
  • christa10607
    christa10607 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey all :) I'm Christa and I'm 5'3 190lbs. I'm 26 and I've been overweight my whole life. I've definitely been in better shape though. At 5'3, I think I should be in the 120-130 range, but I'd be OK with 140-150 if I'm physically fit with a lot more lean muscle and less fat. I go through phases when my diet and exercise routines are on point and I get down to about 175, then gain it all back over a few months. I feel like I'm at an age when some small changes can have a huge impact on my future and I know this all gets harder as you get older. Hopefully with some support, we can all make some major progress!
  • Bhemi
    Bhemi Posts: 3 Member
    Hello fellow SYSK peeps! I'm Brian, 6'0" and currently at 210.2 lbs. My heaviest was 332. It's been a year and a half journey to my end goal. My goal is to get down to 200 and then go for more weights and less cardio to get at a final weight of 210. I think this group is a great idea. I know we can all help each other get to where we want to be!
  • jlwofford
    jlwofford Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everybody, thanks for being so brave! I'm Jenean and I'm 5'7" and 171 pounds. I've lost 50 pounds and want to get down to 150.

    Celebrate every pound folks!
  • spencendawn
    spencendawn Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone! I am Dawn. I am currently 172 and would like to get to 130. A few years ago I lost 40 pounds using Weight Watchers. I have gained it all back plus 2 more pounds. I am trying so hard to lose it again and keep it off.
  • vickibaptiste
    vickibaptiste Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Everyone. I'm Vicki, I'm 5'7'' around 290 (yikes!). Don't exactly know how I got here. You'd think i'd have at least one kid to show for it, but it just me and some rice crispy treats.
  • themattcass
    themattcass Posts: 6 Member
    Howdy folks, my name is Matt and I started at 198, down to 177, and my goal is to go into my healthy range of 117-155 (I'm 5'6").
  • waynehinkin
    waynehinkin Posts: 3 Member
    6'3", 326 lbs. YIKES! Onwards and upwards! Good luck all! Be well.
  • mkhum
    mkhum Posts: 1 Member
    I am Maggie. 5'9", 176lbs. I am pretty lean/muscular and athletic, but I'm about 10lbs shy of my pre-baby weight and I would ideally like to get to 160. I'm so frustrated! I just want my pants to fit!
  • Lndarden50
    Lndarden50 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello!!!! My name is Lisa, and I am a 4 foot nothin' (okay, 4ft 8) weighing in at 143lbs! My goal is to get down to 125/130, which was my weight when I was still a member of the University of Arkansas' colorgaurd! :smiley:
  • cameronhopman
    cameronhopman Posts: 3 Member
    Stated out a few weeks ago at 217.2 lbs, now I'm down to 212 lbs... Thanks Chuck for setting this up!
  • bowsah13
    bowsah13 Posts: 2 Member
    Nicole here. 5'3", currently at 167. Finishing up the last week of my workplace Biggest Loser competition where I'm down 5.5 lbs so far. I'm down about 20lbs from my highest. I've been doing different cardio and weight lifting programs. Tomorrow I start Body Beast to try and build up some muscle. So it's not necessarily about weight loss for me, but changing my body shape.
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    Hi all, I'm Emily. I'm 5 ft 7 and a round (feels like literally...) 150 lbs. I lost over 20 lbs a few years ago and was so proud, but I'm now actually heavier than I was before that. At my biggest I was 160 lbs though so at least I'm not back there.

    Restarted boot camp sessions just over a month ago and am doing three sessions a week + one or two runs. My biggest downfalls are bread, butter and wine!
  • hutch111994
    hutch111994 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all let me start by saying you're all so inspiring! I can't wait to hear how you're progressing on your goals.
    I'm Sam. I'm 5'7" and 175 lbs; my goal is the weight I started college at, which was 160, but I'm pleased to be down from 195 which was my weight after the holidays.
  • suzannewhtny
    suzannewhtny Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Guys! I'm Suzanne. I just finished my Master in Music, Yay! But my strategy for making it through was definitely stress eating. As a result I am the heaviest I have ever been. I am 5'9" and around 185 lbs. I think I'd like to get back down to 150 lbs, but mostly I just want to feel comfortable in my clothes and in myself again!
  • Celesteconnelly
    Celesteconnelly Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Celeste and I am 5'5 and weight 190lbs. I have a 8 month old baby and unfortunately he did a number on my stomach and stomach muscles. I would ideally like to around 160lbs but I am worried my stomach will never get back to before baby number 2 without surgical help. We started juicing about 3 weeks ago and have incorporated salads with protein for dinner I have also joined a crossfire gym and try to go 3-4 times a week.
  • christiansalter
    christiansalter Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone, my name is Chris. I'm 5' 10" and weigh 205. I was about 220 when I started using MFP. I've been inconsistent with tracking my food over the last year, but I always see positive results when I do use the app. I want to get to a typical weight/BMI for my height...around 170, so I have a ways to go. Recently, I started taking weight loss really seriously and added going to the gym a few times a week to my routine. So far so good - I'm dropping 1-2 pounds a week and a am seeing a difference in how my clothes fit!
  • jjfader
    jjfader Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Jacob Fader and I'm 5'5". My weight is 197 right now which is down from 220 in January, but still a long way to go to fit my goals. I'm not looking good for a target weight exactly, but a more healthy body all around.
  • Irizzzle
    Irizzzle Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Irene. I'm 34 years old, 5'7" and weigh 155 pounds. Four years ago I used myfitnesspal to go from 153 pounds to 125 pounds, and I was in the best shape of my life. I kept my weight in the 125-135 pound range until I got pregnant early last year. Now I'm back on myfitnesspal to lose the rest of the baby weight. I'm putting my goal weight at 130 pounds. I'm learning this time around that losing weight when you have a baby takes a lot more planning and coordination!
  • markerr07
    markerr07 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, Mark here. I'm 5'11" and about 165-170 lbs. I have the quintessential "beer gut". I'd like to lose the gut (but keep enjoying tasty craft beers. Maybe not too many) and increase my energy. I am almost 33 with a 19-month old daughter who is already running circles around me.