Introduce Yourself



  • nikikoradia
    nikikoradia Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Everyone, I am Nikita. I have always enjoyed running! Just haven't been able to run regularly -lacking motivation. It is great to see so many people on this forum. I am hoping to join the challenge and run about 30 miles since it is already 16th today.
  • chgonzalez1978
    chgonzalez1978 Posts: 114 Member
    Hi my name is Chris. I initially started running in June of 2015 to loose weight. Since then its become a passion of mine and now run 4 to 5 miles daily and a long run of 8 to 10 miles on the weekend(when time permits as I coach a baseball team). I plan on running my first half marathon next month and hopefully many more after that.

    I invite everyone to friend me as Im always looking to learn what works for others as well as getting inspiration from others accomplishments.

    Happy Running!!!
  • DrLauraDVM16
    DrLauraDVM16 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi all!

    I started running again about a year ago. Almost four years ago I was hit by a car and essentially snapped my right tibia and fibula in half, with a few fun fragments. It took close to three years before I was able to handle the impact of running a little bit, and it was here on MFP that I heard about the C25K program. It worked wonders for building up my stamina, and last week I ran (not fast, but I RAN) a half marathon up in Denver. That's something that was never even on my radar before the accident, but I do love a challenge!

    I'm currently running about 60 miles a month, doing 3-5 miles twice during the week and 8-13 once on the weekend. This schedule has been working well for me, since I alternate running days with lifting weights. My current challenge is losing about 10 lb, in the hope that it'll help me improve my pace for my next half marathon in October. I'm hoping this forum will help to keep me motivated toward that goal.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I'm Joy 44 from the UK. I used to run a lot done 2 half marathons and numerous other races. Not run in a while for 2 reasons we now have a dog who takes up a lot of time for walks ( he's horrible on a lead so right now I can't run with him). I was also diagnosed with fibromyalgia a chronic pain condition which effects my hips and feet. I have decided to start running again as I am in pain anyway so might as well be in pain for a reason, my doctor is in agreement with this.
  • JeffS435
    JeffS435 Posts: 133 Member
    Just started running again yesterday after taking a year and a half off. Two years ago I ran my last 10k. I developed a bulging disc in my neck which is still there today, but not now pinched. I am hoping that it stays that way and that I can run again without pain.
  • sarahjsmythe1
    sarahjsmythe1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah, also from England. I'm another one new to running, I turned 50 in January, I used to run at school but that was over 30 years ago. I'm trying to get back into it. I will join the challenge in June (after half term). Thanks to everyone who has said they started with the walk/run C25K, it's reassuring to know that the system works, I've tried to complete it a few times but have yet to get through it without excuses.... excuses...... excuses..... OK time to stop the excuses and get on with the challenge.
  • Dixitree
    Dixitree Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the invite! I'm Patricia and after several months break am getting back to the running world. This month would like to challenge myself to 50 and work up month over month as I hit half-marathons in the fall and marathon next spring. Would welcome your encouragement and accountability. Go team!
  • sjcook23
    sjcook23 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi, I'm Sharron. I have two bad knees, but am wanting to give it a shot. I've enjoyed interval running in the past and would like to do it again. My theory is that my knees will stop hurting if I can get the excess weight off my body. We'll see if that can be accomplished. I have a fitbit and have been walking for exercise about 3 days a week. I like spin class too, which I occasionally attend. I have the C25K app and just downloaded a couple others that I plan to try out. I tend to eat well during the day and eat like a teenager after dinner. I hope to exercise after dinner and not leave any time to eat poorly. That's the plan.
  • moondancer2010
    moondancer2010 Posts: 281 Member
    Hi, I'm Christina. I started running a couple of years ago and then had to stop because of really bad shin splints. I have run off and on since then, but have been afraid to get back into running with any seriousness because I fear. getting shin splints and having the severe pain that I had before. I miss running with regularity though. I miss the way it made me feel in general. I felt so much better and healthier then. So here I am, trying this running thing again.
  • bradboughner5
    bradboughner5 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am Brad just joined the other thread. I have had a rough year which has led me through the ringer. I started running run/walking actually a couple weeks ago. in December I Overdosed on prescription drugs. I was dead and brought back in the emergency room. I spent 90 days in rehab where the only exercise allowed was walking with others. A friend I made from walking was an avid runner and the bug was in me from our conversations. I got out a couple months ago but took it slow lifting weights and walking till 2 weeks ago when I started the couch to 5 k program. 6 years ago I weighed over 500 lbs I have had knee surgery and back problems from my weight which is where the pain meds came into play. My wife of 12 years left me and moved out with my daughter while I was in rehab. I found the walking then the lifting and now the running a safe therapeutic place.
  • kos33
    kos33 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I'm Kay, I want to take up running a little more seriously, I have done several 5Ks but need to step it up a bit. My goal for June is 30miles.

    Looking forward to the challenge
  • chutea
    chutea Posts: 2 Member
    My name is Steven and I plan to get back into running after 1 year off. I joined a crossfit gym but miss running. This group may be what I need to get back outside. Excited to get started.
  • richburg_jessica79
    richburg_jessica79 Posts: 1 Member
    I ran cross country and high school and continued to stay active. I had two beautiful babies in which my weight increased. I have always been a bigger set girl but it never stopped me from running. I have done the half marathon in SA. I did little 5k's as well. I wanted to be challenged and I did the Spartan Races. I did very well well coming in in the 15 percentile for my age/gender. I've burnt out since then and having a hard time getting back to it. I am a single mother with two and times have been hard. I need some motivation and some challenge to get me back into it. Started this week. I have to loose 7.5 lbs by July 20'16.
  • CarmenChaban
    CarmenChaban Posts: 33 Member
    I'm Carmen...I used to run but stopped for a couple of years. Just started a program to bring me up to the 5k level. I'm also trying to teach my dog to run with me...a little extra motivation, perhaps? I've always wanted to run a marathon, hoping I can achieve my goal by next summer. For now though, I'm sticking to the program I have so I don't overdo it.
  • CarmenChaban
    CarmenChaban Posts: 33 Member
    I think I got the ticker working

  • CarmenChaban
    CarmenChaban Posts: 33 Member
    I could use some friends for motivation...please add me if you would like the same. I'm not new to running but it's been a few years. I'm 49 now and would like to run a marathon next year.
  • twobirdperch
    twobirdperch Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I'm Amber! I'm a newbie runner, having started about 2 months ago.. I ran my first 5k last weekend and have already signed up for another for the first week of August. This group seemed like a perfect fit! I'm ready to keep myself accountable and better my time on this next 5k.
  • foodiemama1975
    foodiemama1975 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I run 3 to 4 days a week, squeezing in what I can right now between a full-time job and single motherhood. I run about 8 to 10 miles per week, but am looking to get up to 15 miles per week and 60 miles a month. It's a time challenge, but I love it!!
  • sara_bear84
    sara_bear84 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi. My name is Sara and I started running in January from a zero fitness level. I live in the UK and I am a 32 year old mum of one and step-mum of two. I currently run to aid my weight loss and I am happy to say I have caught the running bug! I recently completed my second wolf run and am in training for my third in September. I currently run 3 times a week approximately 5km (3 miles) per session.
  • surf_rgrl
    surf_rgrl Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! Nice to meet you guys, I'm Sarah. I recently graduated medical school and have begun my residency in Neurology. I'm really hoping to maintain some resemblance of fitness over the next few years. My goal is to run 20 miles a week and finish July with 80 miles.