Leslie Sansone March 2016 Walk Challenge



  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Goal for March - 123 miles (to better March 2015 - 122.5)
    10 days over 10,000 steps

    Mar 1 - 2.5 miles
    Mar 2 - 3 miles
    Mar 3 - 5.1 miles - 11327 steps (1/10)
    Mar 4 - 4 miles

    And into the weekend we go..... I only work 3 days next week so I am working really hard on getting my steps in well ahead of the end of the month.
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Well I haven't gotten to any walking yet, but I did get too cleaning my house and mopping, it's a start. lol
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    5 miles at the park today.
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Starting off the week with some exercise, did a 20 min walk LS, did 10 mins a stationary bike, did some weights, ate good, feel good let me keep it up.

    Slow month so far with today total of 3 miles of walking. :D
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Goal for March - 123 miles (to better March 2015 - 122.5)
    10 days over 10,000 steps

    Mar 1 - 2.5 miles
    Mar 2 - 3 miles
    Mar 3 - 5.1 miles - 11327 steps (1/10)
    Mar 4 - 4 miles
    Mar 5 - 6.1 miles - 13440 steps (2/10)

    Oh it soooo nice today!! The sun is shinning and snow melting and I am heading outside to feed the birds, take out my compost and walk my dog!!

    Better get at it - Tim Horton's Brier is on TV - I will miss the first few ends but will catch the last if I walk fast. Must get my 10,000 steps in. My goal this month is to work at the beginning of the month because you never know what is going to happen to derail your miles.

    Catch you all later, I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I golfed this afternoon and walked 7.5 miles.
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Starting off the week with some exercise, did a 20 min walk LS, did 10 mins a stationary bike, did some weights, ate good, feel good let me keep it up.

    Slow month so far with today total of 3 miles of walking. :D [ok sp i got some more walkingg in today i will say about a mile given me a total of 4 miles]
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    March Week 1 - 15.77 Miles tracked

    I need to jump start this fitness, I feel like I'm only maintaining and not losing. :( This week looks like another teaser for Spring here so I may be able to get some actual outdoor walks in this week.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    2 Mile Walk This Way
    1 Mile in Home Walk
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    1.5 Miles with my niece this afternoon at the park. She is new mother looking to shed some baby weight and she called and asked if I would walk with her. This made my day. Her first walk and we managed 1.5 miles. She asked if I would walk with her again this week. Heck Yeah!!
  • newjeans140
    newjeans140 Posts: 50 Member
    Walked to Leslie's Burn 30.....30 minutes.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Crazy busy day for me but lots of walking today and just did a Step routine with Jenny Ford. I've had several days that have been over 9,000 steps...so close to 10k.
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,408 Member
    updated my computer and somehow lost the ability to play my dvd's thank goodness I can do leslie on youtube til my daughter comes and fixes me back up.
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    1.5 Miles with my niece this afternoon at the park. She is new mother looking to shed some baby weight and she called and asked if I would walk with her. This made my day. Her first walk and we managed 1.5 miles. She asked if I would walk with her again this week. Heck Yeah!! [That is great for the both of you, it's great that you have family to go with. I better the weather was nice also]
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    I actually did a work out tonight, that's different for me. I did 5 mins on bike, 20 mins with LS, did some weight lifting, it was beautiful out this evening side, so I decided to try a little jog maybe 50 to 100ft I don't know what two blocks equal and I'm talking one direction, lol from my house to the stop sign. The other thing is I really don't know how to jog very flat footed. then walked a couple of blocks. My breathing was a little; lets just say sucking wind for lot for a bit. But I am taking it very slow I'm almost 55 and very over weight I don't want to drop dead.

    I think with my other work outs I might be up to 6 miles total. Slow and steady
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I actually did a work out tonight, that's different for me. I did 5 mins on bike, 20 mins with LS, did some weight lifting, it was beautiful out this evening side, so I decided to try a little jog maybe 50 to 100ft I don't know what two blocks equal and I'm talking one direction, lol from my house to the stop sign. The other thing is I really don't know how to jog very flat footed. then walked a couple of blocks. My breathing was a little; lets just say sucking wind for lot for a bit. But I am taking it very slow I'm almost 55 and very over weight I don't want to drop dead.

    I think with my other work outs I might be up to 6 miles total. Slow and steady

    You are going strong! Good for you!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    3 Mile Burn Body Fat
    2 Mile Walk This Way
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,093 Member
    @bgoddess2003 Good for you!! My husband is also very flat footed and hates running.
    I'm looking at signing up for my first 5K this Month. The 5K is in June. I'm planning on running, jogging and walking it. I've found a few apps for my phone that are 5K trainers so I may see what those are like.
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    @bgoddess2003 Good for you!! My husband is also very flat footed and hates running.
    I'm looking at signing up for my first 5K this Month. The 5K is in June. I'm planning on running, jogging and walking it. I've found a few apps for my phone that are 5K trainers so I may see what those are like.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Goal for March - 123 miles (to better March 2015 - 122.5)
    10 days over 10,000 steps

    Total week one 28.3 miles and 3 over 10,000 steps.

    Mar 8 - 3 miles
    Mar 9 - 2.6 miles
    Mar 10 - 2.3 miles

    Darn sore throat, I will be drinking lots of hot water, lemon and honey.