giving it a shot but feel out of water



  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Ok I did a mileage test today on the treadmill at the gym. I did 2 miles. The Fitbit gave me .03 more miles than the treadmill. So pretty accurate.

    Ok, back to your subject, so the fitbit shows a different number, is it in the ballpark though? I guess I'm asking if I can trust what the machine may say at the gym, I mean, close enough;)??

    The mileage/step was almost exact. I don't know about the calorie burn though. I've never compared my fitbit burn to the treadmill burn.

    Sorry I missed this one, but thank you much for the reply. I'm dancing instead of walking (weather is bad enough here, I don't want to get soaked, lol) and I noticed I am getting my heart-rate up to 148 now, and that is about 5-10 minutes into the 30 I dance. I'm not too concerned about the aerobic "side" of my workouts, I feel my real, fat-burner is muscle, but I do love walking around the area, and taking pics:) Also, dancing is fun for me:)

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Me: 47yr, 5'9", 197#. I've lost 48 pounds (since I've been keeping track). That 48 pounds has taken me about three years though so I know ALLLLL about slow and steady *sigh*.

    Like most of us that end up here, I have had a battle with my weight since I was young. At age 15 I went on a 7 month long starvation diet and lost about 150#. 120#, upped my calories and started eating only one meal a day (usually a baked potato with sour cream). Ate one meal a day for about 12 years. Slowly put on weight (people say it's impossible but I did gain weight eating that way). Ended up around 180# Got married, started a business, most of my meals were eaten via drive through for 8 years....up to about 250#

    My change started about 7 years ago, This has truly been a life style change for me. For a two week period, while awaiting a medical test, I thought I might have had liver cancer. Dr. Google suggested that best case scenario I had fatty liver disease. One ultrasound later and: non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Gave up all meat (except fish). I was a pescatarian for about 4 years. When I started that I did initially drop some weight. I dropped about 22# in 6 months. I was a good vegetarian too! I didn't eat doritos or anything like that, though I never weighed or measured my food. I made my own whole wheat bread, grew my own veggies, even made my own yogurt and peanut butter. I just wanted to know what I was eating. Buy organic whenever possible yadda yadda yadda. Slowly the weight started to come back on and I was back around 250'ish. 3 years ago there was another cancer scare, this time ovarian. I was SOOOO craving chicken. I thought what the hell, I'm going to die of cancer, I'm eating chicken! Well no cancer (yeah) and chicken has remained in my diet. Still don't eat red meat or pork. Oh and at same time I started doing some bike riding (5-10 miles 3 days a week), and also daily walking (had a dog).

    3 years ago I ended up at MFP. I realized that I need help. I need to write down my calories. I need to measure. I am either in starvation mode or excess mode. I. DO. NOT. KNOW. HOW. TO. EAT! I mean I know what I should eat, and I do. I've been making healthier food choices for the last 7 years but the weight just keeps getting higher and higher. I also joined a gym almost 2 years ago and I weight lift (not free weights, too many back issues) and walk treadmill 3 days a week. On the days I'm not at the gym I am usually doing a bike ride, nothing crazy 5-10 miles. Weekends are pretty active for me. A few times a month the husband and I do a long bike ride, 15-25 miles.

    If you've gotten this far, thanks! I appreciate it. I really need help. So 7 months ago I bought the withings scale, pulled out my food scale, and really got serious. I did a little reading here and found scooby and ended up eating TDEE-20%. I only did that though for one month. Then I switched to MFP numbers and started keeping track of my exercise. I ate back half my calories. Lost 20# in 5 months. I've been pretty much stalled since July. I am fluctuating between 197#-199# since then. In frustration I lowered my calories. Eating 1300-1600 per day resulting in nothing. Then I would not track for the weekend (never going crazy eating. just having popcorn at the movies etc). Knowing I was "doing what I normally do". I came back here. I KNOW that eating less is not the answer. I went back to scooby, found my TDEE (2485 is my number), and upped my calories to around 1950 per day. I've did that for 3 days and upped, for the last two days, to a little over 2000.

    So that's where I am at. Slowly upping my calories. I know I want to get to my TDEE number and maintain that for a bit....right?? lol Do I need to buy an activity tracker? Ugh. I just don't know what to do from here. I am determined to do this. My approach, for the last 7 years has been to eat healthy and be active. If the weight comes off, great. If not, that's ok. But I am tired of being fat. I've been fat my whole life. I am doing the work. I am at the gym religiously, I am bike riding and walking. I am eating healthy. WHY am I still fat??-Melissa

    I just read your story Melissa, and what a struggle you've had. I need to catch up though because I see this was written in Oct. 2015. I so believe in this way of eating and exercise. I am new to it as well, and I did lose 24 lbs which really made a huge difference in my belief system. All I did was walk, but I was walking 18-24 miles a week, and eating around 1700 calories. My leg muscles got very strong, but upper body needed the work to catch up, lol;)

    Now I think of food as fuel, but I am so not perfect. Like I throw in chips on some days etc., but I don't gain the weight back I see, because I keep working out. It had to be something I like doing, like the walking. You gals have encouraged me to join the gym and do some real strength-training, and I am way excited about the changes I can feel already. I think I've belonged to the gym about 2 weeks now. I'm dancing in the big, aerobics area they said I can use any time there's no class of course;) But I do that to warm up, and then go do some machines.

    I'm not good about logging, but I'm trying to, and focus on getting enough nutrients in each meal. I haven't reached my goal of eating either, I'm usually under, and notice I am staying at the same weight. I have a spare-tire around my middle I want to see disappear, lol! But easy does it right:)
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    I just read your story Melissa, and what a struggle you've had. I need to catch up though because I see this was written in Oct. 2015. I so believe in this way of eating and exercise. I am new to it as well, and I did lose 24 lbs which really made a huge difference in my belief system. All I did was walk, but I was walking 18-24 miles a week, and eating around 1700 calories. My leg muscles got very strong, but upper body needed the work to catch up, lol;)

    Now I think of food as fuel, but I am so not perfect. Like I throw in chips on some days etc., but I don't gain the weight back I see, because I keep working out. It had to be something I like doing, like the walking. You gals have encouraged me to join the gym and do some real strength-training, and I am way excited about the changes I can feel already. I think I've belonged to the gym about 2 weeks now. I'm dancing in the big, aerobics area they said I can use any time there's no class of course;) But I do that to warm up, and then go do some machines.

    I'm not good about logging, but I'm trying to, and focus on getting enough nutrients in each meal. I haven't reached my goal of eating either, I'm usually under, and notice I am staying at the same weight. I have a spare-tire around my middle I want to see disappear, lol! But easy does it right:)

    That's one thing I've come to realize. I will be a logger for life. Once I get my weight down I'm sure I'll loosen up a bit, but I have to log. If I don't log, I make bad food choices, when I make bad food choices I tend to binge eat, when I binge eat, I gain weight, I gain weight I feel bad, I feel bad I binge eat...just a vicious cycle lol.

    By logging I am forced to look at what I eat, and I don't want to look at that page and feel like a floozer lol. One thing I found by logging is that I also was WAY too hard on myself before. Thinking I was a floozer who ate badly, when in reality, it's not so bad. Sure there is room for improvement, but isn't there always? Ahhhhh the struggles...I wished I were blessed with a better metabolism but least I got good hair right??!?!? ;) LOL!!!!

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I just read your story Melissa, and what a struggle you've had. I need to catch up though because I see this was written in Oct. 2015. I so believe in this way of eating and exercise. I am new to it as well, and I did lose 24 lbs which really made a huge difference in my belief system. All I did was walk, but I was walking 18-24 miles a week, and eating around 1700 calories. My leg muscles got very strong, but upper body needed the work to catch up, lol;)

    Now I think of food as fuel, but I am so not perfect. Like I throw in chips on some days etc., but I don't gain the weight back I see, because I keep working out. It had to be something I like doing, like the walking. You gals have encouraged me to join the gym and do some real strength-training, and I am way excited about the changes I can feel already. I think I've belonged to the gym about 2 weeks now. I'm dancing in the big, aerobics area they said I can use any time there's no class of course;) But I do that to warm up, and then go do some machines.

    I'm not good about logging, but I'm trying to, and focus on getting enough nutrients in each meal. I haven't reached my goal of eating either, I'm usually under, and notice I am staying at the same weight. I have a spare-tire around my middle I want to see disappear, lol! But easy does it right:)

    That's one thing I've come to realize. I will be a logger for life. Once I get my weight down I'm sure I'll loosen up a bit, but I have to log. If I don't log, I make bad food choices, when I make bad food choices I tend to binge eat, when I binge eat, I gain weight, I gain weight I feel bad, I feel bad I binge eat...just a vicious cycle lol.

    By logging I am forced to look at what I eat, and I don't want to look at that page and feel like a floozer lol. One thing I found by logging is that I also was WAY too hard on myself before. Thinking I was a floozer who ate badly, when in reality, it's not so bad. Sure there is room for improvement, but isn't there always? Ahhhhh the struggles...I wished I were blessed with a better metabolism but least I got good hair right??!?!? ;) LOL!!!!

    LOL, yes, you have good hair and a lot more going for you, and don't you forget it!! There is always room for improvement because we learn more and more about life, in general:) I'm learning so much about food right now, and ways to fix things so I don't get bored with what I eat. Spices are something I am learning about, and using more now;) Logging is something I'd like to do to help others, but at the same time, I need it for myself. I need to know I am getting enough proteins, and well, just balance. I can buy a bag of chips, and of course I must eat them within a few days so they don't get stale, right?? LOL!! I will also share a secret with just you now, no one else be reading this, but I am an M&M Peanut junkie:( But I am way better, only one bag a day now, lol. Well, I do tend to exaggerate, but for awhile there, I think I was just eating (more like 4 bags a week) them to see if I would gain weight. When I didn't, I was so happy, but then I didn't feel as good, especially right after eating them;)

    Yep, always room for improvement where I live;) hugs, and hang in there, we can do this;) denise
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    total calories eaten 15008, fit bit burned 19783 so -4775

    So do you see my average daily calories?? 2144...2144! And I'm LOSING weight!!!! THIS is why we go through the whole "find your TDEE" I wasn't losing weight at an average of 1500-1600 calories per day, heck I even dropped down to 1300 calories...sheesh did I ever have stinkin' thinkin'

    Week 17
    average calories 1968 starting weight ? ending weight 207.6

    Week 18
    average calories 1994 starting weight 207.6 ending weight 206

    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    this is so great.....keep those updates coming each week!!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    total calories eaten 15008, fit bit burned 19783 so -4775

    So do you see my average daily calories?? 2144...2144! And I'm LOSING weight!!!! THIS is why we go through the whole "find your TDEE" I wasn't losing weight at an average of 1500-1600 calories per day, heck I even dropped down to 1300 calories...sheesh did I ever have stinkin' thinkin'

    Week 17
    average calories 1968 starting weight ? ending weight 207.6

    Week 18
    average calories 1994 starting weight 207.6 ending weight 206

    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    It is good to monitor it all isn't it, I hadn't seen this before but good for you!! Are you keeping tracking on the measuring tape as well? I have my starting measurements, and went up some through January when I moved in here, so I am looking for those measurements to drop as well. I think I'll do something like this, good idea, and thank you darlin, it helps to see what others are doing, and NO FEAR, big hugs, denise

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    And than loss on body just being a little more unstressed - imagine how much better when it's about as stress-free as you can get it, well, from deficit eating perspective anyway.
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    Week 20
    average calories 1876 starting weight 204.8 ending weight 204.2

    total calories eaten 13138, fit bit burned 18000 so -4862

    Had to bring the average daily calories down a bit. I am not able to exercise...My herniated discs in my back are in full blown pissed mode. I am really sad by that. I can only eat 1560 calories a day when I don't exercise buh.

    Weight didn't come down as much as I had hoped. Could be the injury, not sure. I did take up kayak fishing and I don't wear my Fitbit nor do I track the calories because I can't imagine I burn up much. I am on the water for 8-9 hours but only paddle a few miles in that time. Not sure how and IF I should even worry about those calories.

    Week 17
    average calories 1968 starting weight ? ending weight 207.6

    Week 18
    average calories 1994 starting weight 207.6 ending weight 206

    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    Week 20
    average calories 1876 starting weight 204.8 ending weight 204.2
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Still half a pound down! Great job! It could be due to other factors as well.

    Kayak fishing sounds amazing! Where abouts do you live? River or lake? I live in the mountains of CO so our lakes are still frozen :( gotta wait a bit longer for fishing!
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    I just moved to Florida so I've been on lakes and rivers. Yesterday was a lake, actually saw two alligators! Caught a cat fish and a blue gill, nothing else *sigh* I want to catch dinner dang it lol It's more about relaxing in boat, listening to the sounds of nature, soaking up the sun, watching my bobber bob.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I just moved to Florida so I've been on lakes and rivers. Yesterday was a lake, actually saw two alligators! Caught a cat fish and a blue gill, nothing else *sigh* I want to catch dinner dang it lol It's more about relaxing in boat, listening to the sounds of nature, soaking up the sun, watching my bobber bob.

    And unless you took food along, you are moved from temptations as well ;)
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    lol very true! I brought along quiona salad and a protein bar
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If Fitbit sees no movement, you are giving BMR level calorie burn.

    You burning more calories than sleeping for that 8-9 hrs?
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    probably not much more lol. The most I can do is get off the couch, walk to my chair and work. Get off work, walk back to's terrible. Today I was good enough to walk 3,000 steps at Sams Club, that's the extent of my exercise. I feel as if I'm on the mend though. Think I'll be pretty lame for the weekend, try to get back to at least 80%. Man this getting old thing totally stinks.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited March 2016
    Now that kind of day indeed is pretty close though brain at least uses more.

    I meant more the kayak fishing days.

    Indeed, the Dr keeps making reference to this getting older when they see me - not sure what he's talking about though.
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    Week 21
    1867 average calories per day. Starting weight 204.2 ending weight 203.2

    Fitbit didn't send me my weekly report :neutral: I would have been way under that daily calorie average but Sunday I had a 2800 calorie day. Weigh in that morning and I had lost the pound for the week, feeling hungry, ate a LOT of salt. Next morning weigh in was up 1.5 pounds lol Today's weigh in still up .8 pounds. I knew salt was a big deal but WOW...had no clue it did this much damage.

    Still not back at the gym. Taking a light walk today. Tomorrow is chiropractor day. I think I'll get back to the gym tomorrow. Do some light lifting. It's been 12 days since I've been to the gym. I really need to go back. Not feeling good. Don't like that I can't eat more!

    Week 17
    average calories 1968 starting weight ? ending weight 207.6

    Week 18
    average calories 1994 starting weight 207.6 ending weight 206

    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    Week 20
    average calories 1876 starting weight 204.8 ending weight 204.2

    Week 21
    average calories 1867. Starting weight 204.2 ending weight 203.2
  • jerilynconn
    jerilynconn Posts: 524 Member
    Great job, seems like the weight loss each week is small but consistent!
  • ambsnic17
    ambsnic17 Posts: 305 Member
    I agree, it's coming down consistently every week. That's awesome! :-)
  • justsayinisall
    justsayinisall Posts: 162 Member
    Week 22
    1907 average calories per day. Starting weight 203.2 ending weight 202.1

    Down 1.1 pounds

    total calories eaten 13,349, fit bit burned 18,442 so -5,093

    Was able to get to the gym twice last week. Not doing any leg work, just some light arms. I have been getting in some light walks. Still missing the gym but I'm not willing to do anything that might mess up my back even more!

    The cruise line was nice enough to notify me Friday (9 days before departure) that they are cancelling my cruise. It's in dry dock getting an upgrade and will not be ready in time. 9 days!! Ohhhh they are nice enough to give me $100 credit if I book another cruise with them. Sure they will refund my money...but it will take 4-6 weeks. WHAT?!?!?! Mom flying in from MN on a specific date just for this cruise. No other cruise available with this company during the dates she is here. I scramble to find a replacement and I got lucky, whew. Found a 7 day cruise (other one was only 5 days) on another cruise line that is actually $30 cheaper. That means 2 more days of buffet OMG. OMG. OMG. When I get back, after I step on the scale, you guys need to prepare to hold me. It's not going to be pretty lol.


    Week 17
    average calories 1968 starting weight 209? ending weight 207.6

    Week 18
    average calories 1994 starting weight 207.6 ending weight 206

    Week 19
    average calories 2144 starting weight 206 ending weight 204.8

    Week 20
    average calories 1876 starting weight 204.8 ending weight 204.2

    Week 21
    average calories 1867. Starting weight 204.2 ending weight 203.2

    Week 22
    1907 average calories per day. Starting weight 203.2 ending weight 202.1