Moms Needing to Lose 50+?



  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    I've gotten back to weight loss about a month ago, back to exact tracking on Saturday. I've lost 10 pounds in the last month. I had lost almost 100 from my original start weight, but the last few years have been yucky in my world. I've gained about half back. I have about 80 to lose to get to final goal. My little man will be 7 tomorrow.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I'm going to start a new group for women like me. I'm thinking it would be helpful for us moms to connect with healthy ideas for our whole family. I'm 30 and have 1 daughter who will be 2 at the end of the month. I need to lose at least 50 lbs. Comment here to be added to the group!

    @KatieMarie1106 Did you get a chance to start the group ? I'm excited!
  • Nana_nyc
    Nana_nyc Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been on and off on MFP. I am 32 y/o have 2 boys 12 and 6 week old. I need to lose over 50 lbs and would luv to be part of this group. Moms feel free to add me too the more support the better
  • tunjiwife
    tunjiwife Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm a mom of 2 girls age 5 and 4 months. I only gained 11 pounds with my last daughter but I was already overweight. I sat in the hospital on bed rest for 2 months so I am sure I lost a lot of muscle. I am currently at 197lbs looking to lose 50 pounds. Open to new friends for encouragement, motivation and tips. Good luck to everyone.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I'm 42 and just birthed my 10th baby 2 weeks ago. Need motivation and friends to keep me accountable.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I've got 50ish pounds left to go. I've lost over 100lbs and I'm ready to get this last leg of my journey cruising!
  • rlsiegers
    rlsiegers Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 36 and the mother of 3 awesome kids, 18,13 and 3!! I need to loose 77 lbs to get o my goal weight and would love to have moms that are on the same journey add me so we can help motivate each other!
  • MrsVBecks
    MrsVBecks Posts: 32 Member
    Nice to meet you ladies :) I've been a MFP member off and on. After a few years break - I'm back. here's my story:

    I've been up and down with my weight through most of my life. I'm now at the heaviest I've been. I have about 75 to 80 lbs to lose. Since it's a huge amount, I'm just focusing on 10 lbs at this point.

    I used to be more active/fit however it's been about 2 years. I had a baby in May 2015. I scaled back my workouts to walking and some elliptical when I was pregnant. It's been hard to find the time to be active once I returned back to work. Ironically I gained 40 lbs while being pregnant and lost 32 of it. I slowly started gaining it back after I stopped nursing and went back to work :(

    I decided to come back to MFP so I can track what I'm eating. This time I decided to keep my diary open to friends so I can have some accountability. This week I decided to give the 21 day fix a try. It's coming in next week. I've been leery of the "fad diets" in the past. However I did research it and it looks like it's more about helping you create better habits. God knows I need it. With a busy schedule (working full time, an 11 month old and 2 stepsons - ages 12 and 14); I'm not able to devote an hour at the gym. So I'm excited about getting our downstairs bedroom set up as a workout room.

    Anyhow, please add me a friend if you want company on this journey!
  • HodgeKarla00
    HodgeKarla00 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 3 years PP, I have lost 54lbs so far... Looking to lose another 26lbs! So not techniquely looking to lose 50 but on the journey to accomplish a loss of 80lbs! It's great to put it out in the world and be accountable. Please follow my journey on Thank you!
  • MelodieKindree
    MelodieKindree Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everybody!! I am 25 years old with a 2 year old (27 months) and a six week old. last spring my co workers and I started a competition who could loose the most weight, which was perfect for me as I had baby weight plus some more weight to loose. Iwas 260 LBS and by the summer I was down about 35 pounds!! YAY ME lol. I kept eating well but could not cut out as many calories as I was expecting. I am now 195LBS and want to be down to 135 LBS, 60 pounds to go
  • sierramitchell89
    sierramitchell89 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello everyone, I am 26 years old with a 6 year old daughter and 6 month old son. I am wanting to lose about 100 lbs. I currently weigh 258 and I need to make a change for my family. I recently purchased smart one meals and I plan on exercising as much as I can to the best of my ability. Since to day is Sunday, I plan on starting first thing in the morning and I am also doing the ACV and water before each meal. With me graduating in October, I want to be able to start my new career as healthy as possible.
  • MsMaryMac48
    MsMaryMac48 Posts: 89 Member
    I have 50 pounds to loose again. With kids grown and gone and only ONE YEAR between me and the big 5-0 there is nothing stopping me but ME and that seems to be the biggest problem. Hoping to find like minded moms to motivate and inspire me to find the mo-jo to get back to my "want to" when it comes to diet and exercise.
  • msanc095
    msanc095 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey everyone! Can you guys please tell me how you lost the weight? I need ideas and help in losing weight. By the way I am a mom of a 14 month baby girl. I weight 225lb which is the most I have ever weighted in my life since my regular weight was always 140lb. I can't say that all my weight gain has been because of the baby, I was actually gaining weight before being pregnant. I have no motivation or let say will power to lose weight even though I know I have to because its slowly affecting my health. Feel free to add me :)
  • shariyahinton
    shariyahinton Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I'm new to this group. I am 9 months pp and have 75 pounds to lose. Feel free to add me
  • nicole735
    nicole735 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to the group, and have recently started my weight loss journey. I've lost 5lbs so far and hopefully can stay motivated to lose another 70lbs. Please help me stay motivated.
  • BroodyLass
    BroodyLass Posts: 25 Member
    Trying again to lose the 56lb I gained since finding out I was pregnant with my last kid...he is 3 now so I really gotta shift it asap!
  • cindylou234
    cindylou234 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 7 weeks post partum with my 2nd child. Both c sections. I want to lose at least 60lbs.

    I'm nursing so I know I can only restrict my calories but so much! Want to just go slow and steady to drop the extra fluff.
  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
    Hey there. I'm 31 and have two little girls, 13 months and 2 months. I have about 60 pounds to lose. Would love more friends to keep me motivated and accountable. Feel free to add me :)
  • sraue0421
    sraue0421 Posts: 21 Member
    I am a 29 year old mom of two boys--10 and 3. I have been not so consistently trying to lose weight for 3 years now. I have tried multiple diets and exercise, and I have found what works and what doesn't. My problem, when I start to lose weight and feel good I start eating more than I should, and making bad food choices, because I feel I can since I lost weight, when I really can't and shouldn't!! My bff would help me along these periods of diet and exercise and always quit on me which would make me back out as well. She is pregnant now and not interested in any dieting or exercise so I am looking for another partner to help me hold myself accountable. I get really motivated one week and then the next I do not see any progress and end up giving up and eating terrible. I stay plenty active with my two boys, but need someone else there to help me with this struggle.
  • JDrake_7
    JDrake_7 Posts: 4 Member
    It's mandatory that I lost at least 50 lbs. Currently I am 212 and I really need to be 150. So I need to lose 60 lbs!