2016 MFP Grand Tour Challenge - Vuelta Now Up and Rolling...



  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member

    Team Twinkie Scoff


    Come on, Team Twinkie Scoff! We can do this!


  • banshee1013
    banshee1013 Posts: 125 Member
    I am the (literal) worst :( I finally posted an update for the log and it's a thing of immense sadness. Work, illness, and house emergencies have kept me off the bike the *entire* Giro so far - I even missed the Tour of California going practically right by my house! ARGH.

    Bike To Work Day is Friday. I should at least be able to get 20 km in on that day :confounded:
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    Hi Team Twinkie Scoff: looks like Saturday is not rideable here in Hong Kong according to the weather forecast so expect to be a DNS for me >.<
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    I am the (literal) worst :( I finally posted an update for the log and it's a thing of immense sadness. Work, illness, and house emergencies have kept me off the bike the *entire* Giro so far - I even missed the Tour of California going practically right by my house! ARGH.

    Bike To Work Day is Friday. I should at least be able to get 20 km in on that day :confounded:

    Life does this to us sometimes. Ride when you can, and don't forget to enjoy it when you do - the sometimes the rarity makes it all the sweeter.

  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Stuff happens, banshee: life, illness, work, weather, whatever. Don't stress yourself about it. Just enjoy the riding you can do when you can do it.

    I had a day this week I just couldn't physically ride due to migraines and it was immediately followed by a day of horrible weather that kept us off the bikes. Stuff happens. Don't sweat it.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Team Twinkie Scoff,
    Sorry to bail but I am on vacation the remainder of the ride. Keep up the good work!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    well - that was a very restful rest day...

    didn't quite manage to get the spreadsheet all confirmed up and verified though...

    missing a post from one or two (ahem) people...

    @Dave2041 - 8 days unconfirmed
    @m1xm0d3 - 1 day unconfirmed
    @ruthbardell - 1 day unconfirmed

    @bsexton3 - 1 day unconfirmed
    @canbbot - 12 days unconfirmed
    @stewartlayzell - 11 days confinrmed

    @R4Snik - 5 days unconfirmed
    @banshee1013 - 4 days unconfirmed

    @andrewmayhall - 12 days unconfirmed
    @checkmate - 1 day unconfirmed
    @lbchilds2001 - 1 day unconfirmed
    @verdemujer - 6 days unconfirmed
    @sheep_dog - 10 days unconfirmed

    Come on guys - Jason and I were working like crazy at the start of this challenge to get the data entry automated... All I ask of you at this point is that you actually make your own "submissions" so that we can verify the pickup routines - its in ALL your interests to do this, because IF we can prove that this all works properly, we can pretty much drop the logging entries from your part for the other two grand tours...

    If we still have "blanks" at the end of the Giro, then it may be necessary to continue with manual logging - making everyone a whole lot more work. Can I ask someone from each of the teams who DOES log regularly to volunteer to "kick *kitten* and take names"... Send PM's and generally make the delinquents life a misery until they get their finger out and post.

    If you look at the list above, there's 73 potential sets of Strava data I need to check the accuracy of... I WAS hoping to get this done on the rest day... Oh - and YES - at the moment, I DO actually look at each of the strava posts, to check the computer picked up the right figures, and (the essential manual check) that the "ride" was actually a ride, not a walk, or a swim, or a duplicate Strava App AND Garmin recording, or a drive up the coast for 40 miles following a bike ride, then getting the bike off the rack and discovering the Garmin was still on... or any of the myriad ways that we can all screw up...

    Rant over.
  • ruthbardell
    ruthbardell Posts: 76 Member
    Sorry Mark, all up to date now, including my absence for the next couple of days. My wheel is now straight again following my little mishap at the weekend, just waiting or my knee to recover now.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    edited May 2016
    Sorry Mark, all up to date now, including my absence for the next couple of days. My wheel is now straight again following my little mishap at the weekend, just waiting or my knee to recover now.

    Sorry to hear you've been having "mishaps" - don't worry about the challenge, just focus on getting yourself working properly again....

    That goes for anyone BTW - if you have any problems that'll take you off the bike, just let me know via a PM on here, and I'll stop nagging you for data - don't rely on adding messages on Strava or suchlike, as I've got such a ridiculous number of people on my "newsfeed" there (pretty much everyone on all the challenges I've ever run on here...) that I don't often have the luxury or reading every post and description / messages... at least, not during one of the 3 week tour challenges!

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Yeah my bad, Mark. With all of the weekend rain last weekend, I fell off. Apologies and updated...
  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    I sent messages to the 2 TwinkieScoff girls you have unconfirmed
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Yeah my bad, Mark. With all of the weekend rain last weekend, I fell off. Apologies and updated...

    no problem - I just fancied getting everything okayed on the quiet day - not really quite so much your posts, more the people that have dropped off the end of the world since the first couple of stages that were my real concern.
    jillyian wrote: »
    I sent messages to the 2 TwinkieScoff girls you have unconfirmed

    wonderful... hope it gets through - I'll be honest, I'm thinking of giving preference to the people who DID log in regularly when it comes to signups - there's generally a bit more demand for places on the Tour and Giro, so maybe we can pick and choose...

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    well - unless the sun comes out this evening, and I decide to have a roll down to the local for a celebratory pint, I think I'm finished, showered and sat in the team bus waiting on the rest of team Pastana to cross the line...

    not too bad a showing for someone who got his ticker re-plumbed about 8 months ago - 725km and 20 of the 21 stages ridden... if anyone would have said that to me on the 5th September last year, as I was lying waiting to have 2 big bits of wire mesh inserted into my heart through a hole in my groin, I'd have been impressed and not a little sceptical...

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member


  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Sorry guys. A couple of long days with dog fights, C-Sections, Heart failures and Hit by Car cases and I'm spent. No rides this weekend.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Thanks again for hosting the big dance again this year Mark. It was enjoyable as always. I figured my work schedule would get in the way, as I have erratic and unpredictable clients. However, I still think I ended up beating the forecasted kilometers that I figured I could ride at the beginning of the big tour, so I'm happy with that. Maybe I'll get more cooperation from clients during the next big dance.

    Thanks again to you, and our great buddy Jason at CycleLeagues...Great work...
  • phytogurl
    phytogurl Posts: 671 Member
    edited May 2016
    A big THANK YOU to Mark for orchestrating another well organized, successful cycling challenge. I truly enjoyed it, and am thankful for you and the challenge getting me back on my bike!! I really am sad to see it end, and wish the next challenge could start tomorrow. :)

    Wonderful work from Jason with his cycleleagues...it made ride verifications a breeze this year.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thank you so much Mark (and Jason)!

    Looking ahead...

    So, I'm looking ahead to the Tour de France. I have a conference in the middle of that tour. Five days - no four actual racing days I think. I can probably ride the evening I return, but those three days in the middle are tricky (stages 12, 13, 14). Fortunately, I have no other planned travel during the tour this year! YEA!

    I'll be in Las Vegas for a big conference and I'm traveling with my boss's boss's boss, so I can't just wander off in the middle of the day and rent a bike and disappear for a couple of hours. I have, however, located bike rental places there, so maybe I can rent one for several days (if they'll let me keep it in the hotel room over night for a couple of nights?) and ride in the evenings a bit, if I can get away from Boss's boss's boss and the rest of the entourage (about 6 or 7 of us in total, none of whom will get the concept of "the old fat lady must ride a bike or die"). I can take my Garmin, of course, and ride with it in my pocket (which worked fine with the old Garmin in Austria last summer). I'm just hoping I can make the logistics work to at least get a short ride in some how or other.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    Okay folks, the riding's over for the Giro d'Italia... But I guess there's still the "Podium Ceremony" to be sorted out...

    Now, the Giro has always had all sorts of wierd and wonderful prizes on offer... Have a look at the link below and you'll see some of the competitions that go on within the race.


    I'm now going to explain how I've decided what Categories out of this wierd and eclectic mix that we're going to support within OUR little mini-giro...


    The pink jersey wearer. Simple one to decide - this is the rider that does the most Km's over the duration of the race - only stipulation is that you have to "confirm" the rides within a couple of working days of the end of the race finishing... So, it WOULD theoretically be possible for someone to ride 500km a day for the first 5 days, then not ride again for the duration of the challenge, not confirm their rides, and be marked as DNF on day 6, and not be eligable for the Maglia Rosa.


    The red jersey wearer, often referred to as the "sprinters jersey" though more accurately it is the "finishing points jersey" - in our case, as we don't get to ride together and sprint for a line, the nearest metric I could find was average speed - i.e. the jersey goes to the person with the fastest overall average speed. Similar to the Maglia Rosa, the only stipulation is that rides are declared through the whole tour - in this case, also, a minimum of 6 rides are needed, in at least 3 "sections" (i.e. the bits between the rest days - this giro has 4 sections due to the 3 rest days, typically there would be 2 rest days and 3 sections) of the tour...)

    This is basically to stop a "pot hunter" signing up, doing one "flying kilometer" around a outdoor velodrome at a stupid speed, then not logging anything else to reduce the averages... If any averages are thought to be "strange" then the original ".FIT/.TCX" files from the ride may be needed for analysis...


    The Blue Climbers Jersey is also pretty simply decided - it's the rider who books the highest number of Metres of ascent over the duration of the tour. Again, the rider does need to finish the tour to get the jersey, so the same criteria for finishing as apply to the Maglia Rosa are also in place for this Jersey.


    Nice and Simple again - goes to the Team that clock up the highest Number of Km's overall.

    Now we come to the more specific / slightly convoluted ones...

    Allied to the Maglia Azzurra is the Cima Coppi.

    In the real Giro, this is a prize awarded to the person who crosses the KoM line first, on the Highest point of the entire race... As this is about "speed of ascent", I've decided to award this prize to the person who has the highest "VAM" (Velocità Ascensionale Media - or Average Climbing Speed). As this is actually a "one off" prize, taken on a single day's ride, there's no requirement for "finishing" the challenge to pick up this prize.


    This is the breakaway prize in the Giro - but, it's basically an award for the person who puts in the most work in the challenge - it's harder work out in the break than in the peloton. As a measure of that, I've decided to use one of the facilities of the CycLeagues app, based on it's "points system" that combines Distance, Time in the saddle and Ascent into a single score. Put simply, in CycLeagues, select the "Giro d'Italia" from the pulldown, and see who's top of the 1st Cat Riders.


    In the Giro, this is a measure of aggression and hands out points for competing for categorised climbs, intermediate sprints, and stage finishes. Well - in OUR challenge, it goes to the most dedicated rider - To win it, you have to have ridden all the Stages. If more than one person rides all the stages, then it's decided on total distance.

    And, even though they don't have this award formally anymore, as I'm a bit of a stickler for tradition, I still want to award the


    For those of you who are unaware, this is basically the equivalent of the TdF's "Lanterne Rouge" - awarded to the person with the lowest overall distance ridden, who "finished" the tour (i.e. booked in their rides all the way through) AND who hit the same "competing all the way through" criteria as the sprinters jersey requires - so a minimum of 6 rides, in at least 3 sections of the Giro.

    And that's it I think... Lots of categories there...

    Hopefully, I'll get the final declarations sometime soon, and hopefully by tomorrow I'll have the "podium ceremony" thread sorted out.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    Oh - I knew I'd forget one - there's one category that WE have that the Giro doesn't really - and that's a COMBINED jersey - it's basically scored on points for your position in the three main Jersey competitions. 36 points for a Jersey win, 35 for second, down to 1 for DFL. In all three Jerseys (Pink,Red and Blue). Then Add your combined scores together. Biggest number gets the Combined jersey.