
  • nordmeyerc671
    nordmeyerc671 Posts: 1 Member
    We all have our weight struggles I'm 5'10 130 pounds and trying to get to 150 through muscle building and healthy diet.
  • CanwllCorfe
    CanwllCorfe Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'11, and I weigh 209. I was weight lifting a lot last year, so I know that's a big part of my weight. My original goal was to try and be big and burly, but I decided that it makes no sense to be that strong in day to day life. My goal is to get back to around 160-170, which I was when I was about 19. I may have to go off body fat instead though, because I have far more muscle mass than I did at that time.
  • edgarramirez104
    edgarramirez104 Posts: 1 Member
    Wassup sysk homies. 20 years old, 5'5" weighing in 190 and some change. Goodluck to everyone!! :D
  • randolfpringles
    randolfpringles Posts: 2 Member
    I'm Randy. 33 years old. 6' 340 pounds.
  • brett61188
    brett61188 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys. I'm Chris. I'm 27 years old and I weigh 217 lbs at 6'. Down from 350. Been stable for the past few months, but I my ideal would be 180 or so.
  • pcvchristine
    pcvchristine Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Christine. At my highest weight in December I weighed 275. I am down to 220, and my goal is to get to 165, which puts me at the half-way point.
  • Deftness
    Deftness Posts: 12 Member
    Hello group. My weight right now is 210 and I am about 5''6 and a HALF. Yes, that half counts lol. :D My first goal is to get into ONE-derland! Just being under 200 is my main focus. I've been working out at home. I just started Insanity Max 30 yesterday. I dont doubt the workout more than my ability to actually stick to a healthy diet.
  • jdricketts
    jdricketts Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! This is Joe. I'm 5'9 and weigh 230. Short term goal is to feel better. Long term goal isto be under 200 lbs. and maintain a healthy weight as I age. I feel that I'm addicted to food (have many symptoms of an addiction) and am working to tackle the issue as one as I diet and exercise. Looking forward to growing (and shrinking ) with you all!
  • jamaiscredule
    jamaiscredule Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm Sue. 35. 149lbs. Totally inconsistent and needing to get back into regular exercise. A little hard to do with foot surgery on the horizon. I appreciate any suggestions for overcoming that and getting in shape at the same time.
  • DPG55
    DPG55 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Everyone. My names David and I'm 5'11 and 205 pounds with a goal weight of 170. Growing up I was nearly 250 and knocked it down to 175 but have let myself go once again. It's been a promise to my self I won't fall back to my biggest so I'm deciding to make the change back to healthy living. Let's knock this weight off like Chuck and Josh do with topics on the show!
  • Nancy12302
    Nancy12302 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Nancy. I'm 5'9" and weigh 270. I want to ultimately lose 100 lbs. After years on the couch I started working out again about 6 weeks ago. I feel good about taking that step but I haven't lost a single pound. I need to get the food piece under control. It's daunting.
  • tgabycan
    tgabycan Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Gaby! I am 5"0 and 145 lbs. My goal weight is 115. After adopting a vegan lifestyle and really pushing myself to excersice regularly, I was the healthiest I have ever been, but after a trip to Mexico in December, I've fallen off the bandwagon and started making unhealthy decisions. This is the heaviest I've ever been and I'm hoping with the motivation from this group and the help of this app I can get back to where I was! Good luck!
  • mcclellansylla111
    mcclellansylla111 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Sylla. I've never joined a group like this before, but what can I lose ( besides some LBs!). I lost about 20lbs in the last year. I currently weigh about 172 and would like to get to 150. But more importantly, I'd like to just get over myself and be happy with who I am.
  • starzipan
    starzipan Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weigh 136 pounds. 2 and a half years ago I weighed 120, before I went on a medication that changed my metabolism. I went up to 150 in less than a year. I've been off the medication for a little over a year now and am disappointed the weight hasn't come back off. I'm also turning 30 this year and am afraid my body might be changing how I process calories all on its own, excluding medications.
    I want to get back down to 120, though I haven't felt at home in my own skin since I weighed 115.
  • blanklink
    blanklink Posts: 1 Member
    Chris here. Long time listener, love the show. Glad you're doing this, too, it's nice to have support. I'm 6'5" at 270 lbs which is out of control. I wanna drop down to at least 220 so it's going to take some dedication. Hopefully this helps me out to my goal.
  • 305van
    305van Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! My name is Vanessa. I am currently at 166lbs. I've been yo-yoing the past couple of months at my heaviest I was at 174lb. I'm 5"8" my goal is to get back to where I was two years ago... 145lbs. Curvy, lean and toned! I'm very excited to be on this journey with all of you!
  • Hello there, I'm Rosy. I'm 5'6 1/2" and currently 168lb. Before babies I was 133lb and would love to get back there, although I'm not sure how realistic that is. More than anything I'd like to establish sustainable diet and exercise habits and break the feast/famine cycle.
  • PudgyFellow123
    PudgyFellow123 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey folks. Name is Chris Lai and I was 235lbs about 5 years ago. I am 5'8" and have since lost a total of 70lbs. Been on the heavy side for most of my life. Long story short, mid life crisis kicked in and didn't like what I saw in the mirror. Really had no idea how I was going to lose weight so I thought, bodybuilders look good. Wonder what they did to look like that? Started calorie counting, measuring my macro nutrition, pumped iron and did light cardio. Falling off the wagon is a given, but getting back on ASAP is the key. I feel I have a way to go yet, and hope we can all move forward together in our own goals. SYSK rules!
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    I'm 31, 5'6" and 225lbs. I don't have a pound goal, i have a body fat percentage goal. I'm aiming for 25% body fat. I did just gain 10 lbs, but it was all pure muscle. *flex* My lean body mass is 145 lbs, so i am now carrying 80 pounds of fat. My goal is to lose some of the fat while building muscle.
  • ccicoski
    ccicoski Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Chris. Coming up on 67 years old and had gotten up to 219 pounds. Blood pressure up, big belly, yuck. Have gotten down to 183 and struggle to break the 180 mark. 5'11" so I think 175-180 would be a good range to be in