascan, but if you don’t want to go to that expense, pay a personal trainer at your gym to use a caliper to test you.

    Or you can do the poor man’s method by taking your own body measurements (a cloth measure from the sewing section in Walmart) of neck, chest, stomach, waist, hips, upper legs and upper arms). For most of us, the stomach over waist ratio is the most effective number to gauge fat loss.
  • Tripaway
    Tripaway Posts: 71 Member
    @AllanMisner - is there a formula you use to get this percentage? I'd be interested in calculating this as well, but I can't seem to find how to do the math... any tips?
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    edited May 2015
    @Tripaway There are a few BF% calculators at I use the Military Fat calculator.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    Another month down, few more pounds. A good result to a not so good month. See what this next month brings.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited January 2016
    I like the idea of monthly accountability. While I do weigh every day, I plug the numbers into a weight trending app ('True Weight' free for iphone) to remove wild fluctuations.

    I'm also trying to pass the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) for the challenge, which uses neck and waist measurements to calc a body fat%. (Another free iphone app.)

    Current 'True Weight' is 208.1lbs. (above APFT initial entry weight of 199 and max passing weight of 192lb for a man my age (56 yrs)) showing a 6.4 lb lose for Jan 2016.

    AFPT BF 26%, right at max to pass. Did caliper 7-site caliper test ( ) and showed 21.7% but will stick to APFT test.

    I welcome any and all challengers to continue these monthly updates.

  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Last Sunday of the month. 'Check-In' day!

    Current 'True Weight' is 202.5 lbs, showing a 5.6 lb lose since last check-in.

    AFPT BF 25%
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    Current weight is 263, down 5 this month.

    Finally got my scale issues resolved by calibrating the analog scale using a series of weights. Making sure it gave the right weight each time.

    Trick is to keep doing what I am doing and avoid slippery slopes sliding into *kitten* habits.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    I hear that!
  • bstewart1973
    bstewart1973 Posts: 56 Member
    I would like to get in on the monthly accountability. I will weigh in the morning and post my current weight. I usually weigh first thing in the morning in the buff. I guess it makes me feel like the most accurate weight. Not even really wanting to know what my body fat is though. Lol.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    Looking forward to seeing your post.
  • bstewart1973
    bstewart1973 Posts: 56 Member
    Ok, so this morning my weight was 291.1. Yikes! I've climbed a little since I was tracking my food more regularly. I downloaded the True Weight app and will start using that.

    I look forward to posting.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    [thumbs up]
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited March 2016
    I know its the middle of the month, but thought I'd post this milestone.

    'Check-in' day! 'True Weight' app says I'm currently 199.7 lbs, down 1.9 lb for the week.

    On the downhill side of 200 again!

    Last week I did formalizing my weight in my diet settings while keeping my weight loss goal at 1 lb per week. Dropped my calorie goal from 2030 to 1950. I still practice eating back all my exercise calories while leaving 100-200 calories uneaten each day.

    Estimated calories eaten trend - 2330.
    FitBit TDEE trend - 3015.
    Estimated calorie deficit - 685.
    Actual calorie deficit (via weight loss) trend - 784.

    Which means I might be overestimating my calorie intake by 100 cals a day or my FitBit is underestimating my TDEE by 100 cals a day.

    I can live with that, either way. ;)
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    d_thomas02 wrote: »
    I know its the middle of the month, but thought I'd post this milestone.

    'Check-in' day! 'True Weight' app says I'm currently 199.7 lbs, down 1.9 lb for the week.

    On the downhill side of 200 again!

    Last week I did formalizing my weight in my diet settings while keeping my weight loss goal at 1 lb per week. Dropped my calorie goal from 2030 to 1950. I still practice eating back all my exercise calories while leaving 100-200 calories uneaten each day.

    Estimated calories eaten trend - 2330.
    FitBit TDEE trend - 3015.
    Estimated calorie deficit - 685.
    Actual calorie deficit (via weight loss) trend - 784.

    Which means I might be overestimating my calorie intake by 100 cals a day or my FitBit is underestimating my TDEE by 100 cals a day.

    I can live with that, either way. ;)

  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,049 Member
    edited March 2016
    Last Sunday of the month. 'Check-In' day!

    Current 'True Weight' is 197.3, showing a 5.2 lb lose since last check-in.

    AFPT BF 22%, down 3%. Roughly 6 lbs of fat, give or take as AFPT BF reports only whole numbers. I'll take it as a sign that my 5 lb lose is mostly fat and I'm keeping my LBM stable at 153 lbs.

    My current Goal Weight of 185 lbs should give me a BF of 17%.

    Been thinking of dropping that down to 180 lbs to give a 5 lb buffer and BF of 15%.

    (12% BF would be around 175 lbs for me.... hmmm.)
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    Completely forgot it was the last Sunday. That said it was also Easter weekend and although I did not have any big feasts I did not eat as well as I could have. And water consumption was right around the zero mark for Friday-Sunday unless you count coffee.

    I know I lost a few pounds this months, but I won't do an official tally until Thursday.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    Down 4 pounds in the last month. A little disappointing considering the amount of exercise, but all good. Any loss is better than a gain.