What was your fasting BG today?



  • cloudy68
    cloudy68 Posts: 65 Member
    That is a great improvement in your A1C, leanmachine -- you worked hard for this with your diet and exercise plan!
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    6.9 (124.2)
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    104 :)
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    8.3 (149.4) Here's something I just thought of this morning. If you wake up hungry, and your FBS is high, could it be because your liver was dumping glucose during the night?
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    90 today. Doing better the last few days. Getting A1c next week. Weight still going down.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    cloudy68 wrote: »
    That is a great improvement in your A1C, leanmachine -- you worked hard for this with your diet and exercise plan!

    Thanks, Cloudy68. :) Today was 119 again. I hope to be in normal range next time.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    JaneKnoll1 wrote: »
    Yea! My A1c went from 6.3 to 5.9 over the last three months. :) Today was 119 FBS
    EXCELLENT!!!!!! Well done!

    Thanks for the support Jane :)
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    7.6 (136.8) I've looked back over my logs, and there are very few mornings where my BG was below 6. I think I just have that morning high. I've even tried not eating past 7, or nothing after supper. So, the rest of the day is pretty steady and within range, so I'm not worried about it.
    Have a lovely day everyone!
    And good for you leanmachine.
  • JeffS435
    JeffS435 Posts: 133 Member
    114 this morning
  • JeffS435
    JeffS435 Posts: 133 Member
    8.3 (149.4) Here's something I just thought of this morning. If you wake up hungry, and your FBS is high, could it be because your liver was dumping glucose during the night?

    yes, the goal is not to starve yourself
  • JeffS435
    JeffS435 Posts: 133 Member
    jsimms435 wrote: »
    went low last night to 41 and may have over corrected. This morning I was 168

    Wow, that is low. What do you mean by over corrected?

    7.8 (140.4)

    I mean I was around 221 before bed, so I gave myself two units of insulin to get it lower. By midnight I was around 41. I had a evening meal with some fatty foods, so I probably should have left it alone. Fatty foods take longer for the body to absorb, so bg tends to stay higher longer
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    104 :)
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    jsimms435 wrote: »
    8.3 (149.4) Here's something I just thought of this morning. If you wake up hungry, and your FBS is high, could it be because your liver was dumping glucose during the night?

    yes, the goal is not to starve yourself

    I'm trying my hardest to get enough calories while keeping my fats between 20 and 30 grams per day, and carbs 105 - 115.
    It's a good thing I see the endocrinologist this month as well as their dietician.

    Thanks jsimms435,
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    jsimms435 wrote: »
    8.3 (149.4) Here's something I just thought of this morning. If you wake up hungry, and your FBS is high, could it be because your liver was dumping glucose during the night?

    yes, the goal is not to starve yourself

    I'm trying my hardest to get enough calories while keeping my fats between 20 and 30 grams per day, and carbs 105 - 115.
    It's a good thing I see the endocrinologist this month as well as their dietician.

    Thanks jsimms435,

    (30 x 9) + (115 x 4) = 730

    Wow, I wouldn't want to try that. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at that dietitian visit.
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    jsimms435 wrote: »
    8.3 (149.4) Here's something I just thought of this morning. If you wake up hungry, and your FBS is high, could it be because your liver was dumping glucose during the night?

    yes, the goal is not to starve yourself

    I'm trying my hardest to get enough calories while keeping my fats between 20 and 30 grams per day, and carbs 105 - 115.
    It's a good thing I see the endocrinologist this month as well as their dietician.

    Thanks jsimms435,

    (30 x 9) + (115 x 4) = 730

    Wow, I wouldn't want to try that. I'd love to be a fly on the wall at that dietitian visit.

    Yeah, I know, I'm in for a lecture. I have been trying to get at least 1000 calories a day, ideally, 1200. The problem is the fat. If I eat more than 30g's a day, I will end up with another pancreatitis flare up, and I just can't take another one.
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    104 this morning. Had 1/2 c strawberries last night before bed. Usually around 90.
  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    Jan93L wrote: »
    90 today. Doing better the last few days. Getting A1c next week. Weight still going down.
    Excellent!!!! I know the A1C results are weighted more heavily on the last month and weeks more than anything!!
  • judyvalentine512
    judyvalentine512 Posts: 927 Member
    7.6 (136.8) Again I was below my calorie intake. But, on the positive side, I had enough fat. and no pain this morning.
  • leanmachine514
    leanmachine514 Posts: 633 Member
    @judyvalentine512 Thanks :) I usually have a mid evening snack before I go to bed. It keeps me stable. FBS this am was 110
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    Back to 91 this morning