Weigh ins or measurements



  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    Starting weight: 330
    This morning: 301

    Total loss 29lbs

    After a few weeks where I put at least 6lbs on (possibly a lb or two more, I refused to weigh myself for at least ten days), I'm back where I was, which I'm really pleased about. Putting weight on takes so little time, taking it off is somewhat less easy!

    Two more lbs, and I'm in Twos-town....
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Well done Jenni, It is most unfair that it goes back on so easily. I still have a few pounds to go before finish undoing damage I did in April. We can celebrate though that at least we got right back to work disposing of the lb's again instead of carrying them around for months and adding more. You are so close to that goal.
  • BiggDaddy58
    BiggDaddy58 Posts: 406 Member
    My Starting weight was 308# on Feb 29th, 2016. I stepped on that delightful little scale this morning and it groaned back at me (but not nearly as bad a groan as in the past) 265.8#
    I am down 42.2# so far!
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    I totally forgot I was part of this group. I weigh myself every Monday, after working out and showering. I usually get on and off the scale about three times to see if I get the same number. If I have a gain, I usually weigh later in the day or the next day to see if it was a fluke.
    After that I make my peace and wait until the following Monday to weigh.
    I have to weight myself to know how I am doing with my eating. I thought about weighing monthly, but I know it probably would not work for me.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    OhMsDiva wrote: »
    I totally forgot I was part of this group.
    We are glad you found us again :smiley:

    I did my weekly weight watcher weigh in and lost 5lb again so now 294lb. The 55 miles I walked last week paid off.

  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    My Starting weight was 308# on Feb 29th, 2016. I stepped on that delightful little scale this morning and it groaned back at me (but not nearly as bad a groan as in the past) 265.8#
    I am down 42.2# so far!

    Thats terrific !!!
  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    Starting weight : 317.02
    Last week : 278.44
    Current weight : 276 ..

    Total loss 41.02 looks way better in pounds than kilos
    18.6 kg lol!!! :smiley:

  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    Starting weight 342 Mar 11
    Current 296.8
    45.2 lbs lost.
    Soon glad to be below 300, now at my 2009 weight. Next stop 292 my 2008 weight, then 255 my 2003 weight, then 240 my 2002 weight then 226 my 2001 weight. Then 220 my 10th grade weight. Then it's maintenance time!
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    I do my weigh-ins on Wednesdays.

    My starting weight (on 3/23/2016) was 302 lbs.
    Total weight GAINED since starting was: + 1.4 lbs.

    My prior weekly weigh-in weight (on 5/11/2016) was 291.0 lbs.
    My current weekly weigh-in weight (on 5/18/2016) was 303.4 lbs.
    Weight GAINED during the last week was: + 12.4 lbs.
    Bad news--was off my diet all last week, so I expected to gain all my weight back.
    Good news--I'm starting over for the 5th time, beginning today.
  • jesscoll317
    jesscoll317 Posts: 85 Member
    A happy surprise on the scale -- 4 lbs lost this week. I haven't had that kind of number since the first few weeks when losing weight was easy. Total loss is now 31.6 lbs.
  • jesscoll317
    jesscoll317 Posts: 85 Member
    A happy surprise on the scale -- 4 lbs lost this week. I haven't had that kind of number since the first few weeks when losing weight was easy. Total loss is now 31.6 lbs.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member

    I'm starting over for the 5th time, beginning today.

    Stick with it Barney my journey has not been smooth either
    I think what works best for me is filling my life with non food activities. Walking has been fantastic because it gets me moving, it reduces my stress levels and uses up lots of my time. Been raining where I am today and just been sat around bored and munching. I am going to look into getting myself some waterproof gear. Walking seems to be working fantastic for Rob
    too. Great losses there. I have now decided that I am not fat. I simply have excess fuel storage and the walking is using up the fuel store. Every step I take is lightening the load.

    1st Jan 330
    1st Feb 313 lost 17
    1st March 313 Stayed the same
    1st April 292 lost 21
    1st May 306 Gained 14

    Today 293 Lost 13
    overall loss so far 37lb

    My next goal is 292 because that will be 39lb lost which is 25% of my target to lose.
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    I realized that I haven't updated my weight/goals with you folks since I started back in March...

    Jan. 2015= 312 pounds
    Jan 2016= 272 pounds
    Mar. 2016 (joined MFP & this group)=259 pounds
    May 2016 (as of this morning)= 242 pounds

    It seems weird to me now, but I really hadn't calculated my total weight loss until today--I've actually lost 70 pounds since January of 2015!
    I'm now shooting for 235 by early June--it *seems* close, but I am notorious for self-sabotage, which is why I truly believe that being accountable daily to this group (& myself) is what's helped me to keep moving forwards even after I've taken a few steps backwards! :)
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    70lb lost is fantastic Audrey. That must feel good
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Today's official weigh in, I've lost 4lb. That is the 3.25lb I regained plus another 0.75lb :)

    Start weight 315lb
    Current weight 295lb
    Total lost so far 20lb
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    I keep bouncing around the 301lbs mark. I get there, and then something happens and I put a couple of lbs on. And then I lose those, get back to 301 and something else happens.

    I don't know why I have this psychological barrier. Its not physical, I know that, and I desperately want to cross over into the 200s, but I keep holding myself back. Maybe I've been this way for so long that part of me is actually scared of being slimmer. Its weird to say that, I know, but my weight has been a great tool in the past for keeping people away from me, but its also held me back from doing the things I want.

    I need to get my head straight, and get my (still sizable) butt over that barrier. I'm at 302 right now...
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    I do my weigh-ins on Wednesdays.

    My starting weight (on 3/23/2016) was 302 lbs.
    Total weight GAINED since starting was: + 1.4 lbs.

    My prior weekly weigh-in weight (on 5/11/2016) was 291.0 lbs.
    My current weekly weigh-in weight (on 5/18/2016) was 303.4 lbs.
    Weight GAINED during the last week was: + 12.4 lbs.
    Bad news--was off my diet all last week, so I expected to gain all my weight back.
    Good news--I'm starting over for the 5th time, beginning today.
    Keep at it hundreds and remember we're all here for you and we've all been there before. You can do this

  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    70lb lost is fantastic Audrey. That must feel good

    Thanks Laura. You would think I'd feel excited or have a sense of accomplishment, but I don't. I think it's because in those 16 or so months I've lost/gained/lost so erratically that it feels like a never-ending roller coaster! I tend to beat myself up by thinking that if I had been consistent in my choices I'd be further along in this battle with weight. Still, I try to remind myself that 70 pounds is nothing to sneeze at & that it IS progress in the right direction! :)

    ...I don't know why I have this psychological barrier. Its not physical, I know that, and I desperately want to cross over into the 200s, but I keep holding myself back.
    I need to get my head straight, and get my (still sizable) butt over that barrier. I'm at 302 right now...

    I was feeling the same way a few weeks ago. There was some emotional "barrier" that was keeping me from moving forward. I realized that when I came close to a certain weight, it triggered unpleasant memories of painful, sad events that occurred when I was at that particular scale # a few years back, and I would start to "eat" that pain again...weird huh?! I'm still struggling with it, but once I figured it out I was able to move forward a bit. I hope you figure it out! :|
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Sorry I've been absent here in the group for a while. Work just keeps being crazy. Currently, I'm stalled out at 279 - 281. Been on this plateau for 11 days now. In an effort to get off the plateau, I have made a completely new exercise routine, and started it yesterday. Here's to hoping that the next few days break through!
  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    Ive had the same this last 2 weeks or so since the 7th of May have been bouncing up & down between 125.8 & 125kg no going over on calories at the gym 4 times a week was starting to do my head in & one of the ladies in the bbl challenge I'm in posted this for me pi0rdayro309.jpg
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    Starting weight: 304
    Last week: ?? (off track for weeks. Last weigh in was 269 on 04/25)
    Current weight: 266.4

    Total Loss: 37.6 lb

    Thankfully, I've managed to lose (even only 2.6 lb) while not really tracking for a month! While I'm not happy that I got so off track, I'm really pleased knowing the months before that got me into healthier habits that enabled me to maintain/continue to lose while not paying attention. Hopefully back on track this week!
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    I'm going backwards, back over 300lb :(

    Start weight 315lb
    Last weigh in 295lb
    Current weight 301lb
    Total lost so far 14lb
    Difference this week +6lb
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Well with all the stress eating I have done in the last month I have only gained back 2 lbs . So back up to 320 ... could be much worse
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Hey all! Hope you're all having an awesome day. Yesterday's weigh-in was at 269.8. I'm out of the 270s!!!
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    I'm going backwards, back over 300lb :(

    Start weight 315lb
    Last weigh in 295lb
    Current weight 301lb
    Total lost so far 14lb
    Difference this week +6lb

    Fluctuations happen. Stay focused, keep working, and you'll get to where you want to be. I have fluctuated as much as 6 lbs before. Just take a deep breath, shake it off, and get back at it!
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    My weight loss has fluctuated all over the place but 289lb as of this morning which is lowest I have been for well over a year.

    Good for you!
  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    @Obesitywarrior Thats awesome Laura good for you !! :)
  • sharondjs
    sharondjs Posts: 676 Member
    @Pepperh3ad Well done :smiley:
  • carisalawson
    carisalawson Posts: 8 Member
    Well... I am guilty of weighing myself everyday. It has become an obsession. I have also noticed that my scale and the one at the Dr. are different. But I can now
    say without a doubt I am officially back in the 200's! I'm so super excited about this and it is such a huge motivator knowing how much time and effort I'm putting into getting healthy and it is finally paying off! I would like to meet that 40lbs gone by my 40th bday