Quzzdragon's Weight-Loss



  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I hope you enjoyed your birthday...and that all you can eat crab dinner! Have you broken through the plateau yet?
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I haven't weighed again - weigh-in tomorrow :)

    Guys - I just made these Lemon Ricotta Cookies with a Lemon Glaze and they are AMAZING! Seriously you have to try them. I put them in MFP and they come out to around 115 calories each - Not bad for a sweet treat! :grin:
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Sounds like you are getting all set to do some serious moving. Way to go. Those cookies sound really nice. I might have to try them.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Seriously struggled and failed with temptations over the weekend, but I feel pretty good today, so maybe I wasn't as bad as I worried? I forgot to weigh in yesterday, so I guess I'll do so tonight. I hate weighing at night, but I really have no clue what the scales have done for the last week and a half. Will update then.

    Did some serious cooking on Saturday including 24 mini-quiches for breakfasts and those cookies I mentioned. All set for breakfasts for the month now and my freezer is PACKED. Luckily we can fit all of our food in the freezer and don't have to worry about it going bad while we're gone. Just using up a few leftovers this week and then we're off.

    Laundry and packing this week. WOO.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    not long now hon. I'm getting excited for you
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Despite my indulgence this weekend, I lost a pound this week. I couldn't weigh in at the same time of day, but I'm still excited about the loss. I'll weigh once more Friday morning before we leave and we can see truly how bad I am on my cruise :tongue:

    Lemon Ricotta cookies are struggling now - they got soggy-ish. Wondering if putting them in the fridge will help the glaze stay hard. I'm sharing them with the office to engender some good-will, so that they don't go bad while we're on our cruise, AND so we don't eat them all.

    Heading to the library today on my lunch break (instead of walking in the rain) and picking up books for us for our trip. I love having the kindle, but there's nothing like a good book in the sun. :)

    Happy rainy Tuesday!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Way to go on the loss! :)

    I definitely agree, I also have a kindle and love it but there really isn't anything like having the real deal in your hands. haha One time I was reading a paperback book and came across a word I had no idea what it meant and I went to click on it like I was using my kindle to get a definition. :P To my defense, it was the first paperback I had read in a long time because I had been using my kindle for quite some time so that can be expected. haha :smiley:

    Happy Tuesday! (I so wish it wasn't rainy, it has been gloomy and rainy here for the last week...sigh and mope. haha)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Quzz, I don't know if I missed you or not, but have a great time on the cruise! I hope you feel amazing in your bathing suit! As for the slight muffin top, don't worry about it, and don't feel like you need to cover it up just be confident in anything that you wear.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello Friends! This will be my last post before the cruise!!! SO looking forward to it. I know I'll eat horribly and drink way too much and gain weight, but it's a cruise. I'm going to enjoy myself. Hubby and I are already planning morning work-outs together in the gym and I'll be bringing my Garmin, so I'll at least try to keep up with my steps. I might take a step back in my fitness goals, but I'm going to do my best at making it a baby step. Packed everything last night and making last minute lists this morning.

    My sisters and I are planning on leaving a voicemail on my dad's cell for him to play for mom on Mother's day and we'll pick up a postcard in FL before we set sail. I'll make it up to her with a late dinner sometime later this month. I'm sure she'll understand.

    @50extra Thank you for your encouragement! I plan to look and feel awesome in my skin - no matter if I muffin-top or gain weight on the cruise. I packed two formal dresses - one is a little loose and is black and hides all of the lumps and bumps; the other is tight and clings to places I usually try to hide (I call it my fish-dress since it's yellow with a blue sheer overtop making it look like a green tropical fish). I'm going to try to force myself to wear the fish dress and be proud of my loss so far.

    I won't be logging into MFP while I'm away (goodbye log-in streak) but I think I'll try to keep a mini-paper log while we're sailing. Nothing too in depth, just a reminder for myself day-to-day. One final weigh-in tomorrow morning before we leave and a weigh-in when we get back to see how bad I was. Crossing my fingers :p

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, great week, and great weekend! Keep up the great work!

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Have a safe trip and enjoy!
    Look forward to hearing about it when you get back! :)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Haven't been on here in a while. Happy belated birthday. On the size changes you've really did a great job. Strut your stuff on the cruise !!!!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I know i've missed you but have an awesome cruise and relax and enjoy
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    HELLO!!!!! I've miss you guys. My scale missed MFP too ;) I had a TON of fun on this cruise and walked SO much. My Garmin said I reached my "goal" everyday - usually by noon. The ship was just so big you can't help but walk a ton and the excursions were all fairly energetic. So...

    The bad news: I'm up 6 pounds. Not nearly as bad as I thought it'd be, but I'm back over 160 again. Back on track as of today and moving forward. I know I can make it.

    The so-so news: we went to the gym... once. :innocent:

    The other bad news: I got a minor sinus infection (part of the reason we only went to the gym once) while on the ship and I'm still fighting off the remnants. Not nearly as bad as it could have been, I still went on my excursions (and I didn't get it until after my favorite excursion) but I took a lot of naps. So... I guess that makes it a good vacation :tongue:

    The good news: we had a blast. We swam with a sea lion and got a kiss! SO MUCH FUN. Worth every penny and I can't wait to do it again sometime. It was at a small aquarium-type park called Coral World in St. Thomas and I HIGHLY recommend you go if you're in the area. Not a big park, only there for three hours or so, but enough to see everything and get a wet fishy kiss :grin: They also had a huge under-water viewing area for the aquarium and a section where you can snorkel or use an under-water diving helmet. Lots of bang for the buck. Next day I got the sinus infection, but we did a driving tour of Tortola and it was fairly boring and didn't require a lot of effort on my part, so I could relax. If your "tour" includes showing us were the local trash incinerator and water desalination plants are, your town is too boring to charge for the tour. Sorry. The beach was beautiful and definitely the best part of that trip. I had to ease into the ocean since I was feverish, but once I was in the water was clear and lovely. The last day we were in Nassau and we did the "Atlantis Aquadventure." Let me tell you - skip it. It was terrible. The tour is so poorly organized and the park is so poorly laid out, that it was two hours in the hot sun before we even got to go down any water slides. Then, the operator of one of the slides must not have been paying attention and told another lady to go down too soon, and she hit my poor sister in the butt so hard she has a HUGE bruise. Terrible. Anyway - skip it if you ever go. Beautiful, but not worth the money.

    All in all and awesome trip. Did some fresh-food shopping already but taking it easy so we can return to work healthy. I hope everyone had a great week!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Glad you had a good time and got some rest! :)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Quzz don't even look at the 6 pounds as a bad thing. It is a side effect of going on a cruise. There is just too much good food and good drinks to not indulge for the week holiday. I learned the same thing in April for my holidays and while it stresses me out to have lost a month of losing, it was so worth it. For me personally I am never naturally going to be thin and fit and I am always going to gain weight fast but by living a Healy life most of the time it will afford luxuries like the cruise you just went on. You know what needs to be done to lose, now work hard and get back under 160 and closer to your goal again.

    I'm willing to bet that most of that weight falls off quickly just by drinking a ton of water and flushing out your system. I bet you will be surprised.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement! I'm surprised (happily) how quickly my body is adjusting to the lower-calorie intake already. I was worried that since it was used to so many calories I'd be hungry all the time, but I'm just a little munchy. Having pre-made breakfasts ready for me really helps - thank goodness I made so many right before the trip.

    Hubby and I looked at each other last night and realized we had to pack lunches - almost forgot! So used to just walking to the café. :tongue: Lovely salad for lunch and lots of water today to get on track like you said, @50extra . Thanks for the encouragement. Like you said - I definitely am not made about the gain - I was worried it'd be worse! But I'm definitely ready to work towards getting below 160.

    Office was still standing when I returned. First job I've had where I had more snail-mail than emails when I returned haha! Already mostly caught up and will definitely be all set by tomorrow.

    Hubby is interested in finding a local gym, so I'm researching my options this week. For now it's still cool enough we could just go outside to run/walk etc., but soon the heat will scare us indoors. Maybe I can try running before that.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Welcome back @Quzzdragon12 that cruise sounds awesome. Shame about the bugs but it doesn't seem to have slowed you down too much. As 50 said don't be too concerned about the gain. It will come off in no time and you seem very committed to making it happen so that is half the battle. 160 will come around again before you know what hit you.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    So glad you had fun on cruise. Don't you hate not feeling up to par when traveling. I loved St Thomas when we were cruising. I thought 6lbs sound pretty good especially with the "All you can eat" with cruising. Welcome back !!!!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Had one of those crazy hectic awful mornings, but it seems to have turned around (knock on wood!). I've been fasting since after dinner last night to get blood work done today (just routine check-up kinda blood work) so I didn't have breakfast. I packed one of my mini-quiches planning on eating it at work. Hubby put my coffee in a thermos for me to take and I planned on bringing my daily vitamins and some pseudophed since I'm still fighting this headcold. Well... I forgot the coffee and the pills at home. I had the address of the lab in my phone's GPS, but my brain (still coffee-deprived and sleepy) turned like I was going to work. I finally made it to the lab and they took me pretty quickly, but the phlebotomist used a large needle, had to wiggle it to find the vein, then my vein collapsed. So she had to stick me AGAIN. I requested a butterfly needle that time 'cuz that's crazy. She couldn't find the vein. She tried one more time before I finally asked for a new tech. She stuck me once and finished up the tubes. 4 needle sticks and two HUGE bruises later, I was finally on my way to work (and breakfast). Got to work, put my quiche in the microwave. Our microwave at home is ancient and SUPER weak - which I forgot. So a minute later I came back to a burnt disgusting quiche.

    The turn around being that I needed to run to BJ's for work supplies anyway, so I ran home first (only 15 minutes) and got another quiche and my morning pills. Got the shopping done, put away, and back to my desk. Finally feeling like my day has evened out.

    Sinus pressure is making me grumpy in the evenings and not feeling like working out at all. Trying to take a page from @Kell2912 's book and just do it anyway. My knees were hurting yesterday too - I think it's the weather, but also probably doesn't help that I fell off the PT exercise bandwagon for a while. Back to it. One more day until the weekend!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Way to go you for sticking with things. Shame about not feeling so well though. Hopefully the weekend has been good to you and you have had a good rest.