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All Animal April (Advanced Experimenters)



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I am finishing up day 24 of the ground beef. I'll be moving to a more mixed-meat diet. I am probably going to stay off of dairy the whole month. I make no promises though.

    The social aspects are often the hardest part. My wife totally did not understand, for a long time. It was actually months, and only after I went off the diet for a week because she begged me to, before she really saw that I was benefiting from it and accepted it for what it was. Be patient with others. This can be a very weird thing for someone on the outside looking in.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    Wow you all are so awesome. I wish I had it in me to just eat meat and eggs basically. Even though I have been eating a ton of eggs and chorizo with green chili and cream cheese. My new go to fav when I am making food for just me. I look forward to reading about your successes this month.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    So I'm wrapping up day one and I stuck with all animal products, BUT... I know I didn't eat much today (3 eggs cooked in appx 2 tbs butter, a pork chop and half a roast chicken breast w/ the skin). I'm really not feeling hungry, but I'm cooking myself a cheeseburger (no bun or toppings) right now because I feel like I "should" eat more. I guess my question is this (and @FIT_Goat might be the one to ask) - is it normal to see your intake drop so low initially? I didn't think the relatively small amounts of plant foods I was eating before would drive such a difference in appetite, but I guess it does? I expect I'll make up for my low intake today with higher intake tomorrow... Just wondering if anyone else who has done all meat experienced the same thing. I feel good, fwiw.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yes, this sometimes happens. At the start, you might want to prepare some food even if you're not super hungry. Then try it. Sometimes, you don't even know you're hungry until you try the food. But, if you're just not feeling it, you're just not feeling it. It usually balances out, over a few days, and your appetite will pick back up. That's part of why I encourage people to have a variety of meats they like and not just do ground beef. You want to be able to pick a food that is attractive to you, when your mind is telling you that you only want the foods you're not choosing to eat at the moment.

    I found having ribs and chicken wings around helped me a lot. Those usually are tempting even when I am not feeling like anything else.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Thanks! Good idea about the chicken wings - I can cook up a batch tomorrow and rewarm as needed. I did go ahead and eat a cheeseburger, and I was definitely hungry enough to eat all of it, lol. I think my hunger signals are going to have to adjust to this :smiley:
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited April 2016
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    Thanks! Good idea about the chicken wings - I can cook up a batch tomorrow and rewarm as needed. I did go ahead and eat a cheeseburger, and I was definitely hungry enough to eat all of it, lol. I think my hunger signals are going to have to adjust to this :smiley:

    That has happened to me before. I will be sure that I am not hungry, but as soon as I start eating I realized that I do want to finish what I have. I'm glad you at least tried. I'm even happier that you discovered, first hand, how confusing hunger can sometimes be at the start of eating this way. It does get better.

    The great things about wings is that they are very easy to rewarm and you can heat up only as much as you might want. And, they heat quickly in case you under-estimated.

    We have a toaster oven, which I like because the skin "toasts" and gets a little crispy when I rewarm them.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Day 1 complete. Almost all meat except for the sunflower seed slip up. I can honestly say It hasn't been as tough as I thought it might be. I notice that I am not craving anything. Usually I take a trip into the kitchen to see if there is anything that would pass as LCHF before bedtime, most of the time it has been the small slice of Lemon cake. That dang thing won't go away. Usually Hubby has eaten it up by now!! But tonight , no Problem passing it by!! I am anxious to see how much easier it may be as the days go on. Sunday I'll put up some stats , mostly for me to see if I can tell a change at the end. Everyone looks like they had a great day! Can't wait to get into some chicken wings or ribs! Off to the car show tomorrow in Mobile, Al. so that may be chancy, but I think I can find enough to satisfy me. fingers crossedXXXX
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Day 1 ended great for me, though I did have some wine ... :blush:
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    So, I did salad for dinner last night, complete with the veggies (but also a good amount of meat and cheese, as well as a bunch of olives). It was actually a great standard low carb meal.

    My friend and I came up with some fantastic sounding cream cheese stuffed burgers, so I'm thinking about doing that today. :)
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Started off day two very well - resisted the strawberries and heavy cream that my three year old had for breakfast :). Had two large strips of bacon from "our" pig (he's in the freezer) and two scrambles eggs, cooked in the bacon grease. Gotta pick up my older girls from their cousin's house today; plan to have a ground pork "burger" or two for lunch. It's burrito night at my house - I would typically put the meat and toppings on a salad, but today I plan to just have a bowl of meat and cheese... The lack of salsa or guacamole makes sad, but I think I'll manage, lol. Will have some bone broth or some bacon (I cooked up some extra this morning) if I feel hungry or like I need more salt.

    @Time2LoseWeightNOW - it is wild how the cravings go away doing this! I'm usually foraging for food in the evening, and while I eat LCHF compatible things so I never saw it as a big deal, it was so odd to not be even vaguely hungry last night!

    Sounds like everyone got off to a pretty good start!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    We had my mom's birthday last night. They had a huge Carvel [ice cream] cake. Now, it helps to know that I love these cakes. They have always been one of my favorites. But, since moving to low-carb, I haven't touched them. Also, people pay no attention to the serving sizes. This cake was meant for 18 people. There were 4 adults and 3 children at the party. Considering that they knew I wasn't going to eat, that amounts to three servings per person!

    They didn't finish the whole cake. But, there was pressure for me to have some. You know, it's my mom's birthday. Clearly, I should have something. I told them about my recent dairy-free experiment and made it clear that I wasn't going to have any.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I am in too. I have ben easing into it for a few days. Meats, eggs, and I am going with some cococnut oil in my coffee. I have used a bit of HWC, mostly because I didn't want to throw it out, and I may use butter on some meats or eggs.

    So far I have notice no real difference. Maybe a slight drop in appetite.

    It is tricky to focus so much on meat after decadeds of trying to cut back on meat. The funny thing is that we do our own butchering so I have everything wrapped to appropriate family sizes... That isn't working out so well now that meat is my main focus. LOL I need extras at everymeal.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,069 Member
    I had a good first day yesterday. I went out for supper and had a bunless burger with bacon and cheese that was delicious, but also a vodka and soda and a small glass of red wine, really enjoyable.

    The wine won't happen very often in the future, but vodka intake might reoccur occasionally. I mainly drink water and black coffee, but I'm OK with the odd drink while participating in this challenge. I can't drink very much eating this way anyway, but it adds to my enjoyment while out socializing, so I'm not going to stress over it.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Goes without saying for the vets, but for people reading the thread, make sure to keep fat high: don't drain the pan, use butter or ghee in good amounts, get the 80% ground beef, don't get cuts like filets or loins, etc.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    It's been going really well for me. I actually started this past Monday. We went to a birthday party last night. I knew there wouldn't be anything for me there, so I had a burger with butter, hot sauce and Bleu cheese before we went. I just drank water while there and no one even noticed that I wasn't eating. I wasn't even tempted by the sickeningly sweet looking cake.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Because of my foul mood yesterday I ended up fasting until I got home from work at 7pm, by then I was more than ready for food and really enjoyed my pound of rare rib-eye with extra butter :p. Today I have mostly been eating bacon with a nice big chunk of brie I found in the fridge. I also added back the coconut oil to the first coffee of the day and have been adding double cream to my coffee for the rest of the day. I feel much more human today :)
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    Goes without saying for the vets, but for people reading the thread, make sure to keep fat high: don't drain the pan, use butter or ghee in good amounts, get the 80% ground beef, don't get cuts like filets or loins, etc.

    So true. I don't know if I am a vet yet, but making sure my fat is high enough is a bit of a challenge without cheese. Plus I am guessing at all of my cuts' macros because we butchered it ourselves. I tried to make evrything fatty but the family kept trimming the meat when we weren't nagging them LOL
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Things are going pretty well. Appetite has picked back up. Made chicken Parmesan tonight; I always leave the breadcrumbs off of mine, but there was some incidental tomato sauce (maybe a quarter of a cup). I browned all the chicken pieces in lard instead of my usual palm oil. Not really feeling any different at this point (no keto-flu symptoms).
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Well, I hit an all new low scale weight for whatever that's worth. I'm not stressing the scale one bit. I actually thought it might go up since I'm not counting calories and I'm certainly never hungry. So I'm prepared for whatever it decides to do and will be ok as long as my clothes don't start feeling smaller. Which doesn't seem to be s concern. :smile:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Very nice @Sunny_Bunny_ :)

    The scale has dropped a bit for me too. Close to 2lbs in 3 days. Some of it may be water weight from dropping carbs from ~20g to ~5g, but either way I'm happy.