4-8 Lbs. in May



  • Jazzdaisy
    Jazzdaisy Posts: 20 Member
    My goal for May is to exercise more. Hope to lose 5 pounds.

    Current Weight: 134
    Goal Weight for May: 129
  • breckenashenbrenner
    breckenashenbrenner Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd love to join! Can I add some of you as friends to help with motivation?
    5'4, 37 years old
    Current weight: 135
    Goal weight: 125
    Goal for May -130

    May 2: 135.0 lbs
    May 9:
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:
  • sazzyb_
    sazzyb_ Posts: 25 Member
    5'8, 22 years old

    Current weight: 140
    Goal weight by May 30: 136

    May 2: 140
    May 9:
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    I have a lot of social events in May (my parents visiting on the 7/8th, my birthday on the 11th and away with friends the 14/15th!!) - but I'm going to do what I can and aim for a 4lb loss this month. Good luck everyone!
  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    5'5", 53 yo

    MFP starting weight: 174.9
    Goal weight: 130

    May 2: 146
    May 9:
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:
    Goal for May: 140
  • DiIDE
    DiIDE Posts: 120 Member
    Hey @Working2BBetter -- didn't know you were here!

    I'm aiming for a pound per week to get rid of this weight I suddenly packed on in the past 12 months.
    Currently: 140
    GW May 30: 136

  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    edited May 2016
    GW 130
    May 4 128.4
    May 9 129.4

    My weight has been flucuating just a few pounds or two. I am really happy to report that I have lost several inches.
    Feb. 16 May 9
    143 lbs 129.4
    Hips 38 Hips 36
    Waist 35.5 Waist 28
    Chest 39 Chest 34
    Thigh 22 Thigh 20
    Upper arm 11 Upper arm 11
    Pant line 38 Pant line 34
  • emyloucifer
    emyloucifer Posts: 16 Member
    5'3.5", age 32

    Start weight: 141 (2/1/16)
    Goal weight: 115

    May 2: 123.8
    May 9: 124
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    Goal for May: 120

    I indulged in a little (a lot) too much in Mother's Day sushi last night! I've been weighing in between 122.2 and 122.8 all week. TOM is set to start in a few days, and I always have a little woosh a few days into that. So hopefully next Monday I'll see a good loss!
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    5'1', 32 yo
    MFP start weight :130

    GW: 108

    May 2: 128
    May 9: 127
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    GW for May: 123
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    GW 130
    May 4 128.4
    May 9 129.4

    My weight has been flucuating just a few pounds or two. I am really happy to report that I have lost several inches.
    Feb. 16 May 9
    143 lbs 129.4
    Hips 38 Hips 36
    Waist 35.5 Waist 28
    Chest 39 Chest 34
    Thigh 22 Thigh 20
    Upper arm 11 Upper arm 11
    Pant line 38 Pant line 34

    WOW, that's amazing @wishfullthinking79!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    5'5", 39yo

    MFP starting weight: 173
    Goal weight: 135

    May 2: 148
    May 9: 148 (Stuck, but lifting weights might be affecting the scale)
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:
    Goal for May: 144
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    5'5", 27yo

    MFP start weight (mid-March): 132
    GW: 120ish?

    May 2: 129 (yay 120s!)
    May 9: 132
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    GW for May: 126, -0.5" off waist

    AGH I was at 128 all week, and then yesterday we ate all the sodium-laden things over at my mother-in-law's house. I woke up so swollen I could barely get my rings on. Hopefully that comes right back off, this is not a good feeling!
  • kat00_ca
    kat00_ca Posts: 39 Member
    5'5", 33

    Current Weight: 157.8
    Goal weight: 135

    May 2: 157.8
    May 9: 158.0
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    Goal for May: 153

    I was actually down to 156.2 almost all week then a big, hearty meal yesterday for Mother's Day with big desserts brought me up to 158. *sighs* Maybe, I should start weighing myself every Friday! :D
  • foxygirl14
    foxygirl14 Posts: 158 Member
    foxygirl14 wrote: »

    GW: 101

    May 2: 107
    May 9:
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    GW for May: 103

    GW: 101

    May 2: 107
    May 9: 106

    GW for May: 103
  • zenmummy
    zenmummy Posts: 96 Member
    zenmummy wrote: »
    I weigh in kilos!
    CW 65.8
    GW 60

    May 2 65.8 (145 pounds)
    May 9: 65.4 kg (144 pounds)
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    Goal for May: 63 kg (139 pounds)

  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    edited May 2016
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'7"
    SW (2006): 226
    CW: 169.4
    GW: 155-160 by June 25th (Trip to France!)

    Starting weight in May: 170.2
    GW in May: 163 or less

    I'm tightening up my calories. I was on 1lb/week in April at 1640 calories/day. Now I've set my goal to 1.5lb/week at 1380 (1400-ish is more realistic). I've been doing a strength training program (Body Sculpting Bible for Women, 3x per week with weights) and adding even more cardio. I was doing 1 spin class per week, walking 3-4 days a week, and playing Just Dance once a week (ish) if the weather was icky.

    For May, my goal is to continue with the Body Sculpting program with heavier weights, add at least one more spin class per week, and add running intervals to my walks. I want to burn at least 3500 calories per week (that's one pound!) so I can reach 163-164 by the end of the month.

    Edit: Although, "If every day were like today, I'd weight 153.2 lbs in 5 weeks"! I'd LOVE to make that happen, lol.
  • misschellechelle
    misschellechelle Posts: 52 Member
    5'8, 31 years old
    Starting weight: 131
    Goal weight by May 30: 127

    May 2: 131
    May 9: 129.8
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    So excited to break my plateau! Only I totally went overboard and ate too much at a party at work! Pizza, BBQ, cookies, and ice cream cake... Totally kicking myself now :( I feel like I gained 10 pounds.

    Hopefully any gain will be temporary. Anyone else done this?
  • Working2BBetter
    Working2BBetter Posts: 219 Member
    edited May 2016
    5ft. 7
    SW. 150 (Jan 1)
    GW. 134
    GW For May. 136

    May 2. 138
    May 9 136.6

    Close to my goal for the month, but not holding my breath that it will stick.... It has been a rough week. I'll keep putting in the work. If I can get lower, I'm all for that!

  • stayingmarried
    stayingmarried Posts: 2 Member
    Late starter but need motivation as weight going up not down!
    SW: 137
    GW: 122
    GW for May: 130

    May 9: 137
    May 16
    May 23
    May 30
  • Anya_000
    Anya_000 Posts: 725 Member
    5'6, 55

    Jan Start Weight: 144
    Current Weight: 132.8
    Goal weight: 130

    May 2: 132.8
    May 9: 132.6
    May 16:
    May 23:
    May 30:

    Goal for May: 132

    I'm late, but so glad this group has restarted. I'm a super slow loser, and if not accountable, the weight will creep back on.
  • momluvsbball
    momluvsbball Posts: 7 Member
    5'6", age 49

    SW (4/5/16) : 146
    Goal Weight: 134, lose 1" off waist, login to MFP daily

    May 2: 139
    May 11: 137

    Goal for May: 134