Daily Check-In



  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Rest day tomorrow, and I'm really gonna enjoy it. I'm extremely tired and exhausted because of a bad case of insomnia :/
  • purplesccy
    purplesccy Posts: 27 Member
    I finally hit the big 50 loss! To celebrate I got my first tattoo and had a few bud lights with my hubby. It's been a great weekend so far!
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Lost 4.4 lbs today! Super happy! Also got new fitbit chargers and don't feel so naked lol.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    purplesccy wrote: »
    I finally hit the big 50 loss!

    Congrats that is awesome!
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    I joined Gold's gym today so I will have that as an option when Texas decides to get over 100 degrees again. A few days ago I started some 30 day challenges and have done well so far. I have been trying to stay more hydrated and have managed to drink over 100 ounces of water today and yesterday. Taking it one day at a time.
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    @purplesccy congratulations on hitting 50!

    This past week has been a pretty good one. Logging again has forced me to eat a little bit healthier than I have been over the last month and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I've also managed to increase my weight for bicep curls this last week, so that's always nice.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    Finished up day #4 of my 30 day challenges and took the dogs on a short walk (1.25 miles). I am thinking about trying "My Fit Foods" for dinner. After work, the girlfriend and I are going to the gym. My next weigh in is on the 18th.
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    Started my journey the other way now properly. Lost the fat, and now got to start gaining muscle to fill in the loose bits ;) . Having another DEXA scan on Friday to find out exactly how much fat and muscle I've got now for a proper starting point, and an accurate (or relatively accurate) BMR value.

    After 9 months of dieting and exercise, then a few months "rest" of exercise and maintaining weight, switching to exercise and enough calories to gain muscle is... a lot harder than I thought it would be! I get to evening, do the dog walk and go "bugger, still got another 200-300 calories to eat yet". I guess that's what wine is for ;) Yesterday was 3,400 calories of food, and it still wasn't quite enough, but if I'd ate another thing I'd have burst.
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    edited March 2016
    Well the results are in... I'm now just 15% fat, but even better the few weights I'd started doing since November are already having an impact. My bone mass has increased by nearly 10%! I know they say strength training increases your bone density, and you sort of nod, but I can see it in the results. I'm stoked!

    The rest is all a little more complicated. I've lost fat generally, and don't really have any hot spots, but the muscle stuff is very complicated. I guess this is was they can "re-compostitioning" - I've lost muscle off my legs and buttocks that I don't need any more now that I'm lighter, and it's transplanted itself to my arms, chest and back.
  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    acushhh wrote: »
    Met with my personal trainer last night....I had trouble wanting to go - but after i left the gym, i felt soooo good!

    Also, did you guys know that its possible for even your armpits to be sore??? SO SORE all over today!!

    That's awesome! You are going to have the fittest arm pits in town!

  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm still doing mostly 21 Day Fix workouts. I have upped my weights so I am getting better and better. I can finally see my biceps again lol I miss lifting. I guess I should just try to go to gym one morning (6AM when it's pretty much empty). If I get yet another panic attack I can always just come back home (and feel miserable).
  • anthophora
    anthophora Posts: 74 Member
    Starting the 2nd week on Keto diet. I am feeling so much better than I have in years. The workouts are going great. I have lost >7lbs (mostly water but old clothes are fitting again.) Hoping to lose 20 or so more for my ideal weight but so far so good!
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    Still alive! Worked my legs today with two 21 Day Fix workouts. That was a tough workout session! Also, I'm pretty damn proud that I have gone to gym four times this week! I missed lifting so much.
  • chillllllaaa
    chillllllaaa Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone! Down another 1.2 lbs!
    Drank wine & made tutus with my best friend today!! They're rainbow and glitter, and I am excited for the party were wearing them for!!

    I made my step goal, & stayed under calories as well! Yay!
  • vollans
    vollans Posts: 106 Member
    It's a great feeling to have what feels like a naughty day and still be on target calorie wise. We had a "lazy" day of movies, popcorn, wine and chocolate. Thanks to walking the dog and a bit of shopping in the morning we were still under calories.
  • Debidonut1971
    Debidonut1971 Posts: 23 Member
    Eaten too much, moved too little, watched too much telly, and enjoyed every second of it hehe....... Tomorrow is another day!!
  • nuttyengineer
    nuttyengineer Posts: 112 Member
    I've had a pretty good couple of weeks. I've been managing to get to my fitness class every day and get through it without feeling like I want to die afterwards. I also haven't been craving sugar, which is just weird for me. However, I started T last week and immediately gained five pounds (I'm thinking water weight).
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Working like crazy. Still logging though :) Anyone not on my friends list, please add me <3 XOXOXO
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    My eating has been pretty decent and I have been making it to the gym pretty often as well as working out at home. I am currently down a little over 8.5 pounds and my body fat percentage is dropping. My next weigh in is on the 14th.

    Also, I applied for a promotion within the company I work for a month or two ago and this past weekend I finally got an email about an interview!
  • chelm1222
    chelm1222 Posts: 86 Member
    Getting back to the fitness grind. I've been super lazy lately...well it's more a combination of lack of motivation and being exhausted after work. I'm finally cutting back a shift a week at work; now to keep up the motivation. Got in a short run and some weight lifting...Hopefully I'm not too tired tomorrow after work to get to the gym.
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    Feeling not so good about myself today. I made it to the gym and have a few other things on my to do list for the day but I have little motivation to actually get them done. My main issue is that I hate food.... I hate having to fuel my body throughout the day. I wish I could just go go go and get everything done.
  • oojah82
    oojah82 Posts: 16 Member
    I need encouragement and a routine so bad! I hate not being motivated but it's so hard when you've no one to be motivated with!
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    I have a new work schedule that allows me to have days off in between shifts. At first I wasn't sure how I would like it but I am thinking it might be a good thing. Today I got out and biked a little over 15.5 miles! After surgery I want to save up for a new bike and buy my girlfriend a kayak so we both have one. My next weigh in is on Thursday.
  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Posts: 199 MFP Moderator
    I've finally started now again after a week of holiday. Gonna make it be worthwhile!
  • onemoc
    onemoc Posts: 35 Member
    I will log today but have been more careful with food and I'm back under 190
  • jamielikesyou
    jamielikesyou Posts: 25 Member
    First time in two weeks that I haven't drank diet cola, but fell off that wagon hard last night. Did not sleep a wink due to the caffiene buzz...

  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Posts: 199 MFP Moderator
    I'm glad I did not gain any weight while on holiday. I weighed myself in the gym and got 75kg! Yes!
  • awaywewander
    awaywewander Posts: 124 Member
    I've struggled a lot the past week but im getting back on track. My next weigh in is in 4 days and I should still see a loss. I'm SO close to hitting my first weight loss goal! I want to hit it and be more solidly on track before surgery in 44 days.
  • LaurensE1
    LaurensE1 Posts: 199 MFP Moderator
    I'm at 74 now already, doing good with the daily logging.
  • TXChelleD
    TXChelleD Posts: 76 Member
    I've been on and off of here since I tried it the first time about a year and a half ago. I updated all of my info today and started logging. That first step is easy but it seems that I have been lacking in follow-thru. I have set my first goal at a 25% weight loss with a timeframe of 40 weeks. That gives me a little 'padding' on the timeframe just in case. I can do this!!!