

  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Good job Pam with your cycling NSV!
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Just completed all 5 belly dancing videos. They're all closer to 10 minutes each (not 5 as mentioned in roadblock) by the way. Was fun but found the 4th one a little sleepy. Maybe it was just me who was sleepy! In any case, I actually was able to do a lot of the moves, thanks possibly to either my Zumba experience or my one quarter heritage of Lebanese or both!!! Now for some hummus! (Had a gyro pita yesterday in the city) yum!
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Ok Team. Huddle! Here's the situation. Team 6 is hot on our heels. At the moment of writing this post, team 6 is at 57% complete towards the miles and 4 of them have done the dancing. We are at just over 60% with only 3 of us done the dancing. I realize there are members on our team who just haven't got around to entering their data, but with the info on our spreadsheet at this moment, I've done some number crunching. Using 15 as the number of team members (assuming Lillian is still on holiday and that Lesley will have understandably other things on her mind...) to reach 100% of the miles, each of us would need to do another 175 minutes by the end of Sunday. That works out to around 87 minutes today and tomorrow. If you do the dancing videos, that counts for around 40 minutes or so, so after the dance you would only have 135 minutes left for the weekend. Well, split in have, that's only 68 minutes today and tomorrow. And considering I'm quite certain we have members who have a significant amount of minutes for the week that just haven't been posted, each of us do not really have to do even that amount. And remember, that's just on average. So the real movers and shakers in our group, will help ease off the minutes required from some of the others, but we all need to do our part!!
    There! There's my team power chat for now. Not promising it's the last!!! :p
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    Isabelle, those photos are so inspiring! I am 5'6 also and would kill for your flat stomach. Sadly I am not built that way but I'll continue to wish for it and keep plugging away...

    Lesley, I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Leanne, thanks for the breakdown! My numbers are caught up on the spreadsheet, and I'm committed to at least an hour tomorrow. Hopefully more if the weather clears up and I can get in a walk.
  • berylw49
    berylw49 Posts: 68 Member
    And here are some side-by-side before and after photos from me. The after photos are from last June, but I really haven't lost much since then. I've been focusing on maintenance and just now am trying to focus on losing another 10-15 if possible.

    Here's my heaviest. I don't have a full body picture from this time frame. This is a loss of nearly 100 lbs:

    And this is a loss of about 60 lbs:
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Lesley! That is so incredibly sad! Ouch! My heart is with you. Take the time you need and don't worry about us.

    Rose, now you got me curious about that book. I had to use google translate to find out Nightingale is in french "Rossignol". This bird is present in a lot of traditionnal french song that I play on the guitar and sing.

    Leanne, thanks for summarizing the situation. I'll try my best to add minutes this weekend.

    Thanks everybody for your nice comments!

    I'm at this phase where my weight loss hasn't totally sink in. I'm still not use to it and I'm surprise when I see pictures of me now and even when I see myself in the mirror. People around are starting to say: "Don't lose more weight". My body may look healthier but my face looks older... A lot. I was chubby all my life always had kind of a "babyface". Now, the babyface is totally gone.

    That is something I find interesting: I was 50lbs overweight, no one would ever tell me that I should lose weight. No one would ever dare to "warn" me about my look. Now that I'm at healthy weight. Everybody seem completely at ease to comment on my apperance, telling me what I should or shouldn't do now. :neutral:
  • llmg970
    llmg970 Posts: 257 Member
    Lesley I am sorry for the loss in your family, sending lots of love prayers to you and your family
    To the before after posters. Wow you guys have shown some great changes. Keep up the good work and thanks for helping to inspire me to keep trying to be healthier
    I need to update the spreadsheet and I plan to do the belly dancing later today as well as get on the treadmill and I am going to the gym early. They are talking snow tomorrow for me thought ur the day so want to go before the roads get bad. I thought it was spring
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Isabelle, the book is historical fiction, about two sisters and how their lives and choices differ when the Germans occupy their town in France during WWII. I highly recommend it!

    It's very weird how people feel it's ok to give random advice. Fat or thin, no one should do that unless someone asks?!

    @berylw49, wow, fantastic progress!! Great job!

    I'll be doing dancing and stair when I get home today. Hubby will be out until around dinner time so I'll have the house to myself :smiley:
  • cjborkowski
    cjborkowski Posts: 181 Member
    Lesley- I'm so sorry for you & your family's loss, my heart goes out to you!

    I have to update the spreadsheet for the week. I'm off work this weekend & will make sure I pull my share of fitness numbers!

    Before & after photos are stunning & so inspirational, Well done!! To think we have the power & control to make such a change in our bodies is amazing!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Cheryl, just saw your post! What a change! And nearly 100lbs in two years is an amazing acheivement. If it's any motivation, my belly fat came off quite recently.

    Rose I will look for that book. Looks interesting !
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    berylw you look fantastic!
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    In my imagination I am a awesome belly dancer with a flat stomach seducing my husband with all my sexy charm.....In reality my body does not move like that, my stomach is not flat and I would never belly dance in front of my husband because he would not find it sexy....just hilarious! I like my imagination better than my reality :blush:
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Too funny Brigitte!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Can someone please add 53 minutes for me for Friday April 1st. I also will make sure I get the flights of stairs in and the logging for the entire week, if someone could put in the appropriate points. I'm pretty sure I will have 0 for the belly dancing (I think it was all or nothing and I have only done first video). If lettuce in a salad counted for Egyptian food, I have that but it doesn't feel that that fits the thoughts behind that roadblock so I'm thinking that is probably a 0 too. I'm pretty sure I put my points in for the posting on the healthy foods and what you like about them and how you can better them. If not, please add that. Otherwise, I think that will be it for me this week but I guess you never know. Thank you!
  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Awesome work Isabelle & Cheryl, very inspiring! I too am 5' 6" and hope I can get myself to back to 140, hoping for 160 by my 54th birthday in May ( & Hawaii!!) Lesley, so sorry, was that the crash on Powell, just awful, prayers to you and your family.
    Did the Belly dances today, quite fun! I love to dance period, cranky crappy body who cares! Just the cat to give me weird looks as I swirl and gyrate around. Bridgette, LOL, love it!
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I was at a dinner with friends from around the state. I rocked a red dress. I got so many compliments. Many had not seen me in a year. Some just a couple months. It was sleeveless and I was freezing. One of the gentleman gave me his tux jacket. Talked about MFP and competitions on how I did it. Now 3 months to lose more when I see them at our convention. Have to find a dress to top the red one.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    bm1409 wrote: »
    In my imagination I am a awesome belly dancer with a flat stomach seducing my husband with all my sexy charm.....In reality my body does not move like that, my stomach is not flat and I would never belly dance in front of my husband because he would not find it sexy....just hilarious! I like my imagination better than my reality :blush:
    lol. I told my husband I was going to spend today doing these belly dances, he said he wants to be around to watch. Hilarious is more of what he's thinking, lol.

    I was at a dinner with friends from around the state. I rocked a red dress. I got so many compliments. Many had not seen me in a year. Some just a couple months. It was sleeveless and I was freezing. One of the gentleman gave me his tux jacket. Talked about MFP and competitions on how I did it. Now 3 months to lose more when I see them at our convention. Have to find a dress to top the red one.

    It's nice to hear how confidant you sound. Keep on rocking!

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    So exciting Gayle! That sure does make you feel good, doesn't it?

    Tammy, it happened just outside of Belleville, IL. They ended up having two fatal motorcycle accidents near here that morning. In my nephew's case, we are still awaiting investigation results. I don't know that it will help heal at all, but the lack of information has been pretty painful.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Awesome moment Gayle! So happy for you. Sounds like a wonderful evening! Have fun dress shopping!!
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Glad to hear so many of you are trying the belly dancing! I wonder what Melodie is going to come up with next?

    So I just finished writing my "Success Story" speech for the weight loss award gala coming up at the end of the month. The place it will be in is over 3 hours away and will require a hotel stay. So glad one of the ladies in my weight loss group has agree to go with me.

    Anyway, in my speech I refer to achieving my goal weight (I haven't) so now since it's in writing it has to happen right? I need to submit my speech this week to the organizers. Write it and it will happen, right? I only need to lose around 5 more pounds. I can do this right?

    Yes, I can...because of all you ladies out there on this team. So thankful I have you here!!! Gayle's story reminded me I need to get a gown for this. Guess it's time to go shopping! :*