Daily check in Thread



  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Tonight will be day level 2, day 9....ugh...one more day and then I can move on from this level lol I can honestly say, I do not think the workout as a whole has gotten easier. Perhaps some moves I am able to do more of/longer...but I would not say I am comfortable with level 2 lol...I am however bored with it. Anxious to get these next two days done...
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Side note:

    What size weights are you guys using? I just did some research and it appears they are using 3lb weights in the video...which would explain why I find some of the strength moves so challenging...I have been using 5lb weights and then on the moves I am comfortable with, I bump it up to my 8lb weights...some of the strength moves I HAVE to drop my arms because holy geez lololol....so I was just wondering what others were using :)
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    @mscote12, I use mostly 8lb. Although those chair squats with V raise is still killing me every.single.time ! I think 3lb would be really easy? I tried my 5# for that move and it didn't feel like enough. I am definitely bored with level 2 though and I will be glad to be on level 3 in a couple of days. The renegade rows were my favorite in that level and mountain climbers.
    @smal48, my core is definitely tightening up! I feel so much better too. I feel like my legs are looking more muscular and my arms and stomach are tightening up. I want my mom pooch to GO! Slowly but surely, right.
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    D9L2. I am so glad tomorrow is the last day in this level!
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    Wow, 8lb weights! I wouldn't be able to do any of the moves with those! I'm using 2kg which is about 4.5 lb and they're too heavy for the v raise things. I'm a weakling!
    Rest day today. I've been walking for 3 hours with the pram and an hour with the dogs so I've been active, but my muscles and joints need a day to recover before lvl 2 day 3.
    Looking forward to you both starting level 3 so I can get the low down on it!
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    D10L2! I am so glad to see the back side of that level. Lol. On to level 3 tomorrow. I have noticed changes in my body.
    A question for you girls who have had kids, are you worried about loose skin around your stomach? I am starting to see some I think and I know it will firm up but I hope it's not so bad.
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    rumswood wrote: »
    D10L2! I am so glad to see the back side of that level. Lol. On to level 3 tomorrow. I have noticed changes in my body.
    A question for you girls who have had kids, are you worried about loose skin around your stomach? I am starting to see some I think and I know it will firm up but I hope it's not so bad.

    I only notice it when I'm in plank position and look down at my stomach - then I can see how it hangs down in a way it never did before I got pregnant! It's not noticeable when I'm standing up luckily. I only have one child so I can imagine after more pregnancies there'd be a lot more of it. Not sure there's much we can do about it tbh.

    Day 3 level 2 done. Hard work.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Today I have my monthly visit to the chiropractor followed by a therapeutic massage....going to give my body some TLC today and then tomorrow start level 3 :smile:
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    smal48 wrote: »
    rumswood wrote: »
    D10L2! I am so glad to see the back side of that level. Lol. On to level 3 tomorrow. I have noticed changes in my body.
    A question for you girls who have had kids, are you worried about loose skin around your stomach? I am starting to see some I think and I know it will firm up but I hope it's not so bad.

    I only notice it when I'm in plank position and look down at my stomach - then I can see how it hangs down in a way it never did before I got pregnant! It's not noticeable when I'm standing up luckily. I only have one child so I can imagine after more pregnancies there'd be a lot more of it. Not sure there's much we can do about it tbh.

    Day 3 level 2 done. Hard work.

    I've had six kids, my last pregnancy being being a twin pregnancy, and I was definitely at my largest then. I know it will shrink and firm up some, and I've seen girls worse than me by far, which is what makes me think it won't be terrible. I just don't like the slouching I'm seeing already, it's almost worse than being fat. :disappointed: I remain positive about the progress I'm making though and I realize I won't be perfect. I'm just nervous about how bad it will be. Before my son, who is 2 I was in good shape and it wasn't so bad, so I'm hoping it will be about the same.
    And yes, level 2 is a tough one, I will at today was better but but still hard. I'm glad to be on level 3 tomorrow. I might be eating my words though. Lol.
  • saraspring7
    saraspring7 Posts: 23 Member
    edited April 2016
    rumswood wrote: »
    D10L2! I am so glad to see the back side of that level. Lol. On to level 3 tomorrow. I have noticed changes in my body.
    A question for you girls who have had kids, are you worried about loose skin around your stomach? I am starting to see some I think and I know it will firm up but I hope it's not so bad.

    I have four kids, my youngest being 14 months. I've never had a super flat tummy, so I'm not sure about loose skin. Hoping to just get flatter and get rid of the pooch.
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    D1L3. Not to bad. It did kick my butt though.
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    D2L3. Got my butt kicked again. My upper shoulders / back is sore, but it's a good thing. Lol. I'm debating what to do after this. I just got her BodyShred system, and I might give that a go. I also found an awesome deal on her Body Revolution and I'm wanting that bad, so I'm going to have to do some sweet talking to the husband for it since I just bought the other one. I can't pass it up though.
    Anyways, I was thinking about also maybe doing another round of the 30DS, but I have RI 30, NMTZ, and 6W6P. I need something to lose these last 25 lbs.
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    Lvl 2 day 4 done. Seem to be doing this level only every other day, but I can still feel it working. Looking forward to level 3 but if it's another shoulder focused level maybe not so much! Level 2 kills my shoulders already!
    Think I'm gonna do 30 day shred again after I finish it, but with 2kg weights for all of it as I still really struggle with upper body strength. Tho I've read good things about ri30 so maybe that's what I'll do next. I might be too sick of 30ds!
  • saraspring7
    saraspring7 Posts: 23 Member
    rumswood wrote: »
    D2L3. Got my butt kicked again. My upper shoulders / back is sore, but it's a good thing. Lol. I'm debating what to do after this. I just got her BodyShred system, and I might give that a go. I also found an awesome deal on her Body Revolution and I'm wanting that bad, so I'm going to have to do some sweet talking to the husband for it since I just bought the other one. I can't pass it up though.
    Anyways, I was thinking about also maybe doing another round of the 30DS, but I have RI 30, NMTZ, and 6W6P. I need something to lose these last 25 lbs.

    Are you part of the "Jillian Michaels Workout Junkies" group on Facebook? If not, I highly suggest you join. Those girls have got a lot of good advice. They suggested I do the RI30 after the Shred, and I'm really enjoying it. It's challenging, but not impossible. I couldn't have done it without doing the Shred first. I just finished week one on Friday, about to start week two today.
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    rumswood wrote: »
    D2L3. Got my butt kicked again. My upper shoulders / back is sore, but it's a good thing. Lol. I'm debating what to do after this. I just got her BodyShred system, and I might give that a go. I also found an awesome deal on her Body Revolution and I'm wanting that bad, so I'm going to have to do some sweet talking to the husband for it since I just bought the other one. I can't pass it up though.
    Anyways, I was thinking about also maybe doing another round of the 30DS, but I have RI 30, NMTZ, and 6W6P. I need something to lose these last 25 lbs.

    Are you part of the "Jillian Michaels Workout Junkies" group on Facebook? If not, I highly suggest you join. Those girls have got a lot of good advice. They suggested I do the RI30 after the Shred, and I'm really enjoying it. It's challenging, but not impossible. I couldn't have done it without doing the Shred first. I just finished week one on Friday, about to start week two today.

    I will check that out! I guess you could say that I am a Jillian Junkie. She's made me both love and hate her, but she's also helped me lose 41 lbs, so I love her more than hate, hah.
    This is my second full round of the shred, I did one round and started another and got bored so I went to RI30 and NMTZ for another bit.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    I took a few days off...life got in the way, but today I started level 3. I love this workout! Maybe it's because I was SO over level 2 but I feel good about 3. The only move I am not a fan of is the Rockstar jumps....so I do something else during that move lol...not because it's hard but because I don't like the move. As long as my heart rate stays up during cardio, I'm good.
  • smal48
    smal48 Posts: 102 Member
    Day 15 done. I actually hate level 2! It's not getting any easier! Only 4 days left thank god!
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    smal48 wrote: »
    Day 15 done. I actually hate level 2! It's not getting any easier! Only 4 days left thank god!

    Yep...I hated it too. I was so happy to move on to level 3 lol level 2 never really got easier...it sucked.
  • mscote12
    mscote12 Posts: 220 Member
    Level 3 day 2 done....got up early and went to the gym to do the workout. Feels good to get it over with for the day :)
  • rumswood
    rumswood Posts: 120 Member
    L3D3 here. I hate Rockstar jumps. Mostly because I'm afraid I will wake someone up. Lol.
    Got it done though and I can tell I'm definitely getting stronger.
    @mscote12, I like doing it in the morning to get it out of the way and done for the day too.