50extra - My weight loss journey with all the embarrassing details



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Glad you got a workout in! I took a rest day yesterday.

    Aww well that means it's time to make a new goal and one that is a little more attainable! You've got this! :)

    Just shows that it only takes a second and things can go for the worst. I'm glad you reacted how you did and I'm sure he is thankful as well! I hope you're doing okay as I know I would still be shaken up. *HUGS*

  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Wow that's heart wrenching he's so lucky you took over. I hope he heals quickly. 58 is really young. I'm glad we here are all trying to get back our health. Hugs coming your way.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Thanks Ladies, I'm good with the whole thing but I sure didn't feel like working out yesterday. I chose to have sandwhich and talk to some people on the net. He is still in ICU and sedated with the ventilator. Hoping to go see him sometime today if he gets put into cardiology, I'm sure he will have some questions as to WTF is going on. But that's enough talking about depressing topics for me.

    So nothing to report for me today, didn't workout last night, and I ate over my calories yesterday. I was eating decent food but I didn't pack the right things for lunch and dinner and was done all of my food my 3pm. I had to have something when I got home from work to eat and at least I cooked up some chicken and didn't binge on crap.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so buddy is doing good enough that we called in the air evac and am taking him to Frankfurt Germany tonight. I am heading to the hospital tonight at 1am with my translator and then I am flying to Germany leaving at 5:30am tomorrow. Won't be working out and I don't know if schnitzel fits into the diet plan.

    Talk to everyone in a few days.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2016
    Safe travels! Glad to hear your buddy is doing well enough to be moved and I'll keep positive thoughts for continued improvements!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Travel safe. Talk to you soon
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so I'm home now, got in last night. I spent five days at the hospital with the guy I work with. He's doing good and the only side effect is some short term memory loss from day to day. Hopefully it gets better but I guess when you die twice in a day there's bound to be some lasting effects. The company I work for flew his daughter over and is putting her up in a hotel and paying for expenses until he gets out. This was a very stand up thing to do in times where we lose millions each quarter due to low oil prices.

    So while I was in Germany it was three meals a day in a restaurant. I didn't even try to eat healthy because half of the time I couldn't tell what I was even ordering due to not having an English menu. I also did some coping by consuming beer but I assume most days I was around maintenance.

    I did step on the scale when I got home and it looks pretty good considering. I will weigh in tomorrow as per my Monday schedule and hope to register a nice loss even wth the bbq were having today. I have a weakness for bbq ribs and that's what's on the menu.

    So, tomorrow I am going in to pick up my flooring for the gym. Hopefully tomorrow night I can clean up a corner in the basement and get the flooring laid down. There's a lot of crap down there to move. I am then hoping to go into the city on Tuesday morning and buy the weight equipment. I won't be using it though for a bit because I think I'm gonna take my daughter down to the lake for a week or so on Tuesday afternoon. I'm pretty excited to get it set up and so s my wife. If I can I may even go get it tomorrow morning before momma goes to work because I'm on daddy duty all afternoon and evening.

    So not much to update even though it's been several days. Oh yeah, the streak on MFP is garbage. I purposely didn't open the app for three days to reset my streak and it kept going. I'm not sure why it didn't reset. I wanted it to start over because if I wasn't logging I didn't think it right that it said I was on here.

    That's it for now,
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Wow... I go away for a week and you have major life-changing events. Glad your friend is doing ok and your company is being so nice about it. Also glad to hear that through all of that you still have motivation to keep working out and moving towards your goals.

    Aim for a quieter week this week, ok? :wink:
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yes hoping to have a very non eventful week at the lake.

    So after I posted the info above I don't ove into the store as it was open today. They didn't have half of the crap so it will be two weeks :(
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm glad your friend is improving - I hope the short term memory does too.
    Hope you enjoy the time with your family and the BBQ today! Sounds delicious!
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    50extra wrote: »
    Yes hoping to have a very non eventful week at the lake.

    So after I posted the info above I don't ove into the store as it was open today. They didn't have half of the crap so it will be two weeks :(

    Clearly I didn't proof read what I said here. So after I wrote that I was going to go Monday or Tuesday to pick up so,e gym equipment I looked and the store was open on Sunday's. I went out to my parents house and loaded up my trailer to pick up the stuff I want. I get to the store and they are super close to relocations so their stock levels are very low. I ended up grabbing the bar and 200 of the 300 pounds of weight, and the bench. The weight rack and the power cage are supposed to arrive around the 1st of June which is a real bummer.

    Also, I bought the floor mats on Friday and have yet to receive the invoice for them. Hopefully I get it first thing tomorrow so u can grab the mats and at least get the, set up.

    Ah well...
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow so many things going on for you at the moment. I wouldn't have blamed you for falling right off the rails but you seem to be getting a handle on the eating and stuff.

    It sounds awesome mate that you're taking your daughter away for a week or so. That will be good to recharge the batteries.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I'm glad that things are going better for your friend. It's good that you can take your daughter to the lake. It sounds like you work so hard a break will do you good. Making daddy and daughter memories are precious. I know you'll be back to exercising in no time you're to dedicated to your journey. So please enjoy your time off B)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    So it's Monday morning which is weigh in day. I stepped on the scale and am at 215.8. Not going to hit the goal that I was talking about but considering the circumstances lately I'm not disappointed and am actually pretty happy about it. I got a nice little reminder from MFP that I am 60% on my way to my goal weight which was nice to see. I have pictures at 217 so I don't see the need to take any at 215. Probably the next photos will come when I drop into being overweight from obese.

    I'm still a bit disappointed that the gym stuff isn't here. I even looked on the companies website and everything said it was in stock so it shocked me that they didn't have the stuff. I'm also still waiting to hear back from the flooring company with an invoice so I can pick it all up today before the Mrs goes to work.

    I haven't figured out quite yet when I'm heading to the lake. I want to go tomorrow morning but my daughter just got her first flu, pretty good considering she's a year and a half old and hasn't puked since she was on strictly breast milk for food. If her stomach settles down today I will head out tomorrow, if not I will wait for Wednesday.

    The good news is I am over jet lag already. Getting over an 8 hour time change is much easier than getting over a 13 hour one.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend and are looking forward to an active week ahead.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Don't you hate having to wait for stuff when you are deadset keen to get going on things? It would drive me absolutely spare. I'm very much an in the moment kind of person and like to have things happen NOW. Hopefully you made some headway today and got things moving.

    How's your daughter. Nothing like having an unwell toddler. Poor things can't understand whats happening. It sounds like some daddy/daughter time at the lake will be awesome for both of you.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Yeah it frustrates me too. If I'm giving my money to someone I expect them to be able to supply me what I paid for, especially when their website told me it was in stock. To make it worse they can't even tell me when it's going to arrive.

    I went in and picked up my mats today, I believe they will work perfect for what we want. I'm all sweaty now because I hauled the. All downstairs already, now I need to clean up the corner in which we are setting up our little gym. Our basement is a disaster because we have all of our crap piled up down there. We need to get rid of stuff but the Mrs. isn't going to like that. I'll try and move some of the crap around when the little one goes down for a nap. I really want to put up drywall at least in that one corner so that it looks nicer but for now it's just going to be the wood studs and insulation.

    My daughter puked all day yesterday but seems to be in a better state today. If I can get her packed up today, I'll leave for the lake in the morning. The weather looks pretty crappy down there for the weekend but this is more of a work vacation anyways. I have a hard enough time packing for myself so I'm sure packing for her will be interesting. The good news is that when I forget something her mom is only a day behind us.

    Lots to do today, hopefully I can get it all done
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Enjoy your time at the Lake and try to do a bit of relaxing.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so I'm back early from my little getaway. Thursday, Friday and the first half of Saturday were beautiful and we got a ton of stuff done, unfortunately on Saturday around noon it started to pour rain and it didn't stop so we pulled out on Monday morning. It wasn't like a light rain, it was a torrential down pour that basically forced us to stay in the rvs for two days.

    Eating down there for the few days went alright. I definitely was able to keep a deficit but the beers would have put me well over my limit. The good news is running a chainsaw for three days and moving several thousand pounds of wood was probably a decent calorie burner. We managed to get the boat in the water on Monday morning and parked in the slip even though it was still pouring so next time down I may be able to get out on the water for a bit if I can get enough work done first.

    I think I'll head back down there next Wednesday for a couple days to chop up some more trees and maybe plant some grass to make the property just a bit greener.

    So starting today I'm back on track and tracking my food. I have realized over the last several months that the only way I will be able to sustain this lifestyle is to eat smart and record when I can but on holidays and such I will just kick back and enjoy myself. Anything I gain while I am gone can be lost again when I get home.

    I haven't heard anything yet on the rest of the gym equipment but don't really expect to for another week and a bit. I did lay some of the flooring down before I left to the states and it looks amazing. It will work exactly how I wanted it too. I still have to organize my basement and get rid of a ton of crap.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    That sucks that you had to leave early! We've had a lot of rain and gloomy days here too. The other day when I was at my parents, they had a downpour. They just got a new place and my moms parking spot looked like a pond. haha

    Glad you got the boat up, spending time on the water is always relaxing!

    I'm glad you've found a sustainable way for you, that really is the key to success!

    I hope the rest of the equipment comes in soon. That sucks having to wait around but eventually it'll be all set up and you'll get to use it!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Can you send some of that rain down to Aus please? We are desperate for the stuff here. We're all a bit excited because tomorrow there is a 60% chance of rain and we might get about 0.15inch.

    I'm glad you got down to your holiday house and got some quality down time. I think your plan for sustainable healthy eating is brilliant and will see you do well. Also your determination to make it work will help too.

    I can't wait to see pics of your new gym. It sounds like it is going to be amazing.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well I figured I should update here even if I don't have much to say or to update.

    I don't even know when the last time I worked out was, sometime in the first week of May possibly? Not sure why I won't/don't do it, my heads just not in it. I figured that i would be all pumped up to workout once I got my mats laid down but then the weight equipment is delayed and that pretty much stole my thunder. I figured that I would be all recharged after going down to the lake but we got rained out so I'm not happy with how much work we got done and came home early. I hit a new lowest weight and figured I'd be diligent on eating and tracking but basically have been living the same life that I did last year and the rest of my life that put me in the situation I find myself in now. I'm not in it mentally. Been having more days then none with anxiety, ran into a situation like this a few years ago but thought I had that under control, gonna have to reevaluate that. And last but not least I'm not sleeping well. For example it's not 3:20am and I'm still awake. May has been a write off just like April was. Hopefully June will be better. But that's my whine for tonight.

    Wifire, I'm glad we got the boat in the water too. I wish we could have got some time on it but the first time I get out will be the middle of July. I grew up boating in the summers and it has become an important part of my life.

    Kell sorry to hear that you guys need rain there. Last year we were short on it all summer at the lake, and there were fire bans all summer long. This spring has been brutal so far in Alberta where I'm from, Google Ft. Mcmurry fire, there's a huge fire burning north of where I live that has displaced over 80 000 people. We need all the rain we can get.

    I'm sorry I know this is supposed to be a fitness site and I have strayed away from that lately. I'm going to work on getting back to how things were for the first three months this year
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Hey mate really sorry to hear you're in a funk. Perhaps the incident with your friend affected you more than you think cause that's when things really seemed to go down hill.
    Even if you're hearts not in it just try to do one thing healthy each day until you're feeling better. You know the old saying fake it til you make it. I know I fake it a lot just to get through.
    Remember I am here for you. The good thing about us being on opposite sides of the world is when all your northern hemisphere buddies are asleep I'm awake. DM any time if you need a chin wag. You got this. You've just hit a fork in the road.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I'll just leave this here crj8ul114nkk.jpeg
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ok so it's Monday and it was weigh in day. 217.8lbs. I'm still down 25 pounds total but I have gained two pounds in two weeks. No excuses for it. I know why I have gained, simply being lazy and not watching exercise or food.

    I don't plan on working out this week but I do plan on monitoring food intake. Starting off the day right by eating my oatmeal as I type this. My goal for the week is to simply record everything I eat. It going to be hard because I'm heading to the lake on Wednesday until Saturday.

    Starting again small and slowly, working towards getting back in the groove.

    Oh yeah, some more of the weights are in but still no power rack or weight holder. Maybe next week.

    Have a good week everyone.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Hey mate. Slow is good. Just little steps at a time. You got this. I have every faith
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Kell were both stuck around the same weight with the same amount of weight lost we need to figure this out.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Well I have committed myself to no Junk June to raise money for cancer. My nutritionist has also given me a challenge (cause we all know i love them) to be on point with my nutrition for 2 weeks. And i gotta say in just 2 days i have dropped 2.4kg (5.3lb). Mostly bloat from eating garbage but its gone none the less. I have hit a new low in my weight and I have noticed an increase in my enegery. Forget the exercise for now just concentrate on your nutrition mate. we got this
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Great job Kell. In down at the lake with my mom now, we're here until Saturday. I don't know how many 10s of thousands of pounds of wood I have moved today but I have moved several tons worth. Gotta be good for the calorie burn to offset the bud lights!

  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    moving wood trumps beer any day of the week in my book