

  • dancinonapiano
    dancinonapiano Posts: 1 Member
    Hi friends! I'm Katie. I'm 5'5 and currently weigh 155. I gained 20 lbs after being hit by a car while biking last summer. As an athlete, I'm not too concerned about getting back down to that weight but just want all my clothes to fit comfortably again! Best of luck to everyone with reaching your goals!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Hello SYSKers! Im Liz. 5'4" and about 150lbs. Looking to get back to 125 or 130.
  • Jeffdozier
    Jeffdozier Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Chuck I just heard your episode on chiggers and I'm really glad DC you have started this fitness pal for him I've been using fitness pal off and on since 2012 I've gone from 235 whenever I first started up to 244 back down to 233 now. I've noticed that whenever I use my fitness pal I lose weight when I forget to use it I gain weight; it's really that simple. If you use this consistently it's pretty easy to lose weight it's just amatter of changing your habits and routine. PS consider cutting out most all carbs and all sugar from your diet... I lost over 10 pounds pretty easy that way
  • cyndiwlasichuk
    cyndiwlasichuk Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Cyndi! 6' tall. 194lbs. A few years ago I was feeling down and grad school was taking its toll. Instead of focusing more on school, I started running (something I had always scoffed at). I started tracking what I was eating on mfp because I had just gone vegetarian and I wanted to see how I was doing with protein intake. This morphed into me finally trying the app "Zombies, run!", which had been on my radar for a couple years but I hadn't taken the initiative to try out. It's one of the main reasons I stuck with running! I lost about 30lbs over 4 months(starting weight of 220lbs), started biking and did my first triathlon. Then I got in hot water with school and fitness went to the back burner while I finished up grad school. Now, finally, this past January I was upset with how I was looking in photos so finally found the drive to smarten up. Instead of focusing on losing weight, my goals are to be stronger; run, bike, and swim longer and faster; and to tackle multiple races this summer (I already completed my first half marathon this spring and have my first tri of the year in a couple of weeks). I don't restrict calories too much (I follow the mfp guide for losing approx 1 lb/week) as I need those calories to give me energy while training. I train 5-7 times/week. It takes a lot of time to train for a tri, but I have that time to give and I am loving it!! I am trying to avoid looking at the scale numbers and reading too much into them. I can tell by my gym numbers that I am getting stronger, my race times are proof that I am getting faster, and my clothes are fitting better. I even hit my target 10k pace already (and set a new personal best!). Everyone, just stick to a plan and cut yourself some slack; if I didn't have sweets now and then, and said no to treats in social settings, there's no way I would still be at this 5 months later. Cheers :)
  • Spencer2112
    Spencer2112 Posts: 2 Member
    Howdy from Texas! Mark here. 6'-1", currently 208 lbs. Max I have been is 228. Goal is 190.
  • jen2929c
    jen2929c Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I'm Jen, 5'5". At my last physical exam a year ago I weighed ~190 and I haven't been able to work up the courage to weigh myself since, as the same clothes still fit so I know it hasn't gotten any better. Just slowly gained weight a bit at a time over the years. I go through spurts of an exercise and diet routine, then work, life, etc. get in the way and I fall out of the routine so haven't been able to get much traction on the weight loss front. I would love to lose weight both to look better and to feel better, and to get on track to be healthier overall.

    Thanks, Chuck, for starting this! I'm sure some camaraderie and some accountability will be helpful!
  • katemnscot
    katemnscot Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Kate. I'm 5'5" and 168 pounds. I've just had a baby - OK, 4 months ago - and would like to get down to 140. Being on maternity leave and constantly meeting friends for coffee and cake is not helping!
  • a_duche
    a_duche Posts: 3 Member
    Salut from Québec! I'm Annie, 5'5" and 140lbs. I'd like to get down to 125 by next summer and build some muscles!
  • FullEunThrough
    FullEunThrough Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Tyler. I am 5' 10" and weigh 175. At the start of the month of May I weighed 185. I have been working hard all month to start improving my health both by losing weight and eating right. I would love to be between 150-160. I'm glad I can come here and talk with other members and give support. Good luck everyone!
  • nationstaylor
    nationstaylor Posts: 1 Member
    Hi SYSK team!

    I'm Taylor, I'm 27- 5'6"ish and 160 lbs. I would love to get back to 140lbs. Which is where I was a few years ago when I was playing roller derby. I felt so much better about myself and had a lot more energy and strength. I'm just getting over an ankle break and am going to use this time to get back into fitness! Both exercise and diet (and less beer!)

    Thanks Chuck for putting this together- you're the man!
  • gfelsher
    gfelsher Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Geoffrey (Geoff) Felsher. 6' 268 pounds. To start the year, I was 284 so I'm already on my way. To this point, my weight isn't a huge problem, but I'm fairly young and am realistic what it will do long-term. I'm so excited to be doing this with you all.
  • dannyboi313
    dannyboi313 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey all... I just heard Chuck's invite on the podcast. My name is Daniel, I'm 5'8" and currently weigh about 190. My goal is to get to 170-175.
    I relocated to Atlanta (and all the great food) about a year ago and put on the weight so easily.
    This came at a time when I needed the added encouragement. Thank you all -- here's to us.
  • anneallen918
    anneallen918 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I too just heard Chuck mention this group and I'm thrilled to join. I love this app and have been using it off and on for about a year. My name is Anne. I am 5'9 and weigh 172 lbs. My goal is 165 lbs and Fit by 40!
  • HEHurt
    HEHurt Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, everyone! I'll start off by saying that I love SYSK and was delighted to hear Chuck announce this group. My name is Hannah, and I'm 5'9" and 207 pounds. I was 300 pounds when I graduated high school and college, but fearing not being hired due to seeing articles about prejudices against obese people in interviews, I started working my tail off during grad school & lost 90 pounds in a year. For the next two years, I struggled balancing working as an auditor with taking the CPA tests, fundraising for & running a couple of charity half marathons, studying for the GMAT, & applying for doctorate programs, & I was just really not able to get the focus back that I once had during that busy season of life. My ultimate goal is to be 160 & to be able to run a half marathon in every state (I've done MS, FL, & TN so far). I start an accounting PhD program in the fall, so I'm trying to lose a good chunk of my weight this summer. The day I finally pass the 200 pound mark will be an all out celebration!
  • raymondrowell
    raymondrowell Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hey there, my name is Raymond, I live in Sydney Australia and am trying to lose weight but eat and drink way too much. My current weight is 96kg (211.644lb.) And I'm 6'2". My worst was 110kg (242lb.) while my best was 72kg (185lb.) while I was running marathons. My ideal weight would be 80-85kg. Good luck to everyone here.
  • Jpstrader21
    Jpstrader21 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Jason. As of today I'm 260 lbs my all time high was 280 from a low of 220 during university. I've gone through a few periods of being fit since but never below 250 and it always inches back up. Currently traveling so I have the time it's just staying motivated. Weakness is beer, pretty much simple as that.
  • SonjiaLeyva
    SonjiaLeyva Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Sonjia, and, after three kids and not loosing the baby weight after each, I'm 5'7" and 245 lbs. Ideally I'd like to get down to 150, but my goal right now is 180.
  • kierseyrock
    kierseyrock Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    I am about 5'5" 320 lbs. I am the heaviest I have ever been but I have been a big girl my entire life and I am ready to see a different person in the mirror. My goal long term (but probably not ultimate) is 200 which scares me a little that that is still high. I am excited to be a part of this group I have already seen a lot of good suggestions.
  • mcpe29
    mcpe29 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Melanie and after losing some baby weight in the first few months, I've gone back up 5kg to 68kg (150lbs). I think it's partly due to antidepressants for PND, but since I'll have to stay on them for about a year I'd like to see what I can do to lose some weight and start getting a bit of a figure back in the meantime. Hoping this group will help motivate me!! If there's not already threads for them I'm going to start an Australian, a post-baby, and a fructose malabsorption thread :)
  • dena90265
    dena90265 Posts: 1 Member
    Ok here goes. In Dena and I'm 5'3" on a good day and today I weigh 159.4. I got down to where I wanted to be (130) years ago (8) doing Weight Watchers. I was 10 pounds lighter at thanksgiving last year and then I broke my ankle. So now my ankle is mostly fixed and approaching 48 and well, no more whining. I'm a runner and want to get back to my half and full marathon fighting weight.