Which of your ailments was cured by low carb?



  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I started for weight loss and to break a sugar addiction, but was surprised to also have other benefits.
    •My IBS is a thing of the past!
    •My cystic acne completely cleared up, though I'm having some minor breakouts these days.
    •Haven't had any "phantom" gall bladder attacks
    •My appetite is completely under my control I never feel like I "need" sugar or carby foods.
    And the big one for me...
    •I was able to reduce my ADHD meds because my brain feels clear and I am able to focus

    A couple questions..

    Any idea why the IBS clears up on low-carb (assuming no reduction in fiber)?

    I've never heard of LCHF bringing about a reduction in ADHD meds. That's great! Could you elaborate?


    I had a major reduction of fiber. I average about 3-5g fiber a day. I used to take a fiber supplement like a little old lady! I did that since I was 20 something.
    I really think it's the grains. And to some degree vegetables and fiber itself. If I do have a slightly higher fiber day, I can feel a bit gassy :blush:
    As for ADHD, again I'm sure grains have something to do with it. But I think ketones for brain energy are a big component as well and I've had even greater improvement as time has gone on. Weather it's just something that gets better in time or if it's due to the addition of MCT oil, high dose vitamin c, high dose magnesium, ginkgo Biloba and krill oil... Who knows. I'm just gonna keep it all up anyway.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    @ladipoet Now THAT is a list! Awesome!
  • socalgardengal
    socalgardengal Posts: 116 Member
    I feel amazing! I have noticed my arthritis is 90% better. My joints feel more lubricated. I am remembering things better. My skin is really dry though. My mood is more positive, not so grumpy. Loads of energy! Have ZERO cravings for sweets, which is amazing for me, that's why I started LCHF. Diabetes is bad on both sides of my family and I was heading down that road....so happy I found this group! People thought I was nuts to try this WOE but now they ask me to show them how :)
  • mao1962
    mao1962 Posts: 33 Member
    After 3 months or so of eating LCHF, I have increased engery/ more positive mood. I struggle with an auto immune problem and following this WOE has significantly improved my symptoms. Specifically, my joint pain has been greatly alleviated, my "brain fog" is almost non exsistent, I no longer have overwhelming fatigue most days( I still get tired, but that is not the same thing), I sleep better, meaning my restless leg symptoms are reduced, my husband was the one to notice that. He said that the sheets no longer look like I have been wrestling an alligator in my sleep. LOL.
    However, I suffer from extreme dry eye, and that is not improved. Still, fingers crossed.

  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Here is a list of changes that I've experienced so far in less than 2 months:

    1. hair and nails stronger and longer
    2. clear skin
    3. keratosis pilaris 90% gone
    4. no more/limited heartburn
    5. less stomach pain
    6. better sleep
    7. more energized
    8. no cravings
    9. lost 15lbs in 5 weeks with little/no exercise
    10. improved mood
    11. less lower GI issues

    Luckily prior to this by cholesterol and blood sugars have always been good, but I was diagnosed with NAFLD and just had my gallbladder out in November. I'm hoping that when I go for updated blood work in May that I'll see an improvement in my liver enzymes. I still take HB medicine before bed because I get these "attacks" that my GI MD thinks are HB related, I disagree, but am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm hoping to wean off of that by the end of April.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I started for weight loss and to break a sugar addiction, but was surprised to also have other benefits.
    •My IBS is a thing of the past!
    •My cystic acne completely cleared up, though I'm having some minor breakouts these days.
    •Haven't had any "phantom" gall bladder attacks
    •My appetite is completely under my control I never feel like I "need" sugar or carby foods.
    And the big one for me...
    •I was able to reduce my ADHD meds because my brain feels clear and I am able to focus

    A couple questions..

    Any idea why the IBS clears up on low-carb (assuming no reduction in fiber)?

    I've never heard of LCHF bringing about a reduction in ADHD meds. That's great! Could you elaborate?


    Actually, from the things that I've seen, reduction in fiber is actually one of the big contributors to improvements in IBS, UC, and other GI issues on LCHF.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Hey @michelle172415 , if your heart burn medication is a proton pump inhibitor I recommend weaning sooner, rather than later. The side effects they are beginning to correlate with these medicines are too terrible to continue them. Memory loss is the one I've experienced with it. I weaned myself off over the past couple of months, and I can say that wasn't a fun process! I used Apple cider vinegar for any heart burn (recommended by the every knowledgeable, and helpful @Dragonwolf! :smiley: ), and use a gastric enzyme supplement to help rebuild the normal acidic state that any stomach prefers! I will use a Pepcid, or Zantac, if I don't get relief from the acv, but nine times out of ten the acv relieves the symptoms (and works within a couple of minutes too!) Plus, I kicked my gastroenterologist to the curb! His recommendations never fixed me, only treated symptoms! I'm on the road to being fixed now, without him! I just hope the memory loss improves after being off of it! :blush:

    Good luck!
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    The biggest changes I have noticed in the past 8 weeks are:

    Energy up -- and not reliant on caffeine, although I still drink coffee but more as a comfort than as a necessity
    Weight loss
    Tummy issues are gone
    Heartburn is gone
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    edited March 2016
    I've been LCHF since October so far I've seen

    Improved joint pain
    Clearer skin
    Weight loss
    Reduced anxiety
    Gastritis attacks reduced
    Less stomach "issues"
    Weight loss

    This weekend I ran for the first time in over a year. Last year I had RA flares that kept me from running. The last run I attempted led to a major flare plus tendonitis in my ankle. I honestly didn't think I could run again. This weekend I spontaneously added running intervals into my hike both Saturday and Sunday and I ran better than when I used to go regularly. My joints felt good. I have some muscle soreness because honestly I've barely been exercising at all but no "bad" pain! I did not get the dreaded side cramp that has plagued me since I was in elementary school gym class! It was crazy. Like running in a whole new body! I hope these improvements persist! :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    @anglyn1 :) That is awesome!!
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    @ladipoet Now THAT is a list! Awesome!

    I was surprised by how long my list was too especially because I had forgotten about some of the benefits I've reaped since switching to a LCHF lifestyle!! lol
  • flower1964
    flower1964 Posts: 12 Member
    I love these posts. In just 6 weeks my cravings are gone and I'm -13 pounds.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I started for weight loss and to break a sugar addiction, but was surprised to also have other benefits.
    •My IBS is a thing of the past!
    •My cystic acne completely cleared up, though I'm having some minor breakouts these days.
    •Haven't had any "phantom" gall bladder attacks
    •My appetite is completely under my control I never feel like I "need" sugar or carby foods.
    And the big one for me...
    •I was able to reduce my ADHD meds because my brain feels clear and I am able to focus

    A couple questions..

    Any idea why the IBS clears up on low-carb (assuming no reduction in fiber)?

    I've never heard of LCHF bringing about a reduction in ADHD meds. That's great! Could you elaborate?


    @RalfLott it took six months for my 40 year long IBS to fully resolve after I got off of sugar and all forms of grains and has stayed that way for the past year while I maintained at 200 pounds. I without intent do 5-10 grams of fiber from nuts mainly. Fiber seems to be optional for good health which was a surprise from my health care training from long ago.

    As far as ketones that occur when eating <50 grams of carbs daily (LCHF) resolving ADHD conditions maybe for the same reason the LCHF is used starting nearly 100 years ago to treat and stop epileptic seizures in kids and continues to do so today without negative side effects.

    Sugar/carbs can make many kids hyper where as fats/ketones seem to calm rapid firing brain cells. It may be why LCHF and permit some Alzheimer patients to stop needed full time care and go back to their old jobs, drive, etc.

  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I started for weight loss and to break a sugar addiction, but was surprised to also have other benefits.
    •My IBS is a thing of the past!
    •My cystic acne completely cleared up, though I'm having some minor breakouts these days.
    •Haven't had any "phantom" gall bladder attacks
    •My appetite is completely under my control I never feel like I "need" sugar or carby foods.
    And the big one for me...
    •I was able to reduce my ADHD meds because my brain feels clear and I am able to focus

    A couple questions..

    Any idea why the IBS clears up on low-carb (assuming no reduction in fiber)?

    I've never heard of LCHF bringing about a reduction in ADHD meds. That's great! Could you elaborate?


    @RalfLott it took six months for my 40 year long IBS to fully resolve after I got off of sugar and all forms of grains and has stayed that way for the past year while I maintained at 200 pounds. I without intent do 5-10 grams of fiber from nuts mainly. Fiber seems to be optional for good health which was a surprise from my health care training from long ago.

    As far as ketones that occur when eating <50 grams of carbs daily (LCHF) resolving ADHD conditions maybe for the same reason the LCHF is used starting nearly 100 years ago to treat and stop epileptic seizures in kids and continues to do so today without negative side effects.

    Sugar/carbs can make many kids hyper where as fats/ketones seem to calm rapid firing brain cells. It may be why LCHF and permit some Alzheimer patients to stop needed full time care and go back to their old jobs, drive, etc.

    Thanks for your insights.

    We are obviously still in the foothills still when it comes to knowledge about how diet affects specific individuals, but we can all be glad about the progress that's been made in our lifetimes.

  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Hypertension: Gone
    Bloating & Gas: Gone
    Reactive hypoglycemia: Gone
    Insulin resistance: Gone
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    1. Weight loss (40 pounds)
    2. More energy
    3. Less hunger
    4. Better skin
    5. Healthier gums (an unintended surprise at a recent dental check up).
    The dentist asked what I was doing differently. There was a "remarkable" change. I couldn't think of anything other than this WOE. He said, keep doing whatever you are doing.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    Hey @michelle172415 , if your heart burn medication is a proton pump inhibitor I recommend weaning sooner, rather than later. The side effects they are beginning to correlate with these medicines are too terrible to continue them. Memory loss is the one I've experienced with it. I weaned myself off over the past couple of months, and I can say that wasn't a fun process! I used Apple cider vinegar for any heart burn (recommended by the every knowledgeable, and helpful @Dragonwolf! :smiley: ), and use a gastric enzyme supplement to help rebuild the normal acidic state that any stomach prefers! I will use a Pepcid, or Zantac, if I don't get relief from the acv, but nine times out of ten the acv relieves the symptoms (and works within a couple of minutes too!) Plus, I kicked my gastroenterologist to the curb! His recommendations never fixed me, only treated symptoms! I'm on the road to being fixed now, without him! I just hope the memory loss improves after being off of it! :blush:

    Good luck!

    Thankfully neither of the meds I take are PPI. I occasionally take Nexium in the morning and do Zantac every night. I do want to wean, just because I don't want to take meds anymore, but like I said above, I'm trying to give my MD the benefit of the doubt. Good to know about the Apple Cider Vinegar, I may try that for the breakthrough HB that I get sometimes.

  • hakamruth
    hakamruth Posts: 124 Member
    I do appreciate these health improvement posts. Since I do not have any major health problems I do not recognize what has improved due to LCHF. Many times when I read the post by someone saying such and such improved, it like a light bulb goes of in my head, "hey, that has improved for me as well!" The ones that I can pinpoint thus far.
    - More energy
    - less acne flare ups
    - less gas and constipation
    - my joints no longer ache
  • kimbo8435
    kimbo8435 Posts: 129 Member
    My biggies:
    No dystonic tremors (google cervical dystonia)
    No auras- the feeling that preceeds a seizure
    No seizures

    Few if any headaches
    stronger nails
    increased energy!
    25 lbs gone with little exercise
    reduced inflammation overall
  • SlimSonic
    SlimSonic Posts: 127 Member
    I sleep better on lower carb days, i really know it when i revert to my old eating!

    less gas - my husband used to cringe at the amount of gas i had after eating

    less tired on good days - but that also could be partly down to my Hysterectomy & no more awful endometriosis!